Escape from Jew York

UPDATED: Saturday, May 14, 2011 08:49
VIEWED: 3127
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Friday, May 13, 2011 8:17 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Exporting jobs is good for Dow Jones owned by Commie China

New Yorkers under 30 plan to flee city, says new poll; cite high taxes, few jobs as reason

NeoCon Jews perped the 9/11 terror attacks, got away with it, so whadya expect?

3 NeoCon Jews

Jewish NeoCon Club genocided millions


Friday, May 13, 2011 9:23 AM


None of the three people pictured are jews, to my knowledge. You might want to redefine your target in a more accurate manner.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, May 13, 2011 5:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

None of the three people pictured are jews, to my knowledge. You might want to redefine your target in a more accurate manner.

"Religion" don't mean shit for psychopath DNA, unless you count kosher Bohemian Grove. Spawn of Ghenghis Kahn, not King David. Kahn is a popular jewish name.

GW = "Major George Bush, Major Louis Bush and Major Solomon Bush who are listed at the top of page 16 as participating in the Revolutionary War. Mathias Bush is listed on Page 15 under Revolutionary War as Jews who signed the non-Importation Resolution of 1765."

GW's press spokesman reading The Pet Goat on 9/11 was RABBI Ari Fleischer.

Rummy = "Jewish GOPs Descend on D.C. Teri Bialosky, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Bruce Bialosky."

Cheney (Obama's cousin) = Swedish jew like Ike. Dick was Assistant to the President under unelected "Gerald Ford" a/k/a Leslie Lynch King Jr (jewish pedophile pimp from the Franklin Coverup). He was also a member of the board of advisors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) before becoming vice president.


Friday, May 13, 2011 6:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


"Religion" don't mean shit for psychopath DNA...

Except that you insist all Jews are psychopaths, merely by dint of their "religion".

This is why nobody will ever take you seriously in anything you say or do; you simply cannot be believed.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, May 13, 2011 7:22 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

"Religion" don't mean shit for psychopath DNA...

Except that you insist all Jews are psychopaths, merely by dint of their "religion".

Anyone who practices a "jewish" (Babylonian) religion is by definition a psychopath. Judaism is the perfect relgion for psychopaths. The "jewish" Babylonian Talmud requires Rabbis to suck little babies' penis, and legalized pedophile rape. The Talmud replaced the Old Testament Torah and the 10 Commandments, which is why the jewish ACLU sues govt to remove the 10 Commandments from courts and schools. Bohemian Grove is Molech worship by child sacrifice, as required by their jewish god King Soloman The Witch, who had 700 wives.

Anyone with "jewish" AshkeNazi Khazar DNA has psychopathy predominant in their brain, as required to survive in Central Europe as a member or victim of the barbarian hoards from Mongolia. This is a genetic disease that must be screened from the world population. Jewish psychologists agree, there is no cure for a psychopath.

There are plenty of "jewish" folk who admit all this is true, and fight against "jews" every day.

Gay jews love to kiss and tell


Friday, May 13, 2011 7:30 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Then you are a Jew. Christianity grew directly out of Judaism, still utilizes "their" book, and is nothing more than an offshoot of Judaism. Hence, you are a Jew, PN - and therefore a psychopath, by your own definitions.

Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.


Friday, May 13, 2011 8:27 PM


Please do not feed the troll.


Friday, May 13, 2011 8:53 PM



Have you ever wondered where the word "Nazi" came from? I spent some time on this one. It is not a nickname for the NSDAP used by the german press, it appears twice in the US and UK press from sephardim who had fled germany. The word was used to mean "pig" to refer to the socialists in germany, who were anti-semitic. The word Nazi does appear in germany before the NSDAP, and dates from the late 19th c. as an epithet, short for Ashkenazi, the name given to Khazar jews, which literally means "german jew" which is inaccurate, but these eastern european jews were not of wealthy families and had no power, and so were restricted to ghettos. Later, they were massively exterminated in the holocaust.

See, the class barrier is that strong. No one living in a ghetto was also an international banker manipulating policy, because if they had been, the first thing they would have done is end the ghetto policy because the jews had no space for their own children. The reality is that khazars were treated like gypsies (who ironically are aryans, while the germans are not.) The sephardim of the time despised them, because they thought they were not "true jews" and they were afraid that they would "infect" the white western jewish race with their inferior slavic blood, an attitude directly parallel to what the white socialist eugenicists from wasp backgrounds felt about slavs in general. This was an idea that was going around, and it was why there were many efforts to save western european jews, but not eastern european. The British Israelite Society when questioned about what to do about the jews in eastern europe put out a memo saying basically "they're not our problem, khazars aren't jews."

All of this is a kind of glaring flaw in your story. Sure, Israel of today has been overwhelmed with Khazars, because Russia is full of Khazars, and more, the Ukraine is, or was, and they fled the USSR at any chance they could get, as anyone might, and Israel was accepting.

Now, put these together logically. The ruling elite does not have six million members, ergo, the people of Israel are not a ruling elite. They're manipulated by the ruling elite. Israel is just another puppet state like the US. TPTB keep the Israelis in a constant state of fear so they can control them.

I don't mean that the sephardim are putting the khazars down, but that people in power hold the populous down and that is not a story unique to Israel, it's going on all over, and has been for a while.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, May 14, 2011 2:41 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

PN: DT's post here is a lesson in how you should approach this subject. I read maybe two lines of yours, snarked on the one that jumped out at me, and clicked on not a single link of yours, because I rarely if ever do.

DT's post, however, I read in its entirety; it is informative, not inflammatory. I might quibble over a detail or two, but the broad strokes are accurate and truthful. (Good job on pointing out that the gypsies actually ARE Aryan, while the Germans AREN'T; most people don't realize that, and think of gypsies as purely an Eastern European group).


Saturday, May 14, 2011 4:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

There you go again, encouraging PN. Shame on you!

I agree with Riona:

(Which is not to say your post has no merit, DT; it was interesting and contained things I never knew. Thank you. PN: my scrolling finger got sore, just going past all YOUR crap.)

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, May 14, 2011 8:49 AM


Mike, Niki,



Originally posted by Kwicko:
PN: DT's post here is a lesson in how you should approach this subject. I read maybe two lines of yours, snarked on the one that jumped out at me, and clicked on not a single link of yours, because I rarely if ever do.

DT's post, however, I read in its entirety; it is informative, not inflammatory. I might quibble over a detail or two, but the broad strokes are accurate and truthful. (Good job on pointing out that the gypsies actually ARE Aryan, while the Germans AREN'T; most people don't realize that, and think of gypsies as purely an Eastern European group).

Yes, I've made the point to him about losing audience many times. It's not just the inflamatory, but also the just broadly insulting and obviously biased content that makes me stop reading a post. This was really my point about libtard and teabagger, it didn't matter what came after it, because I stopped reading, because I knew the poster was not taking a balanced look at the topic they were posting on, so it was likely to be a one sided rant, which was ergo likely to be pure opinion.

The attempt here was accuracy in my "Molech is not an owl" manner. Actually finding out this information is very difficult, and it took me years to get this far, because the information is heavily laced with weighted bias and misinformation put forth by nazis, christian anti-semites (masonic conspiracy types like PN), msulim anti-semites, and zionists. They're really four different groups who all want to color the information, but it's actually within that tainted text that you find the clues to locate the truth.

Bulan of Khazaria, contrary to what the nuts say, did not forcibly convert all of the Ukraine, he just introduced the concept of evangelical Judaism. As a result, Judaism grew much quicker in the east. The argument that they are "not jews" is questionable, since "accepting converts" still results in the jews being the children of jews, because they really got their converts in marriage to a jew, there wasn't that much difference between east and west from this angle. I think there were a couple forces that led to some inbreeding in the west: An outside force of corralling jews into specific areas, and the other, a jewish belief in racial purity in the west, that led to the rejection of some jewish "halfbreeds."

PN's rant is just filled with errors though. Bulan is from the 10th c. and the Mongol invasion was the 13th. By the 13th c. there were already Khazar jews all over the place. He might have a point of Cohen and its variations being derivative of Kahn.

Next, there is no psychopath gene, I thought we thoroughly killed that idea in a scientific manner in an unrelated thread about psychopaths and genetics. Psychos require a radical chemical situation, but environmental trauma is also clearly needed. It's not insignificant that Charles Manson was sold for a pitcher of beer at the age of 4, ran away at twelve, joined a street gang, started doing hard drugs and jacking cars, and went to prison and joined a homosexual rape gang. This probably had more impact on his psyche than his genetics.

Secondly, there are many descendents of Khan all over the place, he's the most prominent progenitor of the human race, with his offspring representing 0.4% of the species. The Mongol DNA is still more prevalent in China than in jews, and is common in eastern european christians, and also in the mideast and central asia. Khan was not particularly psycho, and neither were his men. They also weren't jewish. Saying the concept is racist would be de trop, and probably pointless.

Next, this ignores the concept of genetic drift. After 15 generations, the amount of DNA you hold from any given progenitor is zero, barring any breeding back into the pool. (2^15 being the size of the human genome) The idea that genetic traits would follow a group and dictate its behavior for 1100 or 700 years is just non-science.

What's really going on is PN is reaching. He, and those like him, have hit on a truth, that behind the evils of the world is a conspiracy, and in that conspiracy are a lot of jewish names (kristol, wolfowitz, perle, etc. etc. we could easily make a list of jewish neocons and globalists, going back a century or more, and it would be pretty damning.)

The snag here is that people have this tendency to simplify their world into "grand conspiracy." The reality is that there are a large number of people in TPTB that are clearly not jewish, even in the conspiracies he targets: Global depopulation: Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, these people are not jews. Eugenics: Margaret Sanger and Marie Stokes are not jews, and neither was Francis Galton, the founder of the field.

So, rather than accept that they need a world view that takes into account greater complexities, they start reaching. They develop these warped theories of "universal contamination" whereby anyone who passed a jew in the hallway, opened a door that had jew germs on it got infected with jew, and that solves their dilemma. Problem with that is I could say by the same logic that the world is ruled by Kevin Bacon.

Henry Ford, in his own anti-semitic rants, limited his attack to what he called "international jews" because he had narrowed down what he considered to be "problem jews" to a few families that all problem jews came from. I think Ford is still wrong, but he's closer than PN: All these jewish families have something in common: They're rich, and they are from old money. They're part of long lines of rich people. Not all the conspirators of any conspiracy are rich, nor are all rich people conspirators, but this was probably more important than that they were jewish.

But if you want to actually collect a theory that works, it has to take into account more complex dynamics, and also, some basic realities of life, such as that everyone has their own brains. If a tactic works to forward a particular white british bloodline over any other, then some guy in subsaharan africa is going to read that and say "hey, I think I'll try that," and so on in the other direction. Our Gold Standard economic system for example, appears to have come from subsaharan Africa.

Strangely, a lot of these conspiracists are pro-gold, yet gold-based wealth is one of the consistent connections between groups in power. I could go on at length about how gold became the dominant economic factor of the ancient world and how that really strongly adversely affected our world, and moreover, I can do it without any conspiracy taking place. It's really just a matter of economic evolution. But I think I've seen some posts here that go along the lines of "kill the jews, but let's all return to a gold standard." If you want to not be economically dominated by self perpetuating ruling classes, that's just a moronic idea. the rich have a permanent monopoly on gold, and if you buy into that system, they will own you forever.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.






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