Five Things Obama Should Do

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 23:44
VIEWED: 1390
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Friday, August 12, 2011 6:33 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I don't agree with them all, but it's a well-written article and might spark some ideas:

When you have flown through a heavy storm, the plane tossing one way and another, have you ever wondered whether there was really anyone in the cockpit? That's the feeling that many Americans have today -- as if we are lurching through an economic storm with no one in charge.

Ordinarily in a crisis, people keep their hopes up because a leader steps forward and instills faith that eventually, this, too, shall pass. Think of Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Depression and World War II, calming the country with his fireside chats. Think of John F. Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis. Or Walter Cronkite during the Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations. Ronald Reagan after his shooting. Or Rudy Giuliani on 9/11.

But in the current economic turmoil, the country doesn't have much confidence in anyone. With the stock markets crashing early this week, President Barack Obama tried to reassure -- and the Dow sank another 200 points. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke up Tuesday, and the roller coaster continued. While still popular with their base, Republican leaders have lost considerable ground beyond that group. Voices in the White House -- and some outside -- blame the media for making things worse than they are. And CEOs -- looked to as oracles only a few years ago -- have long since toppled from their pedestals.

Thursday's economic news (a better jobs report, rising stock prices) offers a ray of sunshine. Indeed, things will eventually get modestly better. But we shouldn't fool ourselves: In both the United States and Europe, economic distress will continue for a long time. The Fed is now estimating another two years.

Let's acknowledge that the president is a good man who has been trying hard. And indeed he is not given enough credit for his successes. Acknowledge, too, that his options are limited and anything he tries will be attacked by recalcitrants on the other side. Even so, it seems glaringly obvious that he is not leading in the way the country deserves -- and desperately needs.

What might he do now? Others will have better ideas, I am sure, but here are a few that I would consider immediately:

• Stop campaigning for 90 days to concentrate full energies on the economy. Cancel the bus tour, the fundraisers, etc., (yes, keep your family vacation -- everyone in the Obama household deserves it), and first and foremost, reclaim the label that FDR had in the Depression: "Dr. Fix It." Chronic campaigning more than a year before election undermines presidential authority.

• Summon Republican and Democratic congressional leaders back from vacations and hash out a deal on jobs. Obama has priorities (payroll tax extension, unemployment insurance, trade, infrastructure, etc.), but so do Republicans (regulatory relief, especially for small business; repatriation of corporate profits; trade; increased energy production, etc.) There is a deal to be made here; both sides need to rebuild public confidence. And most of all, the country needs more middle-class jobs.

• Appoint a heavyweight such as Laura Tyson to fill the vacancy in the chairmanship of the Council of Economic Advisers. (She held the job in the Clinton administration.) It is stunning that no one has yet been named to succeed Austan Goolsbee, who announced his departure months ago. Yes, the job requires Senate confirmation, but it should be a key, inner circle post at this White House.

• Surround yourself with the most authoritative economic players in the country and consult with them regularly -- from former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to former Treasury secretaries (Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, James Baker, George Shultz, Henry Paulson), Warren Buffett, CEOs, labor leaders, and yes, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. The public will be reassured if they know the best people, irrespective of party, are putting their shoulders to the wheel.

• Pay attention to the tone inside the White House. Reports filter out that many on staff -- not everyone -- are angry and feeling victimized, blaming Republicans, Standard & Poor's and the media for current troubles. White Houses in the past have felt self-pity, but it is a waste of emotional energy and doesn't solve the problem.

Whaddya think?


Friday, August 12, 2011 6:53 AM


All those items would be a good start.

Obama has essentially cowered behind closed doors, allowing the Pelosis, Reids, Boehners to run/ruin the show. It's high-time he stopped worrying about the next election and worried about the here and now.

I'd also recommend a meeting with Tea Party leadership behind closed doors, with civility and respect being the keynote approach. Imagine if the Democrats would ACTUALLY listen to their issues and show some leadership by working with them to resolve those issues or find common ground to work from. Imagine if they won them over, rather than ignored them or tried to shove them to the back of the bus, like the Repubs.

I've always liked Lewis Black's statement:

" The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, "I've got a really bad idea." And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, "And I can make it shittier."

Jayne: "Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'..."


Friday, August 12, 2011 6:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Prize for first giggle of the day goes to Conch. Oh, and along with yours goes the infamous saying that Democrats "seize defeat out of the jaws of victory", which is all too true all too often.

I heard some pundit last night (and damned if I can find it on the internet) say Obama needs to put out a BIG package, especially around jobs, and let the Republicans vote it down. First, it might be a starting point; second, the right has yet to come up with anything to back up their promises that they'd focus on jobs; and third because it would silence all those cries that he hasn't put anything out.

Made me think.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, August 12, 2011 7:14 AM


I have several friends who are folks that equate themselves with the saner groups of Tea Partiers. 2 of them were registered Democrats and 3 of them were Republicans. I have found it refreshing to discuss politics with them, because it is never about religion OR morality based social issues. I have to admit, on more then one occasion I found myself siding with their issues.

I read recently that a large majority of "tea Party" movement members don't side with either conservative or progressive and certainly don't support any of the "Tea Party" national candidates, but are more driven towards the local government with the hopes that a true national candidate rears their head.

At this point, I would certainly not vote for Obama or any other incumbent regardless of party (I am a registered Democrat). Here in NY, I am so severely disgusted with both parties, I'd like to see all of them go. That being said, I have this underlying fear of "Out of the Frying Pan and into the fire" feeling because anyone who is currently a successful politician has already been purchased by either Big Business or Big Unions. Which essentially means, we're screwed.

Jayne: "Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'..."


Saturday, August 13, 2011 1:43 AM


what a nightmare list of economists.

None of these people are folks I would want anywhere near my economic decisions. As for the president, I think Obama should play more golf. The economy does better without his "help."

The problem was clear during the campagin: Barack Obama is no economist. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if it wasn't for *when* he was elected. The result of this is he already *has* handed economic decisions to many of the people, if not all of them, on the above list, at one time or another.

At least he now recognizes that his was bad advice. I jusr don't see that he'll be in any better position to nitpick the advice of the next group of self serving cretins to come his way.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 1:55 AM


America loves a winner!

Well, he won't do the first one because he's enjoying his 5 star vacation retreat too much. And if he has to come back to the White House, he'll actually have to do some work. Work he's not cut out for, and it shows.

The rest ? Realigning the chairs on the Titanic, nothing more.

Obama has been yammering about jobs, jobs, jobs , since day 1. Hell, since before day 1. THIS is the fruit of his *snort* labor. To come out now,after all that's been done and said, to really, really, REALLY get serious about jobs, only comes off as showing desperation and tells folks you really have no clue.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 4:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are a lot of things Obama SHOULD do, but those 5 things are counterproductive.

WHO got us into this mess in the first place? Volcker, Paulson, Greenspan, Rubin. Why would anyone want to see the same idiots in position sof authority? When the economy tanked in 1929, did Roosevelt go to Hebert Hoover's brain trust for advice?

And the idea that there is a deal to be made with the Tea Party is ridiculous. The national elements of the TP are playing to the crazies... the rappies, wulfies, and kaneys. And they're just as batshit as the people they play to.

Obama needs to set out a CLEAR PLAN for economic recovery, and STICK WITH IT. It's OK to get beaten down once in a while, because at least people know where you stand. Instead, on health care and the economy Obama has drawn lines in the sand, only to back down. Look at the downgrade situation- he said it was a crisis, he said that letting the tax cuts on the wealthy expire was HIS line in the sand. Then, he blinked. And what happened? The downgrade happened anyway. He lost twice.

Jimminy crimminy, the man is constitutionally unable to weather any sort of storm. He says one thing, then punts the real action to some group, and then is unable to back up his word. People are backing the TP because at least THEY have a consistent message, no matter how idiotic it is.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Obama needs to set out a CLEAR PLAN for economic recovery, and STICK WITH IT. It's OK to get beaten down once in a while, because at least people know where you stand.
That's exactly what the guy I heard said, Sig, and I think he's right. Trying to do ANYTHING with this crop of Republicans/Tea Partiers is beyond imagining, and he should take a STAND ( ), then let the world see what asses they are.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, August 13, 2011 9:48 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

Well, he won't do the first one because he's enjoying his 5 star vacation retreat too much. And if he has to come back to the White House, he'll actually have to do some work. Work he's not cut out for, and it shows.

Yup, he has done a damn thing...except!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 9:54 AM




Originally posted by SignyM:
There are a lot of things Obama SHOULD do, but those 5 things are counterproductive.

WHO got us into this mess in the first place? Volcker, Paulson, Greenspan, Rubin. Why would anyone want to see the same idiots in position sof authority? When the economy tanked in 1929, did Roosevelt go to Hebert Hoover's brain trust for advice?

And the idea that there is a deal to be made with the Tea Party is ridiculous. The national elements of the TP are playing to the crazies... the rappies, wulfies, and kaneys. And they're just as batshit as the people they play to.

Obama needs to set out a CLEAR PLAN for economic recovery, and STICK WITH IT. It's OK to get beaten down once in a while, because at least people know where you stand. Instead, on health care and the economy Obama has drawn lines in the sand, only to back down. Look at the downgrade situation- he said it was a crisis, he said that letting the tax cuts on the wealthy expire was HIS line in the sand. Then, he blinked. And what happened? The downgrade happened anyway. He lost twice.

Jimminy crimminy, the man is constitutionally unable to weather any sort of storm. He says one thing, then punts the real action to some group, and then is unable to back up his word. People are backing the TP because at least THEY have a consistent message, no matter how idiotic it is.

The problem is that drawing a line in the sand only works if you don't want anything to change. Had he not compromised on things such as Health Care Reform we would not have it at all. Same thing with deficit increase. Had he not compromised the Teabaggers would have gotten what they wanted.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 1:28 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Well, he won't do the first one because he's enjoying his 5 star vacation retreat too much. And if he has to come back to the White House, he'll actually have to do some work. Work he's not cut out for, and it shows.

Yup, he has done a damn thing...except!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.

Meanwhile, where is Congress?

And where are all those jobs the tea-baggers promised?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, August 13, 2011 2:21 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Yup, he has done a damn thing...except!]

A complete load of 100% crap.

Thanks for sharing.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 3:19 PM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

A complete load of 100% crap.

Thanks for sharing.

Really, how so? Can I get a citation that it is crap, because each item that pops up from the website has a cited link that goes with it.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 3:46 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Obama needs to set out a CLEAR PLAN for economic recovery, and STICK WITH IT.

Actually, he should have done that in 2009, when he had majorities in both Houses.

Pres. Obama had several problems, not all of his making.

- His party couldn't get together on health care, or pretty much anything else, and wasted an opportunity to get stuff done in internecine squabbling.

- Most of the folks who voted for him and the Democratic majority in 2008 apparently decided "Well, we elected you. Our job is done here." and didn't put any pressure on their congressmen to get on the ball and pass the stuff promised in the 2008 campaign.

- Pres. Obama didn't lead from the front, leaving his Congress with no direction and allowing the disorganization that tends to occur if Democrats don't have a strong leader. Like Will Rogers said. "I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat."

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Really, how so? Can I get a citation that it is crap, because each item that pops up from the website has a cited link that goes with it.
Rappy is 100% fact-free, so... take that as you will.

AFA as what Obama has "done"... in any NORMAL term of office that would have been good stuff. Good enough, anyway. But this isn't normal times. Whatever Obama's plans were for what he wanted to do when he became President pale in comparison to what was required.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 7:25 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Obama needs to set out a CLEAR PLAN for economic recovery, and STICK WITH IT.

Actually, he should have done that in 2009, when he had majorities in both Houses.

Pres. Obama had several problems, not all of his making.

- His party couldn't get together on health care, or pretty much anything else, and wasted an opportunity to get stuff done in internecine squabbling.

- Most of the folks who voted for him and the Democratic majority in 2008 apparently decided "Well, we elected you. Our job is done here." and didn't put any pressure on their congressmen to get on the ball and pass the stuff promised in the 2008 campaign.

- Pres. Obama didn't lead from the front, leaving his Congress with no direction and allowing the disorganization that tends to occur if Democrats don't have a strong leader. Like Will Rogers said. "I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat."

Painful, but true - worth taking as constructive criticism, that.

Of course, my opinion is that first thing, A-number one, he needs to reach down, find a pair, and put his boot up the ass of folk supposedly on his own side who won't get with the program, and then apply that boot solidly to folks on the other who sandbag useful things for partisan reasons while not offering any kind of alternative whatever.

As for five things...

ONE: Close Gitmo immediately, either repatriate em or lock em up here - it's mere existence is a provocation to every country on the planet, costs us even the pretense of moral high ground and negatively impacts all our diplomatic efforts worldwide be they political or economic.

TWO: Iraq, out, now. (1)

THREE: Afghanistan, out, now. (1)

FOUR: Go through the so-called "defense" budget with a chainsaw, no more welfare for the war machine.

FIVE: Buckle down and get to work on repairing our own economic and physical infrastructure before it falls apart completely.

And here's the sad thing - let's not bullshit ourselves, everyone here who isn't completely delusional knows damn well by now we're gonna get stuck with Obama for another term, let's acknowledge this pathetic, ugly reality and make plans accordingly rather than hoping and wishing for pie in the sky and basing our hopes on wishful thinking, okay ?

And because of that, Geezer makes excellent point about OUR responsibility in this: when voters broke the Republican majority, they didn't keep the pressure on and those candidates rolled over almost immediately, and so too with the election of Obama - gettin em into office is the EASY part, but the job ain't done till you put the arm on them and MAKE them serve your will, and if they do not, will not, then you REMOVE them, something at least two bastards in Wisconsin just learned is still quite possible despite how fucked up and corrupt our election systems are.
So don't think it's all gonna get better just cause you got a smooth talker into the chair, you damn well had best keep your thumb on them or you might as well not have bothered.

(1)side note, ok *now* does anyone care to change their opinion of my assertion that sending assassins after Saddam and Osama woulda been a cleaner, cheaper, more effective way to do this ?


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:28 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Frem, you know I'm all for sending secret assassins to get rid of bad dictators so we don't get blamed for it, but so the bad dictators are no more. I think that if people of a country want it done and have a good plan for what to do once its done then said covert secret organization (I pretend it is called the Quadruple S) goes in and takes care of it clean like with no trail back to the US of A. It would indeed be way easier to do it this way then to get involved in all these wars. You know that's been my position from the get go since I started posting here.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:44 PM


Problem is, Riona - america already has em, whether we choose to admit it openly or not, only they don't knock off the bad guys, they knock off the good guys to prop up the bad guys in exchange for carte blanche to loot the country out from under em.

This whole ball of wax in the middle east, well, it started earlier, sure, but the spark that lit the powder keg was the assassination of Mossedeigh back in 1953, and a coup staged by the combined efforts of US and British forces.

This lead to putting The Shah in charge, and our goons helping out his notoriously evil SAVAK death squads in cleaning house of anyone opposed to him, but was eventually counterproductive, as all brutality is, and lead to the 1979 revolution that lofted the radical islamics into power under Ayatolla Khomeni, who had some pretty damn good reasons to hate our guts by then, you see.

And so we went and propped up this other crazy bastard, one Saddam Hussien, and encouraged him to wage war on Iran, even going so far as to give him fighter jets, at least one AWACS (which landed in Iran to evade us during Desert Storm and the Iranians seized it, mind you) and of course biological and chemical weapons.

This while propping up ANOTHER dickhead by the name of Osama Bin Laden and encouraging him to whup Soviet ass in Afghanistan based on the promise that we'd come help restore what was left of the country afterwords, a promise we broke, while deliberately leaving his ass swinging in the breeze at the end in hopes the Soviets would wipe him and his Mujas out as they left, only we underestimated both his intelligence (he was smart enough to not trust us when we tried to set him up) and just how bent on getting the hell out of there the Soviets were by then.

This stupidity has also kept bastards in power, Fidel Castro maintained enough support to stay in power in part BECAUSE of our endless attempts to replace him with a more friendly tyrant, and the even cuban people who hated his ass saw him as a check against american exploitation and aggression - this is also the attitude in a lot of the middle east towards the radical islamics, they *HATE* those fuckers, but since they're the only folk over there with a proven, documented history of kicking our ass, they feel that they NEED them, like a big mean ass gaurd dog, to keep the americans from taking over and looting their country, which is indeed what we're kinda trying to do.

Same with Hugo Chavez, who might be mad with power, and more than half crazy, but stupid the man is NOT, first thing he did was kick out the IMF/WTO and demand our oil companies pay their rent, then seized and nationalised the fields when they refused, and rolled that money into just enough military gear to give us a bloody nose and make other countries look more tempting, since unlike Kim Jong he didn't have a nuke to threaten us with.
At least one of our really blatant coup attempts was in fact foiled by a massive response of his own people.

And then there's Haiti, and Papa Doc, and what we did to Aristead... and let's not even speak of fuckin nicaruagua...

So you could kinda say the current total freakin disaster is all more or less a direct RESULT of our goon squads playing these games, you see ?

What I had meant was rather than goon squads, put it out as an open contract and let the "free market" take care of it, say... 10 million USD to the guy who brings us their head, for example.
Even if no one took us up on it (very likely cause we're not known for keeping our promises) it'd still drive them underground and break up any support for em cause they'd be lookin over their shoulder forever, problem solved.

Oh, on that note lemme quote Clint Eastwood here.
"Ain't nothin wrong with shooting, long as the right people get shot."

Were it me, I'd start in Langley and Quantico, cause all this bullshit comes as a direct result of the inevitable backlash from the actions of the very people supposedly-in-theory who's job it is to PREVENT such things.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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