Looking back, and Laughing

UPDATED: Thursday, May 6, 2004 02:36
VIEWED: 6278
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:02 AM


As we move through the somewhat intense final episodes of Angel, I find I keep going back to watch the somewhat lighter ones. Thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to share a favorite light moment from Angel. (It doesn't have to be THE favorite, just a favorite, or twenty, if you're so inclined.)

Since I just watched Waiting in the Wings, I'll start with Lorne singing Connor to sleep from that episode. Also, the priceless deleted scene on the DVD of Alexis and Amy ballet (well, what sort of resembles ballet in his case).


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:08 AM


Also from Waiting in the Wings, when Cordy is talking about her lack of a sex life, and mentions that the only action she's gotten lately is from a ghost who's good with a loufa. Then she realizes that she shouldn't have said that in front of Wesley, and they both pretend she didn't...

I haven't seen "Spin the Bottle" since it was first aired (come on, season 4 dvd!) but I love all the gags with Wesley's stakes up his sleeves.

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:42 AM


Wesley dancing on the video in front of the Wolfram & Hart fundraiser in season 2 ("Blood Money").

The dancing is hi-larious and then his pants are off and he falls over!! Great stuff

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:57 PM


I'd go back to the first season to another dancing scene: Angel and Wesley at Cordy's "apartment warming" party...Wesley trying to be hip and Angel imagining the horror of dancing in public. The scene was so good it was one of very few that JW revised for the ending credits. Makes me laugh EVERY time!!

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:15 PM


God, that's a good one!

How about Cordy and Wes' lovely tribute to the Angel/Buffy soap opera:

"Kiss me!"
"Bite me!"
"How about you both bite me?"

Ah, joy.

Or, if anyone owns the DVD, Amy's audition. Jesus H, but that was good stuff:

"Whoa! Step away from the bosom."

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:06 PM


My family loves the rooftop scene from "In the Dark" where Spike provides dialog for Angel's rescue scene on the street below:

Spike: [as Rachel] How can I thank you, you mysterious black-clad hunk of a night thing?

[as Angel] No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. No, not the hair! Never the hair!

[as Rachel] But there must be some way I can show my appreciation?

[as Angel] No, helping those in need's my job, and working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough.

[as Rachel] I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so...

[as Angel] Say no more. Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:30 PM



Originally posted by spikeandjezebel:
I haven't seen "Spin the Bottle" since it was first aired (come on, season 4 dvd!) but I love all the gags with Wesley's stakes up his sleeves.

That entire episode, up until the point they got their memories back, was one of the funniest ever. Angel discovering his face could change, Wes being so proud of being "head boy", Fred quietly asking everyone if they had any weed...


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:18 PM


The opening scene of "Eternity":

Wes: "We're doomed."
Angel: "Front exit?"
Wes: "We'd be spotted instantly."
Angel: "Back door?"
Wes: "Blocked."
Angel: "That's it, then. We're trapped."
Wes: "We could try shouting fire! it's not technically a crowded theatre."

And, of course, Cordelia's terrible rendition of "Doll's House". So funny.

That, and the sibling spat between Wes and Cordy in "The Ring":

Cordy: “Demons, Demons, Demons. Wow! They put a lot of thought into *that* title.”
Wesley: “It’s a demon database. What would you call it?”
Cordy: “I don’t know. How about – Demon Database?”
Wesley: “Ahh! A name rife with single entendre.”
Cordy: “Why isn’t Wolfram&Hart in here?”
Wesley: “Because they are lawyers, not demons?”
Cordy: “Fine line, if you ask me. Yeesh. They have a lot of entries! Did you know that there is a dozen species indigenous to LA County alone?”
Wesley: “Do they have the Vigories of Oden Tal?”
Cordy: “Nope.”
Wesley: “Hmm. (Picks up a book) So - there is still a place in this world for traditional research.”
Cordy: “There are some ugly critters in here. Someone ought to create an intra-demon dating base. You know, like, where the lonely and the slimy connect. (Wesley looks at her) I was just joking Mr. Grouchy Pants. When was the last time you had a dating base?”
Wesley: “For your information – I lead a rich and varied social life.”
Cordy: “Oh, I know. Every night it’s Jeopardy, followed by Wheel of Fortune and a cup of hot cocoa. Look out girls, this one can’t be tamed!”
Wesley: “I’ll admit it may not be as intoxicating as a life erected on high fashion pumps and a push-up bra.”
Cordy gets up: “Hey, if anyone is wearing a push-up bra around here it’s (Sees Angel coming in) - Angel.”
Angel: “Did you two need to see a counselor?”

YAY! Cordy and Wes banter is the best!

Sorry, gleeful moment, there.


"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:28 PM


Let us never forget, the episode that aired the same night that Buffy's mom died:

Angel walks into a dark room. Angel finds the light. Angel pulls the string. Angel is standing hip-deep in a roomful of goats.

Now THAT'S comedy.

\ o /
------------ (Qs)


Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:05 AM


I'm really enjoying this thread. Just reading the dialog makes me giggle and want to go running for my DVD's/tapes. (Especially that scene from the beginning of Fredless, with Wes and Cordy playing Angel and Buffy -- "I love you so much I almost forgot to brood.")

Interesting to note the fact that most of what we've mentioned so far involved Wes, since he more or less became the prince of gloom somewhere along the third season.

To mention a non-Wes moment, I love the "tour of Angel's past" mental trip that Angelus and Faith go on in Morpheus. Especially, "Dude, you just rescued a puppy."


Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:51 PM



Originally posted by msckaren:
I'd go back to the first season to another dancing scene: Angel and Wesley at Cordy's "apartment warming" party...Wesley trying to be hip and Angel imagining the horror of dancing in public. The scene was so good it was one of very few that JW revised for the ending credits. Makes me laugh EVERY time!!

DAMN!!! That was my favorite funny.

I really can't think of anything to rival that one. I liked the scenes from "City of..." where Angel jumps in the wrong car, where he plays the lost tourist, and where Doyle rams the car to a halting stop into the main gate. I like the reappearance of "the lost tourist" in "Sense and Sensitivity" also. Angel and Oz's monoliteral dialogue from "In the Dark" was funny, too.

In Angel's dark final days there's been a couple of funny injections here and there. When Hamilton was coming for them in the garage and Angel looks at him and says, "Damn. He is well-dressed.", I fell out. That and last night when Lorne asks Illyria, "When did you catch on to me? In the elevator?" Hi-larious!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:51 PM



Originally posted by msckaren:
I'd go back to the first season to another dancing scene: Angel and Wesley at Cordy's "apartment warming" party...Wesley trying to be hip and Angel imagining the horror of dancing in public. The scene was so good it was one of very few that JW revised for the ending credits. Makes me laugh EVERY time!!

DAMN!!! That was my favorite funny.

I really can't think of anything to rival that one. I liked the scenes from "City of..." where Angel jumps in the wrong car, where he plays the lost tourist, and where Doyle rams the car to a halting stop into the main gate. I like the reappearance of "the lost tourist" in "Sense and Sensitivity" also. Angel and Oz's monoliteral dialogue from "In the Dark" was funny, too.

In Angel's dark final days there's been a couple of funny injections here and there. When Hamilton was coming for them in the garage and Angel looks at him and says, "Damn. He is well-dressed.", I fell out. That and last night when Lorne asks Illyria, "When did you catch on to me? In the elevator?" Hi-larious!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Friday, April 30, 2004 12:35 PM


three words: dance. of. joy.

joss whedon in a genius lol.

~lissa, spwhore


Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:49 AM



No denying that there's been some highly amusing scenes, even when it gets dark. I love the moment in Lineage (which is a pretty dark episode, though a great one) when Spike has to concentrate in order to punch the cyborg attacking Gunn.

And I love the inside jokes and references, from Illyria's world of shrimp to Wesley's wistful, "Never a witch around when you need one," in the middle of a very dark episode(Shells), a nice line for a newly-wed to get about his real life wife being off in London doing a play.



Monday, May 3, 2004 1:10 PM


No doubt, Delia.

I've been going back through my Seasons 1 and 3 since I was here last. Season 1 was full of funnies. Doyle was the best. In "In the Dark", to hear him and Cordy talk about the night before with them and Oz was great in itself. Cordy: "...and I don't think Oz appreciated being called 'my little Bam-Bam' all night, either." Great stuff. I think the reason I couldn't really catch on to Wes for a long time was because they brought him in to replace Doyle. That and he was a narc on Buffy. He's cool in my book now. I still wish they could've brought Doyle back in some way other than stock footage, though.
Another great funny, again from "City of...", was Cordy in the room with the vampire and she realizes it. "Great. I always end up in a room with no mir-rors... and thick cur-tains... and... hey you're a vampire!" "No I'm not." "Yes you are, I'm from Sunnydale we had our own Hellmouth, you know!" Hi-larious!
Yeah, the inside jokes are even funnier when you catch them. The shrimp gag almost threw me out of my seat. That and when Conner said he had a thing for older women and Angel responds, "They were supposed to fix that." The whole exchange between Willow and Wes in Season 4 comparing "dark resumes" threw me a loop, too.
Anyway, I think I'm rambling.

P.S.: HOW DO YOU STOP THIS FREAKIN' DOUBLE POSTING FROM HAPPENING??!! It's been doing this for like three weeks now and it WON'T STOP!!!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:10 PM


No doubt, Delia.

I've been going back through my Seasons 1 and 3 since I was here last. Season 1 was full of funnies. Doyle was the best. In "In the Dark", to hear him and Cordy talk about the night before with them and Oz was great in itself. Cordy: "...and I don't think Oz appreciated being called 'my little Bam-Bam' all night, either." Great stuff. I think the reason I couldn't really catch on to Wes for a long time was because they brought him in to replace Doyle. That and he was a narc on Buffy. He's cool in my book now. I still wish they could've brought Doyle back in some way other than stock footage, though.
Another great funny, again from "City of...", was Cordy in the room with the vampire and she realizes it. "Great. I always end up in a room with no mir-rors... and thick cur-tains... and... hey you're a vampire!" "No I'm not." "Yes you are, I'm from Sunnydale we had our own Hellmouth, you know!" Hi-larious!
Yeah, the inside jokes are even funnier when you catch them. The shrimp gag almost threw me out of my seat. That and when Conner said he had a thing for older women and Angel responds, "They were supposed to fix that." The whole exchange between Willow and Wes in Season 4 comparing "dark resumes" threw me a loop, too.
Anyway, I think I'm rambling.

P.S.: HOW DO YOU STOP THIS FREAKIN' DOUBLE POSTING FROM HAPPENING??!! It's been doing this for like three weeks now and it WON'T STOP!!!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:47 AM



Originally posted by ShadowVessel:
P.S.: HOW DO YOU STOP THIS FREAKIN' DOUBLE POSTING FROM HAPPENING??!! It's been doing this for like three weeks now and it WON'T STOP!!!

how many times do you click the "post my response" button? do you double click or just single?

yet another funny:
doyle in i believe "city of": "she's a stiffener alright." oh my goddess lol.

~lissa, spwhore


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:52 AM



I can't help you with the double post thing, sorry.

But as for what you said -- I got into Angel in reruns, so I knew Doyle wouldn't be around long, but I really enjoyed him while he was. (My favorite Doyle moment -- when Cordy described someone as sounding like they came from his part of England -- "My part of England?") And I wonder if they had planned to bring him back before Glenn Quinn passed away. Everyone else who died has come back at least once (except Tara, and I think they wanted her for Conversations with Dead People). He and Cordy were so cute together.

Sometimes, if when I'm watching out of order, I have a hard time believign 3rd season Buffy Wes and 4th season Angel Wes are played by the same actor, let alone supposed to be the same character. But they did such a great job with the transition, I didn't even really notice it happening as I watched.



Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:42 AM


I've gotta say, I forgot how funny Angel is. I mean seriously, as dark as this show can get, it can also be damn hi-larious. But I can't believe no one has mentioned 'Life of the Party' which honestly to me is the funniest Angel ever! Let us remember Season 5:

Life of the Party:
ANGEL: Look, Lorne, I—I— I have things. I'm busy. I'm brooding.
LORNE: Oh, you're watching hockey!
ANGEL: Yeah, but my team is losing

FRED: Hey, you want a piece of me, buddy? That's right. Keep walking. You walk alone! You walk alone! (waving arm)
WESLEY: Careful. That thing's loaded.
FRED: So am I. I mean, wow. Wes. Wesley, I am totally drunk-faced.
WESLEY: Because you can't hold your— what are you drinking?
FRED: Nothing.
WESLEY: You can't hold that.
FRED: Oh, yeah? Lightweight? How much have you had?
WESLEY: (holds up a beer bottle) Including this, I've had... about 1/3 of a half of this beer.
FRED: That's weird, right?
WESLEY: Yes, I think so. I think that's weird.
FRED: There's Gunn. Let's go ask him if that's weird.
WESLEY: Hey. Hey, Gunn. Is something weird going on?
WESLEY: Charles, you just peed on my shoes.
GUNN: (confused) I'll be damned. That's weird.

Later in Angel's office:
SPIKE: Hey! Angel's getting some! Good on you, mate!

WESLEY: Everything he's told us to do, we're doing. Spike's thinking positive, Gunn is peeing all over the office.
FRED: And we're a little bit drunk.
WESLEY: Yes. But not because we drank, because Lorne told us to be drunk.
ANGEL: Lorne told you to pee all over the office?
GUNN: Lord, I hope so.

ANGEL: Wes, Fred, go find Lorne's sleep and figure out a way to put it back in his head.
WESLEY: Yes, sir.
FRED: (salutes) Done and doner.
(Wesley picks Fred up by the waist as he walks out the door with her.)
ANGEL: Lorne, you just stay tight and try not to, you know, talk.
LORNE: Angel, we still got a party going on. Someone has to make sure there's ice in the drinks.
ANGEL: Oh, right.
SPIKE: Ooh, ooh! Me! Me! I'm your people person.
ANGEL: Gunn, go on the floor, see if anyone else is under the Lorne effect.
GUNN: Check.
ANGEL: And stop with the—
GUNN: (head down) Do my best. (walks out)
ANGEL: And, Eve, you stay here with me, we'll have more sex.
EVE: I'm on it.
SPIKE: Brilliant plan. Excellent.

Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco:
GUNN: Still not sure why blondie ghost tagged along.
SPIKE: Not much choice really, is there? Can't drink, smoke, diddle my willy. Doesn't leave much to do other than watch you blokes stumble around playing Agatha Christie.
WESLEY: Yeah, remind me again how you ended up in the front seat.
SPIKE: Called shotgun, mate

ANGEL: Wes, did you ever hear that the devil built a robot?
WESLEY: El Diablo Robotico. (nods) Why?
ANGEL: Nobody ever tells me anything.

Andrew: It's you. It's really you! My therapist thought I was holding onto false hope, but... I knew you'd come back. You're like... you're like Gandalf the White, resurrected from the pit of the Balrog, more beautiful than ever. Ohh... he's alive, Frodo. He's alive.

SPIKE: Right. We can play cat and mouse all night. (Pulls Andrew out) Or I could wedgie you unconscious and be done with it.
ANDREW: Bravo. I see your senses seem to be as well-honed as your Viggo Mortensen pectorals.
SPIKE: What are you doin' out here, Andrew?
ANDREW: This is where the action is, bro. On the mean streets. Can you dig it?
SPIKE: Go back to Wolfram & Hart. Don't have time for games.
ANDREW: That's good, 'cause Andy ain't playin'. ANDREW: You're not the only one who's changed. Mr. Giles has been training me. I'm faster, stronger, and 82% more manly than the last time we— (trips over dead body, screams like a woman)

You're Welcome:
Cordy: (re: Eve): So you two are groin buddies? And I thought Darla was rock bottom.

CORDELIA: OK, this is getting us nowhere. Angel, torture her.
ANGEL: What?
EVE: What?
CORDELIA: You heard me. Building clearing out means we don't have a lot of time. Have at it.
ANGEL: I can't just... torture her.
FRED: He's right, Cordy. If we sink to their level— (Harmony attacks)
ANGEL: Harmony!
HARMONY: Is this OK? (shrugs) I mean, I am evil, technically. I don't mind torturing her for the team.
ANGEL: Yeah. OK.

WESLEY: (reading) Sprinkle ingredients with the arterial blood of an unclean. (looks at Lorne) A demon.
LORNE: We're unclean? Like you're so April fre— (realizes Wesley's looking at him) You sure that thing said arterial blood?
WESLEY: Sorry.
LORNE: Why don't they ever need the urine of an unclean? I've got plenty of unclean urine.

Smile Time:
FRED: Oh, my God! Angel, you're... (smile escapes) cute!
PUPPET ANGEL: Fred, don't.
FRED: Oh, but the little hands! And the hair...
PUPPET ANGEL: (snaps) Hey! You're fired.
LORNE: (arriving) Sorry I am late, gang. What's with the big... puppet?
WESLEY: Angel, what happened?
PUPPET ANGEL: I'm not sure. I went over to Smile Time last night, and I think their office is under some kind of spell. I could feel it trying to get at me. I—I shook it off, but then I met this guy with a towel over his head, and something exploded! I woke up like this. Ugh.
WESLEY: Clearly some sort of hex... or a—a powerful warding magic.
LORNE: Maybe it's some type of puppet cancer.

SPIKE: You're a wee, little puppet man!

A Hole in the World:
ANGEL: You just like stabbing me.
SPIKE: I—I'm shocked, *shocked* that you'd say that. I much prefer hitting you with blunt instruments.

And finally:
SPIKE: It's bollocks, Angel! It's your brand of bollocks from the first to last.
ANGEL: No, you can't ever see the big picture. You can't see any picture!
SPIKE: I am talking about something primal. Right? Savagery. Brutal animal instinct.
ANGEL: And that wins out every time with you. You know, the human race has evolved, Spike!
SPIKE: Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to—
ANGEL: We're bigger. We're smarter. Plus, there's a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors!
SPIKE: You just want it to be the way you want it to be.
ANGEL: (yelling) It's not about what I want!
WESLEY: (arriving) Sorry. Is this something we should all be discussing?
ANGEL: (embarrassed) No.
WESLEY: It just...sounds a little serious.
ANGEL: It was mostly...theoretical. We...
SPIKE: We were just working out a b— Look, if cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win?
WESLEY: Ah. You've been yelling at each other for 40 minutes about this?
WESLEY: Do the astronauts have weapons?
ANGEL & SPIKE: (simultaneously) No.

Sorry this is so long, but I think this season's humor hs dramatically increased!!!

I'm 82% more manly!


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Delia:
I wonder if they had planned to bring him back before Glenn Quinn passed away.

I remember reading (back when it was done) that the reason Glenn Quinn was removed from the show was his drug problem. This was in a gossipy mag.
He might have been asked to return had he sobered up. Unfortunately, he chose to be face deep in heroin and cocaine.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:48 PM



Originally posted by Delia:

And I wonder if they had planned to bring him back before Glenn Quinn passed away. Everyone else who died has come back at least once (except Tara, and I think they wanted her for Conversations with Dead People). He and Cordy were so cute together.

Oh my God! I didn't know Glenn Quinn had died. When did this happen? And where the hell was I? Damn. This is... whoa. It's sad to hear, not to mention shocking at the moment, but if he was into the hard stuff... I don't know. Speaking as someone who has cleaned up in the last 3 years, I just wish he could've made it s'all.

Also, they did want Tara back for "Conversations...", the original script was written with her in it. Bad thing about schedules, though. She was already working on something else at the same time, a play I think.

To Lissa: I haven't been double-clicking, but I've got a crappy PC that has an almost full hard drive. Think there may be a hiccup or something in it?

And also, I agree Season 5 has brought a lot of humor back to the series. After the big tie-up in Season 4 it just feels like epilogue, though. Which is not a bad thing and actually works out now that they're wrapping up the series.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:48 PM



Originally posted by Delia:

And I wonder if they had planned to bring him back before Glenn Quinn passed away. Everyone else who died has come back at least once (except Tara, and I think they wanted her for Conversations with Dead People). He and Cordy were so cute together.

Oh my God! I didn't know Glenn Quinn had died. When did this happen? And where the hell was I? Damn. This is... whoa. It's sad to hear, not to mention shocking at the moment, but if he was into the hard stuff... I don't know. Speaking as someone who has cleaned up in the last 3 years, I just wish he could've made it s'all.

Also, they did want Tara back for "Conversations...", the original script was written with her in it. Bad thing about schedules, though. She was already working on something else at the same time, a play I think.

To Lissa: I haven't been double-clicking, but I've got a crappy PC that has an almost full hard drive. Think there may be a hiccup or something in it?

And also, I agree Season 5 has brought a lot of humor back to the series. After the big tie-up in Season 4 it just feels like epilogue, though. Which is not a bad thing and actually works out now that they're wrapping up the series.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:34 AM


He died of an overdose in December 2002 -- I think one of the Angel episodes is dedicated to him, but I can't remember which one and I don't have time to look. A Google search on the actor will give you any number of sites with memorials/some details about it.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:39 PM


This thread is great and it reminds me of a time a friend of mine called while I was watching an episode of Angel (can't remember which one) and I was still laughing when I picked up the phone, she asked what I was doing, I said 'watching Angel,' and she said, 'I thought it was a drama?' Only Joss Whedon dramas can make you laugh and cry in the same episode. And in that I mean happy and sad moments, though Smile Time had me crying I was laughing so hard...

ANGEL PUPPET:'s time to kick your ass all the way back to hell!
I'm gonna tear you a new puppet hole, bitch!
(punches Angel; Angel overpowers him, pushes him to the ground and starts choking him)(gasps)
So... you got a little demon in you.
I got a lot of demon in me.
(his forehead goes all bumpy and his fangs descend)

From A Whole In The World:

ANGEL: Look, I can't do this anymore.
SPIKE: Admitting defeat, are you?
ANGEL: You and me. This isn't working out.
SPIKE: Are you saying we should start annoying other people?

And Angel having to wear the pink helmet (First Impressions) and the look the demon gives him when he sees Angel in it, right before Angel knocks him across the room with it.

Such a funny funny show.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 2:36 AM


I'm still stuck in mid S3...

but I laughed my ass off every time Angel sings or thinks about singing and the other's try to stop it.
it's so bad it's great.

and I remember in one of the first shows there was a scene where Angel tried to warn off Kate to not do something (go into a certain club, I think) and she told him to "go to hell" in responce. there was a beat and I mouthed "been there, done that" and once I was finished Angel said "been there, done that." to Kates retreating back. that one made me laugh because it was made for Buffy fans and I completely did, what they wanted me to.

and I love everytime Dennis get's to be mentioned or actually do something. he's the best ghost ever.







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