Call me sexist, but...

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 17:09
VIEWED: 1377
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011 12:02 AM


Yanno, all else being equal, I'd rather not fight women.

I've recently been experimenting with a tank warfare game which is actually pretty damn cool, and noted a higher than normal percentage of female players, which at first warmed by little black heart with notions of equality....
That is, till they started repeatedly blowing tanks out from under me.

Okay, here it is, unlike the boys - they COMMUNICATE, they COOPERATE, they work TOGETHER instead of gloryhounding and I've yet to see a single one of them pull a "Leeroy Jenkins", as opposed to the testosterone drenched morons I seem to be saddled with, who won't listen to or protect their scouts, charge headfirst, can't land an arty barrage in part cause said unprotected scouts are dead, who's idea of communication is "STFU n00bl3t!", and any notion of working together is right out cause you get anywhere near em and friendly fire becomes a real hazard...

So we lose the scouts and a "Leeroy" or two right off the bat, and they whittle us down a little more, and then with numbers on their side, THEN friggin blitzkrieg in line or echelon and just bloody steamroller our uncoordinated asses right under while supporting each others fire lanes, argh.

I am at this time, reminded of Kipling...

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your gawd like a soldier.

Worst of it was sitting there in my puny little PzKpfw35(t) with no ammo left and my tracks blown out watching them IGNORE ME as they rolled over and took our base, flanking and obliterating the two clueless gits defending it who were busy arguing over who's e-peen was bigger instead of paying attention to the only surviving scout - their trash talk about how thick their front armor was mattered not at all when they were issued a hot lead enema by those fatal femmes.

So yanno what, eff it, imma side with the girls - someone get my pretty floral bonnet!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:21 AM


Ya Frem, World of Tanks is crazy fun. My system cant run it, but i have a group of guys i run with in other games, and they play the game while on skype with full communications...its pretty impressive to watch, and they tend to steamroll fools.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:31 AM


Girls have their own kinds of dynamics, it really isn't some general sisterhood thing. Instead of chest pounding, it's more a lot of mean-spirited gossip and sabotage if two girls don't like each other.

If you're being soundly defeated by teams of girls, it's for two reasons. 1) You joined a team of people you don't know very well, and 2) those girls do know each other well, meaning they know how to work together.

In other words it's more of a teamwork thing than a gender thing.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:41 AM


A Leeroy Jenkins in a tank? Isn't that how the Gulf War started?

I'm pretty sure whatever game you're playing, if you're with a group of randoms and aren't communicating against a team that is, you're always gonna get royally screwed. But I'd also agree that women/girls communicate more in multiplayer games (at least constructivly) than us men/boys.

"I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6:06 AM


Blue: Oh indeed, especially fools who think they're in an FPS and have no clue how long the range of a tank cannon really is, much less a TD or SPG, I tried rolling a TD but without an escort to cover your back a light tank can get in close and make mincemeat of you, and so you wind up a sitting duck, low hanging fruit - went back to my 35-t, which is a little heavier than most scouts, and can duke it out with them at something of an advantage, since often as not THEY get no support from their own side neither.

Byte: Oh I am well aware not all of that communication is very pleasant, but it's there, I was in fact quite amused by one femme player who became ever more frustrated with TRYING to coordinate the team only to be ignored, dismissed, made nasty comments at, and finally even shot at (friendly fire) by some cretin in his real-money e-peen tank... he should have considered that anyone driving a high grade SPG that wasn't bought at the premium store might actually know what they were talking about, as his shot went wide, soon followed by pieces of his tank raining down on my cover.
"Was that *completely* necessary?"
"Self defense!"

Thing is, the social dynamic is slightly different, female players do in fact seem more inclined to cooperate (with either gender, surprisingly) and in more of a teamwork fashion than individual glory grabbing even at the expense of the team, which I suspect is in part genetic imperative leftovers from pre-civilization, and in part a cultural thing fostered by a society which still has a lot of gender-discriminative issues.

Mind, this isn't universal, as one femme guild in the original PS2 SOCOM had it's share of gloryhounders on the rush team, which were my direct nemesis as my preferred role was also the storm rush, only they won out more than half the time as our guys flaked out when it got nasty and tended to leave me swinging rather than suffer the ego slap of being gunned down even if it helped the team, and theirs did not, plus it seemed having confidence they WOULD be supported gave them more options, as well.

Dmaan: I think you've nailed it, ain't so much that they communicate more, it's that they do so more effectively/constructively, which even in a random with half the team ignoring them can still turn the tide since the other side as a general rule is comparably handicapped - I've also noted the amazing effectiveness of the "Bavarian Fire Drill", in that as soon as someone appears to know what the hell they're doing, many jump on board with it, me being one of em, but eyes-open due to my philosophy that a bad plan competently and immediately executed, always trumps no plan at all.
Of course, one problem with it is immature jerks who have gender-bias issues being extremely non-constructive and actively sabotaging matters due to naught more than sexist jackassery, as noted by the example above.

Frankly, I'm finding the whole matter interesting as a study of social dynamics, particularly those expressed by Wilfred Bion and Joshua Goldstein - with an eye towards gender and nationality when known, cause one late night match which involved what seemed to be mostly russians on the team went surprisingly well because of their familiarity with the roles of their tanks (all soviet, of course) even though there really wasn't any communication going on - I am definately seeing a lot of empirical evidence that americans are as a rule less inherently cooperative than other cultures though, which doesn't really surprise me.

Amusing final thoughts, while shooting the e-peen stroking leeroy jenkins in the back right off actually makes sense in a long-term tactical sense, I find it dubious of convincing anyone to adopt it as a universal practice... unless they're russian.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:39 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hey Frem, does Wendy ever come over and play that with you? Well technically she wouldn't have to come over to play it, maybe you and her could form a team and try to get lots of females on it so you guys can cream the other guys. Or you could just join that super cool team of women you were fighting against.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 4:59 PM


Nah, she's not big on conflict based games, and her eyesight issues, even with filters and screen mods wouldn't allow her to play this one effectively due to lack of depth perception and color determination, she'd be unable to tell the tanks from the foilage, and the idea of shooting at other people even in a game gives her the wiggies.

As for the other, the nature of the game makes established teams difficult, although that may just be me not understanding the interface well enough yet, but any time I do wind up on the same side as them I do work with em, having a gender-neutral name and no voice comm enabled allows folk to assume as they will - as of late I've taken to using an SPG to do support artillery shelling from range, which allows someone who can predict others behavior to exploit such pretty well.

You'd prolly have been terribly amused at what I used to do just to wind folk up at Need for Speed 2: Underground - I built a Peugeot206 that was cotton candy pink with butterfly decals and just screamed somebodys-kid-sister, and watching just how different their reactions to the damn thing were amused me, some would deliberately go easy on it, some would be cruel, and others didn't seem to care, but I noted that in general the first group were better racers and apparently didn't feel such a need to prove anything - but man the second group would throw the most amazing temper tantrums over gettin beaten by the pink horror.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 5:09 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I can't play videogames either. Usually I don't mind so much since I've never been able to. The only thing I would like about it and online games would be the communicating with people, because that is what I enjoy most in life. I'm a social slut, I'll socialize with nye on anyone. :)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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