
UPDATED: Sunday, October 2, 2011 20:53
VIEWED: 1048
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Saturday, October 1, 2011 6:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Banks .. and specifically debt... were the center of the last four recessions/ depressions (including the one we're in). Many economists are looking at the role of financialism in creating depressions. Financialism is a economic system in which you can make money on money, without the inconvenience of producing or selling products and creating jobs. Basically, it is an economy of speculation and debt.

Banks, as my friends tell me, used to be a repository of money. They no longer serve that function, they now exist to create debt. Servicing that debt can become destructive to an economy, as the IMF proves over and over (the latest example being Greece)... as money is sucked out of an economy to pay back the creditor, the economy contracts more and more, making it less and less likely that there will be money to pay off the debt.

Here are some interesting quotes from various economists:

Imagining a World Without Banks

PIMCO’s* Bill Gross has remarked that our nation became a superpower because “we were getting richer by making things, not paper.”

Unfortunately, for the last few decades, our nation has primarily grown weaker by making worthless paper in a variety of ways — junk bonds, subprime mortgages and countless types of derivatives — through banks. If we step back and ask ourselves what banks were originally designed to do, it was simply a depository where people with savings can store their wealth, and borrowers could access capital to pursue investment opportunities....

From a lending perspective, the banks clearly have failed to allocate their resources to investment opportunities that would power economic growth into the 21st century. Their cash has primarily been used for short-term profit opportunities such as speculating in the capital markets for quick profits, leaving many small and medium-sized businesses cash-strapped....

*PIMCO is the world's largest seller of bonds.

On the commodities bubble:

The general sense I get... [is that] huge pools of money are desperately seeking out the next asset craze, [and] the financial industry is no longer servicing the real economy. It has lost its purpose, has become self serving and is damaging the real economy in the process . Perhaps if capital gains were taxed heavily, the financial industry would snap out of this relentless obsession and return to servicing the real economy, seeking out profits and dividends and generate some jobs as well. Its a shame that we have too much money and too much unemployment in the same room and no one can seem to bring them together.

Stocks markets, mortgages and credit of all kinds, farmland, gold, tulip bulbs... are all subject to speculation. Each one of these speculative events caused people to go into deep debt in order to participate, expanding the money supply with funny-money. The collapse of speculation in each of these areas led to economic collapse downstream, with a loss of production, consumption, and jobs.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 7:51 AM


Financialism is another word for Usury, something which is downright illegal in just about any decent country or morality.

One reason for our hatred and aggression towards the Muslim world, outside of the usual racism and intolerance fostered by puritan imbecility, is the impulse driving by our rapacious financial system against Islamic banking, which forbids many of the exploitive practices our system depends upon to all but forcibly transfer value from those not running it, to those who are.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:00 AM


It make me doubt my faith of birth. I think the christians (hardcore ones) with their ban on the concept of credit really have it right. Jews believe heavily on credit. Evolution sides with them economically, selling your future prosperity to build the capacity to achieve it, but it leads to badness. We need a better solution.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Sunday, October 2, 2011 8:53 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'm putting off the credit card thing as long as possible.

I don't believe in a "faith of birth" I believe in a faith of one's family members, I believe in a culture one is born into, but I don't think that faith is conferred on one at birth without said one's input. Many would disagree, maybe because it is convenient, maybe because they were taught so, maybe just because they've never thought on it.

But yeah, I hate that our society is so built on credit cards.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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