Origins and Organization of the Occupiers

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:48
VIEWED: 1323
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:02 PM


I finally got off my duff and did some research, though not a whole lot yet.


Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing series of demonstrations in New York City[52] based in Zuccotti Park, formerly "Liberty Plaza Park". The protest was originally[53] called for by the Canadian activist[54] group Adbusters

Googling around, it appears Adbusters has a financial connection to a US based group called Tides Center.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:58 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Tides Foundation & Tides Center: The Tides Foundation has granted the anti-corporate Adbusters Media Foundation over $170,000 since 1996. Ironically, much of the money Tides funnels to activists comes from foundations started with corporate money, such as Pew Charitable Trusts (Sun Oil money) and the Ford Foundation.
They've also sponsored others:

Tides Foundation & Tides Center

The Tides Foundation has granted the anti-corporate Adbusters Media Foundation over $170,000 since 1996. Ironically, much of the money Tides funnels to activists comes from foundations started with corporate money, such as Pew Charitable Trusts (Sun Oil money) and the Ford Foundation.

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Both Adbusters and the Center for Science in the Public Interest endorsed a project of the Ralph Nader-founded Commercial Alert. The National Ad Slam Contest awarded cash to schools that made “the best and most creative effort to remove advertising and commercialism from school premises.


Adbusters and Greenpeace have jointly campaigned against corporate interests over global warming. Adbusters’ advertising agency, PowerShift, also produces ads for Greenpeace. “Autosaurus,” an attack on the automobile industry, was aired on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television network, which then pulled it, citing sponsor concerns. Adbusters successfully sued for breach of contract.

Organic Consumers Association

Adbusters and the Organic Consumers Association both endorsed the National Ad Slam Contest, sponsored by Ralph Nader’s Commercial Alert. The contest, started in 2001, gave cash prizes to schools that removed advertising from their campuses.

Sierra Club

If an effort to boost its "anti-consumption" campaign, the Sierra Club promotes Adbusters' magazine and materials on their website. The Sierra Club's Missouri and Alabama chapter encourages people to observe Adbusters' anti-consumer "Buy Nothing Day." The November/December 2001 issue of Sierra magazine beckoned readers to download anti-globalization radio and television ads from Adbusters' website. The Sierra Club's Sustainable Consumption Task Force recommends subscribing to the Adbusters' quarterly magazine.

Appears to me their major interest is in defeating advertising from spreading to schools. That doesn't equate to Occupy Wall Street much, so if it's an agenda we're looking for...?


Q: I hear that Adbusters organized Occupy Wall Street? Or Anonymous? Or US Day of Rage? Just who put this together anyway?

A: All of the above, and more. Adbusters made the initial call in mid-July, and also produced a very sexy poster with a ballerina posed atop the Charging Bull statue and riot police in the background. US Day of Rage, the mainly internet-based creation of IT strategist Alexa O’Brien, got involved too and did a lot of the early legwork and tweeting. Anonymous—in its various and multiform visages—joined in late August. On the ground in New York, though, most of the planning was done by people involved in the NYC General Assembly, a collection of activists, artists and students first convened by folks who had been involved in New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts. That coalition of students and union workers had just finished a three-week occupation near City Hall called Bloombergville protesting the mayor’s plans for budget cuts and layoffs. They had learned from the experience and were itching to do it again, this time with the hope of having a bigger impact. But no one person or group is running the Wall Street occupation entirely.

So nobody is in charge? How do decisions get made?

The General Assembly has become the de facto decision-making body for the occupation at Liberty Plaza, just a few blocks north of Wall Street. (That was Zuccotti Park’s name before 2006, when the space was rebuilt by Brookfield Properties and renamed after its chairman, John Zuccotti.) Get ready for jargon: the General Assembly is a horizontal, autonomous, leaderless, modified-consensus-based system with roots in anarchist thought, and it’s akin to the assemblies that have been driving recent social movements around the world, in places like Argentina, Egypt’s Tahrir Square, Madrid’s Puerta del Sol and so on. Working toward consensus is really hard, frustrating and slow. But the occupiers are taking their time. When they finally get to consensus on some issue, often after days and days of trying, the feeling is quite incredible. A mighty cheer fills the plaza. It’s hard to describe the experience of being among hundreds of passionate, rebellious, creative people who are all in agreement about something.

Fortunately, though, they don’t need to come to consensus about everything. Working alongside the General Assembly are an ever-growing number of committees and working groups—from Food and Media to Direct Action and Sanitation. Anyone is welcome to join one, and they each do their own thing, working in tacit coordination with the General Assembly as a whole. In the end, the hope is that every individual is empowered to make decisions and act as her or himself, for the good of the group.

What are the demands of the protesters?

Ugh—the zillion-dollar question. Again, the original Adbusters call asked, “What is our one demand?” Technically, there isn’t one yet. In the weeks leading up to September 17, the NYC General Assembly seemed to be veering away from the language of “demands” in the first place, largely because government institutions are already so shot through with corporate money that making specific demands would be pointless until the movement grew stronger politically. Instead, to begin with, they opted to make their demand the occupation itself—and the direct democracy taking place there—which in turn may or may not come up with some specific demand. When you think about it, this act is actually a pretty powerful statement against the corruption that Wall Street has come to represent. But since thinking is often too much to ask of the American mass media, the question of demands has turned into a massive PR challenge.

The General Assembly is currently in the midst of determining how it will come to consensus about unifying demands. It’s a really messy and interesting discussion. But don’t hold your breath.

Everyone in the plaza comes with their own way of thinking about what they’d like to see happen, of course. Along the north end of the plaza, there’s a collage of hundreds of cardboard signs people have made with slogans and demands on them. Bystanders stop and look at them, transfixed, all day long. The messages are all over the place, to be sure, but there’s also a certain coherence to them. That old standby, “People Before Profits,” seems to capture the gist fairly well. But also under discussion are a variety of other issues, ranging from ending the death penalty, to dismantling the military-industrial complex, to affordable healthcare, to more welcoming immigration policies. And more. It can be confusing, but then again these issues are all at some level interconnected.

Some news reports have been painting the protesters as unfocused, or worse, as hopelessly confused and uninformed. Is there any truth to that?

Sure. In a world as complex as ours, we’re all uninformed about most things, even if we know about a few. I remember a police officer remarking of the protesters on the first or second day, “They think they know everything!” That’s how young people generally are. But in this case, noticing the over-concentration of wealth around Wall Street and its outsized influence in politics does not require a detailed grasp of what a hedge fund does or the current selling price of Apple stock. One thing that distinguishes these protesters is precisely their hope that a better world is possible. I might add that, for many Americans, such nonviolent direct action is the only chance of having a political voice, and it deserves to be taken seriously by those of us in the press.

How many people have responded to the Adbusters call? How large is the group? And how large has it ever been?

The original Adbusters call envisioned 20,000 people flooding the Financial District on September 17. A tenth of that probably ended up being there that day. Despite a massive Anonymous-powered online social media blitz, lots of people simply didn’t know about it, and traditional progressive organizations like labor unions and peace groups were uncomfortable signing on to so amorphous an action. Over the course of a difficult first week, with arrests happening just about every day, new faces kept coming, as others filtered out to take a break. The media coverage after last weekend’s mass arrests and alleged police brutality has brought many more. Now, during the day and into the night, one finds 500 or more people in the plaza, and maybe half that sleeping over. At any given time, several thousand people around the world are watching the occupation’s 24/7 livestream online.

Rather than a mass movement from the outset, this occupation has ended up depending on a relatively small number of highly determined, courageous young activists willing to sleep outside and confront police intimidation. But that is changing. As word spreads about it, the crowd has been getting older, more diverse. Already, though, this tactic of a somewhat rowdy occupation has garnered influence far greater than a traditional march would. After all, 20,000 marched on Wall Street on May 12—protesting bank bailouts and budget cuts for state employees—and who remembers that?

What would a “win” look like for the occupation?

Again, that depends on whom you ask. As September 17 approached, the NYC General Assembly really saw its goal, again, not so much as to pass some piece of legislation or start a revolution as to build a new kind of movement. It wanted to foment similar, like-minded assemblies around the city and around the world, which would be a new basis for political organizing in this country, against the overwhelming influence of corporate money. That is starting to happen, as similar occupations are cropping up in dozens of other cities. Another big occupation has been in the making for months, slated to begin on October 6 at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, and the organizers of that have been visiting Liberty Plaza on and off, learning all they can from its successes and mistakes.

I’ve heard some people saying, when Liberty Plaza was swamped with TV news cameras, “We’ve already won!” Others think they’ve hardly begun. Both, in some sense, are true.

Are there cops all over the square? How bad has the police brutality been? If I came there, what are the risks?

The police presence is nonstop, and there have been some very scary encounters with them—which also gave occasion for tremendous acts of courage by protesters. The worst incident was last Saturday, of course, but there has been very little trouble since then. A large contingent of protesters has no intention of getting arrested, and almost nobody is interested in taking pointless risks or instigating violence against people or property. The more that ordinary people join the cause—together with celebrity visitors like Susan Sarandon, Cornel West and Michael Moore—the less likely the police will probably be to try to suppress it. As one sign along Broadway says, “Safety in Numbers! Join Us!” don't see a conspiracy, but each person must make up their own mind. Oh, and by the way, Adbusters is a Canadian magazine. Global conspiracy, perhaps?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:04 PM


Er. Wow. Nicely done.

My research does look woefully lacking compared to that. Did you find that on an official site?


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:09 PM


I'm still mostly undecided. I say I don't trust them, but I honestly don't know how much of that is paranoia.

It could even be the protesters themselves are innocent, but being used. Adbusters might be trying to claim responsibility and paint the movement as left-wing, to draw ire and violence from the right-wing. And the media would get to report on this big partisan battle, and the country would become more divided.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:27 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I personally like that there aren't any concrete demands at this point. If there were actual demands then I might have to not be on the protest's side. For now I agree with the idea that Wall Street is problematic, that its super corrupt and that the government is in bed with corporations. Community and doing for each other is important, helping each other and looking out for each other are common sense and the right thing to do. So I agree with the general energy of the feelings of the protestors. But if they cement some demands that I don't agree with then I'll have to be less enthusiastic about their message, though I still think people should protest when they want to see change, whether I'm in solidarity with their beliefs or not.

For now I like the protests, we'll see what happens in future. I think that just seeing people united and joining together is cool and I wouldn't mind if they didn't get a concrete list of demands, then I could keep supporting their cause.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Byte, to answer your question about the sources: The site I got the first one from is called "ActivistCash", and appears to put together information on what foundations, celebrities, etc., are connected to what groups I found the info on Adbusters under the section "Organizations".

There are several sections. For example, under "celebrities", the first one is Pamela Anderson; it shows a photo of her and two-line description, and underneath

Associated Organizations and Foundations
Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Position: Endorser
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has been described as "by far the most successful radical organization in America." The key word is...
find out more »

Does the same with Foundations. Example:

A Territory Resource Foundation


for tax year ending 12/31/2001
Total Assets $1,687,519.00
Grants Awarded $0.00

Under that it lists "Officers and Other Supporters", each name apparently a link, and under that list, "Top Grants Made".

There's also a section on "Key Players" which lists people alphabetically and, on the person's page, gives a biography and "Associated Organizations and Foundations". So I'm assuming it's some kind of organization that tracks these sorts of things. Interestingly, FreedomWorks and Heritage Foundation aren't among those listed, so maybe it's a left-wing site, I dunno.

The home page says
Quote:, a project of the Center for Consumer Freedom, provides the public and media with in-depth profiles of think tanks, activist groups, and foundations, along with information about the sources of their funding.

Some of these organizations provide a responsible public service. But some, despite their innocent-sounding names, are financial Goliaths that use junk science, intimidation tactics, and even threats of violence to push their radical agendas. We've analyzed over 500,000 pages of IRS records to bring you a comprehensive snapshot of where their money comes from, tracking more than $800 million to date.

We also offer valuable information about hundreds of deep-pocketed foundations, activist celebrities, and other key players in the animal rights, "food police," and eco-terrorism movements. To stay in the loop, bookmark today and join our e-mail list.

The "ABOUT" page is very interesting:

About Us
At, we follow the money -- for you.

This site, created by the Center for Consumer Freedom, is committed to providing detailed and up-to-date information about the funding sources of organizations and activists, whether respectable or radical. We have analyzed over 500,000 pages of IRS documents to create this database, and new information is added every month.

The organizations we track on this site are tax-exempt nonprofits. That means you have the right to know what they're up to. The same rule applies to the tax-exempt foundations that pay their bills.

As you read through the site, you may be surprised by some of the connections between these groups and individuals, with many forming a web of anti-consumer activism — promoting false science, scare campaigns, inflated public health causes, and sometimes even violent anti-consumer "direct actions."

You may be even more shocked to learn where some of them get their cash:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has used a private foundation to funnel at least $432,000 to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), another animal rights group. PCRM in turn falsely promotes itself as a mainstream medical charity.

Media mogul Ted Turner does more with his money than pay salaries for the Atlanta Braves. His own foundation lavishes over $40 million per year on anti-consumer activist groups, including those who advocate confrontation with police.

The Ben and Jerry's Foundation has given $10,000 to Mothers for Natural Law, a radical anti-food-technology group operated by disciples of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, a Minnesota-based activist group, has accepted a $75,000 grant from the Foundation for Deep Ecology for -- and we quote -- "a campaign to end industrial agriculture."

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) repeatedly attacks groups for accepting industry funding to conduct research. But CSPI itself took $50,000 from the Helena Rubenstein Foundation to fund an attack campaign against the fat substitute Olestra.

There's lots more, but that should give you an idea.

The second bit of material I got was an interview in The Nation, an avowed left-wing magazine. They do a lot of research on stuff and are a good (if VERY biased) source for stuff you don't hear on the news.

As to Occupy Wall Street, I found this on CNN Money:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A lot of lip service has been paid to the idea that Occupy Wall Street lacks focus. The critics ask: What's the goal of these protests? Everyone wants something different.

Which is exactly the point.

It's easy to trivialize Occupy Wall Street -- even as it inspires similar protests around the country -- by saying the movement lacks an end game. The group is trying to crowdsource its list of goals, which all but guarantees that no major ones will be set.

A demand list of sorts has appeared on the official Occupy Wall Street page, serving as an ever-changing document on which people can comment with their own suggestions. It has also served as fodder for critics like Fox News, which posted a version of the list and suggested that readers "try not to laugh."

But no list has been endorsed by the "general assembly" at Occupy Wall Street, says press team member Mark Bray, who added that "making a list of three or four demands would have ended the conversation before it started."

Occupy Wall Street has already achieved what it set out to do.

Like the "Arab Spring" uprisings that inspired its tactics, the word-of-mouth demonstration has tapped into a collective anger. Some protesters are upset about taxation; for others, the big issue is the high unemployment rate. Or corporate greed. Or the distribution of wealth.

There's a whole lot more at

Wikipedia says of their background

In mid-2011, the Canadian-based group Adbusters Media Foundation, best known for its advertisement-free anti-consumerist magazine called Adbusters, proposed a peaceful occupation of Wall Street to protest corporate influence on democracy, address a growing disparity in wealth, and the absence of legal repercussions behind the recent global financial crisis.[54] According to the senior editor of the magazine, “[they] basically floated the idea in mid-July into our [email list] and it was spontaneously taken up by all the people of the world, it just kind of snowballed from there.”[54] Activists from Anonymous also encouraged its followers to take part in the protest which increased the attention it received calling protesters to "flood lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street".[56][61][62][63]Adbusters states that, "Beginning from one simple demand – a presidential commission to separate money from politics – we start setting the agenda for a new America."[64]

Although it was originally proposed by Adbusters magazine, the demonstration is leaderless.[65] Other groups began to join the protest, including the NYC General Assembly and U.S. Day of Rage.[66] The protests have brought together people of many political positions. A report in CNN suggested that protesters "got really lucky" when gathering at Zuccotti Park since it was private property and police could not legally force them to move off of it; in contrast, police have authority to remove protesters without permits from city parks.[67]

Prior to the protest's beginning on September 17, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a press conference, "People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we'll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it."[66]

Lots more there too.

Their Facebook page is at

They apparently are connected to the New York General Assembly (homepage which has under its title " The Official Website of the GA at #OccupyWallStreet". The "Who We Are" page says

New York City General Assemblies are an open, participatory and horizontally organized process through which we are building the capacity to constitute ourselves in public as autonomous collective forces within and against the constant crises of our times.
Their Home page has a video and the minutes of their meetings and some other stuff.

That's about as much time as I want to spend researching it; I'm satisfied that, if it's not grassroots, they've done a bang-up job of hiding it. It's enough for me at present. Sorry this is so long, wanted to give you everything I've found.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:28 AM


Well, from what you've uncovered, I can't agree that it's not grassroots. If there's any money involved, if it's not starting at the local level of the community it appeared in, by definition it's not grassroots.

The bigger issues, whether they're malicious or not or whether they're using those protesters and those protesters are going to be betrayed, remain to be seen.

Certainly, I don't dislike any of these people, and the unofficial lists of demands I've seen I don't disagree with. But if someone's using them I don't really want any part of it. Not unless I think I can pull the occupiers out from under them and take the protesters in a more productive direction. But I'm not even sure I *could* do that, so you all are probably fine.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:45 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I just got back from "Occupy Wall Street Marin", our first demonstration/meeting. I'm not sure what you mean by "can't agree it's not grassroots"--does that mean you agree (at this point) that it probably IS grass roots? From everything thereafter I got the impression you think it's not, but I'm not sure. I guarantee it's grass roots HERE, we're determined not to have leaders and the organization is very organic.

I understand if you won't want to believe in the movement, that's your right. I do, and until I see proof otherwise, I'm now part of it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:48 PM


"I'm not sure what you mean by "can't agree it's not grassroots"--does that mean you agree (at this point) that it probably IS grass roots?"

Sorry, syntax failure on my part. Yeah, I don't think it's grassroots.

"I do, and until I see proof otherwise, I'm now part of it."

'Kay. I won't pester you or insult you about it. And I hope it turns out well.






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