More fun from Indiana...

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 18:02
VIEWED: 1201
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012 8:55 AM


Yanno, I don't like Girl Scouts either, I think there are better things for a girl to learn other than how to stand in front of a Walmart and be obnoxious child labor for a moneymaking scheme- and believe me Indiana DOESN'T NEED ANY MORE COOKIES on it's waitline...but even this one is a new one by me...

There really is something in the water here...


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 8:59 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I'm not even sure what to say about that. It's like Piratenews was elected to government.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 10:53 AM


HAH! Oh that's good!

Reminds me of a conversation with hubbs the other day... He said he trusts government, just not the people runnin' it and I just stared at him... Think I'll show him this article tonight...

Maybe in addition to putting them on trial after their term is over we should give them lie detector exams before so we know just how looney they are before we give them keys to anything...


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:02 PM


This one isn't in Indiana, but still just as wacky.

I don't get it. At all. I mean, she's dead! What are they trying to accomplish??

I love Wednesdays, they always have the best news then...


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:08 PM


WHOZIT NEEDS CHOCOLATE MINT CHIP COOKIES NOW! Those midgets in those green outfits make the best ones!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:49 PM


Actually the Girl Scouts are part of our local alliance, and often hinted at as supporters of my evil empire since they helped with our designed-to-fail Overlord Party campaign which was in fact just bait to draw other candidates into offering free food with their flyers....

And they're also hooked in with Habitat for Humanity and the various programs around here related to it, so forth and so on, but what makes this especially wacky to hear for me is that a few of them Girl Scouts like other girls, and NO ONE HERE CARES.

Also, you got the terrible twosome, who I have been trying to keep on a more reasonable keel in regards to negotiation and compromise - I support their intentions, but only insofar as they do more good than harm, and it's easy to do harm unintentionally with the best of intentions behind it.

Ain't gonna help too much if they replace the Palm Oil with transfats, and I would rather they focus on supporting renewable harvesting over slash and burn tactics for maximum short term profit, yanno ?

Rhi and Maddi mean well though, so I go easy on em - imma soft touch that way.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:03 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Also, you got the terrible twosome, who I have been trying to keep on a more reasonable keel in regards to negotiation and compromise - I support their intentions, but only insofar as they do more good than harm, and it's easy to do harm unintentionally with the best of intentions behind it.

Frem, are you corrupting the minds of pretty little girl scouts now?? I approve


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:35 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Frem, how do _you know which girls like other girls? Isn't that sort of _their business.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:37 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


How do you know which girls like boys?

Kids usually telegraph this stuff.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 5:45 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Actually the Girl Scouts are part of our local alliance, and often hinted at as supporters of my evil empire since they helped with our designed-to-fail Overlord Party campaign which was in fact just bait to draw other candidates into offering free food with their flyers....

My God (actually I don't have one) Frem!!! So you're the one corrupting Girl Scouts to encourage abortion and other evils.

Bad Frem. Bad. Bad.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:30 PM


I'm not sure, but I think Frem was trying to say it's a good thing no one cares?? I dunno... Some days I need a Frem-speak translator..There's a lotta lingo in there. Not pickin, jus' sayin...You sure got your own style, Frem.

I just ran across this comment on The Body Odd website...and thought it was funny.

Ovulating women women perfer the maculine, almost brutish features in a man...

Those who are NOT prefer softer facial features in a man...

Menopausal women prefer men with mouths duct-taped shut and a flaming spear stuck out of their chest....


Wait, I'm not menopausal so how come I...oh, nevermind


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:03 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Now by telegraph do you mean blabbering about it nonstop or do you mean in facial expressions. If they blab about it then I guess its obvious, girls often blab about who they have crushes on after all, a practice that I find powerful dull, no matter who the crush is on. As for facial expressions I suspect that mine are obscenely easy to read, something that I try and temper but I doubt I succede, I hope I'm not as easy to read visually as I suspect I am.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:39 PM


Actually no, I am trying to discourage them from the damn-the-realistic-consequences "crusade" mindset.

You cut off Palm Oil, the companies which produce the cookies will go right back to trans-fats, and yet you don't want the rain forests slash-n-burned either, so thus the encouragement to push for sustainability instead of that hang-em-all kind of mindset a lot of hardcore environmentalists have which often does more harm than good, you know ?
I really don't want em to get into that sort of mess.

One other note is that a lot of the peons involved in this stuff have little or no say about it in almost slave labor conditions, THAT is gonna take a lot of fixing cause of the way our country and its corporations tend to prefer a tyrannical/exploitive dynamic and will bring all manner of pressures to bear to cause it - for more info, this link.

I would very much also like them to not get shot playing viva-le-revolution, but the problem there is that if they're willing to push that hard, go that far, and put themselves on the line to improve the lot of others, who am I to discourage them, and what a hypocrite I'd be if I tried!

As for some of the Girl Scouts "liking" each other "in that way", it's not any kind of secret primarily BECAUSE no one cares, as you say it's their biz not mine - although I was asked exactly once, if it bothered me.
My response was a shrug and "Love is love, innit ? long as you're happy..." and changing the subject.
Annnd yesss, they prattle, a lot - kids do that you know.

The more amusing thing is how they're hooked up with the local Asatru, which I can never freakin pronouce so I just call them Astaru.

I was trying to break them of some of their inherent racist leanings by getting them to work in concert with Gus's people, and en route to a protest we all but ran OVER a Girl Scout troupe who was themselves en route to sell cookies - it was bloody hilarious, the Den Mother looked like she was going to die of fright cause Astaru are generally seriously HUUUUUGE, and what *IS* it with ALL THAT HAIR?
Seriously, they got hair in places I ain't sure I even HAVE!

Anyhows, there's this long moment of shocked silence, and then a sustained rattle-jingle as EVERY SINGLE ONE OF EM hauls out their biker-chain wallet and while it took the Den Mother a little while to mentally adjust the little brats heaved to and not only sold them the whole supply on hand, sent back for MORE, eventually turning our intended protest (which they totally diverted, but I forgive them) into a picnic in the nearby park - which lead to a certain alliance between the big goons and the local cookie mafia, so whenever they need heavy lifting or manpower for projects or activist stuff, showing off the whole while of course, but this is seriously helpful in regards to Habitat for Humanity when you often need a bunch of heavy stuff moved quickly that can't be done with a truck or forklift.

Not to mention that not even the most desperate skell or junkie is gonna mess with them now with that set of big hairy monsters watching over em, although I think they're just protecting their cookie pipeline.

As for our zany scheme, we deliberately ran a local campaign designed expressly to fail for the "Evil Overlord Party", complete with my 'Dynamo' getup and lots of muahahaha - offering "Evil Brownies" stamped with a little demonic smiley along with the campaign literature, in order to provoke the other candidates into matching the ante by offering food with theirs, as a cheap and sneaky way of feeding the poor at the expense of the rich and doing something USEFUL with all that otherwise wasted effort in politicking.
It was less successful than we'd hoped for, but more successful than we expected.

I am sore, sore tempted to set up a free food stand at the regulation x amount of feet from the polling station this year coming in order to encourage the very poor to vote, since most of em quite rightfully hate the very bastards I'd like pitched out of office around here.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, February 23, 2012 9:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wish, that DEFINITELY gets the prize for the first guffaw of the morning...priceless!

At least I have an excuse, since I'm menopausal. No, wait, I'm PAST menopause. What about post-menopausal women? Or is that not approved for general audiences? ;o)


Friday, February 24, 2012 4:12 AM


Meh, I can handle it Whozit might go blind though...


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 4:18 PM



Tuesday, June 5, 2012 5:15 PM


Though it would be unfair to judge the Girl Scouts as a whole, how could this idea just be dismissed as nonsense?

My "American Government" teacher in my Community College was very charismatic and convincing when I was 19.... to the point he made me want to support teachers with the money I made after taxes. He was uber-liberal left wing with the agenda of keeping his near-term retirement tenure benefits rolling. (Meanwhile, the part-timers they were hiring did two classes a week, had no health benefits, and made only 12k a year teaching there)

While he was towing this line in a class that SHOULD be taught non-biased, he was tenured, and making more than anyone I know besides in the trade union or my Pharmisist sister-in-law.....

Bottom line Wish, when I take a class called "American Government" I expect a COMPLETELY non-biased teaching about how Government works, not a "Mr. Rodgers' Morale of the Day" to be taught with a heavy slant always towards the left, that would keep Mr Rodgers wardrobe of cardigans stocked until he died. That's not what I paid to learn.

All I'm saying is that "for better, or for worse" that class would have been taught much different under different, unbiased "leadership".

Who knows Wish... Maybe there are some individual troop leaders across the nation underhandedly passing along information to the kids not in the "curriculum"?

Maybe there's external incentives to promote such ideas?

All I can say is there has been no statement more true to Mankind than "Where There is a Will, There is a Way".....

From my experience, the most powerful ways of swaying "Will" the last 30 years in this country are Financially, Racially, and Sexually..... and boy, do they seem to have that system down pat...

Wrap your tendrils around one of those aspects of a person and you've got them right where you want them. Somehow manage to wrap around all 3, you might as well be the second coming of the Messiah.....


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 6:02 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wishimay:
This one isn't in Indiana, but still just as wacky.

I don't get it. At all. I mean, she's dead! What are they trying to accomplish??

I love Wednesdays, they always have the best news then...

I hear some Satanists are working to un-baptize Romney's daddy and Santorum's dead baby. Maybe they'll have as much success as these whackadoos did...

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy






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