UPDATED: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 13:14
VIEWED: 1870
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012 12:54 PM


I give up! Wishimay can have this #@%&ing thread too!


Friday, March 16, 2012 1:04 PM


SPCA International ( ), a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing animal
suffering and abuse internationally, is working to rescue 12 combat pets and reunite them with
the U.S. soldiers who cared for and loved them
while serving overseas. =>



Friday, March 16, 2012 1:11 PM




Friday, March 16, 2012 2:02 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oonj, that's been going on for a long, longtime. There are other organizations doing so, as well. I've posted a few of the stories (like one rescued and sent home to the family of the guy who rescued him--who died in combat--and how much it meant to them). ANY dog or cat rescued from Afghanistan is a damned blessing, believe have no idea and I won't upset anyone by describing it.

I'm glad they're still at it!


Saturday, March 17, 2012 12:23 PM


      I posted that as a "Cheer up!" Good news.

In a time when I see our rights being thrown out the window like so much confetti, I want
to start acting like a responsible adult and get to work.
      But it's really depressing, too, and I found myself getting mad and snarky lately.
Some of the pervasive crap expressed on this board also gets to me.



Saturday, March 17, 2012 6:34 PM


        Girl Scouts of America’s 100th Birthday

"What is especially important about the Girl Scouts’ rich history of supporting women’s
leadership is their insistence on being a voice for all girls, regardless of their background
or neighborhood. Founder Juliette Gordon Low’s first 18 Girl Scouts included girls from
influential Savannah families, as well as girls from the Female Orphan Asylum and Con-
gregation Mickve Israel. As early as 1917 the first African-American troops were established,
as well as troops for disabled girls. One of the earliest Latina troops was formed in Houston
in 1922; Girl Scout troops supported Japanese-American girls in internment camps in the
1940s, and by the 1950s, Girl Scouts was leading the charge to fully integrate all of its


Sunday, March 18, 2012 10:03 AM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
&. nbsp

What is ZAT?

Yer computer got a tic, or am I missin' something?? All your posts on the Alpha FF site have that all over it...But there isn't any on the Beta site....


Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:01 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Good girl for posting something uplifting. Don't let this place get you down, PLEEEEZE, it's always been this way (from what I hear, only been here a couple of years myself) and believe it or not, it's MUCH better than many others. And we need the good voices to help us COMBAT the shit AND there are some really, really good people here.


Just to give you a peek, I was reeely bummed about the Gulf Spill and in late 2010 had a possibility of being able to go along with a local wildlife rehab organization (where I used to volunteer) to help clean birds. It was through IBRRC (International Bird Rescue and Rehabilitation--a world famous group whose leader happens to be the guy who was running the wildlife rehab organization when I worked there). They would provide room and board for two weeks' work cleaning birds.

I really wanted to go (I've done bird rescue before and helped out with beach cleanup when we had a recent oil spill), but it would have been quite a wait, as they were sending small groups each couple of weeks and I was low on the list). While I was waiting I bumped across another opportunity, the only problem was you had to get yourself there and pay your own room and board. I was grousing about it here on FFF when--I think it was Anthony?--first suggested the guys here take up a collection and SEND me there! And they actually did it! I found two roommates through the organization, who wanted to share the hotel room, and spent almost two glorious weeks in September of 2010 scootching along on my butt in the mud planting marsh grasses. It was something I'll never forget and for which I will always be grateful to them. How many places do you think that would happen? So trust me, these are very special folk with big hearts, and they're worth hanging around for despite the bullshit.

I ended up not being able to spend the entire two weeks--at the time I was recovering from achilles tendonitis and was worried about worsening it. So I came home two days early, which bummed me out. Nonetheless, there are hundreds of grasses growing in Big Marsh, just across the bay from New Orleans, which my grubby little hands planted.

LACOMBE, La.-- On land, in water and within the muck: plugs of marsh grass planted on the Northshore that could end up helping restore marshes hit by the oil spill on the Southshore.

"The fact that I'm not cleaning up oil right now really doesn't matter," said Bonnie Blomberg, a volunteer from Oregon. "I feel good about doing this and it also helps about getting the word out."

On Wednesday morning dozens of volunteers fanned out to plant marsh grasses at the Big Branch National Wildlife Refuge in Lacombe. It is part of an ongoing marsh restoration project in that area.

"This is a classic example of making new land," said refuge manager Danny Breaux, with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Hurricane Katrina wiped out 2,500 acres of marsh at the refuge, creating open water where there had once been land. An aggressive restoration effort that began in 2008 undid some of that damage and recreated 600 acres of marsh.

"It benefited more than what the project itself was intended," Breaux said.

Now, the benefit could reach beyond the borders of the refuge -- all the way down to coastal marshes affected by the spill. Even though the replanted area was not directly impacted by the oil spill, it could help places that were by creating a living lab and a potential source of vegetation. The two-week effort to replant marsh at Big Branch will end up including 700 volunteers and 70,000 plugs of marsh grass.

"People get interested, they want to help with the oil spill and this is kind of an off-shoot of that," said Joy Yoshina, a volunteer who came in from Baton Rouge.

Once the marsh grasses take root, seedlings are expected to be harvested here and planted in coastal areas with similar tidal basins. The project has been successful so far and it has attracted the attention of a number of federal officials, including Dr. Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She spent part of Wednesday planting marsh grasses with the volunteers.
was my roommate and I did a weekend working with Danny on the refuge itself. In case you doubt me:

Me with my two roommates (I forget the other girl's name, she was only there for three days)

Bonnie and I on the boat heading out

Gleeful me, my first time out on one of the marsh boats

Loading the marsh boats with grasses

The bags of marsh grasses we planted (each of us did about a bag a day)

My team at work

Danny (who drove us out every morning to the boats and with whom I did one Saturday's work on the reserve

One day's home base from out in the water

"Home base" from where we planted--changed every day as we planted in different areas

My feet (complete with ankle brace) after a couple of hours in the marsh muck

Me on our one day off (Sunday) when Bonnie and I went into New Orleans
The t-shirt is one someone designed about FF--I wore Serenity T-shirts every day, and met several other browncoats, the best of which was Jennifer, our team leader who was an absolute gas and I adored:

(Notice I have a Serenity t-shirt on)

A chunk of oil Bonnie and I found that afternoon on the beach

I was there for my birthday--which turned out to be the first day I couldn't work because of my ankle. It really bummed me out, but Bonnie (and Choey back here at home) insisted I do SOMETHING, so I took a swamp tour. It was gorgeous, the water was totally covered in places (and yes, that's WATER under all that green!):

We saw lots of wildlife, mostly crocks of course:

And this little guy, who jumped right out of the water onto me!

On our way out to base, and an idea of what we planted looks like by now (they say it fills in COMPLETELY in a couple of years)

I've even got video:

On the way out in the air boat:

This one's crummy...wind was always blowing (which kept us cool, thank gawd!) so you can't hear me. We planted on land as well as in the water; I preferred being on my butt in the water, but this was the one day I worked on land.

So when these guys piss you off, remember of what they are capable!

(Sorry guys to duplicate all this stuff, but I want any who have come here since then to know what big hearts you have! So pat yourselves on the back--I don't figure anyone got this far unless they cared)


Sunday, March 18, 2012 1:05 PM


Originally posted by Oonjerah: &. nbsp
Quote WishImay: "What is ZAT? Yer computer got a tic, or am I missin' something??"

I am guessing: could be your browser? My own browser doesn't display my posts thataway.

It is   -- it's HTML for a space. I been using 'em to indent.


Sunday, March 18, 2012 1:16 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Oonjerah:
Originally posted by Oonjerah: &. nbsp
Quote WishImay: "What is ZAT? Yer computer got a tic, or am I missin' something??"

I am guessing: could be your browser? My own browser doesn't display my posts thataway.

It is &nb-sp; ... remove hyphen, it's HTML for a space. I been using 'em to indent.


I also see strange character strings when you post.



Note to self: Mr. Raptor believes that women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.

Reference thread:

Never forget what this man is. You keep forgiving him his trespasses and speak to him as though he is a reasonable human being. You keep forgetting the things he's advocated. If you respond to this man again, you are being foolish.


Sunday, March 18, 2012 1:26 PM


Hmmm. OK then ... if I totally need more space(s), will use a small, black .jpg.

Thanks for letting me know, guys.


Monday, March 19, 2012 8:57 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I've been seeing those too Oonjerah, I was just trying to ignore them because I didn't know whether others could see them too and I didn't want to say anything if I was the only one finding them.

I knew about that Niki because Byte was telling me but it was fun to see your pictures there. I wasn't here yet, though she was patiently already trying to get me to come over here to hang out. I finally gave in and I'm glad I did it.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:14 PM


Judith Tebbutt freed after plane drops ransom

"Briton kidnapped by Somali pirates in September was
released after her family raised £820,000 ransom."






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