The amazing liars this year

UPDATED: Friday, March 23, 2012 06:50
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Friday, March 23, 2012 6:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

This election cycle has astonished me in more ways than one, but the blatant lies coming out of the candidates' mouths are probably what shock me the most. I can't find a specific list of Newt's lies in a quick search (tho' if you google "Gingrich's lies" you can find many), but where Santorum and Romney are concerned:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich caused a brief stir by matter-of-factly telling a TV interviewer that Romney is a "liar."

"Why are you saying he's a liar?" his apparently shocked interlocutor pressed. The notion that Mitt Romney routinely makes statements lacking a factual basis should not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the campaign. On the left, Paul Krugman has marveled that no other candidate has ever "lied so freely, with so little compunction." On the right, The American Conservative's Daniel Larison wondered about why he lies, concluding that the former Massachusetts governor is "so contemptuous of the people he tells lies to that he never thinks he will be found out."

"100,000 new jobs." Romney has repeatedly claimed that during his tenure at Bain Capital, "net-net, we created over 100,000 jobs." His campaign defends the figure by tallying the current employment totals of some companies Bain aided. That's a stretch in and of itself, but it's also not a net figure. It lacks the balancing context of how many jobs were destroyed by Bain. As the Los Angeles Times reported in December, while Bain helped some companies grow, "Romney and his team also maximized returns by firing workers, seeking government subsidies, and flipping companies quickly for large profits. Sometimes Bain investors gained even when companies slid into bankruptcy."

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal looked closely at Bain's record under Romney and found that 22 percent "either filed for bankruptcy or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses." Which is not really terribly surprising: Bain's raison d'etre is not job creation but wealth creation for its investors. As Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler noted in an article Monday calling Romney's "100,000 jobs" figure "untenable," Romney and Bain "never could have raised money from investors if the prospectus seeking $1-million investments from the super wealthy had said it would focus on creating jobs."

As a corollary, when Romney's record has been criticized, he has dismissed criticisms as an attempt to "put free enterprise on trial." It's not an attack on free enterprise. It's an attack on Romney's strained attempt to spin his successful record of wealth-creation into one of job-creation. It's also a recognition that while a net good, the free market has its destructive side—and it's a fair question to ask, whether voters consider experience in that sort of vulture capitalism as a good qualification for the presidency. Do they want government to be run more like that kind of business?

Obama's jobs record. By Romney's own logic (touting jobs created but ignoring jobs lost), his attacks on President Obama's economic record are nonsensical. He told Time that Obama "has not created any new jobs," and he told Fox News last week that Obama has "lost" 2 million jobs as president. This is indeed a net figure, but also a misleading one. When Obama took office, the economy was shedding jobs at a rate of nearly 1 million jobs per month, losing roughly 3 million during the first four months of 2009. But presidential policies don't take effect as soon as the incoming chief takes his oath. Once Obama's policies started to take effect, the trend turned. The country had added 3.2 million private sector jobs over the course of 22 straight months of private sector growth. By Romney's definition, the president has created more than 3 million jobs—not enough, but also not none.

"Entitlement society." Romney has argued that Obama "is replacing our merit-based, opportunity society with an entitlement society," where "everyone is handed the same rewards, regardless of education, effort, and willingness to take risk." As New York's Jonathan Chait has observed, "This accusation is approximately as accurate as claiming that the Republican Party wants to pass laws forbidding poor people from making more money." The idea that President Obama (or any Democrat) advocates for equality of outcomes simply lacks a basis in fact.

It's an important fabrication, because it marks a turning point in Romney's attacks on Obama. Previously the president was characterized as ineffectual, but not a socialist. Forced to battle to win the GOP primaries, Romney has adopted the Tea Party's extremist rhetoric. It won't play with swing voters, even delivered in his polished drone.

Defense cuts. In an October speech on national security, Romney promised to "reverse President Obama's massive defense cuts." One problem: Pentagon spending has gone up under Obama, from $594 billion in 2008 to $666 billion. The 2011 request was for $739 billion. As Rick Perry would say, "Oops."

No apologies. Romney has said that Obama "went around the world and apologized for America." This is part of the conservative, dog-whistle meme that Obama is un-American (and possibly even a foreigner!). While the notion of an international apology tour is a staple of the conservative case against Obama, it is also fictitious. The Washington Post's fact-checker concluded that "the claim that Obama repeatedly has apologized for the United States is not borne out by the facts, especially if his full quotes are viewed in context." Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology from Romney on this one.

"Mitt." It's a small one, but might be my favorite. During a debate in November, when moderator Wolf Blitzer introduced himself by saying that "Wolf" is really his first name, Romney greeted the audience by saying, "I'm Mitt Romney, and yes, Wolf, that's also my first name." In fact, Willard is his first name. It's a lie notable for being so mundane: Why would someone fudge their name? It's almost as if he can't control himself. an amazing thing to watch. Of course ALL politicians spin, rationalize or just flat-out lie, but Romney has taken it to new heights. The "Netherlands euthenasia" thing really gobsmacked me; he went on and on about it, and every single word was a bald-faced lie, but it didn't bother him one whit.

The man has a giant category of lies...not just shading or spinning, but total lies. Here is a list, compiled by someone who has categorized them all over time:

Here is Romney lying about his own first name:

Here is Romney lying about defense spending and falsely claiming Obama has made "huge" cuts in the defense budget:

Here is Romney's staff gloating about his TV ad lying about Obama and the economy:

Here is Romney's outrageous lie that Obama has increased the national debt more than all other presidents combined:

Here is Romney's lie about his plans to give huge tax cuts to people like himself:

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama's so-called "Apology Tour":

Here is Romney's lie about his father and Martin Luther King:

Here is Romney's astonishing, brazen lie that President Obama is responsible for ALL the job losses in the recession:

Here is Romney caught lying by Rachel Maddow about his "Obama made the recession worse" remarks:

Here is Romney lying about the activities of his SuperPac in Iowa:

Here is Romney's shockingly brazen lie that President Obama's objective is "equal outcomes" for all people:

Here's Romney in full, lying sociopath mode after his win in New Hampshire:

Here is Romney lying about his record on gay rights:

Here is Romney lying about the President's healthcare law:

Here is Romney's lie about the President's so-called policy of "appeasement":

Here is how Romney's lies fit into a general pattern of sociopathy:

Here is Romney lying right to David Corn's face about something Romney said that Corn heard PERSONALLY:

Here is Romney lying about President Obama's trade policies:

Here is Romney lying about the "savings" that would come from repealing the healthcare law:

Here is a CONSERVATIVE commentator talking about the tissue of pathetic lies that is Mitt Romney's stump speech:

Here is Romney AGAIN lying about Obama's defense policy:

Here is Romney lying about his "regular guy" status, including his AMAZING lie that he has feared getting a "pink slip" notice himself:

Here is Romney claiming that anyone who questions his business tactics is "attacking the free enterprise system":

Here is Jon Stewart nailing Romney's lies and deceptions about the tax code:

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama having "raised" the corporate tax rate:

Here is Romney claiming he pays a 50%(!!) tax rate:

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama and rocket attacks against Israel:

Here are Romney's lies about his "job creator" record:

Here is Romney's BLATANT lie that Gingrich "outspent him" in South Carolina:

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama's record on regulations, a lie of ASTONISHING magnitude:

Here is Romney lying about social programs that aid the poor:

Here is Romney lying about his "blind trust":

Here is Romney attempting to take credit for an auto bailout he OPPOSED:

Here is Romney lying about his intentions for Social Security and Medicare:

Here's Romney lying about the birth control ruling:

Here's an item about the vicious, lying, right-wing hitman that Romney has hired to spread lies about Willard's opponents:

Here's Romney CONTINUING to tell the lie that "Obama made the recession worse":

Here's Romney calling himself "moderate" and "progressive" in 2002:

Here's Romney lying about his position on climate change:

Here's Romney lying about his "Mexican" background and his jobs record:

Here's Romney lying about Medicare:

Here's Romney trying to rewrite the history of the auto bailout AGAIN:

Here's Romney lying about defense policy in general and the Navy in particular:

Here is Romney's lying claim that he has never changed his position on immigration:

Here is Romney's incredibly vicious lie that President Obama has "fought against religion":

Here is Romney lying about sanctions on Iran:

Here is Romney's fictional account of his time as governor of Massachusetts:

Here are Romney's INCREDIBLE lies about his record on abortion rights:

Here's Romney lying about his own "memories":

Here's Romney caught lying, on videotape:

Here's Romney's lie about President Obama being a "crony capitalist":

Here's Romney lying about Obama and Iran--AGAIN:

Here's Romney's utterly dishonest taxation and budgetary proposals:

Here's Romney lying about Obama and Medicare AGAIN:
there's Santorum. Rather than list his lies, I'll just detail the one that shocked me most. I'll never forget the gasp of amazement heard on the video by those listening (and believing) when Romney did his "Netherlands" bullshit.

Rick Santorum grossly mischaracterized euthanasia practices in the Netherlands during an appearance at a faith conference. He overstated the rate of euthanasia and falsely claimed that the elderly are being killed against their will and wear “do not euthanize me” bracelets:

¦ Santorum claimed legal euthanasia is responsible for “10 percent of all deaths for the Netherlands.” Government statistics show euthanasia is climbing, but represented only 2.3 percent in 2010, according to the most recent data.

¦ Santorum added that half of the people euthanized were killed “involuntarily.” A representative of the Royal Dutch Medical Association said “there are no forced cases of euthanasia.” Dutch euthanasia review boards found nine cases in 2010 where doctors “had not acted in accordance with the due care criteria,” mostly for how the procedure was performed — not because it was against anyone’s will.

¦ Santorum claimed the Dutch elderly wear bracelets that say “do not euthanize me,” but the Dutch government and medical association say no such bracelets exists. Santorum “might be confused with a ‘do not resuscitate’ bracelet or necklace” worn by some patients, a medical association representative said.

Santorum discussed euthanasia in the Netherlands during a Feb. 3 forum at the Grace Bible Church in Columbia, Mo. Dr. James C. Dobson, who has endorsed Santorum, moderated the discussion. Dobson is the founder of Focus on the Family, a Christian organization:

Santorum, Feb. 3: In the Netherlands people wear a different bracelet if you’re elderly and the bracelet is ‘do not euthanize me.’ Because they have voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands, but half the people who are euthanized every year, and it’s 10 percent of all deaths for the Netherlands, half of those people are euthanized involuntarily at hospitals because they are older and sick. And so elderly people in the Netherlands don’t go to the hospital, they go to another country, because they are afraid, because of budget purposes, that they will not come out of that hospital if they go in with sickness.
These comments “prompted a furious backlash” in the Netherlands, the International Business Times reported. And for good reason.

First, let’s review the law. The 2001 Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act allows Dutch citizens to end their lives if they are suffering from a medical condition that causes “unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement.” There are two end-of-life procedures: euthanasia, where a doctor administers a fatal drug, or assisted suicide, where the doctor prescribes the fatal drug and the patient administers it. The law took effect on April 1, 2002.

According to a publication distributed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, doctors must be satisfied that the patient’s request is “voluntary and well-considered,” and that there is “unbearable suffering with no prospect for improvement.” The patient’s doctor must consult at least one other independent doctor, who is responsible for ensuring the “due care criteria” is met.

After the termination of a patient’s life, the death must be reported to the government and reviewed by regional committees composed of, at a minimum, a doctor, ethicist and legal expert.

Now, let’s look at Santorum’s three claims. We’ll begin with a stunning claim that the elderly are so afraid of being euthanized for “budget purposes” that they wear “do not euthanize me” bracelets. We were told by a government official and a representative of a Dutch physicians’ association that this is simply not true.

When we contacted the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, public health spokeswoman Inge Freriksen told us that “a bracelet asking not to be euthanized doesn’t exist.” Patients would only be euthanized after they followed the set of guidelines as outlined above.

Gert van Dijk of the Royal Dutch Medical Association told us the same thing.

“There are no bracelets for people who don’t want to be euthanized. Mr. Santorum might be confused with a ‘do not resuscitate’ bracelet or necklace,” van Dijk told us in an email. (That may be, but we don’t know. The Santorum campaign did not get back to us.)

The government recognizes a DNR medallion, which includes the name, date of birth, signature and photograph of the bearer, as fulfilling “all the statutory requirements for a written directive,” a government website says.

“These are sometimes worn by people who do not want to be resuscitated when they for instance have a heart attack in the street. Surely you must have these in the U.S. as well?” van Dijk said. “Recently, there is one hospital which is experimenting with this type of DNR bracelet for patients who do not want to be resuscitated whilst they are in the hospital. So people are not afraid of euthanasia, they are sometimes afraid of being resuscitated against their will.”

Santorum’s statistics aren’t close to being true, either.

His claim that euthanasia accounts for 10 percent of all deaths in the Netherlands brought an audible gasp from some in the audience. But that’s more than four times the actual rate.

In 2010, there were 3,136 cases of euthanasia, assisted suicide or a combination of both, according to the 2010 annual report by the Regional Euthanasia Review Committees. That’s 2.3 percent of the 136,058 total deaths in the Netherlands in 2010, government statistics show.

The 3,136 euthanasia cases represented a 19 percent jump from the previous year and the first time that the rate has exceeded 2 percent since the law took effect. “The cause of this continuing increase in the number of [right-to-death] notifications from year to year is not known,” the report said.

Van Dijk, of the medical association, emailed us a chart that showed the rate had been below 2 percent for the first eight years that the law had been in place. It was 1.32 percent in 2002. But by 2009, 2,636 people, or 1.96 percent of all deaths, chose to terminate their lives, the medical association’s data show.

Even further off the mark is Santorum’s claim that “half the people who are euthanized every year … are euthanized involuntarily.” According to the regional review board’s 2010 annual report, only nine doctors “were found not to have acted in accordance with the criteria.” In five of those cases, it was the way in which euthanasia or assisted suicide was performed that caused concern — not whether the patient had properly consented. The report also says that 81 percent of the Dutch who decided to end their lives in 2010 were suffering from cancer.

“There are no forced cases of euthanasia,” van Dijk said. “Euthanasia can only be performed when there is a voluntary request from the patient and the patient is suffering unbearably. An independent physician has to check this beforehand, and an independent commission checks afterwards. There are very stringent criteria in place.”

As in other countries, doctors who kill patients against their will are criminally prosecuted.

(NOTE: Since the release of the video there were a couple of conservative articles that supported Santorum's comments. Instead of bracelets they carry around cards. There are conservative devout Christians in the Netherlands that oppose euthanization. So what they do is carry around these "cards", not because they're honestly scared that if they didn't have the card they would be unwillingly euthanizes, but because they want to make a political statement.)

That's just one example, but it's an incredibly gross one. I'll leave you to google Santorum's other lies on your own, too.

My point is: Why are they allowed to get away with this blatant stuff?? The thing that gets me most is that most of the time nobody CALLS them on their obvious lies, and what that says about our election standards these days. Like I said, to be clear, all pols lie, candidates more than any other. And I am in no way saying Obama hasn't lied. But these are absolutely amazing and those listening to them swallow them whole, never knowing better!






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