The military and PTSD

UPDATED: Sunday, March 25, 2012 20:14
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Friday, March 23, 2012 8:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Sweat poured down my face as I heard the cracking of bullets over my head. My platoon was making its way back to our remote outpost in the middle of a Taliban controlled district in Kandahar when machine-gun fire rang out from the east. My soldiers dove behind trees and compounds to take cover and return fire. I slid feverishly into a ditch and called up to headquarters, rolling my eyes at a day that just would not end. As I finished my radio transmission, I saw a little girl about 7 years old kneeling ten yards down from me. She wore a red shawl over her head with her fingernails digging into her lips, crying frantically. With my left hand on my radio, I took my right hand out of my trigger well, and held the girl’s shoulder gently. The fight ended, and I motioned I motioned for the girl to run home while she had soldiers out to protect her.

When I read about Staff Sergeant Robert Bales’ alleged massacre in Panjwai, just a few kilometers from that firefight, I thought about that little girl. I wonder how any grown man—an American soldier nonetheless—could stare down eleven children and even consider pulling a trigger. It pains me to think that, perhaps even some of the children I helped in Kandahar would have been among the victims. My heart fills with hate toward this man, as do most Americans’.

But our generation of fighters is lucky enough to live in a society that is at least tolerant of our servicemembers, if not passionately enthusiastic about us. Our military has had several soldiers engage in inhumane acts in combat over the past decade. But for the most part, our culture understands that these isolated incidents don’t represent the 99% of soldiers who are good-hearted people that have served honorably. And if we solely analyze this as an issue of character, then of course I wholeheartedly agree. But the problem is that this incident, and the ones that may occur in the future, are not simply issues of character, but of post-traumatic stress. And through this lens, I fear the “isolated incident” argument may leave several soldiers neglected.

Since I came home from Afghanistan, I’ve personally struggled through life altering post-traumatic stress. I went through phases of nightmares, severe temper problems, and anti-social behavior. I distanced myself from my parents, and neglected my health. My outlook on life became cynical and toxic. I was an angry person to be around. And I only did one tour. More importantly, I’ve had plenty of time to realign my life, and I’m finally taking better care of myself. Had I stayed on the traditional Army career path, I would have been back on a plane to Afghanistan a few months ago, undoing months of progress, and deepening the crevices in my emotional life.

Robert Bales was on his fourth tour in combat. I know the gravity of this commitment does not register with most people. It’s not simply a “one year on, one year off” arrangement. When you come home, some units get 30 days leave; some units in 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division (Bales’ unit) received only two weeks when they came home in 2010 according to a colleague who served in Iraq with them. When work starts again, NCOs like Bales show up to their American posts between 5:30-6:00 a.m. Then come the Battalion field exercises and Brigade field exercises which each require weeks of training away from home. Then most units will spend a month at Fort Irwin, California or Fort Polk, Louisiana for a final pre-deployment exercise. That whole “one-year off” is not much of a break for any soldier, nor their families. With so much time away from home and focused on war, spouses leave, children suffer, and mental health deteriorates.

Is it possible for a man or woman to endure a decade’s worth of deployment cycles and not commit such terrible crimes? Of course, plenty have. But can we say the same of the hundreds of thousands Iraq and Afghanistan veterans coming home over the next five years? Our service members are not machines. They are a cross section of American society; a cross-section of humanity. The question is, what are we as American society going to do to care for our veterans’ mental health to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again? What will we do to channel the anger inside the hearts and souls of our veterans through healthy outlets, so their rage is not directed at civilians in theater, nor their friends and families back home?

If there is any good that can come from this horrible tragedy, I hope that it is a reinvigorated debate on the mental health screening our soldiers undergo upon return. During my first week back from combat, I sat through a dozen powerpoint lectures on substance abuse, aggressive driving, and services on post. I’m confident most of my soldiers and I were playing with our new smartphones and texting our families during most of the briefings as our attention spans were still in combat- mode. I took about eight different surveys asking me questions like, “Did you experience lethal fire in theater? Did you see fellow service members or local nationals injured or killed in combat?” On my fourth day back, I sat down for fifteen minutes of actual counseling. It was the first time a real human being had asked me how I was feeling. and I said whatever I needed to get back to my unit. I had slipped through the cracks, as did many of my peers and soldiers.

Had my girlfriend and mother not stepped in, I’d still be in a dark place in my life. You cannot screen for mental health with a surveys or powerpoint briefs alone, but need not just a personal but a local touch. This means getting trained mental health specialists at the company or even platoon level, so a trusting relationship can grow between the counselor and the soldier over time. This also means empowering friends and family to encourage their service members into seeking help. It means fighting against the alpha-male currents of traditional combat, and having junior officers and senior NCOs allow and encourage their soldiers to get the treatment they need.

But at the end of the day, there is only so much the military can do. There are already hundreds of thousands of veterans who are discharged, spread out across the country. Although these vets have no commanding officer to influence them, their families and communities can still make a change in their lives. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were fought with our institutions; but the fight for veteran welfare will be won at home.
said, and he's right on, but I still say the military has a responsibility to these soldiers in many ways they're dodging. As he mentioned, longer time between tours would help. But I think the usual military mentality of soldiers as pawns continues to get in the way:

The Army diagnosed 76,176 soldiers with PTSD between 2000 and 2011. Of those 65,236 soldiers were diagnosed at some stage of their deployment.

Many returned to the battlefield after mental health providers determined their treatment worked and their symptoms had gone into remission, Army officials and mental health professionals who treat troops say. The Army does not track the exact number in combat diagnosed with PTSD nor those who are in combat and taking medicine for PTSD.
Military officials say they have to rely on their mental health experts to decide whether someone is mentally fit to go back into war, and they cannot make a blanket policy of not redeploying troops diagnosed with PTSD. The provider makes a recommendation, but the ultimate decision to deploy a soldier rests with the unit commander.

Army Secretary John McHugh told Congress this week that "we have in the military writ large over 50,000 folks in uniform who have had at least four deployments." Some have served double-digit deployments, where they witnessed traumatic events.
It also depends on the severity of the PTSD, which can last anywhere from months to years.

Some troops treated for PTSD yearn to return to the battlefield where they feel more comfortable surrounded by their fellow troops and on a mission than in the unsettling quiet of their home life, mental health professionals say.
Critics say the Army has a history of bandaging the problem and rushing troops back into combat by loading them up on prescription drugs. Military courts also do not recognize PTSD as a legitimate defense, said attorney Geoffrey Nathan who has represented a number of court martialed troops.

"They're still in a state of denial as to what combat soldiers go through in the field of battle," Nathan said.
Treatment can result in cure for some patients with PTSD, but more often results in improvement in symptoms and functioning, not a complete cure, according to the Army. PTSD can recur after treatment on exposure to other traumatic events or stressors. According to some studies, up to 80 percent of people with PTSD also suffer from another psychiatric disorder, making it challenging to make an accurate diagnosis.
the military still isn't trying as hard as it could, by far, to take care of it's veterans with PTSD.

Anyone paying attention to veterans’ issues has heard horror stories from veterans who attempted to gain service connection for PTSD despite possessing medals and records showing their unit came under hostile fire in Iraq and Afghanistan. My friend Jim is one of these. Once denied, many of these veterans give up on the appeals process because it forces them to revisit the trauma every time the issue is revisited.

It used to be FAR worse, with the military in complete denial. But we've still got a ways to go if we want our soldiers to have the teh same rights and treatment as regular citizens, in my opoinion.


Friday, March 23, 2012 9:14 AM


Ya know, I think part of the problem is that we hit the bottom of the barrel a while ago... I know several people who went and they were crazy WHEN THEY LEFT...I'm really surprised this hasn't happened MORE...

I've also seen what happens when they come home (4 hr trips to the VAHospital only to have appointments cancelled when they've already left, one weekend seminar for PTSD and you are on your own, like that will do anything...) and I know people who have come home messed up and still feel like they have to go back because they become institutionalized like they were in concentration camps, as one I know was forced to live off things like goat meat and whatever people back home shipped ...

And I think a big part of the problem is they don't know how messed up they are until they come home and then realize they aren't the same and they aren't coping... by then they are out of the system, and there's a whole new batch of emotionally crippled to deal with...

There are days just being female and out here in the boondocks with the idiots makes me just loose it for a while...I can't imagine what being there for a few years would be like....

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to fix this...and I'm not convinced that a truckload of therapists could make some people I know who haven't been there be better, let alone the ones that have... Sometimes time is all there is to it, sometimes not... and there is no way to tell the difference as guys- especially soldiers are notorious for not letting people in... Can't fix THAT either...

I'm smelling a whole lotta "can't fix that" coming offa this plan...


Friday, March 23, 2012 9:35 AM


This whole subject give me nightmares.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Friday, March 23, 2012 1:45 PM


I used to do out-counselling and decompression into civilian life psych-work for these poor bastards, but not any more.

That was a hard, hard decision for me to make, but past a certain point people have not the excuse of ignorance going in, so while I do feel some sympathy it ain't a whole lot - the same kind you might have for an idiot friend who shoots his own toes off in a drunken snit while you're trying to reason with him.

Plus, the notion of the very real chance that these same poor bastards within my own lifetime, could be gunning down civvies makes me unwilling to offer any aid and comfort despite my natural impulse to do so - to hell if I am going to assist folk who've *proven* that they will without so much as a blink, disarm us, herd us into camps or blow us away on the orders of those in power.

I feel sorry for them, I really do - but I will not, CAN NOT, give any assistance to folks who see me as their next potential target, dirty-lazy-civvie-terror-commie-symp that needs put in their place and all that rot filling their brains before you even dig deep enough to hit the PTSD.

My advice would be a collective lawsuit against the military - NOT because of combat actions, but because their training, conditioning and indoctrination sets them up for PTSD, mentally weakens them and opens them up to it while providing little to no actual readiness or skill improvement.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, March 23, 2012 3:03 PM


Military budget may be a tad off balance. Too much money for war,
Not enough for the devastation it leaves behind.


Saturday, March 24, 2012 7:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wish, yes; everything I read said suffering from PTSD wouldn't be enough to send him over the edge, and numerous p-docs are speculating that he had something else going on.

And yes, hasn't it always been the way, that the money put out when they come home is a pittance compared to that invested in the war? Something about soldiers as pawns, not exactly the priorities where the military has EVER been concerned...and not just our military. Would it were not so.


Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:14 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Unfortunately when there is war there are going to be a portion of the soldiers who get PTSD. :( I agree that more money needs to be spent on taking care of our veterans, more of the military budget needs to go to that. I suspect, like Niki, that PTSD isn't the only thing going on with this guy who killed all those people, though its likely it was a factor. Its true that people with PTSD can and do do things while suffering that they don't mean to do, but this case is just wayyyyyyy out there. I think this guy may be one of those folk who like to kill, my great uncle, who most likely had antisocial personality disorder, fought in WWII and was an _amazing warrior, I mean he liked killing so he pummeled those crouts. But if things had gone differently he was the type who could have done something really awful like this.

I think part of the reason we have so many folks coming home with PTSD is because they don't have transition and processing time between battle and coming home. In WWII guys would take a while after fighting to settle down and process, they'd go somewhere to wait a bit and debrief and relax with their comrades and then, after that, they'd go home. We send our soldiers through what little debriefing there is too fast and then they get home and its like, woa. Of course they want to get home as soon as possible, all soldiers do, but that processing time, I believe, is really important. Also historically lots of cultures had certain things you'd do after war to prepare yourself emotionally for transitioning back to your family, whether that was a cleansing ceremony with the shaman or a period of waiting and making yourself connect with your God or gods as the case may be.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise






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