School Cops - more trouble than they're worth ?

UPDATED: Friday, April 27, 2012 14:55
VIEWED: 1556
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Thursday, April 12, 2012 10:37 AM


I've noted the recent phenom of installing officers directly into schools, and so far as I have been able to determine there's been no positive affect from this, instead a series of endless petty abuses, sexual assaults, outright arrests for ordinary conduct, and on top of that a whole bunch of crap like this...

Students hospitalized after pepper spray incident at a Pine Bluff junior high school


Superintendent Jerry Payne confirmed a school resource officer did spray and said he did it to force students inside classrooms. Payne said the students took too long to get to class, so the officer pointed the spray toward the ground, not at students.

Throw in the rash of taserings, beatings and ludicrous arrests, and then contrast it with little if any improvement in safety, and I think this is a bad idea and needs to go.

Not helping is that the students do not see these goons as protectors or allies, but the iron fist of an establishment which they feel is abusive to them, so it's not completely the cops fault - we need to address the deeper issues as well, like how and why the students feel, often quite rightly, that the public school environment is abusive to them.



Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:41 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Uh oh. :(

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Monday, April 16, 2012 5:46 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
Throw in the rash of taserings, beatings and ludicrous arrests, and then contrast it with little if any improvement in safety, and I think this is a bad idea and needs to go.

Yep, I'm with you. Don't quite know how we went from one day needing a parent's consent to paddle- to the next it being OK to taser, handcuff, and pepperspray yer kid. Kid's circulatory and neurological systems aren't as equipped to handle that shit. If anything, the money needs to be spent on good shrinks that are trained to re-direct and diffuse. But that would mean admitting that kids aren't mini-adults to treat like they are all made of ticky-tacky... 'Cause then they would have to treat them as individuals *WHINE and that would take EFFORT*
I see so many messed up kids just in our little school. Girls that still use baby-talk at 11! They completely ignore most borderline kids with behavioral problems. One has been switched custody 3 times in three years. One dresses provocatively at 9 and in the middle of winter 'cause daddy thinks it's "cute". One girl had a broken leg and couldn't bring herself to say why (at least she was in a foster home) A third of 'em have at least one parent who's been jailed for meth....There one local guy who tried to hire a hitman on his ex today...

They need to go to problem kid's houses and TASER THE PARENTS!

I can't handle being there a lot. Kills me to not be able to do SOMETHING.

BTW, Riona. That was insightful. Thanks for that necessary contribution *facepalm...


Monday, April 16, 2012 6:34 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hi Wish, I was just trying to bump Frem's thread without actually saying "bump" because that seems less productive than what I did say, as unsubstantive as it was.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012 3:45 AM


Well, well, well...

A rather interesting turn of events on this one - I figure you're all well aware I yank the chains of local officials about this kinda stuff all the time, right ?
Hell, today I was gonna bash them over the head some more in regards to an officer in GA handcuffing a six year old for a common temper tantrum and charging them as well.

And an unexpected gauntlet was thrown - "You think YOU can do any better?!"
Oh thank you Captain Obvious.

Okay, mind you that despite my dislike of em, this ain't all the cops problem, cops ain't psychiatrists, and should not be placed in positions where they must be - wrong tool for the job, cause this is like using a jackhammer on thumbtacks, okay ?
Now yes they are poorly trained and do not have proper de-escalation skills, but THAT problem lies further up the chain than the individual officer and is another topic...

Anyhows, they'd like a proposal on the table, and imma work out formulatin one.
By now some of the older members of the "Socrates Club" have graduated and are either lookin for work, starting college or trade school, and that first group is of course struggling in a pretty bitter job market, so maybe we can nail more than one bird with this stone.

I've already put some thought into this, and what I would prefer to do is find an 18-19 year old from the same cultural and economic background as the students, put them in a spiffy but non-threatening uniform and present them as something closer to peacemaker/honest broker than authoritarian stormtrooper - with a chain of command that answers to the community rather than the school (Malek is gonna help out on this end, I think) with a more streamlined and flexible dispute resolution process.

That's gonna require more upfront training and investment than the norm, especially since imma call in some favors from professional arbitrators in regards to dispute resolution training, as in how to do it without compromising neutrality or authority - something I don't think I myself am qualified to teach...
But I think the end payoff might be worth it, we will see.
Mostly I think that if you can get them across to the students as "one of us" instead of "one of them", you can eliminate a helluva lot of problems on that front.

Work in progress, this...



Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:02 AM


I am very impressed w this effort on your part Frem. This feels to me like something that could actually make a difference to some kids. Not a huge percentage, mind, but every one helped is worthwhile.

I would expect that the idea of chain of command outside of the school/schoolboard authority is gonna be a tough sell. You probably know better than I do how unlikely it is that these people are going to give up a sliver of their power.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012 5:56 AM



Originally posted by BLUEHANDEDMENACE:
I am very impressed w this effort on your part Frem. This feels to me like something that could actually make a difference to some kids. Not a huge percentage, mind, but every one helped is worthwhile.

I would expect that the idea of chain of command outside of the school/schoolboard authority is gonna be a tough sell. You probably know better than I do how unlikely it is that these people are going to give up a sliver of their power.

Oh aye, and I already have a nefarious plan in the works on that front - simply point out that it removes them from the problem and question of RESPONSIBILITY...
Without mentioning they'll have to surrender power and authority in the process, and watch the short-sighted fools cut THEMSELVES out of the loop before they have time to think it over.

So far it's just a floated idea, and proposal-in-progress though, so I shall save that tactic for later.



Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:08 AM


We have an on-campus Cop at my school, and it has gone very well. All the kids know him, as do all the staff. We've never had a problem with him, but he has been very useful in monitoring everything from traffic at lunch (teen drivers are scary) to drug use at school.

All in all, he has been a benefit to our school. Of course, he's never tazed or peper-sprayed anyone here, either.

But then, I know better than to try and suggest to Frem that public school is not the bastion of PURE EVIL he has decided ALL schools are, so this probably isn't the thread for me...

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 5:22 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Kid's circulatory and neurological systems aren't as equipped to handle that shit.

Apparently, adults aren't capable of dealing with tazering either, especially when they tazer you until your heart stops...

Anybody keeping track of how many people have died to due to the "More humane" tazer?? I can think of a half-dozen off the top of my head...

BTW, good job Frem, keep at it


Thursday, April 19, 2012 3:29 AM



And an unexpected gauntlet was thrown - "You think YOU can do any better?!"

Hahaha, oh man. That's them just ASKIN' to eat crow.


I've already put some thought into this, and what I would prefer to do is find an 18-19 year old from the same cultural and economic background as the students (....) That's gonna require more upfront training and investment than the norm, especially since imma call in some favors from professional arbitrators in regards to dispute resolution training

Ooh. Shiny.


We have an on-campus Cop at my school, and it has gone very well.

Funny. We had a cop at my highschool, none of us ever saw the guy, he did precisely NOTHING... Until one day our student body quislings and the administration and this cop got together and decided, "hey, let's tell the kids they don't have to go to one of those boring school spirit and student officer election assemblies and that they can go home early, but then we close up all the parking lot entrances and have the cop arrest any students who try to leave the school grounds."

My friends and I were hungry and decided we wanted to go to a bagel shop about a block away because we didn't feel like having the school waste our time, and had to dodge the cop on foot (we were lucky, we saw his cop car before he saw us). When we figured out what was going on, we were pissed off enough that we called the local fire department about the possible fire and evacuation hazard, and they came over and ordered the school to open it up. But not before we saw some of the kids hook up a big pick-up to one of the gates and try to break the thing, and some other kids with four wheel drive try to escape through the brush.

And this wasn't exactly a bunch of delinquents, either, school was in a good area with a high grade point average. There is just only so much bullshit a person can put up with.


Thursday, April 19, 2012 4:59 AM


Wishimay ?
As of last Thursday - 522.

That is of course, not counting the ubiquitous phenomen of death by "Excited Delirum", which seemingly ONLY ever happens in police custody, usually after being Tased multiple times, and apparently contracted only from the back seats of patrol cruisers, since it never happens to the assholes in the front seat, does it now ?

It's also worth watching some vids of police tasing people, see that repeated reflex trigger yank, again and again and again ?
That's NOT a fluke, that is a conditioned REFLEX from doing this so often that their HABIT becomes to zap repeatedly, their way of delivering street justice to a perp (i.e. anyone not a cop) - something which Wayne county finally put the kibosh on via tamper-proof models with a camera attached, which IMMEDIATELY got one officer fired for kicking down the door of the guy humping his ex-girlfriend and repeatedly zapping him after disabling said attached camera...
Originally they tried to go with a model that had an internal counter, but before it was even issued cheat-sheets on how to reset or disable it showed up in the locker rooms, and the irony of that was when the copies were traced to origin, the printer in question belonged to the manufacturer of the damn things, which showed IMHO that they're kinda complicit in this shit.

Anyhow, ACCOUNTABILITY is the key to preventing those damn things from being abused, Wish - around here they don't have the counter-and-camera, but have to account for every trigger pull in much the same fashion as they do their service weapon, and as such are fairly reluctant to pull this crap, ESPECIALLY when there might be witnesses with cameras and/or me or rons phone # handy.
If they pull that shit here now, and their own department won't chew their ass, we certainly will.

Mind you, I'm a little more annoyed than usual with the boys in blue cause the local police union rep called me this morning and in vaguely threatening language suggested that I should forgo submitting that proposal and instead endorse the current system...
As you say might say Byte - what part of ASKIN FOR IT do these people not fucking understand ?

I do have one kid who actually hasn't quite graduated yet - who was freakin NOMINATED to me by other students cause he's something of a peacemaker type already (apparently he's buddist) and with that reccommendation in hand he's kind of a shoe-in for it, provided he says yes, which he might not...

Haven't talked to the arbitration guys yet cause I had to take Sophie (that classic BMW I bought) off to the shop where my hired mech can work the engine over for me, but I'll get to that in good time - right AFTER I load up an editorial for the local paper flaming the school cops just to yank the police unions chain a little bit more.
When you poke an angry bull.... best use a REALLY long stick.



Friday, April 27, 2012 8:44 AM


Rejected, out of hand, without discussion - and I am pretty sure most of em didn't even read it.
...and pretty sure one did, he was trying not to laugh the whole time, cause he KNOWS what's coming now.
As if I weren't well aware that they'd do so, that they weren't just goldbricking and trying to get me out of their hair for a while.

I doubt that the Yo-Yo I brought with me and was playing with as a hint meant anything to them either.



Friday, April 27, 2012 8:59 AM


Too bad for them, knowing you, you already have your contingency plans in place, ready to go. They honestly thought you wouldn't have gone over their heads or talked to the kids? They're seriously that bad at underestimating EVERYONE?

Only got one response to that: LOL.


Friday, April 27, 2012 10:00 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Funny. We had a cop at my highschool, none of us ever saw the guy, he did precisely NOTHING... Until one day our student body quislings and the administration and this cop got together and decided, "hey, let's tell the kids they don't have to go to one of those boring school spirit and student officer election assemblies and that they can go home early, but then we close up all the parking lot entrances and have the cop arrest any students who try to leave the school grounds."

My friends and I were hungry and decided we wanted to go to a bagel shop about a block away because we didn't feel like having the school waste our time, and had to dodge the cop on foot (we were lucky, we saw his cop car before he saw us). When we figured out what was going on, we were pissed off enough that we called the local fire department about the possible fire and evacuation hazard, and they came over and ordered the school to open it up. But not before we saw some of the kids hook up a big pick-up to one of the gates and try to break the thing, and some other kids with four wheel drive try to escape through the brush.

And this wasn't exactly a bunch of delinquents, either, school was in a good area with a high grade point average. There is just only so much bullshit a person can put up with.

I must admit, I find this hard to believe.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Friday, April 27, 2012 10:14 AM



I must admit, I find this hard to believe.

It happened. I can get you witnesses if you want, convince them to post on here. Some of them ARE Firefly fans after all, they'd fit in pretty well.

Actually... Hell. Maybe I should anyway. Never hurts to have new people in the community, and they are pretty awesome. Why didn't I think of this before?

Thanks Storymark.


Friday, April 27, 2012 10:42 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Too bad for them, knowing you, you already have your contingency plans in place, ready to go. They honestly thought you wouldn't have gone over their heads or talked to the kids? They're seriously that bad at underestimating EVERYONE?

Only got one response to that: LOL.

They seem to live in their own little world, like most politicians...
The mistake they make is assuming everyone else lives there too.
I figure it ain't gonna put him out none to mention Yousef Rahbi was the one trying not to laugh, we still have a running joke about that whole election mess, since I like to jokingly put forth he only won that one by his vote and mine, meh heh heh.
(He won by one freakin vote, the opponent threw a hissy, and the recount indicated he won by two)



Friday, April 27, 2012 2:55 PM


Hey Frem,

In my area, I remember High School, "officer" free.....

Sophmore year we had one rent-a-cop, and by senior year we had 4.

They were pretty cool, and none of them had guns or anything.

I hear now that my old HS has 5 armed guards and metal detectors to get in and out!!!!!!


F this world.






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