Gov. Jerry Brown says California is not a "tired" European country

UPDATED: Saturday, May 19, 2012 05:10
VIEWED: 1283
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Friday, May 18, 2012 6:21 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


California is in the process of making some very difficult choices in order to get its fiscal house in order, Gov. Jerry Brown said Friday, but the nation's most populous state is not like Europe and it will emerge from these budget cuts stronger.

"We're not some tired country of Europe. We're a buoyant, dynamic society that will both discipline itself on a daily basis but it will on the long-term plant the seeds of future growth, Brown said in an interview with "CBS This Morning."

California, often called the the world's 9th largest economy, is facing a budget deficit of about $16 billion. That's much more than the $9 billion Brown predicted in January and stems from weaker-than-expected economic growth.

Brown has collected more than 1.5 million signatures for a ballot initiative that would allow voters to decide directly whether to adopt his plan to raise the income tax rate on the wealthy and hike the sales tax rate on everyone.

The budget plan would increase the sales tax to 7.5 percent from 7.25 percent and raise income taxes on those making more than $250,000.

"Combined with that, we're making some very drastic cuts in almost every area of state government. So we are going to start living within our means -- something that hasn't truly happened for the better part of 30 years," Brown said.

"There's a day of reckoning, and government does a lot of good things. When it does more good things than it has money to pay for them, it becomes a bad. So we're gonna have to cut some good in order to avoid some bad, Brown said.

"It's not easy, the last several governors have faced difficulty in actually achieving that, but I feel that at this stage in my life, this is what I have been called upon to do, and God willing, I'm going to do it," he added.

Go Moonbeam!

Okay, now who wants to take bets whether we pass it or not? I'm thinking we will; by now every thinking person knows the only way to deal with this stuff is a COMBINATION of cuts and revenue, we'll see if Californians are thinking. My money is on enough of them doing so that we can deal with our problems the RIGHT way, with both cuts and reveue.

Of course, on the other hand, we DID pass Prop who knows?


Friday, May 18, 2012 7:12 AM


California is not a tired European country; it is an ungovernable disaster.

I say this as a native Californian who proudly flies the Bear Flag. California uber alles. And I do mean native Californian. 6 generations ago, my ancestors stole this land fair and square from the Mexicans. You know the old rhyme that goes "The miner came in '49, the whore in '51/and when they got together they begot the native son"? That's the story of my family. Note that many so-called native Californians are actually the spawn of Okies, and ought to be deported back to Okie-land. Or shot, whatever is cheaper.

Anyway, my homeland has a unique combination of rather common problems, which collectively guarantee massive dysfunction and failure. The following is non-exhaustive list:

*Only a minority of Californians bother voting.
*The minority that votes is sorted into highly partisan districts. The result is that whoever wins the primary by pandering to the most rabid elements of their base is elected, and the legislature is full of deranged extremists. The state may be full of reasonable people; the legislature is not.
*Thus, neither party has any incentive to compromise or show any degree of moderation, ever.
*Even better, any budget requires a 2/3 majority. Any tax increase requires a 2/3 majority. The Republicans and Democrats can not work together, and the Republican minority is able to effectively block any tax or budget proposal, resulting in pathetic and futile stop gap measures.
*The proposition system, originally a progressive measure to fight the power of the rail roads, resulted in Prop 13 (see below) and a recall disaster. The proposition system is broken.
*Prop 13 drastically limited property taxes, permanently limited state revenues, starved county governments, and is virtually unassailable.
*Californians of all political persuasions have an endless appetite for government services, and refuse to pay for them.

I could go on, but Jerry Brown, as much as I admire him, cannot fix this mess. Our only hope is to deport all of the Okie-spawn.


Friday, May 18, 2012 8:33 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I feel badly for poor, maligned Europe.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Saturday, May 19, 2012 5:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


*Only a minority of Californians bother voting.
*The minority that votes is sorted into highly partisan districts. The result is that whoever wins the primary by pandering to the most rabid elements of their base is elected, and the legislature is full of deranged extremists. The state may be full of reasonable people; the legislature is not.
*Thus, neither party has any incentive to compromise or show any degree of moderation, ever.

Is this not true in many, if not most, states?

*Even better, any budget requires a 2/3 majority. Any tax increase requires a 2/3 majority. The Republicans and Democrats can not work together, and the Republican minority is able to effectively block any tax or budget proposal, resulting in pathetic and futile stop gap measures.
*The proposition system, originally a progressive measure to fight the power of the rail roads, resulted in Prop 13 (see below) and a recall disaster. The proposition system is broken.
*Prop 13 drastically limited property taxes, permanently limited state revenues, starved county governments, and is virtually unassailable.

Don't get me started on the 2/3 majority, or ESPECIALLY Prop 13, or I'll go on forever, and most of it will be unreadable cursing!

*Californians of all political persuasions have an endless appetite for government services, and refuse to pay for them.
Unless you have specific data on that, I'd posit it's your opinion, and I disagree.

I don't know whether Gov. Moonbeam can fix it or not--or if anyone can--but I give him a FAR better chance than the Govenator, who at least HELPED it before and will do his best to fix it now. That's the best I can hope for.

We'll see just how stupid California voters are this Fall, when we find out how they vote about Moonbeam's proposition that we raise taxes as WELL as cutting funding. If they're as stupid as you think, they'll vote it down and we'll get even stiffer cuts to education. I remember when we had the highest education standards in the country, in many cases than the WORLD, and look at us now! It sickens me, to say the least.






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