Killing of environmentalists globally on the rise

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 17:05
VIEWED: 2102
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, goodie, just what we need; moneyed anti-environmentalists taking a page out of pro-lifers' books...when does it start happening here, I wonder?

The eulogies called Chut Wutty one of the few remaining activists in Cambodia brave enough to fight massive illegal deforestation by the powerful. The environmental watchdog was shot by a military policeman in April as he probed logging operations in one of the country’s last great forests.

Nisio Gomes was the chief of a Brazilian tribe struggling to protect its land from ranchers. Masked men gunned him down in November; his body, quickly dragged into a pickup, has not been seen since.

Around the world, sticking up for the environment can be deadly, and it appears to be getting deadlier.

People who track killings of environmental activists say the numbers have risen dramatically in the last three years. Improved reporting may be one reason, they caution, but they also believe the rising death toll is a consequence of intensifying battles over dwindling supplies of natural resources, particularly in Latin America and Asia.

Killings have occurred in at least 34 countries, from Brazil to Egypt, and in both developing and developed nations, according to an Associated Press review of data and interviews.

A report released Tuesday by the London-based Global Witness said more than 700 people — more than one a week — died in the decade ending 2011 “defending their human rights or the rights of others related to the environment, specifically land and forests.” They were killed, the environmental investigation group says, during protests or investigations into mining, logging, intensive agriculture, hydropower dams, urban development and wildlife poaching.

Targeted assassinations, disappearances followed by confirmed deaths, deaths in custody and during clashes with security forces are being reported. The killers are often soldiers, police or private security guards acting on behalf of businesses or governments. Credible investigations are rare; convictions more so.

“It’s so easy to get someone killed in some of these countries. Decapitate the leader of the movement and then buy off everyone else — that’s standard operating procedure,” says Phil Robertson, Asia deputy director of Human Rights Watch.

The countries where environmental killings are most common share similarities: a powerful few, with strong links to officialdom, and many poor and disenfranchised dependent on land or forests for livelihoods, coupled with strong activist movements which are more likely to report the violence.

“In Asia there has been a rise for some years but this has been off the radar of international NGOs until recently,” says Pokpong Lawansiri, Asia head for the Dublin-based Front Line Defenders. “Political rights activists usually have international connections but environmental ones are often teachers, community leaders and villagers, so they have little profile.”

“Without that constant level of concern and anger, things won’t change. Governments and companies play for time and for most of the victims and their families time is not on their side,” he said.more at


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:09 AM



"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:12 AM



"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:24 AM


Niki, this is concerning. Thank you. I might hedge about some issues, but deforestation is the first step to desertification, agricultural collapse, and food shortage. Not to mention the loss of biodiversity and important contributions to science and medicine.

Wulf, this actually is important news. You don't have to take it seriously, by all means treat it with your usual contempt whenever the word "environmental" comes up. But I thought I might toss that out here.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:54 AM


I have contempt for people on the left-side of the bell curve. This is true.

Do I want the rainforest cut down? Hell no.

Do I think a bunch of spoiled, stupid hippies will stop it? Hell fucking no.

"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... YOU are locked in here with ME."


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:11 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Oh, goodie, just what we need; moneyed anti-environmentalists taking a page out of pro-lifers' books...when does it start happening here, I wonder?

Murdered? In Cambodia? Such a safe and secure country with a long history of tolerance for dissenting ethnic and political groups?

I'm shocked. Clearly a massive global conspiracy by the Bush administration and the Tea murder peaceful Cambodia where it is always a mild 72 degrees amid its rolling green hills and lovely wooded glens.

I'm against murdering people just because they have inappropriate feelings for trees. But I am in favor of somebody torpedoing those fellas on Whale Wars. I don't want anyone to die, but I'd love to see a Titanic moment in the Arctic Ocean followed by viewing whales eating the mangled floating corpses of the Sea Sheppard crew. That would be funny...and good TV.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Don't we just have the most intelligent, reasonable people on this forum? People who love the idea of others being slaughtered, as long as they're on the "left side of the bell curve", people who don't "want to see anyone die", but would love to see others being eaten alive because they're willing to stand up for what they believe in. My, people like these on the right are to so humane, temperate and sensible. They must have such "interesting" lives...

Sometimes I despair of our species, I really do, when I remember there are so many like these.

That said, I think I've had enough of them for the time being, so will hie myself off to breakfast, with a reminder to our right-wing maniacs:

What a world they must live in! Just them, comfortably ensconced in their "big tent":


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:19 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Niki, this is concerning. Thank you. I might hedge about some issues, but deforestation is the first step to desertification, agricultural collapse, and food shortage.

Hardly. The US has the most productive farmland in the world but less then a hundred years ago our central plains were a dustbowl. The secret to avoiding desertifcation was about applying modern agricultrural techniques to the newly cleared forest regions. You need tree breaks to to break up the wind, you need the right crops, you need modern irrigation methods, etc.

Desertification was largely the result of population density resulting in land clearing and primitive farming techniques and poor crop choices. Not to mention violence, war, political corruption, contaminated ground water, massive debt, communists, colonialism, and Africa being hot and dry for decades at a time.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:22 AM



Originally posted by WULFENSTAR:
I have contempt for people on the left-side of the bell curve. This is true.

Do I want the rainforest cut down? Hell no.

Do I think a bunch of spoiled, stupid hippies will stop it? Hell fucking no.


Okay, that's actually fair. I understand where you're coming from now. However, it's important to not to conflate dislike of the people into an apathy for the issue itself. Without further details from your response, I couldn't tell if you cared or not.

And, of course, murder is pretty wrong no matter how you slice it and for whatever reasons. If pathetic people deserved to be killed I'd be dead already a dozen times over.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:27 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
...people who don't "want to see anyone die", but would love to see others being eaten alive because they're willing to stand up for what they believe in.

I note for the record that when I mentioned the 'whales feeding on corpses' I presumed they were already dead. I oppose people being eaten alive...unless its done for artistic purposes (like nudity in an HBO TV series).

For example...a PETA person doing the naked girl in a cage thing get eaten by a wild dog. Sure its funny-haha, but also funny-ironic and with an important social message.

As for the Cambodian dude...the story is not about enviromentalists its about Cambodia...a place people get murdered for lost of reasons and often for no reason at all.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:50 AM


Hero: trees often reduce wind-based erosion, as does biodiversity. I concur that modern agricultural techniques might be able to prevent the decline into deforestation in some cases, as do wind and rainfall patterns. England has had some atrocious agricultural techniques but due to the rainfall haven't made their island into a desert yet.

However, without trees evapotranspiration can also become a problem due to more direct sunlight, making an area become more arid even if wind erosion is mitigated.

I also note that not just bad planting practices but bad grazing practices can accelerate desertification.

As deforesetation -> desertification has been the downfall of many societies, I generally want to be cautious about taking that first step too far.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:05 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

This is bad, murdering people because they're willing to stand up for what they believe in is in bad form, murdering people in general is in bad form.

And deforestation is bad, even if people come up with clever tricks to delay its negative effects, they'll still happen eventually I reckon if it gets past a certain point.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.






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