Mass Murder and Mental Illness: The Interplay of Stigma, Culture and Disease

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 07:56
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I found these very interesting, and since we've touched on the connection between mental illness (and how we treat it) and the Aurora shooting, thought others might find them interesting as well:

With the recent revelations that alleged movie-theater shooter James Holmes had been seeing a psychiatrist prior to carrying out the July 20 massacre in Aurora, Colo., questions about the link between violence and mental illness have risen once again: What are the root causes of seemingly random violence? Does mental illness provoke it or predispose people to harm others?

Advocates for the mentally ill are faced with a deep dilemma each time extreme and deadly crimes are perpetrated by those with a mental illness. Obviously, such acts are not sane or normal; it beggars common sense to suggest that a person who is thinking straight would choose to kill or wound dozens of strangers. And yet most mentally ill people — even those with conditions that have been linked to violence, such as addictions and schizophrenia — are no threat to anyone other than themselves.

So how can we understand who is at risk for becoming violent without increasing the stigma associated with mental illness, especially when that stigma may account for a large part of the association between the two? Some data may help: people with schizophrenia — a disorder being studied by the psychiatrist who was treating Holmes — are roughly twice as likely to be violent as those who do not have the disorder, according to a 2009 review of research. People who have schizophrenia and a substance-use disorder are at even greater risk: they have a nine times higher risk of violence than people with neither disorder. The association is especially marked for homicide: those with schizophrenia are nearly 20 times as likely to kill another person as people unaffected by the disease.

However, the majority of people with schizophrenia (about 1% of the population) never commit acts of violence. A 2011 review of data on people who had suffered a first episode of psychosis — which is often a sign of schizophrenia (though psychosis is also associated with severe depression and amphetamine or marijuana misuse) {--?????}— found that 35% had committed some type of violent act. That means that nearly two-thirds were nonviolent. Further, of those who did become violent, fewer than 1% had committed violence severe enough to result in hospitalization or permanent injury.

When looking at the rates of violent crime overall — homicide, for instance — the best estimate is that 5% to 10% of murders are committed by people with mental illness. But a far larger proportion of mass homicides, including the brutal July 2011 attacks in Norway, the Tucson, Ariz., shooting that wounded Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, involve perpetrators with mental illness. The proportion far outstrips the rates of mental illness in the population.

So what leads one person to violence but not another? In some cases, it may be the stigma of mental illness that provokes it, by exacerbating existing symptoms of delusion, disconnection from reality, social withdrawal and lack of emotion. A rare insight into the mind of a patient with schizophrenia comes from a former academic who wrote anonymously about her experience with social stigma from her disease (via writer David Dobbs at Wired). “N” writes:

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia just a month after Steven Kazmierczak (quickly identified as “schizoaffective”) shot six people to death on the campus of [Northern Illinois University] … Undoubtedly primed by this shooting, wary, uncertain, without enough time to think, my doctoral adviser suspended my graduate assistantship, banned me from the university, and alerted all faculty, graduate students and staff to forward all emails [from me] to her and, under no circumstances, respond.
N writes that her adviser had been operating under the wrongheaded assumption that she was planning to plant a bomb on campus. Although the decision to suspend N’s position was reversed within a week, it triggered a downward spiral that ultimately resulted in her expulsion. She writes:

Friends — my doctoral cohort, as is often the case, were a close and tight-knit group — abandoned me overnight. Students and faculty passed me in the halls, staring ahead blankly as if I were an undergraduate they had never seen and would never see again. Parties were announced, talked about, and I was never invited. Never again.
The social rejection worsened her disease and she became afraid to interact with people, eventually ceasing to attend classes and campus functions:

For a while I struggled through classes, overwhelmed, perhaps in equal measure, by delusions and this new and unprecedented isolation. Voices took the places of both professors and friends. Following a hospitalization (and consequent withdrawal from a semester’s worth of classes), I descended into a state of the most stunning dysfunction, unable (or simply unmotivated) even to walk from my bed to the bathroom. {That describes me to a "T" when I had my crash, and which led to my dx!}
After a review by an academic committee, during which her formerly trusted professors said they saw no chance that she would ever succeed, N was dismissed from her program. She broke down:

Me: Everything I have ever been told was a lie. My one way out — of poverty, desperation, madness — was never more than an illusion. And then disbelief. And then, how will I ever explain this to anyone, to family, to old mentors? And then betrayal. No language this time, no thoughts; crying, crying for hours. Alcohol, unconsciousness, unbidden dreams. Even there: repeating their words, over and over and over again. Isolation so intense, there is no way I will ever bridge it. I am lost. Days go by, weeks.

I fixated on a single vision, me, sometimes hanging, sometimes with gun in hand and a pool of blood on the floor, outside [her former adviser's] office. Suicide, yes, obviously, but also something more: revenge.
Although N did not plan a mass killing, she writes that she understands how someone in Holmes’ situation — a former academic superstar and Ph.D. student in neuroscience, who had withdrawn from his program in June after a reportedly dismal performance on an oral exam — might have become so unhinged.

Dobbs points out in Wired that outcomes for people with schizophrenia may depend heavily on the patient’s cultural milieu: research conducted in the 1970s by the World Health Organization found that while 40% of people with schizophrenia in industrialized countries had severe impairments, less than a quarter of those in the developing world did and that over time, the disease followed a less devastating course in countries without advanced medical treatment.

The difference appears to rest on whether the larger culture views the disorder as a permanent affliction that destroys the person or, by contrast, as a brief possession by bad spirits. In the latter case, families and friends tend to accept affected people, letting them marry and work. (Of course, people with schizophrenia who live in cultures that stigmatize and reject those afflicted by bad spirits may get the worst of both worlds.)

Later studies have shown that medical treatment does improve outcomes in people with schizophrenia — indeed, appropriate medical treatment in the West has been shown to essentially eliminate patients’ risk of violence — but it’s clear that social support and the cultural environment clearly matter, not only when it comes to violence perpetrated by the mentally ill but also to violent crime in general.

As Eric Michael Johnson writes for Scientific American, the biggest contributor to homicide in the U.S. is not mental illness, addictions or even the accessibility of guns. It’s economic disparity: the wider the gap between the rich and poor, the more violence a population breeds. Describing an analysis of homicide rates in 50 states conducted by Harvard’s Ichiro Kawachi, Johnson writes:

The results were unambiguous: when income inequality was higher, so was the rate of homicide. Income inequality alone explained 74% of the variance in murder rates and half of the aggravated assaults. However, social capital had an even stronger association and, by itself, accounted for 82% of homicides and 61% of assaults. Other factors such as unemployment, poverty, or number of high school graduates were only weakly associated and alcohol consumption had no connection to violent crime at all. A World Bank sponsored study subsequently confirmed these results on income inequality concluding that, worldwide, homicide and the unequal distribution of resources are inextricably tied.
In other words, the connections we have to one another — our social capital, our ability to seek and receive support from others — is the most important weapon we have against violence. These connections are put at risk when economic inequality rises. Studies show that social cohesion and trust drop when disparities between the rich and poor rise. Since markets rely on trust to function smoothly — and since distrust can provoke political paralysis and polarization — a vicious cycle can ensue.

For the mentally ill, who might be seen as canaries in this coal mine, stigma serves to wall them off from the social support and medical care that are necessary to spur recovery and prevent illness from leading to tragedy. As a society, we need to understand that risk does not equal destiny — and that believing it does is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s not wrong to see schizophrenia as a disease or even to appreciate its association with violence, but to view people with schizophrenia as hopeless can in some cases worsen their course unnecessarily.

Indeed, the greatest individual risk factor for violence is not mental illness but gender — another characteristic over which people have no control. Schizophrenia doubles your odds of becoming violent, but being a man multiplies your risk by a factor of nine. Yet we don’t stigmatize or reject men for this risk factor; similarly, we shouldn’t treat the mentally ill that way. To prevent future catastrophes, we need to understand the range of cultural, social and medical factors that affect us all.

And on that note, which I think someone metioned in another thread:

There’s a predictable cycle of mourning and recrimination that follows a massacre like the shootings last week in Aurora, Colo. First come the calls for unity and flags flown at half-mast. Then the national fissures appear: the gun lobby stiffens its spine as gun-control advocates make their case. Psychologists parse the shooter’s background, looking for signs of mental illness or family disarray. Politicians point fingers about “society run amok” and “cultures of despair.”

We’ve been down this path so many times, yet we keep missing the elephant in the room: How many of the worst mass murderers in American history were women? None. This is not to suggest that women are never violent, and there are even the rare cases of female serial killers. But why aren’t we talking about the glaring reality that acts of mass murder (and, indeed, every single kind of violence) are overwhelmingly perpetrated by men? Pointing out that fact may seem politically incorrect or irrelevant, but our silence about the huge gender disparity of such violence may be costing lives.

Imagine for a moment if a deadly disease disproportionately affected men. Not a disease like prostate cancer that can only affect men, but a condition prevalent in the general population that was vastly more likely to strike men. Violence is such a condition: men are nine to 10 times more likely to commit homicide and more likely to be its victims. The numbers are sobering when we look at young men. In the U.S., for example, young white males (between ages 14 and 24) represent only 6% of the population, yet commit almost 17% of the murders. For young black males, the numbers are even more alarming (1.2% of the population accounting for 27% of all homicides). Together, these two groups of young men make up just 7% of the population and 45% of the homicides. And, overall, 90% of all violent offenders are male, as are nearly 80% of the victims.

We shouldn’t need Steven Pinker, one of the world’s leading psychologists and the author of the book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, to tell us the obvious: “Though the exact ratios vary, in every society, it is the males more than the females who play-fight, bully, fight for real, kill for real, rape, start wars and fight in wars.” The silence around the gendering of violence is as inexplicable as it is indefensible. Sex differences in other medical and social conditions — such as anorexia nervosa, lupus, migraines, depression and learning disabilities — are routinely analyzed along these lines.

For millennia, human society has struggled with what to do with young men’s violent tendencies. Many cultures stage elaborate initiation ceremonies, presided over by older men, which help channel youthful aggression into productive social roles. But in contemporary society, we have trouble talking about the obvious: the transition from boy to man is a risky endeavor, and there can be a lot of collateral damage.

Skeptics will claim that the perpetrators of horrific acts like the Aurora shootings are such aberrations that we can hardly build public policy around their evil behavior. But it’s a mistake to view mass murderers as incomprehensible freaks of nature. For example, we know that the young men who go on murderous rampages are not always sociopathic monsters but, rather, sometimes more or less “regular” men who suffered from crushing depression and suicidal ideation.

No reasonable person can imagine how despair could possibly lead to premeditated mass homicide. However, the fact that depression is so frequently accompanied by violent rage in young men — a rage usually, but not solely, directed at themselves — is something we need to acknowledge and understand.

Our refusal to talk about violence as a public-health problem with known (or knowable) risk factors keeps us from helping the young men who are at most risk and, of course, their potential victims. When we view terrible events as random, we lose the ability to identify and treat potential problems, for example by finding better ways to intervene with young men during their vulnerable years. There is so much more we need to learn about how to prevent violence, but we could start with the sex difference that is staring us in the face.

Would be interested in people's views on these.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012 9:15 AM


Well, problem is - everybody seems to WANT to address it as a "gun" issue, when it truth it's a mental health issue.
But nobody else seems to wanna talk about that, it seems.

Mind you, Aurora is actually almost a binary town with Littleton, and strangely, I had ALREADY been tracking a 700% increase in certain types of crime in Littleton *before* the Columbine incident, because it had all the same hallmarks of a town in north texas that seemingly went insane all at once, which was much, much later discovered to have something to do with contamination of the local groundwater.

I do suspect this as a factor, given that a town as small as Littleton has a special collection unit for mercury waste, a drainage system notorious for pollution and problems, and one of the local primary industries - solar cell production (they donated a couple solar powered streetlights to the towns as well) is known for producing waste mercury.
Throw in the crippling of the EPA and "adjustment" of supposedly-safe levels of contamination by recent administrations, and you could make a pretty solid case for an additional factor here, since one of the first signs is impulse control failure, and THAT was showing up several months prior to Columbine.

But nobody seems to wanna talk about that, either.



Tuesday, July 31, 2012 9:36 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Today I was listening to NPR, and they were interviewing a representative from some psychiatric group. I forget his name and affiliation. He was meant to be an expert in the field.

Anyhow, and forgive me for being uncertain exactly, but he said something like 1/3 or 1/4 of people had some kind of mental illness.

And I remember thinking, "Holy Cow, is he saying a fourth (or third, it was one of these and I can't recall which) of the human race is CRAZY?"

In that moment, when I thought that, I realized the kind of stigma attached to mental illness that might prevent people from acknowledging and seeking treatment for their problems. I automatically thought of such people as 'crazy' and considered it alarming. Alarming not because people were in need of some kind of help and might not be getting it, but instead alarming because 'crazy' people themselves are alarming.

I have rather serious arachnophobia and a mild case of clausterphobia and a mild fear of heights (all undiagnosed and untreated) which are by definition irrational fears. I understand that they are irrational fears, though that doesn't necessarily help me to overcome them.

In a society where there was no stigma against seeing a psychologist for help with a mental problem, and where such help was very affordable, I might be seeing a psychologist and eventually find my way to discarding such irrational thought processes.

I also have a fear (which may be irrational as well, though I can't say for sure) that if I saw a mental health professional for any reason, people might become alarmed at me to the point of restricting my freedoms. There is already a lot of talk about, "Why didn't this mass murderer's psychiatrist know he was about to commit a terrible crime? Why wasn't he locked up in a padded cell?" Could pressure to be more sensitive in taking proactive action to prevent tragedies result in skewed diagnoses and unwarranted preventative incarceration in a mental health facility?

So, in addition to the stigma of mental illness and the expense of treatment, there is an additional uncertainty about the trust one can place in a mental health professional and the government itself not to become so sensitive to mental health patients that they are pre-emptively and unnecessarily suspending liberties. I've seen someone Baker Acted, and it wasn't a good time for them.

I have all of these concerns, and my biggest problem is arachnophobia. I can imagine why others might fail to seek treatment who have more serious concerns.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:13 PM



Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
So, in addition to the stigma of mental illness and the expense of treatment, there is an additional uncertainty about the trust one can place in a mental health professional and the government itself not to become so sensitive to mental health patients that they are pre-emptively and unnecessarily suspending liberties.

^THIS, exactly this.

Not helping that lack of trust is my work, since it brings me often at odds with such persons and organizations when they become complicit in the abuse and mistreatment of children at a school or parents behest.



Wednesday, August 1, 2012 7:56 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thank you, Anthony, I really appreciate you bringing that up. It's also very valid for a huge number of people, I believe...the thing about "crazy", that is.

I realized the kind of stigma attached to mental illness that might prevent people from acknowledging and seeking treatment for their problems. I automatically thought of such people as 'crazy' and considered it alarming. Alarming not because people were in need of some kind of help and might not be getting it, but instead alarming because 'crazy' people themselves are alarming.
Beautifully said, and right on point.

And yes, some of us experience considerable stigma. Thank gawd I live in a place where we face very little; I've only run into it once, and after making some blatantly erroneous statements about the mentally ill and my speaking up, the only response was silence, which is far from the stigma I know people in other places experience. It was a woman at the dog park who was going on about "why don't so many of them just take their meds?" I explained about meds, as to how they affect each person differently, the horrific side effects of some of them, and how many people take their meds then think they're "cured" so stop taking them. The group she was speaking to then turned their attention to me and asked a lot of pertinent questions and we had a good conversation. She didn't say a thing after that and moved away frowning. That's about as mild "stigma" as anyone ever suffered, but it gave me a weird feeling, nonetheless.

As to the percentage of people who suffer mental illness, bear in mind, as you indicated, that some "mental illness" isn't worth diagnosing in the first place. That's the salient point; many, many things which would be given a diagnosis upon seeking help could be counted as "mental illness" but are NOT. According to the DSMIV, it's only a mental illness if it (paraphrasing here) gets in the way of functioning. In other words, if it's just something you experience, but it doesn't keep you from working, having relationshps and leading a good quality of life, it's not mental illness.

At the same time, if everyone were tested, a HUGE percentage of the population would be diagnosed with something or other. That gets into overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis, which I won't go into. The fact is many people could be classified as having something, but function in society so diagnosis, much less treatment, isn't necessary. So I'd like to know how they came up with those figures, because I question them. NAMI is the accepted organization for information on the mentally ill, and here's what they have to say:

Serious mental illnesses include major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and borderline personality disorder.

Mental illnesses are serious medical illnesses. They cannot be overcome through "will power" and are not related to a person's "character" or intelligence. Mental illness falls along a continuum of severity. Even though mental illness is widespread in the population, the main burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion-about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 Americans-who live with a serious mental illness. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that One in four adults-approximately 57.7 million Americans-experience a mental health disorder in a given year.

The U.S. Surgeon General reports that 10 percent of children and adolescents in the United States suffer from serious emotional and mental disorders that cause significant functional impairment in their day-to-day lives at home, in school and with peers.

The World Health Organization has reported that four of the 10 leading causes of disability in the US and other developed countries are mental disorders. By 2020, Major Depressive illness will be the leading cause of disability in the world for women and children.

They also note:

Stigma erodes confidence that mental disorders are real, treatable health conditions. We have allowed stigma and a now unwarranted sense of hopelessness to erect attitudinal, structural and financial barriers to effective treatment and recovery. It is time to take these barriers down.
to which I say a resounding "YES"!!!, and which goes to your point.

As you can see, the percentage of SERIOUS mental illness is nothing like what you heard. And bear in mind it says 'in a given year'. Someone can suffer from severe depression for a few months (and of course that leaves them vulnerable to further episodes), but also may never suffer from it again in their lives. So what you heard is open to numerous interpretations.

I've been very lucky to live in California, especially the Bay Area. As with homosexuality, acceptance here is something I'm very proud of. Nobody has ever had any negative reaction to my saying I'm bipolar; the last real job I had after my crash and diagnosis was very obliging and let me work my schedule so that I could have Friday off to keep my therapy appointment; they would have made further accommodation had such been necessary. It seemed like whenever I told someone I was bipolar, they immediately came up with an acquaintance or family member who had it too, and often we would discuss it and discuss the stigma attendant upon having a mental illness.

This is NOT true in the rest of the country. One of the greatest things about the internet is that people who live in more close-minded parts of the country were able to not only get information to help them cope, but (most important of all) were able to communicate with others and find they were not alone (which almost every one of them thought they were, before, and had an incredible sense of guilt, feeling "less than", and isolated themselves as a result. You have no idea how many people came to the websites I've been on and the first thing they posted was along the lines of "wow, I thought I was the only one and I thought I was crazy!" When they discovered everyone with their particular disability suffered exactly the same symptoms and difficulties, it was wonderful to see their self-esteem climb and their sense of guilt lessen. One reason I have always been grateful for the internet; they didn't have to "out" themselves in societies where they would unquestionably experience stigma, they could talk freely on line.

So thank you for what you wrote, it meant a lot to me and it is very, very valid.






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