Karma - It's got a really BIG pecker ! ROFLMAO !

UPDATED: Monday, August 13, 2012 16:26
VIEWED: 7129
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Friday, August 3, 2012 2:50 PM


America loves a winner!

As in 'beak'. ( Get yer mind out of the gutter, you! )

Anti-Chick-fil-A customer fired for confronting, taping drive-thru girl

(Adam M. Smith) -- The man who took a video of himself confronting a female employee at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru in Tuscon, Ariz. has been fired.

Here's the statement from his now former employer Vante:
Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.
Smith, as TheBlaze’s Mike Opelka reported this morning, thinks the chicken chain is, like, really hateful. So, naturally, he took a video of himself harassing a Chick-fil-A employee for having the nerve to work for such a “horrible” company.

After pulling up to the window and getting his free water, the activist proceeded to harangue the remarkably calm young woman. He even asked her how she can “live with herself” knowing that she works for such hateful people.

After enduring her almost backbreaking politeness, Smith felt it was necessary to end with these words: “I’m a nice guy, by the way… totally heterosexual. Not a gay in me, I just can’t stand the hate.”

Read more:

This is the hate-filled Left. Harassing a sweet young lady, who is only doing her job, doesn't do a thing wrong, and in fact goes out of her way to be friendly, professional and courteous to this jerk. What a class act she is, and what a low life dirt bag this moron is. And now he's out of a job, too.

CRASSIC !!!!!!


Friday, August 3, 2012 3:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

"Karma - It's got a really BIG pecker ! !"


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Friday, August 3, 2012 3:18 PM


America loves a winner!

So, instead of commenting on the dick head who berated a young lady, putting it on YouTube, and then getting fired for it, you instead think it's best to mock the death of a black man, who had worked at CFA for 29 years.

Says bunches about you and your character, Kwickie.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, August 3, 2012 3:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

You started your own thread to mock somebody losing their job, and you joked about Karma having a big pecker. Says bunches about your character, or lack thereof.

I pointed out that indeed Karma does seem to have a big pecker, and those of a christian bent might wonder why their "god" has decided to smite this longtime CFA employee at such a time as this. Although, if they are truly christian, they must be very happy for him, since he's in such a better place... right?

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Friday, August 3, 2012 3:50 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:
You started your own thread to mock somebody losing their job, and you joked about Karma having a big pecker. Says bunches about your character, or lack thereof.

I should say it does. And I'm proud for it. Apparently, you're A-OK with a grown man berating a young lady, who has done absolutely nothing wrong, and continues to show friendly, courteous professionalism to this creep.

There is no tit for tat here, at all. You're just being childishly petty,at best, and a heartless jack ass. A man died, and based on who he worked for alone, and nothing else, you're mocking his passing.

Beyond pathetic, you are.


I pointed out that indeed Karma does seem to have a big pecker, and those of a christian bent might wonder why their "god" has decided to smite this longtime CFA employee at such a time as this. Although, if they are truly christian, they must be very happy for him, since he's in such a better place... right?

I think your ugliness speaks for itself.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, August 3, 2012 6:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think rappy deserves to be fired for calling women sluts (among other things) on this site. Since he thinks that being fired for non-job reasons is fair, THAT would be karma!


Saturday, August 4, 2012 2:46 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I think rappy deserves to be fired for calling women sluts (among other things) on this site. Since he thinks that being fired for non-job reasons is fair, THAT would be karma!

Got a video of me doing that ? No? Probably because I never did it in the first place.

You have no case.

But glad to see you coming to the defense of a young lady who is doing her job at CFA, only to be harassed by this BIG man.

Oh wait.. you didn't do that, do you ? I did.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 3:10 AM


Atleast he got a free drink of water out of it.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 3:36 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by whozit:
Atleast he got a free drink of water out of it.

Well yeah, but that's how CFA rolls. Anyone can get a free drink of water there.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:10 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I think rappy deserves to be fired for calling women sluts (among other things) on this site. Since he thinks that being fired for non-job reasons is fair, THAT would be karma!

Hello Signy,


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

I fully support [Rush Limbaugh] AND his views.

As for the 'slut' part... The term applies

Tell us all again how you never said that.

It's cute that you try to portray yourself as some defender of helpless young women, when you've posted stuff like this time and again, you've joked about the "two for one" special when killing pregnant Palestinian girls, and you've "joked" about statutory rape of underage girls on more than one occasion.

Spare us your phony indignation, and just admit that you'll use ANYTHING if you think it will play to your political advantage.

Your own ugliness has been on display for all to see for years here, and now you're whining about it because you've been called out on it.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:35 AM


America loves a winner!

Hey coward, punk... I never said it.


I think rappy deserves to be fired for calling women sluts

I never called women " sluts ". But keep on playing this game of taking folks completely out of context. It's what you do. I get that now.

And keep standing up for this loser...

You and him seem to have a lot in common.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:58 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

Hey coward, punk... I never said it.

Simply put, you are a liar.


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:


specifically on THIS matter, I fully support him AND his views.


His specific views are that the woman is a slut and should post pornographic videos of herself.

Are you sure you support him and his views on this matter?


As for the 'slut' part... I'm thinking back to what Inara said.

" The term applies "

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 8:03 AM


America loves a winner!

And here we go again.

I never said it, ergo, I'm not a liar.

You can get into a " did not, did to! " pissing contest all you want, but the fact remains, I NEVER called women " sluts ".

Period, end of sentence, case closed.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 8:07 AM



Wow, not even man enough the admit it when faced with your words.

I should do what you do and say that is typical of folks on the right...but I won't. You are far worse than most people the right or the left.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 8:16 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Wow, not even man enough the admit it when faced with your words.

I should do what you do and say that is typical of folks on the right...but I won't. You are far worse than most people the right or the left.

Because you're delusional if you think my own words in any way conveyed that I said 'women were sluts'. That's not what I said, nor was that remotely what was being discussed. You're taking me completely out of context, as the Left perpetually does. Your blind hatred for anything which doesn't fit your extreme far Left wing template is clearly what's at work here.

Is it that you're really this stupid, or do you think everyone else is ? I wonder.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 8:20 AM



You said the term, slut, applies. That means you called her a slut. Unless you don't understand English that is very clear.

Until you can admit what you said no one will much care about what other topics you wish to discuss.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 8:43 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
You said the term, slut, applies. That means you called her a slut. Unless you don't understand English that is very clear.

Until you can admit what you said no one will much care about what other topics you wish to discuss.

I know what I said and you STILL have it wrong.

In the context in which Rush was taking about, that Fluke wants others to pay for her contraception. Not that she USED contraception, which is a WORLD of difference.

At no time did I EVER call " women " sluts. Though, to be honest, you act as if there are no women who are sluts, at all, anywhere. That's simply ridiculous on YOUR part, not mine.

And the term " it applies " , was clearly a comical reference to the line Inara spoke from ' Heart of Gold '. I'd have figured that if anyone got the reference, it'd be the folks HERE, on a Firefly fans site. Obviously, I was mistaken.

The ability for some of you to get so completely anal over a joke on the most trival of matters, and to hold a grudge months and years later, by taking my comments 180 degrees out of context, is nothing less than cultish on your part.

I know we'll never agree on certain things, but for the love of Buddha, if you'd at least be honest enough to understand what I'm saying, instead of trying to twist my words and take me completely out of context, that'd be shiny.

And as for threats or claims that no one will take me seriously unless I kowtow to your demands and do what you think I should do, and admit to something YOU think I said, but I never did....that's PRECIOUS!!!

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:06 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Until you can admit what you said no one will much care about what other topics you wish to discuss.

Hello Nick,

Preserving some things for posterity.


In the context in which Rush was taking about, that Fluke wants others to pay for her contraception. Not that she USED contraception, which is a WORLD of difference.

Here he defends his characterization of her as a slut by trying to put it into context. Though it mystifies me why she should be called a slut no matter who pays for the contraception.


At no time did I EVER call " women " sluts. Though, to be honest, you act as if there are no women who are sluts, at all, anywhere. That's simply ridiculous on YOUR part, not mine.

Here he says he never called 'women' sluts. I suppose he is defending himself against the plurality of the accusation. He called A WOMAN a slut, not 'women.' But then he goes on to say some women are sluts, (plural) thus solving the issue.


And the term " it applies " , was clearly a comical reference to the line Inara spoke from ' Heart of Gold '. I'd have figured that if anyone got the reference, it'd be the folks HERE, on a Firefly fans site. Obviously, I was mistaken.

Here he tries to say calling the woman a slut was funny because he referenced firefly.


and to hold a grudge months and years later

Here he adds 'and years later' in reference to something that happened this year. He also fails to understand that by continuing to deny his own words, and even to defend them, he shows that his attitudes are unchanged.

It's important to save these statements like this in case they should be denied later. Thank you for allowing me to use my response to you, Nick, to do so.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term applies.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:28 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
I know what I said and you STILL have it wrong.

In the context in which Rush was taking about, that Fluke wants others to pay for her contraception. Not that she USED contraception, which is a WORLD of difference.

No she wanted her health plan, which she pays for, to cover contraception. That does not make her a slut, yet Rush called her one and you agreed.


Originally posted by AURaptor:At no time did I EVER call " women " sluts. Though, to be honest, you act as if there are no women who are sluts, at all, anywhere. That's simply ridiculous on YOUR part, not mine.

Do you understand that it is a derogatory term? Do you understand that by calling a women who wants her contraception covered health plan a slut infers that any women who wants the same is also a slut?


Originally posted by AURaptor:And the term " it applies " , was clearly a comical reference to the line Inara spoke from ' Heart of Gold '. I'd have figured that if anyone got the reference, it'd be the folks HERE, on a Firefly fans site. Obviously, I was mistaken.

We got, we understand what you meant.


Originally posted by AURaptor:The ability for some of you to get so completely anal over a joke on the most trival of matters, and to hold a grudge months and years later, by taking my comments 180 degrees out of context, is nothing less than cultish on your part.

I know we'll never agree on certain things, but for the love of Buddha, if you'd at least be honest enough to understand what I'm saying, instead of trying to twist my words and take me completely out of context, that'd be shiny.

You could simple apologize and admit you made a mistake. Nothing you said was taken out of context. You said something stupid, got called out on it and are now trying to spin it. Not the first time you have done so.


Originally posted by AURaptor:And as for threats or claims that no one will take me seriously unless I kowtow to your demands and do what you think I should do, and admit to something YOU think I said, but I never did....that's PRECIOUS!!!

It is a fact. No one takes you serious now.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:29 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT: Thank you for allowing me to use my response to you, Nick, to do so.

Any time.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:33 AM


America loves a winner!

Anthony - glad you're ignoring the point of this thread, to dredge up ridiculous and inaccurate claims from the past.

Bravo. Well done.

Also, the 'years' comment was a response to Kwickie's '2 for 1' reference, which is something else that didn't come from me, yet he feels perfectly at ease at distorting and fabricating something I never said, by taking it completely out of context, to disparage me.

But keep at it, Anthony. Someday, you may actually get something right.


" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:36 AM


America loves a winner!

If you're determined to believe that nothing I said was taken out of context, when clearly it was, then I'd be apologizing for something I never said.

That's something I'll never do.

Sucks for you, I guess.

Anyway, might I suggest you, Anthony and Kwickie copy this image, and use it as your avatar. Seems you 3 are in such agreement w/ this loser, you might as well be identified with his likeness.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 10:43 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Wow, not even man enough the admit it when faced with your words.

I should do what you do and say that is typical of folks on the right...but I won't. You are far worse than most people the right or the left.

Because you're delusional if you think my own words in any way conveyed that I said 'women were sluts'. That's not what I said, nor was that remotely what was being discussed. You're taking me completely out of context, as the Left perpetually does. Your blind hatred for anything which doesn't fit your extreme far Left wing template is clearly what's at work here.

So are you saying that someone hacked your account and made those posts in your name?

I find it odd that you spend so much time complaining about being taken "out of context", yet when someone points out your little right-wing "you didn't build that" snippet as being out of context, you shit the bed trying to insist that those were his exact words.

So look at the posts, braindead Rappy. Those are your exact words. You typed those things, unless you want to try and claim that it wasn't actually YOU using that account that day.

Your exact words, expressing your exact thoughts.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Saturday, August 4, 2012 10:52 AM


America loves a winner!

Kwickie -

In context, what Obama said was even worse than what was quoted.

In context, what I was talking about was a specific instance, not a damn thing about ALL women, in general.

Man, you're an idiot.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, August 4, 2012 11:04 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

Sucks for you, I guess.

Really? I'm not the one that is going to get reminded of his words every thread he makes.

Have fun with that!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 11:15 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

So, instead of commenting on the dick head who berated a young lady, putting it on YouTube, and then getting fired for it, you instead think it's best to mock the death of a black man, who had worked at CFA for 29 years.

Says bunches about you and your character, Kwickie.

He's just following your lead, son.

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Saturday, August 4, 2012 11:17 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

In context, what Obama said was even worse than what was quoted.

How so? By stating that anyone who built a business had help from family, society, infrastructure? Do you really find that such an abhorrent concept, that people of a country help each other out?


In context, what I was talking about was a specific instance, not a damn thing about ALL women, in general.

Just ALL women who use birth control. So, like, only 98% of women. Not ALL women.

Yeah, you're really helping yourself out. Keep digging!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Saturday, August 4, 2012 11:51 AM


Sluts is nice.

The Whore Of Babylon was a terrific slut.

Cleopatra was a prolific slut.

Salome was an artful slut.

Messalina was a relentless slut.

Catherine The Great was an equestrian slut.

Mata Hari was a sneaky slut.

Judy Garland was a wizardly slut.

Ingrid Bergman was an unfaithful slut.

Marilyn Monroe was the Kennedy's slut.

Angie Dickenson was the Rat Pack's slut.

Kim Kardashian is a talentless slut.


Monday, August 6, 2012 1:14 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Hey coward, punk... I never said it.


I think rappy deserves to be fired for calling women sluts

I never called women " sluts ". But keep on playing this game of taking folks completely out of context. It's what you do. I get that now.

And keep standing up for this loser...

You and him seem to have a lot in common.

Got any video of Signy, me, or ANYONE here "standing up for" this guy?

No? Oh, that's right - because that never happened!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Monday, August 6, 2012 1:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, rappy is doing his usual denial. I used to do that kind of stuff when I was three...

"Did you take a cookie?"
"No" (I took two)

So rappy is about three years old.

Also, I was going to comment to JONGSIE that this might be a good time to stop digging.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:55 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yeah, rappy is doing his usual denial. I used to do that kind of stuff when I was three...

"Did you take a cookie?"
"No" (I took two)

So rappy is about three years old.

Also, I was going to comment to JONGSIE that this might be a good time to stop digging.

I'm not allowing you or anyone to dictate to me that I am who you say I am. Your mindless, irrational, misplaced hatred of me because I'm a conservative, or what ever reason, isn't going to kowtow me into submitting to you defining who I am, what I'm suppose to be , in YOUR view, or accepting a version of what I think which suits YOUR simplistic, partisan views.

Not gonna play that game.

It's clear, as has been stated, that there are those who'll dismiss me, no matter what I say, regardless. So why should I roll over and beg forgiveness when it'll serve no real purpose ?

I'll stay true to myself, say what I say and think what I think, and let you deal w/ it, as you will.

Some of you will ,undoubtedly, continue to twist my words, paint me as some sort of villain, and play your childish, partisan games. I can't change that, so I'm not going to bother.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:30 AM


Ahh the irony.

Sweet Sweet Irony.

Thank you Rappy, for the endless entertainment u represent. Don't ever change (FFF would have to find a new punchline)

In a thread about KARMA of all things. OMFG too priceless. Nothing for me to add really, its all been said so well above.

*goes back to amused lurking now*


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:37 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BLUEHANDEDMENACE:
Ahh the irony.

Sweet Sweet Irony.

Thank you Rappy, for the endless entertainment u represent. Don't ever change (FFF would have to find a new punchline)

In a thread about KARMA of all things. OMFG too priceless. Nothing for me to add really, its all been said so well above.

*goes back to amused lurking now*

So, no view on the big man who told the young lady he doesn't see how she lives w/ herself, makes a video of it, posting it, and then losing his job over it ?

Naww..why would you ?

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:39 AM


OK, here ya go....He's an ass, he lost his job, i dont give a shit either way.

U doing your little monkey dance and whining that people are twisting your words by REPREATING THEM VERBATIM, however, now thats serious comedy.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:50 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BLUEHANDEDMENACE:
OK, here ya go....He's an ass, he lost his job, i dont give a shit either way.

U doing your little monkey dance and whining that people are twisting your words by REPREATING THEM VERBATIM, however, now thats serious comedy.

Taking me completely out of context, ignoring the fact that it was a joke RUSH LIMBAUGH said, not me, isn't 'verbatim'.

But your bias and inability to understand is duly noted.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:55 AM


You just make it too easy.

Vocab Time!

ver·ba·tim/v?r'bat?m/Adverb: In exactly the same words as were used originally: "recite the passage verbatim"; "verbatim quotes".

Considering that Anthony clarified his question, TWICE, and u continued to insist that you agree with Rush's point, means that they are now your words. Or are those not your posts? I havent seen u attempt that defense yet, but its gotta be only a matter of time....

Everyone can read it for themselves, so your attempts to spin are laughably feeble. But please, keep on keepin on, the entertainment value makes it all worth while.

EDIT: Also, when they actually PROVIDE the context, its kinda silly for u to claim u were taken out of context....but that might be a tough concept for u.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:01 AM


America loves a winner!

And it's the issue of context which you seem to have a problem with. I don't know, maybe you're just not that bright, maybe you're very young, or have some sort of mental deficiency, but the issue of 'context' can pertain to more than just one definition.

What's truly entertaining is you basking in in your ignorance, so secure in what you think you know, while being 100% completely wrong.

You're like an idiot, laughing at the stars, thinking them so small and insignificant.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:05 AM


OK, lets play your game then...what WAS the context of u agreeing that Sandra Fluke and women like her wanting contraception coverage being sluts? Because even u admit that u said it, just that its being taken out of contect, right?

Go ahead: here's your chance, clear the air.

You claim to have been taken out of context. Please help us poor ignorant fools to understand the context that we are missing, which will apparently transform your knuckle-dragging, offensive statements to be not so.

This oughta be fun.

Prediction: Rappy claims to not have time, or that he isnt going to bother cuz I wont get it anyway.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:12 AM


America loves a winner!

" This ought to be fun "

And that's all this is to you, a diversion from the original issue.

Sorry, not going to play this game. Already made my position, months ago.

You continuing to make up this completely fabricated meme, and then asking me to defend myself over something which is non existent, is a waste of my time.

*edit* - The left is full of whiny, thuggish little cowards, who'll stop at NOTHING to foment hatred and vitriol at those who don't swallow their lies or roll over and play dead at their goofy ass demands.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:16 AM


Yes, you made your position perfectly clear...thats what people are laughing at u about.

Nobody cares about this guy losing his job, and nobody cares about what u have to say, other than to mock it.

And so, rather predicatably, we get this thread.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:19 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BLUEHANDEDMENACE:
Yes, you made your position perfectly clear...thats what people are laughing at u about.

Nobody cares about this guy losing his job, and nobody cares about what u have to say, other than to mock it.

And so, rather predicatably, we get this thread.

Of COURSE you want to promote the view that no one cares, because it shows the face of the antagonistic Left wing nuts, once again, stirring up trouble and getting bit in the ass for it. I GET why you'd want to dismiss that, and instead focus on a long dead issue, to attack me, on a totally unrelated issue.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:20 AM


This has nothing to do with left and right, and everything to do with how stupid the things u say are, and how funny it is to watch try and defend your words later.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:27 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BLUEHANDEDMENACE:
This has nothing to do with left and right, and everything to do with how stupid the things u say are, and how funny it is to watch try and defend your words later.

This has everything to do w/ Left vs Right, as you're incorporating Saul Alinsky 101 tactics. Take pot shots at the individual, and do anything you can to get folks off of talking specifics, of talking about the issues. Tear down the individual, and make their position invalid, by trying to make THEM invalid.

Look at all the personal attacks in this thread alone, towards me. Why ? Because I showed the Left for who they are, and the Left thinking types on this forum absolutely HATE it. They can't defend it, or as you did, simply play lip service by tossing in one line, after being asked about it, and it's back to vilifying me.

I think it's a psychological problem that those on the Left suffer, some sort of deflection mechanism they have in their minds, to keep from having to face reality. Who knows... but what ever the issue, it's rampant here and other forums where Leftists post, and pretty much everywhere they speak in public or write in papers. I wonder if they are even aware that they're doing it.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 6:03 AM


Yes! Finally an impassioned defense of the important issues!

Like the Chik-Fil-A window heckler. Yes, we really need to spend more time on this very pertinent and serious issue.

What a tool u are.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 6:08 AM


America loves a winner!

Don't care for the thread ? Then don't post a reply. It's just that simple.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 6:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Reading this thread all the way through was amusing--albeit only mildly so. We all know why it was put up, but poor Raptor didn't get what he wanted out of it and you guys sidetracked him into spending (how much time, I wonder?) defending himself (unsuccessfully, as it turns out) against something completely unrelated. Bravo!

As the the content of the thread, "He's an ass, he lost his job, i dont give a shit either way" pretty much sums it up. Raptor wants to make an issue out of it, something he can snark at "liberals" about, but the fact is, I think we all agree the guy was an ass. He paid for it by getting fired, which is appropriate. End of story.

What this thread DOES show is how important it is to Raptor that he not be held to account for what he writes, how much he can twist and turn to avoid same, and all the ways he can think of to snark and belittle those holding him to account. What a wretched way of thinking...


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 6:43 AM


America loves a winner!

Actually Niki, I got what I wanted out of this. ( Of course, you remember saying what a troll I am, right? And all I want is attention... )

I showed exactly who the Left are in this matter of CFA, and the lengths they'd go to in order to attack an innocent girl, just doing her job. All for the cause of...what, exactly?

And also ? I did successively defend myself. You see, the folks who'd attack me, won't EVER be satisfied in trying to belittle me or my point of view, so what is their point ? Certainly not to get me to admit to that which I'm no guilty of in the first place. No, this was all a complete distraction, and sure enough, they dodged the issue of the original post, the hatred coming from the Left over a girl doing her job at a company that's done absolutely nothing wrong.

The activists are exactly who they try to accuse others of being.

Mission accomplished.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 7:30 AM


Rappy lying, denying it, and then claiming victory.

Same as it ever was.

Folks, either ignore the fucktard, or just mock him like I do. You all know, several times over, that any attempt at true discusssion is pointless with a zealot of his magnitude.

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Tuesday, August 7, 2012 7:32 AM



Originally posted by BLUEHANDEDMENACE:

Prediction: Rappy claims to not have time, or that he isnt going to bother cuz I wont get it anyway.

You forgot an option - pretend the question was never asked, and isoloate some insignifigant portion of your quote to whine about.

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"






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