DNC Convention

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 07:15
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Sunday, September 2, 2012 7:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So the GOP had its day, did a big-screen "pants on fire" lie-fest, trotted out a bunch of women and had one inexplicable movie-star riff.

What will the Dems do?

Based on Bush's previous eight years, it was a forgone conclusion that the Dems would win. Who the frak would want four more years of the crash of 2008? Obama got in office, I think, because he made a lot of promises AND he was an unknown quantity. People, especially young people, decided to roll the dice and try someone new, hoping for something different.

But now Obama is a KNOWN quantity, and a not particularly exciting one at that. Not only was he unable to make a dramatic difference in the daily lives of John and Jane Doe, he didn't even TALK a good game. Real unemployment? Still scary despite spending trillions of dollars on banks and financials. (All of that $$$ would have amounted to roughly $6500 per person.) Gitmo? Still open. Massive spying on USA citizens? Still going on.

So what does the DNC do? What does the DNC promise, or criticize?


Sunday, September 2, 2012 8:17 AM


The 99% crowd blew it in Tampa, with luck this time they'll burn Charlotte to the ground. The convention will be 3 days of hate a anger but the MSM say it was the greatest convention EVER!

Even if Biden makes his speech without pants the MSM will still say it was brilliant.


Sunday, September 2, 2012 9:30 AM


I've been working on the theory that Obama is 2012's Herbert Hoover. The Great Depression happened in 1929. Hoover was already President, and he spent the next 3 years trying, according to his own moderate personality, and his own economic theories, to fix it and failed. It took Roosevelt, bringing his new perspective to a nation tired of it all, to shake things up enough to start the recovery, and he only succeeded because of World War II.

Obama became President after the collapse, and tried to fix things, according to his own personality and theories, and has failed, mostly, because of obstructionism and because it hasn't got BAD ENOUGH, yet, for the nation to be tired of it.

Either he'll have to get REALLY radical, and REALLY demagogic, to fix it, scaring the Hell out of the Republicans by mobilizing THE PEOPLE, by the 100's of millions, which he hasn't done yet, causing protests and rioting in the streets, or we'll have to hang on and wait until somebody else comes along.

And that somebody isn't Romney-- he represents a return to the Bush-O-Nomics that caused the collapse this time.


Sunday, September 2, 2012 9:34 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
The 99% crowd blew it in Tampa, with luck this time they'll burn Charlotte to the ground.

(Sarcastic mode on)

What a lovely thing to wish for.

(Sarcastic mode off)


Sunday, September 2, 2012 9:34 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
The 99% crowd blew it in Tampa, with luck this time they'll burn Charlotte to the ground.

(Sarcastic mode on)

What a lovely thing to wish for.

(Sarcastic mode off)

Oops, double-posty mode error- but y'all figured that one out. Sorry.


Sunday, September 2, 2012 9:36 AM


Hell, all they really need do is point to the abject insanity on the other side and say "We are not THEM."
But yanno, better than a pack of fucking lunatics is a damn low bar, innit ?

More frustrating than being evil, is that the other side is INCOMPETENTLY evil, and above all things, I loathe incompetence.

Even worse is that the lack of any significant opposition gives the DNC no incentive whatsoever to step up their game, so at this point we've reached the unholy nadir of parity of incompetence.



Sunday, September 2, 2012 10:12 AM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

Originally posted by whozit:
The 99% crowd blew it in Tampa, with luck this time they'll burn Charlotte to the ground.

(Sarcastic mode on)

What a lovely thing to wish for.

(Sarcastic mode off)

Oops, double-posty mode error- but y'all figured that one out. Sorry.

It's wishfull thinking on my part, but it's likely the DNC Convention will be as dull as dish water, but don't worry, the MSM will make it seem bigger than "AVATAR"!

But if Charlotte burns to the ground I'll light my cigar with it's flames


Sunday, September 2, 2012 12:01 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Based on my theory that the republicans are trying to bore people into voting for them by hiding their real social and economic agendas, and capitalize on economic discontent, I think the democrats should speak about the real problems people face, and should outline a real plan to address the problems. I think they should make it clear that they will focus on those solutions and will fight for them against opposition.


Sunday, September 2, 2012 12:16 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
...likely the DNC Convention will be as dull as dish water, but don't worry, the MSM will make it seem bigger than "AVATAR"!

It's going to be so big in fact that Chris Mathews is bringing several extra pairs of pants with him. Although his original "thrill running down my leg" pants are now on display right next to Monica's blue dress in The Smithsonian, this time Chris isn't taking any chances.

Hmmm, better than Reuben's.
..One more.
..My last one.


Sunday, September 2, 2012 12:17 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Hell, all they really need do is point to the abject insanity on the other side and say "We are not THEM."
But yanno, better than a pack of fucking lunatics is a damn low bar, innit ?

More frustrating than being evil, is that the other side is INCOMPETENTLY evil, and above all things, I loathe incompetence.

Even worse is that the lack of any significant opposition gives the DNC no incentive whatsoever to step up their game, so at this point we've reached the unholy nadir of parity of incompetence.


Aw, Hell, I agree completely. But maybe "lesser of 2 evils", low as that standard may be, is all we're gonna get, maybe all ya EVER get.


Sunday, September 2, 2012 12:19 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Based on my theory that the republicans are trying to bore people into voting for them by hiding their real social and economic agendas, and capitalize on economic discontent, I think the democrats should speak about the real problems people face, and should outline a real plan to address the problems. I think they should make it clear that they will focus on those solutions and will fight for them against opposition.

Aw, Hell, I agree with that one just about completely too. Pro'lly ain't what the Demos are gonna do, though.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012 7:15 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I agree all the way down the line. Obama actually turned out much as I expected, and he HAS done tons of good stuff--just not good enough and he hasn't "fixed" it enough...yet.

Me, I think they should clearly illustrate all the good stuff they HAVE done, 'cuz there's plenty, then lay out a plan--essentially what Kiki said, and I'm HEARING that's kinda what they plan to do. I hear there will be little time spent on talking about the lies from the RNC and that they will focus more on DETAILS--we'll have to see. But yes, the RNC make it crystal clear they don't want to talk about what THEY'D do, gawd forbid any details, and just want to cross their fingers and scream "OBAMA BAD!" and hope for the best. Weird.

Hell, all they really need do is point to the abject insanity on the other side and say "We are not THEM."
But yanno, better than a pack of fucking lunatics is a damn low bar, innit ?

But Frem, the abject insanity has been there for a while now, and it's STILL a neck-and-neck race...which leaves me bewildered that there are THAT many stupid people in this country!

And yup, it's a damned low bar, but you can blame the Repubs for not putting up a decent candidate. I'm still fascinated by Huntsman, but of course he didn't have a chance in hell...he wasn't "fucking lunatic" enough for them! They don't care anyway, the plan I hear was to put someone in office who looked good and could sign stuff, but have Ryan do the actual governing. That thought... I'll take that low bar this time around, thank you, the alternative is insane.

And yes, too, the incompetence has left me shaking my head. I've never seen anything like it before!






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