Rupert to Mitt: Get your shit together!

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 08:13
VIEWED: 1322
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012 6:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, he didn't say it in exactly those words, but the essence is the same:

Welcome to the latest round of Rupert's Helpful Unsolicited Advice, delivered to Mitt Romney and his campaign via the News Corp. chairman's Twitter feed: Retrospect; Conventions mixed but net big win for democrats. Michelle O and Clinton the big stars. Bill brilliant, Hillary away until 016.

@rupertmurdoch Election: Romney must draw clear line: offer specific path to restore American dream versus ugly Obama class war with jobs disappearing.

?@rupertmurdoch Election: To win Romney must open big tent to sympathetic families. Stop fearing far right which has nowhere else to go. Otherwise no hope.

Murdoch has been agitating for months for Romney to spell out a more specific policy platform and soften his position on immigration. The argument that Romney is making a mistake by focusing on the right has new immediacy, as the GOP nominee has spent valuable campaign time the last few days endorsing controversial Iowa Rep. Steve King and pledging that he will keep "under God" on U.S. currency.

Hee, hee, hee; when the bigwigs in your own PARTY are pissed off, you're in big trouble!

I wonder if this means FauxNews will start moderating their tune at all now? I'm not holding my breath...

Doesn't seem like Romney is getting along too well with his party...has the love gone? (Was it ever THERE?)

George Will isn't hany happier, but then he hasn't been happy with Romney for a long time. Seems now he's turning on the entire GOP:

George Will Says the Republicans Should Be Winning, But Here Is Why They Are Not

Reacting to the unemployment situation in light of the latest disappointing jobs report, conservative columnist George Will said on Sunday's This Week:

"If the Republican Party cannot win in this environment, it has to get out of politics and find another business."

But Romney is not winning. Generally, when the economy is doing this tepidly in September, it spells doom for the incumbent president. What's going on? Why is Obama winning?

Implied in Will's remark is that the Republicans are somehow not running their campaigns correctly. That is, a GOP candidate doing a good job would win in the current economic environment. I would argue that in the modern Republican party, it is impossible for Will's conception of a good candidate to secure a nomination. That is, the very qualities necessary to get a GOP nomination, especially for president, are the very characteristics that are giving Obama (and a surprising number of Democratic U.S. Senate and U.S. House candidates) the lead despite the unemployment numbers

The current Republican argument is, essentially, this: There is too much government, so if you elect us, we will cut taxes for the wealthy and remove regulations, which will lead to a stronger economy and jobs for everyone.

I think there is a reason why this argument (offered by this GOP presidential candidate) just isn't flying with enough swing voters right now to put Romney ahead. Simply put, they don't trust him.

George Will may think Romney should be able to win in the current economic environment, but what he is missing is that given the hard shift to the right the Tea Party-dominated Republicans have taken in the last few years, GOP candidates are stuck with a platform and policy agenda that alienate the voters they need to reach the most. Will says that if Romney loses in November, Republicans should get out of politics, but by embracing an extreme right-wing agenda and then lying about it, it is as if the party already has.
Even their "moral leader" isn't he compared Romney yesterday with Elmer Fudd!

Limbaugh: We are voting against Obama, Romney could be Elmer Fudd

On his radio program Monday the moral leader of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, said Mitt Romney might as well be “Elmer Fudd” meaning that Republicans are not voting for him, they are voting against Obama. That must hurt to be considered the equivalent of Elmer Fudd.

Limbaugh was frustrated with the fact that Romney is trailing in the polls when Limbaugh and GOP leaders thought he would get a double digit bounce after the Republican Convention. In fact, Romney got no bounce

Republicans thought that with a bad economy they could nominate anyone so long as they were over 35 and a citizen. They believed whoever they nominated would crush Obama. So far, they have been disappointed. The party bosses helped muscle Romney into the nomination over his primary opponents, and now many Republicans question their choice. Rick Santorum said during the primary that Romney was “the worst Republican we can run against Obama.”

Limbaugh was making that point Monday. Limbaugh said “Romney is not the perfect candidate. That does not matter,” he said. “Romney, the best thing he can do is remember this election isn't about him. He may as well be Elmer Fudd as far as we're concerned. We're voting against Obama.

Today, Limbaugh expressed more frustration at the Romney campaign. According to Limbaugh, Romney is treating Obama like “Mr. Nice Guy.” Limbaugh said Romney needed to go “ideological.” That is dog whistle language for vicious personal attacks.

Republicans are generally disappointed in Romney and are experiencing some buyer’s remorse. Romney’s penchant for having no convictions and flip-flopping on every issue nearly every day is one reason for the Republican buyers’ remorse because it is hurting Romney in the polls. However, Republicans are partly responsible for the problem because the party has become so extreme that Romney tilted so far right just to keep the base that he risks losing independents and moderate voters.

When Romney tries to say something moderate like he did Sunday morning when he said on “Meet the Press” that he would keep some provisions of Obamacare, party bosses forced him to flip-flop a few hours later saying he would repeal Obamacare in its entirety. So, some of the flip-flops are Romney’s doing, others are clearly the Republican bosses and campaign contributors demanding purity on the issues they favor.

But, it still must hurt Mitt when the top Republican says he could be Elmer Fudd. That is a few notches below Mickey Mouse, and a whole lot of notches below Barack Obama.

They even left him hanging on the Libya attacks:

Republicans on Capitol Hill strongly condemned the attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya and Egypt that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

But they’re leaving GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney out on a limb after he criticized President Barack Obama’s “disgraceful” handling of the assault — before it was known U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was among the dead.

Obama didn’t even get a mention in most GOP press statements blasted Wednesday morning.

“We mourn for the families of our countrymen in Benghazi, and condemn this horrific attack,” House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement Wednesday.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also declined to invoke Obama, signaling that for a second day in a row this was a time for Americans to come together and put election-year politics on hold.

In a statement late Tuesday night, Romney called Obama’s early response to the attacks on the consulate in Libya and embassy in Egypt weak and “disgraceful.”

On Wednesday morning, Romney stood by his earlier criticism, saying the Obama administration was wrong to sympathize with protesters who had breached U.S. facilities instead of condemning their actions.

Things don't appear to be going all that well between the party and its nominee, it would seem...


Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:14 AM


I love George Will--- I disagree with almost everything he believes, but he makes a logical, sensible, rational argument for his position. I admire his intelligence and pragmatic rationalism. That I disagree with him comes from the fact that he and I start from different assumptions and postulates about reality-- ya start from his place and proceed logically, ya end up with him. Ya start from where I start and proceed logically, ya end up me.

Good to hear him beat up on Republican stupidity.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:14 AM


I love George Will--- I disagree with almost everything he believes, but he makes a logical, sensible, rational argument for his position. I admire his intelligence and pragmatic rationalism. That I disagree with him comes from the fact that he and I start from different assumptions and postulates about reality-- ya start from his place and proceed logically, ya end up with him. Ya start from where I start and proceed logically, ya end up me.

Good to hear him beat up on Republican stupidity.
Double post again. Sometimes I click on POST, and it takes so long for the Internet to respond, I think it didn't get the command; so I click again. Not sure if it's my computer, my ISP, FFF's host, or FFF itself. Never used to have this problem.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:25 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Damned straight; I read him occasionally and have found I can't disrespect him anything like as much as the idjits on FauxNews or the other "kool-aid" pundits. It's a good thing for us that the unthinking among the righties don't like him that much, or they might take his advice!

As to the double post--yeah, it happens to me too(among others, obviously). What I've finally learned is to "copy all", then go back and check the thread--usually my post is there. If it's not, I can repost what I've copied, and the next time the internet seems to be fast as normal. You might try it, it's less frustrating than finding a double post...tho' who really gives a damn, we all get double posts from time to time.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:13 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Here's the key:

"?@rupertmurdoch Election: To win Romney must open big tent to sympathetic families. Stop fearing far right which has nowhere else to go. Otherwise no hope."

Romney is turning to the hard right in an effort to woo teabaggers like Rappy who know Romney's really not any kind of conservative (they've seen his actual record in Massachusetts, after all).

What he doesn't understand is that by doing this, Romney is turning off independents and undecideds, the few people in the middle who will actually decide this election as they decide most elections. More than a billion dollars will be spent trying to sway maybe 5% of the voters.

Romney's fear is that if he doesn't appease the teabagger paymasters behind his campaign, the teabaggers might just stay home on Election Day. He needn't worry about them voting for Obama; all he really needs to worry about is them not voting at all, or voting for Gary Johnson, an *actual* Libertarian.

They're counting on wooing the teabag coalition out of their closets while still not quite turning off the people in the moderate wing of the party.

Meanwhile, the more moderate Republicans are turning away...

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."






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