No end to Romneys Evil.

UPDATED: Monday, September 24, 2012 17:35
VIEWED: 1654
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Sunday, September 23, 2012 12:38 PM


I see the Monsanto connection has come out, was rather hoping for that as a good ole fashioned October Surprise...
Ain't the worst of it still, but at least its something more than focusing on offhand petty remarks and juvenille bullshit.

Mitt Romney, Monsanto Man

The romance between Romney and Monsanto began back in 1977, when the recently minted Harvard Law and Business School graduate joined Bain, the Boston-based consulting firm launched in 1973, the same year Monsanto became one of its first clients. One of Bain’s founding partners, Ralph Willard, described to the Boston Globe in 2007 how “Romney learned the technical aspects of the chemical business so thoroughly that he sounded as if he had gone to engineering school instead of business school,” and that Monsanto executives soon began “bypassing” him to go directly to Romney.

John W. Hanley, the Monsanto CEO at the time, has said how “impressed” he was with the 30-year-old Mitt. Hanley became so close to Romney that he and Romney’s boss Bill Bain devised the idea of creating Bain Capital as a way of keeping Romney in the fold. Unless Mitt was allowed to run this spin-off venture firm, Hanley and Bain feared, he would leave. Hanley even contributed $1 million to Romney’s first investment pool at Bain Capital. Monsanto’s Hanley is in fact the only business executive outside of the Bain founding family to so shape Romney’s career—jumpstarting the two companies, Bain & Company and Bain Capital, that account for all but two years of Romney’s much-ballyhooed business experience. Bain and Romney whispered in Monsanto’s ear until 1985, when Hanley’s successor Richard Mahoney says he “fired” them and when Romney moved on to Bain Capital.

How Mitt Romney Helped Monsanto Take Over the World

It's not clear how much Romney knew about these depraved acts in the late 1970s, but as noted above, the strategy he helped cook up was certainly smart, in a reptilian, money-making sort of way: Quietly skitter away from the now toxic (in PR terms) chemical industry, selling old business lines as fast as possible, and invest the proceeds in a new, shiny, positive-sounding field called "biotechnology." And specialize in "feeding the world," which sounds a hell of a lot nicer than dumping carcinogenic gunk in creeks. The strategy was by no means as obvious as it now seems in hindsight: Monsanto was exiting a steady, established business, industrial chemicals, in favor of a highly speculative and new one, ag biotech. But it worked brilliantly—by the time those PCB revelations came out in 2002, Monsanto could plausibly protect its image by saying, that was all in the past; we don't make those kinds of chemicals anymore.

Of course, in its new, Bain-ified manifestation, Monsanto 2.0 remained quite ruthless in its pursuit of profit. As Barrett puts it, the metamorphosis merely meant "trading one set of environmental controversies for another."



Sunday, September 23, 2012 6:01 PM


See, this is the heart of it all for this election: Obama is a lazy opportunistic weasel, and Romney is a filthy scumbag.
I'll vote weasel over scumbag; at least a weasel has a pulse.


Sunday, September 23, 2012 7:08 PM


I disagree, not with Frem on the inherent evilness of Mitt Romney, I think he's right about that, but on the weaselness of Obama.

I see Obama as a cultist ideologue bent on the destruction of humanity as we know it. He really believes in this stuff. I think that the NWO is coalesce around some deranged notions and ill conceived concepts, and in that ideology I see Barack Obama as a true believer. It is his actual religion, not christianity or Islam. Yes, he has some original and independent ideas, but I think he's a very dangerous man. Each candidate has been getting closer to a NWO true believer, but not quite gotten there. Obama is the real thing.

I'm not voting for either one. I'm considering Gary Johnson

I think this really illustrates what I was saying earlier:
(I don't know if y'all can see my results)

but this is how it is. The numbers seem high on my agreement with the mainstream canditates (58% in line with Romney and 52% in line with Obama) but these are on issues they've spoken on, and one had to take one side of each position.

My score much higher with the others (92% libertarian, 75% green and 67% consitution.) Given that i'm a centrist democrat, it's not surprising that i fall here. Romney is basically on the left side republican, so if it were a scale from 0-100, he's just over that 50 point line, like 52is, and obama is more center of democrat, so closer to a 26. I'm probably damn near the middle. 49 maybe.

Clearly outside of that left right I have little agreement with either party, and much more with any independent, even ones that I basically disagree with, like the christian Constitution party or the pseudo socialist Greens.

Left-Right is just a small portion of political thought, which in my rough estimation covers about 10% of ideas out there in the current more pensive political dialogue. You're not going to find left-right debates on whether or not we should remain an empire, who should issue the currents, or control the internet, or whether or not we should be dependent on a combination of multinational corporations and govt. agencies to determine what we can have in terms of food, water, healthcare or education.

Inside the political mainstream narrow band of left-right issues, I'm right smack in the middle. Outside of it, I'm way on the extreme end of libertarian. Since I see 90% of the field as being outside that narrow band, i have almost no interest in aligning myself to either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney.


Monday, September 24, 2012 3:08 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

If a Monsanto connection is the kiss of death, note that the Obama administration's Deputy Commissoner for Foods of the FDA, appointed in 2010, was Monstanto's Vice President for Public Policy between 1996 and 2000, and was an attorney in a firm that had Monsanto as a client from 1981 to 1991.


Monday, September 24, 2012 4:39 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I see Obama as a cultist ideologue bent on the destruction of humanity as we know it.

Okay, when did PirateNews hack DT's account?

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Monday, September 24, 2012 6:11 AM


Well aware of that Geezer - was tempted to mention it on the other thread in regards to the FDA, there's WAY too much crossover there between Big Agro and Big Pharma for the agency to be trustworthy or reliable and that is as much Obamas fault as it is his predecessors.

And yeah verily Story - every time I get to thinkin DT might be a reasonable voice he comes out with something so wacked the hell out that it blows that theory outta the water - still, 90% bullshit leaves that 10% worth lookin at twice, but nobody much bothers when its slathered in crazy.



Monday, September 24, 2012 7:24 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
See, this is the heart of it all for this election: Obama is a lazy opportunistic weasel, and Romney is a filthy scumbag.
I'll vote weasel over scumbag; at least a weasel has a pulse.

The weasel literally wants to destroy this country.

And Romney is a saint compared to Obama.

You guys are frelling nuts.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, September 24, 2012 7:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hee, hee, hee; I was struck by the same sentence as you, Mark. Made me smile. DT's hallucinations are back; how I've missed them!

Then of course Raptor jumps in to prove his equal insanity:

The weasel literally wants to destroy this country.

And Romney is a saint compared to Obama.

Amazing the kinds of people you meet on the internet!


Monday, September 24, 2012 8:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
See, this is the heart of it all for this election: Obama is a lazy opportunistic weasel, and Romney is a filthy scumbag.
I'll vote weasel over scumbag; at least a weasel has a pulse.

The weasel literally wants to destroy this country.

And Romney is a saint compared to Obama.

You guys are frelling nuts.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Monday, September 24, 2012 9:26 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I see Obama as a cultist ideologue bent on the destruction of humanity as we know it.


Monday, September 24, 2012 9:52 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Romney is a saint compared to Obama.


Monday, September 24, 2012 10:28 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I see Obama as a cultist ideologue bent on the destruction of humanity as we know it.

Okay, when did PirateNews hack DT's account?

You kinda have to squint at the context to understand where DT's coming from. The keyword that puts him into perspective is "fracking." He thinks fracking pollution will destroy the earth and kill everyone (... and it kind of might), and so according to DT anyone who gives any ground on that is potentially a serious threat to human civilization.

Hope that helps.


Monday, September 24, 2012 4:38 PM



Thanks for the backup, but I was actually referring to the neo-malthusians, whom obama and his associates have openly associated themselves as being members of, but furthermore their membership, and his membership, in groups like the CFR and Bilderberg and other global elite organizations that do hold to an ideology of world ideal population, that being a population of 400 million as an ideal balance for the Earth, and said groups openly endorse enforced world policy that would result in the necessary deaths of 95% of the world population. Not one ounce of that is conspiracy theory, and anyone who had done their homework would have already read all about this.

I'm not saying that Romney is any better, though I don't think he's a neo-malthusian, but he's a bilderberger, and much worse.

Still, looking at Obama's long slew of policies that are very pro-population reduction, his absolute insistence of the abortion pill which he calls "contraception" being available to everyone and that no religious group is allowed to object, and his insistence on increasing birth control funding for family planning and many other anti-child measures even in areas where the population is already in radical decline should come as no surprise. He believes what he is doing is right, and like the global population groups at the UN have said, not all populations will survive the depopulation to "sustainable levels."

Sustainable is a major buzzword here. The key sustainable in sustainable policies, worth noting for folks who follow things that contain the word sustainable is that there are a lot, not necessarily all, but a lot of globalist projects that contain the word sustainable where that is a reference to a world population 400 million. Assumedly this number is pulled from the maximum carrying capacity of a hunter gather Earth rather than out of the pages of the Talmud, but it's equally nonsensical either way, since we are a society in possession of agriculture, and we will be in possession of desert reclamation, synthetic foods, terraforming and space travel long before our world population would reach any critical level.

Now this is the reason that a lot of suspicion can be cast on global depopulationists as I and others here have done in the past as maliciously targeting particular ethnic groups which is very obviously the case, but what I have become increasingly aware of is the unintended consequences of the process of globalisms which leads inevitably to the reinforcement of the common goal and the elimination of the particulars. What this means is int he most extreme case of having germans whose agenda is "kill all jews" and jews whose agenda is "kill all germans" and you go around the world with all sorts of subversive groups subliminally and secretly feeding their own racist agendas into the system that all of these get cancelled out in the end, but only the particulars of whom it is that should be killed are lost in the process, whereas the end goal "kill everyone" is unintentionally enforced.

No one holds this position, but the result is the result of process, it's an unavoidable consequence. Thus global depopulationism gets automatically extended from reductionism to total extermination of the species and anyone can work through this logic and see that is so, or as it seems to me, the inescapable logical conclusion of the application of globalist compromise to conflicting subliminal racist exterminationist agendas.

Everything is process. I hope some of this makes sense to someone.

And yeah, I get that a lot of people won't see this, but I hope y'all understand that your not seeing it is not going to make me unsee it. I get how this process works, and I get what the result will be, and yes, I said it is an unintended consequence. This is why TPTB need to be stopped. They will never see it because anyone in TPTB who figures it out and is not okay with it will simply cease to be a power that is. It's self reinforcing. It's a sort of tragic end to humanity. But I mean what I say that Obama is a true believer in the system of globalism. I don't think Romeny is. I think Romney is an opportunist crook who is in it for money and personal power. I don't think that Obama cares about that. I think they're different people with different but equally fatal flaws. I also think they answer to the same team of ruling power players and influence peddlers.


Monday, September 24, 2012 5:35 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
I think Romney is an opportunist crook who is in it for money and personal power. I don't think that Obama cares about that. I think they're different people with different but equally fatal flaws. I also think they answer to the same team of ruling power players and influence peddlers.

Can't argue with that.






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