Fishing for Anarchists

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 05:13
VIEWED: 1692
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012 1:08 AM



Just a few weeks ago, an FBI task force raided a home* in Portland, Oregon very early in the morning. They broke down the front door with a battering ram and threw in a stun grenade, which is non-lethal but produces a very loud and disorienting noise and a blinding bright light. The team locked down the building and secured the sleepy, compliant occupants. The operation was one of several which also occurred in Olympia, WA and Seattle, WA, involving some 60-80 officers.

Just who were these dangerous criminals, these domestic terrorists whose threat level is so high that an FBI team with stun grenades, battering rams, and assault rifles needed to burst into their homes in the wee hours of the morning?

Why, it’s these two young folks,

Leah-Lynn Plante and Matt Duran.

Reportedly, the FBI search warrant was for black clothing, paint, sticks, computers and cell phones, and ‘anarchist materials or literature.’ According to an FBI Domestic Terrorism guide published by, “anarchists are criminals seeking an ideology to justify their actions,” and are “not dedicated to a particular issue.” Common meeting places are “college campuses, underground clubs, coffee houses/ internet cafes.” The implication is that owning “anarchist” literature is enough to indicate to the FBI that one is a criminal – even if that person happens to be a student studying political thought. Or maybe particularly if you are a student – the FBI document states that anarchists are “educated persons of various backgrounds, often students.”

What even counts as anarchist material? Given the vitriolic US political rhetoric of anti-socialism, you might think a book by Karl Marx or about Tommy Douglas would count. What about someone like Shulamith Firestone? Hell, what about Walt Whitman?

Leah-Lynn and Matt have since been subpoenaed and ordered before a Grand Jury hearing, which is a private hearing used to determine if there is sufficient evidence to indict someone with a federal crime. During the proceedings of a Grand Jury, the defendant is not allowed an attorney to represent her or him. This means that a Grand Jury is essentially a group of twenty-four jurors, a prosecutor looking to indict someone with a felony, and Leah-Lynn Plante, vegan. A Grand Jury is also secret, so we do not know and are not allowed to know what is going on in the courtroom.

Leah was first called before a Grand Jury back on August 2. She refused to co-operate with the jury proceedings, giving them only her name and date of birth. She refused to answer any other questions and explicitly stated she would not talk about any other people. Historically, the Grand Jury process was intended to protect citizens from slanderous or malicious prosecution. However, Grand Juries have been used to isolate members of political activist groups and use the fear of imprisonment to gain information about other groups and persons. Leah was re-subpoenaed, and returned to court yesterday, where she again refused to co-operate. She has been re-re-subpoenaed without yet receiving a date for her next hearing.

All this is because someone vandalized a Seattle courthouse on May Day. Leah has publicly stated that she does not endorse what happened on May Day, and that she was not in Seattle during that time. She has made it clear that her refusal to co-operate is not a strategy to protect criminals, but is rather a protest against a legal system which is unconcerned with the civil rights of citizens. Considering that she could be held in contempt of court and sentenced to jail time, we should take what she says seriously. Matt Duran, also subpoenaed and brought before a Grand Jury, has already been held in contempt of court and is currently in U.S. Federal custody. His contempt hearing was made private by the presiding Judge, a move unprecedented since the McCarthy era.

You know, they arrested Emma Goldman a couple times. I learned that from reading about her. In a book I own.

click here for an audio interview on the history of dissent, political repression, and punk in the Pacific Northwest!

You can read Leah-Lynn’s statement here,
and you can read Matt Duran’s statement here.

For ongoing information from the source, check in with

To find out more about the Grand Jury resistance, check in here

To find out how to support the resistors, check in at

Updated: Write to Matt in Jail!

Writing to prisoners is an easy and important way to help ease the isolation of imprisonment. Please write letters to Matt!

* Editor’s note – for the past few days, this link was to an article about Leah-Lynn Plante and the Northwest Grand Jury on the National Lawyer’s Guild blog. The Lawyer’s Guild blog appears to no longer have any content posted on it.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012 2:55 AM


Meet the new scam, same as the old scam...
Fuckin Palmer Raids all over again, is what it is.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to endlessly repeat it, from the Alien and Sedition Acts, to this piece of tripe, to the fekkin Patriot Act, it's all been one long chain of abuses fixated on creating a Neo-Feudo-Fascism based on Empire and Divine Right of Kings - in opposition to every single Constitutional principle, and formented primarily by a collective once known as Tories, then Federalists, then Whigs, then Republicans, but they're the same fuckers no matter what veil they hide under.
(Obama doesn't get a pass neither, nor does that pissant Wilson)
No matter their party, no matter their colors, these persons are the enemies of all that makes us human, all that civilization entails, always have been, always will be.

Interesting that I find this post when another relevant issue crossed my desk this morning.

Muslim Leader Tried To Intervene As FBI Pointed Teen Down Path To Jihad


Undercover FBI agents, meanwhile, continued to lean heavily on Daoud. The agents supplied him with almost everything he needed to plan the attack and told him they were relaying messages from a foreign sheik who wanted to know if he was truly prepared to carry it out.

The documents allege Dauod’s friend, listed only as “Individual C,” was closely involved in the plan for months. Daoud had allegedly originally considered targeting military recruiting centers, malls and tourist attractions until the friend came up with a “really good plan” for attacking a concert. They eventually scuttled that idea, however, and settled on the bar.

At some point, though, the documents show Daoud’s friend became nervous. He thought the undercover FBI agent was a spy. But the agent tried to reassure them, telling Daoud “anybody who spies must be killed.”

While the friend seemed have some reservations, it wasn’t until both he and Daoud were yelled at by a local sheik, who had heard them discussing jihad, that he reportedly decided he wanted out. The documents don’t name the sheik or say which mosque he was from.

On Aug. 18, the affidavit says, Daoud talked to the undercover FBI agent, who “explained that, as a result of this intervention, Individual C no longer wanted to be involved in the attack because he had reservations about killing ‘random americans,’ as opposed to those involved with the United States military.”

Yet another plot created out of whole cloth by the very so-called-protectors supposed to be preventing such things, and I do highly suspect that they keep shit like this on the back burner so when they really need some booga booga they can slip em a real bomb instead of a fake, like they did in 1993.

The gravest threat to our national security, is our National Security.

Also on this note, you ever wonder what would HAPPEN if a police officer had an attack of conscience and intervened to protect a citizen from a thugscrum beatdown ?
Wonder no longer.
How to Kill a Law Enforcement Career: The Case of Regina Tasca


Tasca instinctively did what any legitimate peace officer would do: She intervened to protect the victim, pulling Rella off the helpless and battered young man. Tasca’s act was one of instinctive decency, genuine principle, and no small amount of courage. It was also the action dictated by her department’s use-of-force policy, the first page of which specifies that it is “the responsibility of law enforcement to take steps possible to prevent or stop the illegal or inappropriate use of force by other officers.”

In his report on the case, Judge Donohue acknowledged that Tasca acted in compliance with the use-of-force policy – but he dismissed that fact on the preposterous grounds that “no evidence was presented to establish that Officer Tasca even knew about the document.”

Only an uncommonly inventive sophist would pretend that the important question is whether Tasca was aware of the document stating the policy, rather than whether her actions were in accord with that policy.

Earlier in the same month, Tasca had prompted criticism for failing to rush to the aid of her partner, Officer Jay Fowler, during a brief confrontation with a tiny, drunken woman at a hospital. The woman, who was not a criminal suspect, was taken to the hospital for medical attention. She decided to leave, and when Fowler – who had already surrendered custody to the hospital – tried to stop her, the young woman “flailed” her arms, inflicting a small scratch on one of Fowler’s hands that tore open an old scab.

As a result of this “altercation” with a woman whom he outweighed by about 100 pounds, Fowler spent a week on paid medical leave, according to Donohue’s report.

“Nobody had said anything to me about the earlier case until after the incident with the Ridgefield officers,” Tasca pointed out to me. Her refusal to gang-tackle a tiny, confused woman in a hospital, coupled with her active intervention to stop a criminal assault on an unarmed, mentally unbalanced man who was not a criminal suspect, supposedly established a “pattern” of behavior that made Tasca a danger to her fellow officers.

After being put on suspension, Tasca was subjected to a psychological evaluation by Dr. Matthew Geller, a psychiatrist who does contact work for New Jersey law enforcement agencies. Geller’s assessment reads like something compiled by a State-employed psychiatrist in the Brezhnev-era Soviet psihuska. Geller claims that Tasca suffers from something called a “mixed personality disorder,” displaying “a personality type characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiose self-importance and exaggerated sense of talent and achievement.”

This purported dysfunction, once again, wasn’t noticed until after Tasca displayed the character and integrity to take the morally appropriate action – one dictated by the official guidelines of her department – in defiance of pressure from her peers and superiors to conform.

Few bad apples, right, isolated incidents, sure... tell me another one.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012 5:37 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Meet the new scam, same as the old scam...
Fuckin Palmer Raids all over again, is what it is.


I think W. Wilson may have been evil. A lot of evil things started in his admin. Just an afterthought.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012 7:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I know some of this has been posted before, but....

Watch Your Tongue: Law Enforcement Speech Recognition System Stores Millions of Voices

Intercepting thousands of phone calls is easy for government agencies. But quickly analyzing the calls and identifying the callers can prove a difficult task. Now one company believes it has solved the problem—with a countrywide biometric database designed to store millions of people’s “voice-prints.”
Russia’s Speech Technology Center, which operates under the name SpeechPro in the United States, has invented what it calls “VoiceGrid Nation,” a system that uses advanced algorithms to match identities to voices. The idea is that it enables authorities to build up a huge database containing up to several million voices—of known criminals, persons of interest, or people on a watch list...

... Or legal political dissidents.

New biometric gait recognition research conducted in U.K.
September 25, 2012 -

When iris scans and facial recognition fail to identify individuals from a distance, then it is time to add on gait recognition, a system that identifies an individual based on a “signature” walk.
(I assume that can be foiled by shoe orthodics)

Exclusive: Widespread cell phone location snooping by NSA?

If you thought that the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping was limited to AT&T, Verizon and Sprint, think again. While these household names of the telecom industry almost certainly helped the government to illegally snoop on their customers, statements by a number of legal experts suggest that collaboration with the NSA may run far deeper into the wireless phone industry.

The US Government’s Utah Data Center

The federal government has drawn up plans for a huge data center in Utah. The facility is coming up at a cost of $2 billion and is meant to help the government eavesdrop on communications within and outside the country

That doesn't include Google's new "privacy" policy which enables it to gather any information about you any way possible, whether you're logged in on any of your Google accounts or not. Nor does it count Apple's nifty little series of apps, one of which creates a file of all of your GPS locations ... just in case they should decide to advert to you (or something), and the other which disables picture-taking apps:

Apple patent could remotely disable protesters' phone cameras

U.S. Patent No. 8,254,902, otherwise known as "Apparatus and methods for enforcement of policies upon a wireless device," was granted in late-August, and would allow phone policies to be set to "chang[e] one or more functional or operational aspects of a wireless device [...] upon the occurrence of a certain event.

Hubby and I were talking about this. Yanno, the slightly brighter-than-average criminal can evade this. This is not anything to do with a war on terror, war on crime, or even a war on terrorists. This is about mass control.

So, I had to wonder.... WHY would governments around the world be partnering with their security agencies and corporate friends to be able to spy on, harass and detain quite literally millions of people? Hubby and I differ on this. My own personal opinion has to do with how lightly this society is glued together. There is, I think not much interest in common cause. The only thing tacking us all together is football, iPhones, and the relative abundance of food. But I think governments realize that the shit WILL hit the fan. Something critically necessary will go short... water and then food, or electricity, or jobs... and then all hell will break loose. IMHO.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012 7:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm so glad I'm old.

Always have an exit plan.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012 8:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Me too. At my age, I can think "Mais, il faut cultiver noter jardin". (Candide)


Tuesday, September 25, 2012 8:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

My French is rusty, but "d'accord!"

"Always have an exit plan."


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 5:09 AM


It'll probably be water. The food situation is pretty dire as well, as America imports more food than we export, but water is more immediate to survival and with practically a twenty year drought and idiotic management of the Colorado River Water Rights, it's been hit hardest in the west. We saw a bit of this a few years ago with the tension between Arizona and California, but there's also a lot of tension between Utah, Nevada, and Idaho.

Texas and Oklahoma have major problems as well, and I hate to think what might happen if the Ogallala aquifer dries up. A lot of people in these states are buying lots of guns and ammo.

Then there's pollution which could very well hit everyone. It looks bad.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 5:13 AM


And people used to call me paranoid when I was pointing out this kinda shit 10-15years ago.
Mind you I *did* have a wee bit of inside info about the scale of it, just not a lot of specifics of what was being collected.

Also ironic about that gait recognition thing - you might be able to fool a computer, but I doubt they'd fool me...
I have trouble remembering names and faces, but once I see a person move I can pick em out of a crowd fifty plus yards away, which is how I recognize and oppose our local creepers around here - I dun have to get anywhere close to indentify them, which makes it easy to sneak up on and spook them.

Side order to that is that a persons body language and movement gives away their intentions much of the time... and I don't mean that cop-speak bullshit they use to call any action aggressive in order to rough people up for contempt-of-cop, I mean actual intentions - any victim of abuse or violence over a prolonged period, especially during childhood, develops a VERY keen sense of other peoples body language, they kinda have to - and anyone who's worked with such knows this, cause it totally shows when an uninterested "therapist" is just going through the motions, or some supposed helper/protector (usually social services) is flat lying to them, they KNOW, right up front then and there.

Which is why the only semi-respectable supervisor for the DHS/TSA around here has been nagging me for over a year now to come work for him as a profiler, sit up in the ivory tower behind one way glass and pick out people with possible bad intentions for "random" shakedown - as if.
He don't seem to get that there's no way in hell, no amount of money or pressure which'd ever get me to work for them save as a prelude to fifth-column spiking, and I hate hate hate noise, lights and crowds, duh.

Oh, and random trivia bout that gait recognition thing too - I dunno about any of the other Myers-Briggs categories, but one distinctive identifier for a lot of ISTP is that bent-knee glide-step walk, which coincidentally makes a LOT less noise than your standard heel-roll-toe pattern.







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