Mormons now claiming Hitler, Eva Braun, and top Nazis as their own?

UPDATED: Saturday, October 13, 2012 16:08
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Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The Mormon Church Attempts to Conceal Temple Records for Adolf Hitler


On August 30, 1998, Don McAreavy, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, wrote to the LDS Family History Library asking if LDS proxy temple work had been performed for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. McAreavy specifically wanted to know if temple ordinances had been performed for Hitler and Braun on September 28, 1993, in the Jordan River Temple, Utah.

A response to this inquiry was sent to McAreavy on September 8, 1998. Typed on an official letterhead of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the letter was signed by Mae Dean Ashton. The address of the sender was shown as: Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3400.


Dear Mr. McAreavy:
Thank you for your letter of August 30th regarding temple ordinances for Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun.

We searched the International Genealogical Index TM Addendum and foundno information listed for either. The enclosed printout is the closest we could find and you will note that birth dates are 1836 and 1838.

No additional information is available.


Mae Dean Ashton
Team Leader
Photoduplication Unit

The printout Ashton sent McAreavy shows LDS proxy ordinances which have been performed for Alois Hiedler or Heidler (Hitler), the father of Adolf Hitler.

In October 1998, McAreavy was able to obtain copies of LDS temple ordinance records for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun from Philip Roberts of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. These IGI (International Genealogical Index) copies reveal that Adolf Hitler was "baptized" and "endowed" on December 10, 1993, and "sealed" to his parents on March 12, 1994. These events took place in the London Temple, England. Robert's copies also show that Hitler was "sealed" to Braun on September 28, 1993, in the Jordan River Temple, Utah, and on June 14, 1994, in the Los Angeles Temple. Roberts sent copies of these records to Ashton.

McAreavy sent another mailing to Ashton on October 17, 1998, again asking her if she could locate information for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in LDS files. On November 17, 1998, McAreavy mailed a double registered letter to Ashton. He reminded her that Roberts had sent documentation to her which seemed to indicate that the Mormon Church had done temple ordinances for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. "Would you please be kind enough to verify if the information that Philip Roberts provided is both accurate and proof that temple ordinances were performed for Adolf Hitler," McAreavy wrote.

Ashton replied to McAreavy's November 17 letter on December 2, 1998. She again insisted that the [Alois Hitler] copies she had sent McAreavy with her September 8 letter were all that could be located in the IGI TM [Addendum]. McAreavy was informed that he could soon expect to receive a reply from the [Family History] Department Director.On December 29, 1998, McAreavy again wrote to Ashton. He requested the name and mailing address of the Department Director because he had received no communication from that person, as promised by Ashton. When there was no response to this request, McAreavy wrote directly to the Department Director of the Photoduplication Department of the Family History Library on January 25, 1999. McAreavy again asked if the Mormon Church had done temple ordinances for Hitler and Braun.

The following reply, again typed on an official letterhead of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dated March 16, 1999, was sent to McAreavy from the Family History Library:


To Whom It May Concern:
Subject: Famous or Historical Figures

You recently wrote to inquire if temple ordinances have been performed
for a famous or historical figure. As a matter of policy, we respond to
such requests only when those making the request are directly related
to the person about whom they seek information.

It might be helpful to know that, as an institution, we have no control
over the names individuals submit to receive temple ordinances. However,
we strongly counsel Church members to submit only the names of those
persons to whom they are related. Furthermore, we believe that ordinances
performed in behalf of any deceased individual are valid only if that
person is worthy of and chooses to accept what has been done in his or
her behalf.

The Church spends a great deal of time, effort, and money to make
information available that helps not only its members, but all who are
interested in family history pursuits. You are welcome to use the resources
we provide. We hope you find satisfaction in doing do.


Family History Department

In this impersonal communication to McAreavy, the LDS Family History Department clearly avoided taking responsibility for the discrepancy between Ashton's September 8 denial of LDS temple work for Hitler and Braun - and the IGI copies, supplied by Roberts, which seem to prove - beyond a shadow of a doubt - that this notoriously well-known pair have, indeed, had proxy LDS ordinances performed on their behalf.

At the time McAreavy made his initial inquiry to the Family History Library on August 30, there were multiple entries in LDS temple ordinance files which showed that Mormons have performed various rituals on behalf of Hitler and Braun. These records can still be accessed. Ashton gave McAreavy incorrect information. Was this a deliberate evasion of truth? What are the facts?

Current IGI TM Addendum temple ordinance entries for Mr. [Adolf] Hiedler (Hitler) show that Hitler was "baptized" by Mormons on September 30, 1993, and "endowed" on April 27, 1994, in the Jordan River Temple, Utah. This record was in the IGI TM Addendum at the time of Ashton's denial [to McAreavy of temple ordinance information for Adolf Hitler] on September 8. I obtained a copy of this particular record for Hitler from the LDS Family Search Center in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in downtown Salt Lake City on July 13, 1998, less than two months before Ashton stated that no such IGI record existed for Hitler.

If Ashton and her co-workers were not very efficient in their search for Adolf Hitler temple ordinance entries in the LDS genealogical computer system, the same could be said for their lack of thoroughness in locating the same type of records for Eva Braun.

Eva Anna Paula Braun, born in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on February 7, 1912, was "baptized" by Mormons on October 16, 1964, and "endowed" on February 5, 1965, in the Los Angeles Temple. She had been "sealed" to her parents some time prior to 1970. This information is current and is easily accessible in the IGI TM Addendum, in which file Ashton stated that no information was available for either Hitler or Braun. These entries for Braun should have been found by genuine seekers. In this case, it seems these records may have been intentionally overlooked. Was it easier for McAreavy to be given inaccurate information rather than present him with any copies which he could possibly have used against the Mormon Church? Or are the staff of the Family History Library so poorly skilled at accessing their own computer files that they missed the entries in question?

In addition to the IGI, which is a huge database of names and vital information for multimillions of people, with an Ordinance Index attached, the other significant LDS genealogical file is the Ancestral File. In this family history archive, LDS ordinance records may be found attached to pedigree charts.

Read full article at

So does their baptism of Nazis reveal their true feelings about Jews? Does this confirm that the LDS still adheres to Joseph Smith's decree that "all other creeds are an abomination"?

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:22 AM


No. It goes to show that as in every faith, there are people with skewed ideas. Someone evidently thought it was necessary to "save" Hitler and Eva Braun. It doesn't really demonstrate a church administrative policy of sympathy to Hitler or representation of the entire church.


Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:22 AM


You do know they do this to everybody, right Mike? They want the whole world, regardless of race, color, or volume of atrocities performed to be Mormon in the afterlife. Anne Frank, Himmler, Hitler, Obama's mom, apparently. They're a little funny in the head, okay? Now, of course, it's politically embarrassing for them that they baptized Hitler, so they're covering it faster than a Bain layoff.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, October 13, 2012 12:14 PM


Hitler's plan all along...conquer Utah.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Saturday, October 13, 2012 4:08 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Hero:
Hitler's plan all along...conquer Utah.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012

Gorram BASTARD ! I KNEW it !!

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "






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