Rape Fetus Dynasty Is A Hit!

UPDATED: Thursday, November 1, 2012 15:23
VIEWED: 1648
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Saturday, October 27, 2012 7:45 PM


Ever wonder what Senate candidates like Akin and Mourdock do in their leisure time? That's the premise of A&E's new series - Rape Fetus Dynasty. Each weekly episode is filled with fun and entertainment for the entire family. The show features a special rape fetus guest star telling its' story to the world. In case anyone missed the series premier, here are some of the highlights:

... Zero Mostel and Barbara Streisand sang a medley of duets from the Broadway classic Fiddler Gave Me Roofies -

Rape fetus, rape fetus make me a match
Find me a find, where's Orrin Hatch?


If I was a rich rape fetus, doo bee doo bee doo bee doo
All day long I'd bid dee bid dee boo
If I was a ball of goo.

... Reknowed author Seymore Dickens discussed his new novel "A Tale Of Two Rape Fetuses." It was the best of rapes, it was the worst of rapes...

...And Akin and Mourdock closed the show with a serious discussion about whether that whole 'thing' shuts down like a new Chevy Volt, or whether God indeed guides that little precious rape fetus through the holy rapids that sweep it out of the slut's vaginer.

Next week's guest stars will be Mac Davis singing his big 70's hit "Baby Baby Don't Get Hooked On Meth", and 29 Army Recruitment Officers who've filed a class-action lawsuit seeking to deny rape fetus compensatory support to all the little bastards they've blessed mankind with.


Sunday, October 28, 2012 4:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, , I'm sorry...Jong, that is in THE worst possible taste, but I still laughed my head off. It's only 7am, but you already get the prize for first guffaw in the morning...a number of them.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:17 AM


Thanks Niki. Yes it is in the worst possible taste, and that's what I was going for in reference to those two guys. I hoped some humor might lighten things up here. It did at least for me and you, and that's good enough.


Sunday, October 28, 2012 12:14 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jeezus, Jong, this is getting scary! We might be on the road to actually (gasp!) being FRIEND! We better watch that...somehow the idea of me being friends with a conservative seems like something out of the Twilight Zone...

I'm just kidding, you realize...I have Republican frends (or did, now I'm pretty much of a hermit), we just stayed away from politics.

On the other hand, it might give Rap and his buddies a coronary if there were actually FRIENDS between a rightie and one of us evil lefties!

We better watch that... ;o)

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Sunday, October 28, 2012 12:59 PM


'Friends' is rough. Could be complicated. Could be dangerous as well. Perhaps friendly bloodthirsty enemies. I found reference material on the subject for guidance:


Sunday, October 28, 2012 2:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I enjoyed that. THANKS!


Monday, October 29, 2012 11:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

"Friendly Boodthirsty Eemies". I like it. Sold. That makes you my FBE.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, October 29, 2012 12:17 PM


Okay my FBE. Here's a little summary that gives the tale of the tape if my memory is correct...

We agree on abortion.
We agree on waterboarding.
We agree on gays in the military.
We agree on gay marriage.
We agree that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld made fatal mistakes in foreign policy.
We agree that a lot of Republican candidates say really stupid things that damage themselves
We agree that the RNC is a big train wreck joke.
We agree that Speaker Pelosi was a greatly effective political leader for her Party.
We agree that some anti-Obama voices like Trump and Coulter are over-the-top morons.
We agree on Firefly's greatness.

We disagree on everything else.

Does that about sum it up?

eta...Also, it seems the subjects of our agreement revolve around my positions going against conservative and Republican dogma. Do you have any positions that go against Democrat and liberal dogma?


Monday, October 29, 2012 12:50 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


We agree that Nancy Pelosi was a greatly effective political leader for her Party when she was Speaker.

I didn't know that. Interesting.

We might disagree on one of those. I would say "...a number of Republican candidates/politians/legislators BELIEVE really stupid things".

If you mean do we disagree on everything else POLITICAL, you may be right. That doesn't mean I don't value your opinion or wouldn't enjoy a debate.

But now you've piqued my curiosity. Where do you stand on:

Bush and the economy
Diane Feinstein;
Bush getting a second term;
Michael Moore;
Ayn Rand;
Noam Chomsky;
Barbara Boxer;
Ralph Nader;
Howard Zin;
Voter ID;
Al Sharpton;
America being an empire;
Political correctness
Affirmative action;
Alan Grayson;
San Francisco;
Sheila Jackson Lee;
Rep. Hank Johnson;
Keith Olbermann;
Upgrades to the M1 Abrams tank.

Let's see where we stand on those (or any of them you want, I know it's a long list (and it could be soooo much longer, but I'll keep it to that), but I'd be fascinated to see whether we agree or not. Pick as few or as many as you wish.

And you're kinda missing my point. It's not whether we agree or disagree--it's that you're a THINKING conservative. We don't have to agree, but I respect that you offer your positions intelligently and aren't blinded by partisanship.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, October 29, 2012 1:02 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
It's not whether we agree or disagree--it's that you're a THINKING conservative. We don't have to agree, but I respect that you offer your positions intelligently and aren't blinded by partisanship.

Both you and Signy have been very cordial and respectful in recent months expressing that sentiment, as well as how you handle areas of disagreement.

I will address all the items on your list. It'll be fun. Just give me some time after dinner to get back.


Monday, October 29, 2012 3:48 PM


Here's most of it:

Bush and the economy.....I believe that he inherited a good economy from Clinton, but certain events early in his first term turned things the wrong way; the bubble burst and September 11. His tax cut helped the economy recover for a while and all seemed fine. But he either was not aware or didn't do enough to take precautions concerning the real estate collapse caused by bundled junk being passed around. And as the entire financial collapse was upon us, especially during his lame duck months, I found his leadership non-existent. It made me angry and disgusted.

Diane Feinstein.....I respect her. She's a smart woman and she has more statemanship than most in her Party. She's not afraid to speak out on something that may go against her fellow Dems. But when push comes to shove she will tow the line like most politicians.

Bush getting a second term.....I expected him to defeat John Kerry, who I thought was a weak candidate. John Edwards didn't help him much, and looking back now we should all be glad the country got spared the embarrassment of his affair and treatment of his dying wife. I think if the Dems had a better choice than Kerry, they could have won easily. They almost won anyhow.

Michael Moore.....I believe he does more harm to Democrats than helps. I think most people see him as a propagandist and a hypocrite. He appeals to a very small slice of America, but he puts himself out there as a man of the people.

Ayn Rand.....Not a big fan in general. My favorite futurists are Orwell, Wells, and Whedon.

Noam Chomsky; not a fan in general. A smart man, an intellectual, but some of his self-loathing hatred of Jews relegated him to a mere propagandist.

Barbara Boxer...Not an honest woman, a pure ideologue. Makes Feinstein seem like Honest Abe if he had been a woman.

Ralph Nader......A smart guy, an opportunist who capitalized on the crusader bandwagon. Sometimes seems irrational, but I believe he's sincere in his own beliefs.

Religion.....I believe it's a good thing for children, to help them develop basic social and civil attitudes and skills they need in life. For adults, I think it's a silly crutch for some. The ones that try to impose it on others are wrong and dangerous, but the ones that keep it within their family if they truly believe are fine with me.

Voter ID.....I have no problem with it in general. I have to show it to vote in my district (Wasserman-Schultz's). I was however, very upset when I heard a vile tape of Penna. state Republicans boasting how it would help Republicans "deliver" Penna. in the national election. I thought at that moment, well there's a post-election lawsuit just waiting if needed. Based on that, I'm basically glad to see courts ruling against them.

Al Sharpton....Believe it or not, before he became a host on MSNBC, he was a frequent guest on Fox News' two toughest shows...O'Reilly and Hannity. He was always willing to discuss and/or defend anything, and he always did it in a charming, intelligent, and amusing way. He had a great sense of humor, and didn't take himself so seriously, and in the process he became sort of a respected and iconic figure in those days. He often left O'Reilly and Hannity (and me) on their heels and speechless with his artful debating skills. Since his rise on MSNBC I find him to be a completely different person, and I can't listen to him.

America being an empire.....We didn't take over Japan, or Germany, or Italy. We helped them back to democracy and we rebuilt their countries for themselves. An empire would not have done those things.

Political correctness.....Some of it is good and necessary, and some of it goes beyond sanity.

Affirmative action.....The Supreme Court will be ruling on a landmark case from Texas soon. Generally I never had a problem with it, but like all good things they can over time get more corrupt than the problem it was designed to cure.

California....Been there three times and had great experiences I'll remember all my life. Grew up with the California sound.

Alan Grayson.....Needs professional help. He hurts Democrats, just like right-wing nuts hurt Republicans.

San Francisco.....Visited there in 1980 Totally loved the city. Had a blast driving down the crooked street several times, ate sourdough, and was in awe over the landscape and scenery. Since then, not generally a fan of the city's politics, but I do want to go visit again one day.

Sheila Jackson Lee.....Generally don't pay much attention to her.

PETA....Good cause I support, but over-the-top antics hurt their message.

Keith Olbermann....I used to watch him on MSNBC because he was the best guy doing what he was doing. Probably never once agreed with him on anything, but I always found his delivery style fascinating. He came out of political nowhere (ESPN), and became something quite special. He just didn't know when to walk it back a bit.

In reviewing all that Niki, remember you asked. Hope it provides some answers and insight for you.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:00 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Do we have to be F-Bloody Enemies?!?!


Except for Barbara Boxer, America as an empire, Alan Grayson and Keith Olberman (you ready for this), ABSOLUTELY EVERY FUCKING WORD (gives me the shivers all over writing that!)!

Hello? Are you still there? ;o)

I will explain those three:

Barbara Boxer is my Senator. Was my Congresswoman. Before that was on our Board of Supes--first president of it ever. By the way, she received the most popular votes in any U.S. Senate election in history, which kinda tells you how we feel about her. She's represented us excellently--a bit strong on some stuff and a hard-core liberal, to be sure, but she's been wonderful for us.

I do believe America has been an empire...empires, like all things, change their shape over time. I think, rather than having used military force to take over other countries (usually!), we wield our power through figureheads and finances, but I still think we fit the bill of an, if you will, empiracal power.

An empire is a large collection of nations and peoples ruled by a dominant group, which though economic strength and military power, controls the destinies of subject nations. Empires tend to be politically conservative and heavily militaristic, as well as very competitive.

The first step in creating an empire is ethnocentrism. For a nation to become an empire it must develop a strong sense of national pride. For the United States, this was called Manifest Destiny. For Britain it was called the "White Man's Burden." In any nation there are individuals that desire to rule the world, but the majority of people tend to be less imperialistic. However, when an educated imperialist supports his or her views for conquest with a rhetoric of helping those poor, underdeveloped (insert ethnic group here), then imperialism can begin. Imperialism can also begin when the pepole begin to see other nations as a threat or when the people believe that an empire would make them wealthier. Either way, it is the people who must support any plans for an empire or at least not violently oppose it. However, this is only the first step.
At any given point there are nations who are experiencing economic and political difficulty, and division makes an area ripe for conquest. Civil disorder does too. Also, there are often leaders in impoverished areas willing to sell their nations for some money and a position, so patience and diplomatic/military/economic pressure will often create an empire.

I think we fit that pretty well in many ways. Not in the way Rome did or England or the Ottomans, but I don't think that kind of conquest is possible anymore. I guess I have no better word for it than "empire".

Alan Grayson: I think he's nuts and over the top, but I also think he's necessary on our side to push, push, push--and to say it like it is sometimes. I think he's smart, of out of control.

I've been looking for a way to cast some light on what is at stake. I think that I've found it in the oldest legal code -- the Code of Hammurabi, from 1772 B.C.

196. If a man has knocked out the eye of a patrician, his eye shall be knocked out...

200. If a patrician has knocked out the tooth of a man that is his equal, his tooth shall be knocked out.

I think that I can hear you say, "Whoa! I never heard that bit about 'patrician' or 'equal' before. What's that all about?"

Well, I'll tell you.

The Code of Hammurabi explicitly set separate laws for patricians, a/k/a the 1 percent, and plebians, a/k/a the 99 percent. Patricians enjoyed the full protection of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Plebians did not. Here is what they got:

198. If [a man] has knocked out the eye of a plebian ... he shall pay one mina of silver.

199. If he has knocked out the eye of a patrician's servant ... he shall pay half [of the servant's] value [to the patrician]...

201. If [a patrician] has knocked out the tooth of a plebian, he shall pay one-third of a mina of silver.

(Today, a mina of silver would be worth about $600.)

Here is another example:

202-204. If a man has smitten the privates [ouch!!] of a man higher in rank than he, he shall be scourged with 60 blows of an ox-hide scourge, in the assembly. If a [patrician] has smitten the privates of a patrician of his own rank, he shall pay one mina of silver. If a plebian has smitten the privates of a plebian, he shall pay ten shekels of silver.

(A shekel of silver today would be worth about $10.)

So here is the point: in the wrong hands, the law itself becomes a means -- a very powerful means -- of discrimination. And in many respects, it already is. Look at the tax code. Look at banking law. Look at abortion laws. Look at the laws on marriage equality. And look at the system itself: most people have the same access to the so-called "justice system" as they do to the Ritz-Carlton.

And whose hands are "the wrong hands"? How about the hands of a gentleman who has never had to dirty his hands at any time during his entire life? A gentleman "to the manor born"? The spiritual heir to Thurston Howell, III?

We already have reached a point where inequality is so extreme that the median wealth of whites is seven times higher than that of African Americans, and African Americans are seven times more likely to be incarcerated.

When we choose our legislators in a few days, let's remember this: the laws that they pass can be a force for equality, or a force against it. That's not only a big difference, it's the biggest difference of all.


Alan Grayson

He was ahead in some polls a week or so ago, but Fivethirtyeight gives him virtually no chance of winning. Too bad, in my opinion. Beats the hell out of Michelle Bachman, if you ask me.

When it comes to Olbermann, my negative feelings are quite a bit stronger than yours. Toward the end there, I saw him as the closest thing to a FauxNews nutcase we have. Not a Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh--there ARE no others like them in the media in my opinion, but pretty damned bad.

On Bush winning his re-election, I agree with you. But personally, I thought Kerry would have done less harm to the country, foreign policy and the economy. Just my opinion.

Thank you for educating me on Al Sharpton. I had no idea of the background you described; I might feel differently if I did. I find him hard to watch and ultra-partisan on MSNBC, almost laughably so. Well, not when compared to Ed Schultz, but then my opinion of HIM is just plain not to watch.

Forgot to ask; what's your opinion of Rachel Maddow?

Do we really have to be FBEs? Looks to me like we think alike on FAR more than we differ...

ETA: I LIVE on sourdough. Three fat slices with butter and jam in the morning, heated and buttered or broiled garlic-bread sourdough for dinner. I do believe I would shrivel up and die if I couldn't get my sourdough everyday!

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012 3:59 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Because:

Except for Barbara Boxer, America as an empire, Alan Grayson and Keith Olberman (you ready for this), ABSOLUTELY EVERY FUCKING WORD (gives me the shivers all over writing that!)!

Do we really have to be FBEs? Looks to me like we think alike on FAR more than we differ...

It was fun for me to take on the subjects you listed. I had a feeling there'd be more in common than not. I went through the whole thing pretty quickly, just putting down opinions I have off the top of my head. I'm a simple person who thinks simple thoughts, so jogging my memory on some subjects was almost like therapy. I'm glad you found the examination fascinating. We should try it again one day.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012 5:07 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Printed out your response and read it to hub Jim. He says you are not a Republican, you are an "independent conservative". He was impressed; also disagreed about Babs Boxer.

I could ask about a hundred more, 'cuz this is so freaky-neat, but I'll spare you. Any you want to ask?

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7:27 PM


Hey Jong, you are a sick, sick, sick.

I love it.........lmao, thanks I needed that.

By the way, I'm glad that you are a thinking Repub, there are so few left.

Rape fetus, rape fetus - is my fav.



Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7:40 PM


Hey Jongsstraw, I admire your honest appraisal of the Bush Economy:

Bush and the economy.....I believe that he inherited a good economy from Clinton, but certain events early in his first term turned things the wrong way; the bubble burst and September 11. His tax cut helped the economy recover for a while and all seemed fine. But he either was not aware or didn't do enough to take precautions concerning the real estate collapse caused by bundled junk being passed around. And as the entire financial collapse was upon us, especially during his lame duck months, I found his leadership non-existent. It made me angry and disgusted.

I'm a little jealous though, you put it so eloquently. Little was done and as a result, we came close to the edge.

Do you honestly believe that Romney will turn the ship around in 4 years?

Personally, I think that, regardless of who is in the Oval Office, the economy will slowly crawl out of the deep, deep hole it's in and make a comeback. Small signs are popping up in key areas that shows signs of life.
I also don't believe that the president alone can affect change positively or negatively - but someone has to pay the piper.



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:03 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Hey Jong, you are a sick, sick, sick.

I love it.........lmao, thanks I needed that.

By the way, I'm glad that you are a thinking Repub, there are so few left.

Rape fetus, rape fetus - is my fav.


Thanks Shiny. It was just an impulse, and I had a lot of fun writing it.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7:14 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Hey Jongsstraw, I admire your honest appraisal of the Bush Economy:

Bush and the economy.....I believe that he inherited a good economy from Clinton, but certain events early in his first term turned things the wrong way; the bubble burst and September 11. His tax cut helped the economy recover for a while and all seemed fine. But he either was not aware or didn't do enough to take precautions concerning the real estate collapse caused by bundled junk being passed around. And as the entire financial collapse was upon us, especially during his lame duck months, I found his leadership non-existent. It made me angry and disgusted.

I'm a little jealous though, you put it so eloquently. Little was done and as a result, we came close to the edge.

Do you honestly believe that Romney will turn the ship around in 4 years?

Thanks again SGG. Niki gave me an opportunity to pontificate a bit, and who wouldn't like a chance to do that. It was a good experience. I find that sincere expression is much more personally satisfying to me than the typical antics that permeate this place....antics that I also used to engage in years ago. I still slip up once in a while and get all partisany and emotional.

As for Romney, if he's President he's going to have a hard time getting things past the Senate. Whether it's Romney or Obama the near future is still going to be problematic due to the climate in DC.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 5:12 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Printed out your response and read it to hub Jim. He says you are not a Republican, you are an "independent conservative". He was impressed; also disagreed about Babs Boxer.

I could ask about a hundred more, 'cuz this is so freaky-neat, but I'll spare you. Any you want to ask?

Your husband's a smart dude 'cause that's what I am. Wasn't always that way though. I voted straight Democratic line from 1972 to 1984. I guess once I had a family and began to pay bills, and began to make some real money I started to see things differently. Also, the fear and dread I had about Reagan in 1980 was gone in a few years. But if there ever had been a viable independent party to vote for I would have gone there instead.

And "freaky-neat"? Yes indeed, especially here and now. For the record you can ask me anything any time you want. Remember, only Nixon can go to China.


Thursday, November 1, 2012 3:14 PM


Always good to have a rational discussion, even with the enemy.
I may often be in opposition, sometimes rabidly so, but there is to my mind a great deal of difference between honest ideological opposition, and flat out jackboot licking, you know ?

Certainly I'd be more inclined to negotiate if there was more reason on that end of the political spectrum - hell I woulda voted for Eisenhower, despite various disagreements with him, so it's not beyond the pale that I could work with rational conservatives, but that general baliwick has been hijacked by the moral equivalent of poop throwing howler monkeys which I got no respect for, who can't even effectively ARTICULATE their supposed cause, much less understand anything like longterm goals or solutions.

And I think that's the key thing here, respect.
I might virulently oppose you Jongsie, but that don't mean I do not respect you as a person, because you have your logical reasons for your stance, as I have mine.
Hell if anything there's times I am sympathetic, cause I know all too well the annoyance of face-palm inducing antics that make you wanna tell some of your own "Get OFF my side!"

At the very least, the POSSIBILITY of discussion then opens the possibility of negotiation, which falls by the wayside all too often these days.



Thursday, November 1, 2012 3:23 PM







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