Campaign 2012: The Report Card

UPDATED: Monday, November 26, 2012 04:52
PAGE 1 of 1

Sunday, November 25, 2012 7:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

A very right-on take on the election and its aftermath, in my opinion:

Has there ever been a less gracious presidential loser than Mitt Romney? I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt during the campaign. I figured he was just dialing for dollars when he massaged the Boca Raton fat cats' fantasies about the lack of "responsibility" on the part of the 47% who don't pay income taxes. But it turns out he really believes that stuff. In a post-election phone call, he regaled his biggest contributors, the fattest of the cats, with the notion that Barack Obama won the election by giving "gifts" to minorities and young people. He also told them that the Republican primaries were ugly because there were too many debates, particularly those staged by CNN and NBC. As if Wolf Blitzer were responsible for the embarrassing displays of barbarity by the Republican audiences, like the booing of a gay veteran. As if Chris Matthews had invented the deathless term self-deportation. As if Brian Williams had asked Romney, "Would you be willing to make a $10,000 bet with Governor Perry about that?" As if Romney had offered anything noble or memorable in his vapid campaign.

And yet, unfortunately, Romney's worldview can't just be dismissed out of hand. Too many Americans agree with it. Their dismay has been flagrant since the Ohio results came in. Assorted patriots in states that get more revenue from the federal government than they kick in--I'm talking about you, Alabama and Mississippi--are circulating petitions to secede. Business owners are threatening to raise prices, like the fool in Florida who runs more than 30 Denny's saying he'll slap a 5% Obamacare tax on his menus, even though he has no idea how much universal health care will cost him and even though the statewide health insurance exchanges might actually lower the premiums that most small businesses will pay if the exchanges unleash the power of (regulated) market competition.

There are sore losers in every election. But the quality of the carping is different this time. The sense that a "traditional" America is being supplanted by something foreign--an amalgam of Greece and Kenya, perhaps--seems to have only intensified since the election. The fantasy that the Obama coalition supports "socialism" was raised, mournfully, by William Bennett, who cited a 2011 Pew poll. The poll exists. Blacks, young people and liberals all copped to more positive feelings about "socialism" than "capitalism." But I wonder, What do these people think socialism is?

I checked the dictionary. And socialism languishes there, just as it always has: "a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state." Is that what 49% of young people favor? I don't think so. If it is, count me on Bennett's team. That sort of socialism has been an utter failure, and regulated capitalism has been the greatest eradicator of poverty in the history of the world. But I suspect--and this would be wonderfully ironic, if true--that all those blacks and young people got their definition of socialism from Rush Limbaugh and the other wing-nut foghorns: socialism is when the government helps people out.

What we've decided in this election is that most people are comfortable with a regulated free-enterprise system in which the government helps provide education and health care for everyone and financial support for those who need it most, especially the elderly. What we'll continue to debate is how extensive those regulations and supports should be. But there is no question--except in the minds of the deluded--that any of our truly basic freedoms, especially the freedom to make money, are threatened in any significant way. In the real world, there is less drama to all this than meets the eye. Lessons have been learned. I remain optimistic that the professional politicians who lead the Republican Party will find a way to close a budget deal long before we reach a cliff, since they know they'll be blamed by a voting majority of Americans for any impasse.

But what about those disaffected white folks? I suspect they'll find Obamacare won't have the profound impact on the national character--or their lives--that they fear. But I worry that their sense of loss will fester and in some cases get ugly. Perhaps, as a gesture of good faith, the rest of us--those unthreatened by a polychromatic, polymorphic future--should listen to their more reasonable arguments, especially the ones that involve personal responsibility. Perhaps we should begin to think about ways that people who receive benefits like unemployment insurance, food stamps, even disability, can also give back. Because citizenship in a healthy democracy comes with responsibilities, and too many of us, of all incomes, haven't been responsible enough.,9171,2129804,00.html?iid=s

There's some truth to that. I'm not sure how a single mother working two jobs could "give back", but given the state of our infrastructure, something along the lines of a national workforce for the consistently unemployed would be a beginning. Forgive my historical ignorance: Who was hte President who did just such a thing?


Sunday, November 25, 2012 1:37 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
....something along the lines of a national workforce for the consistently unemployed....Who was the President who did just such a thing?

A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
Eleanor Roosevelt

I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on.
Eleanor Roosevelt

I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.
Eleanor Roosevelt

If someone betrays you once, it’s their fault; if they betray you twice, it’s your fault.
Eleanor Roosevelt

It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
Eleanor Roosevelt

One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.
Eleanor Roosevelt

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
Eleanor Roosevelt

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Her husband Franklin created The New Deal, The WPA, and The TVA.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

Benjamin Franklin


Sunday, November 25, 2012 1:43 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Niki2:
....something along the lines of a national workforce for the consistently unemployed....Who was the President who did just such a thing?

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Her husband Franklin created The New Deal, The WPA, and The TVA.

I was gonna post: Her husband was the guy.


Sunday, November 25, 2012 1:52 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Niki2:
....something along the lines of a national workforce for the consistently unemployed....Who was the President who did just such a thing?

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Her husband Franklin created The New Deal, The WPA, and The TVA.

I was gonna post: Her husband was the guy.


Interestingly, many at the time considered FDR's many programs under the New Deal to be outright Socialism. And to this day many financial experts and historians contend that it was WWII that ended The Depression, not The New Deal.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

Benjamin Franklin


Monday, November 26, 2012 4:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, I've heard that one. Yeah, Roosevelt...and I never heard those quotes from Eleanor...what a woman! I wish she was alive today, and I'm guessing she was quite a "power behind the throne"...

Heck, haven't the Republicans been calling anything and everything having to do with safety nets, helping PEOPLE (rather than corporations), etc., etc., socialism?

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.






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