Nuclear Christmas

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 15:51
VIEWED: 1341
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Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:23 PM


Latest conspiracy theory:

There are strong confirmations that one or more nuclear weapons, known to have been stolen but kept from the public to “prevent panic,” may well be deployed in American cities by extremist elements with probable ties to a foreign intelligence agency.

This scenario was the basis of the television show “Jericho” several years ago. However, this time there are real culprits and real motivations, both the overthrow of the government of the United States and the naming of Iran as a “scapegoat.”

The plot has been tracked to groups within the Pentagon, several government agencies and wealthy and powerful extremist backers of Netanyahu and, in particular, the “Gulf Cartel” operating from Mexico that has penetrated nearly all levels of government, law enforcement and the military across the country.

Using surprisingly direct language, President Obama has officially confirmed this conspiracy.

Six days ago, the President of the United States, on his official public website, issued a warning about “government insiders” who were planning “violent acts” against the “government and the nation.”

Despite the public nature and seriousness of this announcement and the draconian measures alluded to in order to “mitigate” the threat, no member of the opposition party which usually jumps on any and every word the president says has mentioned anything.

Moreover, there has been a total press blackout on this press release, which is prominently displayed on the White House website. Those we have spoken with at the highest levels of the military and key intelligence and law enforcement agencies indicate they have never seen a statement of this kind and find it shocking.

All find it frightening and for good reason.

Sources within the intelligence community have confirmed that key former military personnel, some employed by the government to provide security for nuclear facilities, others with training in the assembly and detonation of “special weapons,” are being sought and actively recruited by “militant extremists” who represent, for the most part, powerful international corporations.

Though this group was initially tracked down through counter-narcotics investigations, their membership includes at least one major hedge fund, top law firms, major media players and even religious organizations.

We keep returning to the White House warning:

“…to deter, detect and mitigate actions by employees who may present a threat to national security… These threats include… violent acts against the Government and the Nation…”

When all major media and political groups chose to suppress reporting of this threat, a press release that, normally, would have been turned against President Obama in order to label him a “wild conspiracy theorist,” this became more than real, it became genuinely terrifying.

Rush Limbaugh and Fox News typically would have dedicated hour after hour of accusations, “the president is now a dictator,” or “Obama has gone insane.”

Instead, we have total silence.

After 9/11, a controversy that divides Americans into those who follow the flood of hard evidence of a cover-up and demand justice and real retribution against those who bask in blindness and ignorance, one serious fact has escaped many.

How can America, exhausted after losing two wars, increasingly aware that our news, even our history has been fictionalized and propagandized, be manipulated into blindly following a conspiratorial cabal after a “too conveniently timed” national disaster.

The last election in the US was even more bizarre than the several that preceded it. Mitt Romney, predicted by many to win easily, lost by a huge electoral margin despite every imaginable attempt to rig the election from voter intimidating to hacking voting machines.

Contacts within federal law enforcement indicate that Romney may well have faced arrest for a wide variety of charges tied to narcotics, money laundering and organized crime until investigations were shut down by the Bush administration after 9/11.

The previous candidate from the same party was saved from prison through a secret presidential pardon and if tried based on direct accusations made by Colonel Ted Guy, would only now be considered for release from prison.

When you add this to the fact that nearly all top members of the Bush administration are unable to travel because they face criminal prosecution for war crimes and are actively evading arrest, the true nature of the relationship between a vast international criminal conspiracy and key players in America’s ruling oligarchy is more than obvious.

Thus, when a threat of an attack on the “government and nation” is revealed, two things become obvious:

1. Only a nuclear attack, likely more than one location, could push America to the new war Israel wants and bully the American people into even more “police state” legislation and the total abandonment of what is left of democratic government.

2. News and entertainment have been systematically pre-staging such a move through highly fictionalized and propagandized “brainwashing” that is intended to make Iran the scapegoat for what President Obama has now revealed is actually an “insider threat” within the American government.

Nukes, Lost, Stolen and “Misplaced” Now “in Play”

As early as 1990, three South African nuclear weapons, purchased by Britain, three out of ten manufactured at the Armscorp Pelindaba facility, were stolen. The purchase of the weapons was authorized by Prime Minster Thatcher and handed by Dr. David Kelly, the murdered weapons scientist, and a young assistant, David Cameron, currently Prime Minister of Britain.

False reports that Iraq had stolen these weapons made up the real “secret brief” used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Only later, in 2009, when one of these weapons was exploded by North Korea, did it become clear that there was an open market for nukes and that some of the players were considered “friends” of Britain, France and the US.

In 1991, the US lost three more nuclear weapons in an air crash off Somalia, weapons believed to have been recovered and marketed by former South African Defense officials.

The US mounted a massive recovery effort tied to these weapons in 1993 in Somalia and sustained considerable casualties.

A movie was made about it, “Blackhawk Down.”

In 2007, a religious cult within the US Air Force stole between 6 and 9 H Bombs and loaded them on a B-52 bound for “places unknown.”

Not all of those weapons were recovered when the plane was forced down at Barksdale Air Force Base. The public was told a wild story of dozens of mistakes in mishandling nuclear weapons.

Invented Terrorism

There is substantial reason to believe that, in order to shift blame from powerful extremist groups in the US, with ties to drug cartels and multi-national organized crime, the “Global War on Terror” was begun and the non-existent organization, “Al Qaeda” was invented.

Historical record will prove that the US Department of Justice did, in fact, invent “Al Qaeda” in order to bring “conspiracy” charges against Osama bin Laden where there was absolutely no evidence of his involvement. We are speaking of the East Africa embassy bombings.

President Obama, in his November 21, 2012 press release has, after all these years, finally admitted that the American government is deeply infiltrated with militant extremists who have used false flag terror to push their political agenda.

In fact, the Bush 43 administration was almost entirely made up of militant extremists and, were it not for the political defeats of both McCain and Romney; organized crime would have had the military forces of the US as their “private army” for eight more years.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 3:36 PM


...I give this full credit for being possible, but it appears to lose points for being unverifiable. I just checked and No such statement is prominently displayed at all. Nor can I find such a statement by searching the site, or through google caches of the site.

The closest I can find is a statement 2 years ago about a nuclear summit in Seoul.

Googling, it seems all articles on this refer back to the same source, or have been reposted word for word.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 4:11 PM


For Immediate Release
November 21, 2012
Presidential Memorandum -- National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs


SUBJECT: National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs

This Presidential Memorandum transmits the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs (Minimum Standards) to provide direction and guidance to promote the development of effective insider threat programs within departments and agencies to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security. These threats encompass potential espionage, violent acts against the Government or the Nation, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including the vast amounts of classified data available on interconnected United States Government computer networks and systems.

The Minimum Standards provide departments and agencies with the minimum elements necessary to establish effective insider threat programs. These elements include the capability to gather, integrate, and centrally analyze and respond to key threat-related information; monitor employee use of classified networks; provide the workforce with insider threat awareness training; and protect the civil liberties and privacy of all personnel.

The resulting insider threat capabilities will strengthen the protection of classified information across the executive branch and reinforce our defenses against both adversaries and insiders who misuse their access and endanger our national security.



Don’t waste your life not making amazing things with equally amazing people.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 5:01 PM


Okay then.

Though they're still making a logical leap about the christmas attack.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 7:36 PM


Part of the rationale for the warning is to put the suspects "On-Notice" in the same way a plots which cannot be verified without outing sources are handed off to "fringe lunatics" like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or John Lee, cause at that point the plan falls apart on the notion that actually trying to DO it would come back on them, this is why such are tolerated and actually work at maintaining a low credibility rating in order to not be crushed as an imminent threat.

Another part of it is knowing where the nuke in question *IS*, and that one I will out.
New York.
If you actually work at it, dig deep enough, you'll find some official confirmation of both that and how it was discovered.

As for cult/conspiracy/military involvement factor - THAT goes all the way back to 1930 some and the intended "muscle" for The Business Plot, which involved many of the same corporate dynasties which are formenting such now - there's ALWAYS been a subcommunity within the military intent on hostile takeover, Scoop Jackson even wrote up a plan to do it, but eventually balked and shelved it, whereupon it was suddenly classified and snatched during the Bush administration in case THEY managed to try it and failed, as the Neocons more or less started in Jacksons cabal and eventually jumped parties, finally rising to the power they wanted under shrub.

What really brought this about as a clear and present danger was the potential military support and involvement in regards to the OKC bombing - especially in light of three unanswered questions.
Where did the other bombs come from ?
Why was McVeigh in uniform and on duty at a military post just prior ?
(there's a video of this, again, if you dig deep enough...)
What the HELL was the freakin army doing with a Ryder moving truck on post just prior ?
(There's pictures.)

Of course, that failed - the intent was for the four internal charges to drop the building and the whole mess get blamed on the truckbomb, despite the obvious impossibility of a low order explosive doing sufficient damage from that range (See Also: Elgin Blast Effects Study).
For whatever reason only one of the internal charges went off, doing the damage seen, and in order to "explain it away" they kept upping the assessment of how much the truck was carrying till people started laughing at the fact that so much ANFO would not have PHYSICALLY FIT IN THE TRUCK, and then the story changed again....
Still doesn't answer any of the most pressing questions.

The Barksdale scandal is even scarier, cause they got a friggin nuke bomber off the ground with live redpills on it, flying it intially from Minot AFB.

All handled nice and quiet, and I refuse all comment about it save to ask two questions.
What about the suicides ?
Six missles out, Five missles in - where *IS* number six ?
(See Also: Load Balance)

Well, okay, one comment - violating procedure badly enough for this to happen by accident is no more possible than accidental violation of BSL3/4 safety procedures, that's *WHY* we have them, cause they are fully redundant with all the necessary failsafes against human error and murphys law.

Thankfully the foundation of Blackwater drew off most of the True-Crusader culties, but there's still a sizeable faction thereof within our military and a lot of em are pissed about not getting their way via installing a GOP warmonger to the white house.

Mind you, I don't buy the initially posted assessment, as the device in New York is NOT the missing number six, and the nature of its discovery kind of precludes military/cult involvement.



Saturday, December 1, 2012 8:54 PM


Well, I was completely off on this then. Well spotted CTS. Thanks for the elaboration, Frem.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 9:16 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It is inappropriate to have a thread titled "Nuclear Christmas" where this is not present:


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term applies.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -T. S. Szasz


Sunday, December 2, 2012 10:26 AM


Now THAT, is just creepy-weird, as I was JUST coming here to post EXACTLY THAT.

Strange minds think alike, it seems.

Also, worthy of note - due to the ABSOLUTE USELESSNESS of the CIA, total inability to do their job, sabotage of foreign relations and handing us politically loaded bad intel despite the billions we sink into it, the DIA has finally had enough and decided to create thier own apparatus for foreign intelligence, which makes the CIA redundant and will cause conflict, since I can't see them being defunded or dismantled without throwing down some pretty hideous contingency plans.

I do think it progress of a sort though, since the DoD has ever since the late 70's (when the CIA couldn't even get them floorplans for a building, or ANY actionable intel, number of entrances, floors, potential security) has been quietly rolling their own off-the-books intel groups to do the work that the government agency SUPPOSED to, can't or won't - that this break has finally gone wide enough to be public is an interesting development, especially with the CIA in turmoil right now over the whole Petraeus thing and other less public stuff.

Bout time someone did something about this, the CIA seems to put more work into creating the very problems it was intended to solve than anything else, and being so inept at their job a google search would net you better intel, dumping billions into them just so they can create more blowback seems a waste, and I hope the budget chaindogs work them over with the financial management equivalent of ninecats.



Sunday, December 2, 2012 5:11 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Well, glad Madame Geezer and I will be in St. John, USVI over Christmas, then. And, yes, I'm bragging.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 3:51 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The world is ending on Dec. 21st anyway, no worries mate.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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