Gun Restriction in the United States of Chrisisall

UPDATED: Sunday, January 20, 2013 19:19
VIEWED: 1680
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Saturday, January 12, 2013 6:43 AM


USC Bureau of Firearm Permits & Licenses 9:00 am

First applicant handed me his paperwork, but he was wearing a God, Guts & guns tee shirt, so he was sent packing.
#2 had a mean look on his face & kept muttering expletives under his breath- turned away.
#3 was a small woman who owns a thrift shop, application accepted for background check.
#4 was an 18 year old male with a pleasant attitude, was about to accept his application until I heard him say to his friend, "See? Now they'll take me seriously." Asked to leave.
#5 was a quiet male in his thirties, I decided to ask him what his favourite movie was, he said it was Texas Chainsaw Massacre, then quickly corrected himself with Sound of Music. Rejected.
#6 was a woman who kept humming the music from Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive... sent packing.

It's like this all day long. Gun companies hate us. The head of the NRA just committed suicide. Random gun deaths are down 38%.


Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:38 AM


Alas Chris, it used to be a lot like that, but the other way around, and worse.

Jim March and the whole mess of MAY-issue versus SHALL-issue showed real clear how if control of the permits is left in Govt hands it *will* be abused, *has* been abused, 100% of the time.
We even had a problem up here when it was changed to SHALL-issue cause the police chief of Flint, ole Davie Dicks (of the baggy pants law) didn't like the idea of issuing permits to people darker than him, and it took the Governor all but physically putting her boot up his arse to get him to comply with the damn law.

Which is why I offered the proposal that I did, mind.



Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:50 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
USC Bureau of Firearm Permits & Licenses 9:00 am

First applicant handed me his paperwork, but he was wearing a God, Guts & guns tee shirt, so he was sent packing.
#2 had a mean look on his face & kept muttering expletives under his breath- turned away.
#3 was a small woman who owns a thrift shop, application accepted for background check.
#4 was an 18 year old male with a pleasant attitude, was about to accept his application until I heard him say to his friend, "See? Now they'll take me seriously." Asked to leave.
#5 was a quiet male in his thirties, I decided to ask him what his favourite movie was, he said it was Texas Chainsaw Massacre, then quickly corrected himself with Sound of Music. Rejected.
#6 was a woman who kept humming the music from Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive... sent packing.

It's like this all day long. Gun companies hate us. The head of the NRA just committed suicide. Random gun deaths are down 38%.

Oh that's so good!

What about the people at sci-fi cons who enter the roped-off area in the back corner of the floor to duel each other with plastic swords?

Or people that are on Twitter?


Saturday, January 12, 2013 3:17 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Jim March and the whole mess of MAY-issue versus SHALL-issue showed real clear how if control of the permits is left in Govt hands it *will* be abused, *has* been abused, 100% of the time.

This is my fantasy, Frem, and in it all my peeps are perceptive, level-headed dudes with a good knowledge of psychology, and as such, have no time for idiots and fools. If, in MY world, you can't think enough to present a proper appearance & attitude to even apply for a deadly weapon permit, you probably won't think well enough to be able to use & store it correctly either. Getting turned away doesn't mean you can't come back another day, just means you'll likely bring the same poor attitude/dress/comments that got you sent away for the first time. You need to be serious about serious business.


Saturday, January 12, 2013 3:19 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
What about the people at sci-fi cons who enter the roped-off area in the back corner of the floor to duel each other with plastic swords?

Get them to sign a waiver & let 'em hurt each other, what else?


Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:34 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
What about the people at sci-fi cons who enter the roped-off area in the back corner of the floor to duel each other with plastic swords?

Get them to sign a waiver & let 'em hurt each other, what else?

I'll be in Orlando for MegaCon in March. Maybe I'll give it a try.

The entire cast from STNG will be appearing together, so I expect to get some great stories and new autographed pics, if I can manage to drag myself away from Ya Ya Han long enough to visit them.


Saturday, January 12, 2013 6:18 PM


At a con in NY in '80 a Cylon Warrior swung a sword & hit a kid in the mouth, small wound, but we were like WTF!! We took justice into our own hands & poured a small cup of water on his head, fracking his wiring a bit.
Space justice! Street justice. Con justice. Whatever.


Sunday, January 13, 2013 4:09 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
USC Bureau of Firearm Permits & Licenses 9:00 am

First applicant handed me his paperwork, but he was wearing a God, Guts & guns tee shirt, so he was sent packing.
#2 had a mean look on his face & kept muttering expletives under his breath- turned away.
#3 was a small woman who owns a thrift shop, application accepted for background check.
#4 was an 18 year old male with a pleasant attitude, was about to accept his application until I heard him say to his friend, "See? Now they'll take me seriously." Asked to leave.
#5 was a quiet male in his thirties, I decided to ask him what his favourite movie was, he said it was Texas Chainsaw Massacre, then quickly corrected himself with Sound of Music. Rejected.
#6 was a woman who kept humming the music from Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive... sent packing.

It's like this all day long. Gun companies hate us. The head of the NRA just committed suicide. Random gun deaths are down 38%.

If you spent more then five seconds looking you'd see that that your profiling is stupid.

1. He is a Texas pastor, father of three and is a volunteer firefighter and active in the National Guard.

2. Retired police officer, black, and runs an inner city youth basketball league that recently was the subject of a drive by gang shooting.

3. Lesbian who routinely beats her spouse but has yet to be convicted because she always convinces her wife that she loves her and it will never happen again. She also is an alcoholic and has a prescription drug problem and an undiagnosed mental disorder.

4. Eagle Scout who just volunteered to spend his spare time building houses for the poor. In college studying English and plans to be a teacher.

5. Union worker, builds cars for Ford, married with his second kid on the way, attends church every week, plays softball, and a Mormon who does not drink,

6. Single mom who was recently raped on her way home from work by a man with a knife. This after being mugged twice in the last year. Wants to move, but her kid is in a really good school and she determined to stick it out for her daughter's sake.

Good job. You eliminated the law abiding citizens. Random gun deaths down 38%. Criminal gun deaths up 40% with general violent crime up 29%.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:58 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Good job. You eliminated the law abiding citizens.

I'm impressed you actually took the time to do that.
And I never said law abiding citizens in my country could have guns if they exhibit poor judgement. NYAH.


Sunday, January 13, 2013 9:16 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
At a con in NY in '80 a Cylon Warrior swung a sword & hit a kid in the mouth, small wound, but we were like WTF!! We took justice into our own hands & poured a small cup of water on his head, fracking his wiring a bit.
Space justice! Street justice. Con justice. Whatever.

Death to the tin-plated golmonging Cylons. Way to go you old Modocker!


Sunday, January 13, 2013 9:40 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Way to go you old Modocker!

Thank you Commander Cain.


Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:18 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

In the United States of Riona:
I'll let the populus vote on banning assault weapons, whatever they decide is what I'll do. If you buy a gun thorough background checks will occur before you can take it home. If you've committed certain crimes you can't have it. If you've committed certain other crimes you can't have it until its been a certain amount of time since your crime incident. If you've been civilly committed within the last five years then you can have it as soon as that time is up if you haven't landed in hospital again since then, lots of people with mental illness are responsable and competant after all. (raises hand), though I don't want any guns myself, not interested.

In the United States of Riona, we don't judge people on first glance like they do in the United States of Chrisisall, we check out the facts and make decisions accordingly according to rules and predetermined regulations.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 14, 2013 4:36 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
In the United States of Riona:
I'll let the populus vote on banning assault weapons, whatever they decide is what I'll do.

Tyranny of the majority is still tyranny.

What if the majority says women can't vote (or complain), slavery is ok as long as the person is black, the press must be approved by govt censors, soldiers get to live in your home for free, you can be arrested without charges, trial or the right to counsel and you MUST confess your crimes in court, that the govt can take your property without any process or compensation, etc?

Tyranny of the majority is something a number of our founders were concerned with and rightfully so. Hitler was elected.

It is why our rights and freedoms were given basic express guarantees and the limits of our govt placed firmly in our constitution along with the ultimate right through the bearing of arms to remove that govt should it act in contrary to those limits or in violation of those rights.

I suggest you read Democracy in America. Good book, even if written by a surrender-loving cheese monkey.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Monday, January 14, 2013 4:00 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I see what you're saying Hero and I understand what you mean. But what I didn't mention is that in the US of Riona I'm the benevelent dictator and so I decide some things myself and let the masses decide on things I'm not picky about. :)

Or maybe they elect people but my say can veto whomever they elect a certain number of times a year, actually that's better, that way they don't know I'm in charge and that way I'm not too in charge. I want them to have lots of choices after all.

NOTE that we are playing pretends here, I know I could never be put in charge of, much less run, a country. This is purely a for-fun excercise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 14, 2013 4:40 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:

In the United States of Riona, we don't judge people on first glance like they do in the United States of Chrisisall, we check out the facts and make decisions accordingly according to rules and predetermined regulations.

In The United States of Chrisisall, we don't waste time, money & red tape on applicants that appear to be goofballs. Buying a deadly weapon is serious business, at least come to apply in that manor.


Monday, January 14, 2013 5:16 PM


United States? What United States? There is no United States, just like there is no Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They're all independent nations now. The old USA will become 50 countries. The entire Federal Govt. of useless bloodsuckers will have one week to clear out and go home. If your state is bankrupt and can't sustain itself...too bad. Go kill a squirrel for supper. Plant a bean and grow coffee. If your state can't defend itself from attack...too bad. Melt your pots and pans into knives and nunchuck chains. Interstate highway crossings and bridges will be blown up or walled off. All open land areas will be booby-trapped with mines that key on groinal heat. Stay home and shut up. Long live the New Flesh!


Monday, January 14, 2013 5:53 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Upon further consideration, the queen is sort of like that in Great Britain, she doesn't decide stuff generally, the Parliament etc. does. But she still gets lots of respect and I think she can vito certain things/make certain decisions. What is she allowed to intercede regarding? Because maybe that's the solution to my conundrum here of being in charge without _being _in _charge.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, January 18, 2013 2:19 AM


Because the BATFE is out of control, up to and including deliberately running guns to the cartels to phony up a panic and excuse for further bans/limitations, as has been recently discussed at length.

Just as I do not trust the FBI to pursue terrorists when they're too busy phonying up "terrorist plots" out of thin air to justify their existence, I would not trust the BATFE for much the same reason.

There's also the notion that many knee-jerk, feelgood laws are downright unenforceable and always have been, or at the very least financially prohibitive to try, and this was known at the time.
I mean, it's not like they ever WORKED, it's just fluff and excuses, just about all of it.



Friday, January 18, 2013 2:40 AM


Decriminalize drugs, and watch BATFE start crying like the group of bitchy little girls they are. Then sadistic prison guards would also have to find new work.
It the United States of Chrisisall, we mainly put people in jail for violent crime.


Friday, January 18, 2013 7:23 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
I see what you're saying Hero and I understand what you mean. But what I didn't mention is that in the US of Riona I'm the benevelent dictator and so I decide some things myself and let the masses decide on things I'm not picky about. :)

Or maybe they elect people but my say can veto whomever they elect a certain number of times a year, actually that's better, that way they don't know I'm in charge and that way I'm not too in charge. I want them to have lots of choices after all.

Call yourself Queen, King, President for Life, or your benevolent dictator or Plato's philosopher king. It does not matter how good you are or your intentions may be. Nobody was worried about Presudent Washington becoming king, he'd already turned it down.

As my friend Toby put it on West Wing, the Constitution isn't about you or Washington or Lincoln or Reagan or whoever you'd trust with that power, it's about the sixty guys who come after you.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012


Sunday, January 20, 2013 7:19 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

So I checked it out, it looks like Queen Elizabeth II doesn't really have power, but people consult her to make decisions, they don't have to, but they want to. So I would have a bit more power than she, I could veto what the congress says a couple of times a year, when I think its really important, but not very often. BTW Hero my title is Memsahib Riona.

As much as I don't like street drugs and think people shouldn't use them, I don't think we want to use our limited finances on making them illegal, since that's expensive to enforce. So we'll try letting things go how they will with an emphasis on discouragement for health reasons and see how it goes. If it becomes too pervasive we will evaluate the idea of making them illegal. I just don't know that we can afford the expense of illegality, what with prison space and paying people to enforce the law.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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