Niki has never once stared down the barrel of a gun....

UPDATED: Thursday, January 24, 2013 07:11
VIEWED: 4068
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Friday, January 18, 2013 8:44 AM


Having come from a world where I've been operated on for a knife wound to my back and had several guns pointed at my face, I envy that position.

I'm quite certain that any guns pointed at my face were illegally gained and that even though no bullets have ever penetrated this body, the knife which was lodged 4" deep in my back was your standard "Gordan Ramsey" type kitchen knife you can acquire at "the Mart" for a mere 9.99 or buy second hand at Goodwill for less than a buck. Maybe we should ban all sharp instruments from any home too? It's not people who kill people, it's knives that kill people. Damn you Gordan Ramsey!!!!!!

No other words said here negatively or positively. I'm just glad that you've never lived that moment where you actually had to contemplate that the next few seconds of your life might be the last few seconds of your life.

Good for you Niki.... Ever judgmental Niki, speaking to all of the Proles from Her untouchable throne....

I understand that being in that circle grants a ton of leeway into deciding how other people should decide to live their lives.

Walk a mile in somebody else's shoes and make your decision....

I know it's hard to convince somebody who's only scars in life were cosmetic and barely noticeable.....


Friday, January 18, 2013 8:51 AM


Jesus Christ, 6ix. This is fucking low even for you. Is Jack short for "Jackass?"


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:10 AM


I respect your opinion HK...

I'd like you to elaborate on that.

Is there something you wish to contend as if it were fictional?

Otherwise, having lived through it, and I could tell you every gruesome detail about my life in the ER that I wished the doctors just got in a big circle and beat the shit out of me again rather than the procedures to verify I hadn't been bleeding internally.

The reality of it all gets much, MUCH worse.....

I apologize, after the fact, for just how bad that bad can be....

My mistake....


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:10 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

....your standard "Gordan Ramsey" type kitchen knife ....

Ever judgmental Niki....

You spelled both Gordon and Ramsay wrong.

You spelled judgemental wrong.

Did your knife wound result from one of your drug deals?


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:14 AM


Thank you spellchecker

That's why somebody else pays you, so I get free Windows for me and my poor family and friends.

Good for you Jongs if you actually paid for any version of Windows!

Thanks for the Free Spellcheck!!!!


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:32 AM


Your poor spelling is just laziness, and it's even worse when you've taken the time to create a thread, instead of just hastily responding to one. My posts may be boring, but I try at least to get the spelling right. I'm still curious about your knife wound. I'm also curious about why you selected Niki as a title subject, when so many others here have the same opinions about gun control.


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Jack, I've been stabbed, shot, shot at, and had guns pointed at my head more than once. I suffer significant hearing loss in my right ear from some jackass who fired a .357 next to my head to "teach me a lesson" about getting in a snowball fight with his kids when I was a kid.

So what was it you wanted to discuss that Niki couldn't possibly understand? Maybe I can help.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:38 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Your poor spelling is just laziness, and it's even worse when you've taken the time to create a thread, instead of just hastily responding to one. My posts may be shit, but I try at least to get the spelling right. I'm still curious about your knife wound. I'm also curious about why you selected Niki as a title subject, when so many others here have the same opinions about gun control.

It's more than just laziness; realtime spellcheckers are the basic default of pretty much all computers these days (I believe even most browsers have 'em now, and the site itself might have one), so it's a willful ignorance and a positive decision to embrace that ignorance, that won't let someone let a computer correct their horrific spelling.

But y'know, Jack is just another of those posters who claimed he wasn't going to get sucked into this place again. Yet another instance of him proving himself to be full of shit. Go figure.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:39 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

....your standard "Gordan Ramsey" type kitchen knife ....

Ever judgmental Niki....

You spelled both Gordon and Ramsay wrong.

You spelled judgemental wrong.

Did your knife wound result from one of your drug deals?

More likely he was trying to drunkenly lecture someone on how to live their life, or bragging about his credit score.


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:54 AM




Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Having come from a world where I've been operated on for a knife wound to my back and had several guns pointed at my face,

Well, people do tend to get pissed at drunken idiots.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, January 18, 2013 10:23 AM


Envy it all you like - but don't you DARE demean it.

Those who have not experienced violence up close and personal might have a more vague and perhaps inaccurate understanding of it, but how in bloody HELL would anyone with half an ounce of decency consider that a bad thing ?!

I PREFER that they lack that experience, in fact I hope they NEVER have it, and I might be a little envious myself, but hell if imma BLAME them for it!

Consider well that my actual put-food-on-table JOB right now is to protect the people who live here from EVER having that experience if I can help it, and while yes there are things they could probably do to improve their own safety and security, it's MY job to worry about that shit so that they don't have to - and despite the current nature of our society meaning I'll likely never lack for this sorta work, I wouldn't mind pursuing another career cause our society became safe enough, sane enough, that this job was no longer necessary.

Okay, yes, I do find a certain glory in violence, but unlike you I retain enough self-awareness to know how VILE this is, that it is a tragic FLAW, and not something to be lauded or respected, but pitied and feared.

If The Golden Rule was a physical object, Jack, I would slap you silly with it right about now.
(Yes, that's intentionally hypocritical humor, deal.)



Friday, January 18, 2013 10:28 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Your poor spelling is just laziness, and it's even worse when you've taken the time to create a thread, instead of just hastily responding to one. My posts may be boring, but I try at least to get the spelling right. I'm still curious about your knife wound. I'm also curious about why you selected Niki as a title subject, when so many others here have the same opinions about gun control.

I did the best I could. I guess that Microsoft and Firefox didn't bother to correct a D-List Actor like Goardoiase Ranslisey. Whatever 3rd word you posted about I corrected, at least according to the little red squiggles underneath the word that Firefox provides me.

The truth is, I don't give two shits about spelling words or names that nobody would ever actually use in real conversations....

Thank you for pointing it out to me though, twice, I might add...

We'll just disregard Kwicko's usual hate Jack rantings and get on with the rest of your post, shall we?

The knife wound....

Had I not learned several valuable lessons that night, it would have been all for naught....

Lesson 1: No matter who you think you are, you are not superman.....

I no sooner approached the front door of a party one of my friends "girlfriends" was hosting when she begged me to help her get some guys out of her house.

Sure, she knew me by name after only meeting me once before, but that should have been a sign to bail right there.

But I didn't.... I walked right in, knowing (stupidly) I had 3 guys of my own behind me, and completely underestimating gang mentality loyalty. Should have known better when there were at least 20 guys outnumbering the 15 girls in the basement before the party ever started to take off...

I was 21 at the time. Old enough to drink but well before I put on 70lbs of mass in the gym.

The main "offender's" name was, well... let's just call him "Big M"..... At the time I thought it was just Big Black M and some half-white/half mexican dude behind him.

Being as small as I was, I wasn't the confrontational type. I used words to my advantage. I explained the situation and that I just got to the party and that everyone here was looking to have a good time. The hostess was talking about calling the cops and nobody wanted that to happen.

He then stared down at me with his cold, black beady eyes and immense 250lb frame and said "I'm going back to jail tonight".....

Quite intimidated at that point, I stared him back in the eyes and said "look man, nobody wants that..... we just all want to have a good time without the police getting involved....

Then the "hostess" who begged for my help came out to the kitchen and said "Get out of my house Nigger!"......


Today I would have just told him to smoke her with his boys..............

Of course back then I was still 19 and "invulnerable" and tried to further calm the situation down after forcing her out of the kitchen.

His one friend I saw was weilding a pair of scissors in the background and my only real boy stepped up without another word and punched him in the face. Two other guys came out of nowhere and bloodied him up real bad.

I threw some punches and grabbed him and we ran out of the house.....

I should have just left there, but one of them said "and don't any of you pussies ever come back"......

And just like that....

Like a racist Marty McFly.... I turned around and yelled "FUCK YOU NIGGER!!!".......

By the time I realized I was being flanked by 2 more guys then I expected, I was punched in the back of the head so hard I was dizzy. I remember trying to punch but hitting air. Eventually I curled into a ball and let my ass get beat as my friends just watched.

We had a couple of cars and I drove my friend KDog home

Halfway there, i felt a shooting pain in my back like i'd been stabbed...

I reached back and it was all wet. I'd been bleeding all over my driver's seat.

Thanks to the ZERO lack of bedside manner of my "doctor", i find out what is in my immediate future.

No drugs, no sleep....

I'm going to get not one, but three cathaders....

1. To drain my bladder... right up my dick-hole....

2. To drain my stomach..... not through my mouth, but through my nose....

3. Let's cut a hole in your un-cut stomach..... Once your bladder and belley are empty let's lift an insulin pouch above our heads till it empties, and then in Mid_evil fashion, let's throw it on the ground!!!!

If there's no "red" you didn't get an organ cut.....

I was told afterward I was lucky and jokingly that he must have "been a surgeon" for not doing any permanent damage....

Tell that to the 8 or 10 nurses and doctors huddled around me when I got up to pee....

When I came back, I told them I wished that they just got together in a big circle and beat the shit out of me again.

HAHA! Yeah.... White collar idiot judgers...

I'm sure it was funny, and easy to judge....

Enjoy your white-collar non-judgmental lives.....

Here's hoping your kids resist the temptation....

Here's hoping that you didn't drive your Mensa-Bound kid to a life of this......

My Step Brother not only graduated this year from a Warren Buffeted' backed class, but he will be teaching at a state school at only 21 years old next year. He's already got his guaranty for an 18k a year stipend for only 1 year of teaching and whatever research he heads after that, on top of all bills paid while he's there.

He's also applying at all the Ivy League schools, but doesn't really care... he's already got what he wants. He'll be only 21 years old and he'll be teaching kids older than he is....

Yeah, that was my future and my idiot parents at the time were too self centered to make a dream come true, but there's plenty of time to bounce back.

I don't want that responsibility anyhow, and I'd be so much the guy that gave good grades for good blowjobs...... Don't hate me cause it's true. It is what it is...

That's my problem..... anyhow....

My bro, through excellent parenting, surrounded himself with people in his IQ level...

Sadly, the RWED is the closest I get to that in real life....

Like it or not, we're suck with each other....

I wish one of us were on par with the people he kicks out of the group for being too stupid or uneducated....


Friday, January 18, 2013 12:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, "JACK" , I noticed that you responded to the post about spelling, but not the ones from Kwicko and Frem.

I kinda like you, but that was an asshole thread-starter.

Thanks for the story.


Friday, January 18, 2013 12:14 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Nah, Cav, it's not a new low for him, it's pretty much normal, and pretty much what I expect. You want to know at least part of the reason for his thread title? Doesn't anyone remember how pissed he's been at me because I neither read nor respond to his posts, and how he kept niggling me about it? I think I mentioned him in some thread or other in the past couple of days, so...

I actually smiled when I read the title and saw who it was from. Just more of the same.

I didn't bother to read his posts, skipped them to read the rest of the posts. But I know the purpose of using me in the title, sad as it is. Aside from which, he's wrong.

And that's exactly as much time I'm willing to spend on this piece of shit, which is more than I should bother to do, since neither the thread nor the purpose don't deserve a response.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Friday, January 18, 2013 12:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Weird - you say you were 21 at the time, then say that you were 19.

Which was it?


I think Jack doesn't like my post because it challenges his notions of who and what I am or what I've seen and done.


Friday, January 18, 2013 6:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I respect your opinion HK...

I'd like you to elaborate on that.

Is there something you wish to contend as if it were fictional?

Otherwise, having lived through it, and I could tell you every gruesome detail about my life in the ER that I wished the doctors just got in a big circle and beat the shit out of me again rather than the procedures to verify I hadn't been bleeding internally.

The reality of it all gets much, MUCH worse.....

I apologize, after the fact, for just how bad that bad can be....

My mistake....

Hey 6ix,

Sorry to get all up in your grill, man, but you should not be talking to Niki like that. You should prolly not be talking to Niki at all after what you said to her once upon a time. If you had any access to your decency you would see that your talking-to-Niki rights have been suspended pending serious soul searching.

Check what Frem said about denegrating people for the suffering they were fortunate enough not to experience and check what Mike said, 'cause he's even more pro-gun control than Niki and he's been down that road a time or two. Me, I've had a gun pointed at me, it sucked something awful. Fortunately I have never actually been shot. I'm not a gun person. I understand the 2A and accept it.

I'm waiting for gorram science to get off its ass and come up with a damn non-lethal weapon that renders freakin' guns obselete. You know, something that's safe and actually non-lethal instead of these fucked up less-lethal toys. When are they gonna come out with that light weight bullet proof plastic so everyone can be immune to gunfire? I'm looking forward to the day when bullets have gone the way of the sword and the bow & arrow.

If Madison were writing the 2A today, it would be about broadband access, anyway. Guns wouldn't even enter into it.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, January 18, 2013 9:12 PM


Well Madison was an idiot.
He had good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with em.
Nowhere was this more clear than when Adams threw down the Alien and Sedition Acts, and Madison realized that the faction he was involved in didn't really MEAN any of the things they'd said in the Constitutional debates, causing him to immediately jump ship and ally with Jefferson.
Of course, despite the absolute vindication of it since, Patrick Henrys concept of where things were going was a bit too awful for Madison to swallow, and there was a certain personal animosity there besides.

The Federalists used him, you see - trotted him out to dismiss the concerns of the public which turned out to be far more well founded than anyone at the time even believed, and when this came clear to him he stood against them, a lesson I think one should take some note of, since his comments in Federalist #46 were intended to allay suspicions by the Antifederalists which in hindsight were not only firmly justified, but actually occured to a degree even Madison himself said was beyond his conception.

Do we not have a standing army, have we not suffered the very chain of abuses, infringements and usurpations he patronizingly stated would NEVER come to pass ?

As for what he'd probably say today, here, lemme channel the ole bastard for you...

(Madison): Hence it has come upon me as of late, the unwelcome knowledge that whilst we have by all account the finest system of medicine in the world, only a paltry, passing few have proper access to it.

I must admit that no conception of mine can possibly encompass the tragedy of errors which must have occured to bring us to this nadir, but as our awareness of the situation has grown so also hath the demands of conscience, and I daresay we should, nay, must, correct the situation with all due haste.

Make no mistake my brethren, that this is our responsibility, for is not a healthy and able bodied people vital to the defense of our union, is this not the very common good and general welfare we envisioned when we penned it into the mighty document which binds our union fast ?

Yes, there will be those who reject the opening of public coffers to recompense doctors to treat the sick and infirm, but always there will be men unwilling to justify expenditure which does them neither ill nor benefit and such counsel should in every case rejected, as what purpose then do those funds serve if not the common good, is this not why they are collected ?

Cause that would have offended him, I suspect, more than anything else, he was a good man even if he was a bit naive.



Friday, January 18, 2013 10:01 PM



Just for clarity, in case of subtlely fail, the same way that Madison was used by the Federalists, I feel a lot of well meaning people are being used now, but folk with similar ill intentions.
Those calling for laws and bans are being played by folk waiting for them to get the first card played so they can spam the deck after.

I offered a proposal that would address most of these issues, but nobody wanted it cause I think BOTH "sides" have agendas they're unwilling to admit and that proposal would not advance them.
Par for the course, I suppose.

As for non-lethals, not sure if were ever gonna get there from here, HKCav.
Disabling somebody, especially quickly, is always gonna carry some level of risk to them, and while possible to minimize it I doubt there's gonna be any way to eliminate it any time soon.

Even less-lethals like the rubber ball shot I've loaded Forquet with (for reasons other than mercy), or Tasers still carry an inherent risk, and in the hands of someone with foul intent can be used in a fashion that substantially increases that risk, like when police fire rubber ball rounds at face level out of deliberate malice instead of richocheting them off the pavement into legs as they're supposed to, or cycle the trigger of a Taser to deliver extended bouts of repeated shocks.

Speakin OF that - consider this recent history lesson.
You were here in fact, HKCav, when they first started issuing those damn things to police - do you recall my reaction to that, my absolute confidence they would be immediately and flagrantly abused ?
And what, praytell, was the response I got - I was unreasonable, paranoid, overreacting.
How much time and effort was wasted in trying to stuff THAT genie back in the bottle, I ask you ?
And here we are again, are we not - with me saying "This is a BAD ideaaa...." and being summarily dismissed out of hand AGAIN.

It's no bloody comfort at all being right, when the things you're right about are so goddamn awful, and it's even WORSE when the very people who SHOULD have had the flamin sense to stand up and not ENABLE such shit them whinge about it later, as if they had no hand in it.



Saturday, January 19, 2013 6:45 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Well Madison was an idiot.

It's sad that our country has been terrible for this long, with no solutions, and only getting worse.

I still think TPTB will eventually screw themselves over, but damn, in that light it looks like they're winning.


Saturday, January 19, 2013 6:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, Cav, that was SO sweet of you! There obviously still are "Cavaliers" in our midst. ;o) Darned nice way to start my day! Tho' I'm sure you'd feel the same about anyone else (leaving out of course Six's previous behavior toward me--am I the only one he's gone after? I haven't noticed...but it's not important anyway).

He was, by the way, talking ABOUT me, not TO me, not that it makes much difference.

talking-to-Niki rights have been suspended pending serious soul searching

Prize for first giggle of the day, I loved that! Caveat of course that anyone can write anything they wish, as always. And I can take anything he can dish out; he's a nonentity compared to what's his name...Kane?

I do agree with Frem, tho', about something non-lethal ever taking the place of guns in America. America is too in love with its guns, and I think always will be...something in the mentality, and of course our history.

Tho' it would be appropriate for ANYONE, I really appreciate those who have spoken up to try and make Six understand the wrongness of what he did, and for just the reasons that have been stated.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Saturday, January 19, 2013 7:05 AM


Hey Jack. I'm one of those people who constantly is thinking about what I'd do in a fight and frankly the only time someone ever pulled a knife on me was when my crazy grandma had a bad reaction with her heart meds and alcohol. My family is hilariously dysfunctional.

In honesty I don't ever see me using a gun in that situation unless I get the gun away from the person and I'm holding them off with it. I kinda figure it'd be more satisfying to beat them with my hands if someone gets the idea to go shooting up innocents, especially since I don't particularly care if I get shot.

I'm not very qualified to comment on gun regulations, as you can see.

I do think it's important to recognize that no one here sets policy though. Going after one specific person here like they're the one vote needed to bring doomsday down on you - well, it's not going to happen.

And frankly, I'm not really sure they'll manage a permanent ban anyway. Too much opposition to the idea.


Saturday, January 19, 2013 7:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, "JACK" , I noticed that you responded to the post about spelling, but not the ones from Kwicko and Frem.

I kinda like you, but that was an asshole thread-starter.

Thanks for the story.

Hey Signy,

Thanks for the kudos... I'll respond to Frem and Kwick post-mortem.....

Yeah, it was an asshole thread starter, but "if one asshole posts a thread about another asshole in a land full of assholes, does anyone even pay attention?"

To Kwick..... What is it that you could possibly help with? I was quite normal, and dare I say even happy before that night. Even 2 years off of pot hasn't magically "cured" me of my inability to sit behind anyone who is talking without shifting my seat. I like being "at the back of the class" and people have often asked me if I have ever been in the military because of how I "survey the scene" in any room with more than a handful of people. I've also oftentimes at work heard the words "Oh! You scared me!" after asking a question from a fellow employee that didn't know I was there. It happens so frequently, I feel like I should be wearing a cow-bell to keep it from happening. I don't even mean to do it. I just tell them that I'm a Ninja on my day job.....

If you really want to "help", and you have any real advice for any "real" problem you see, feel free. If that was your usual patronistic and sarcastic self in that post, then don't take any offense when I tell you to strip naked and extend both of your thumbs, and then go fuck yourself with them.


I couldn't imagine doing your job everyday, especially considering all the physical obstacles you need to overcome. Fucking Terminator/Robo-Cop....

Regardless of what you think of me, I've always had the world of respect for you and all that you do, whether it's the job you're paid to do or all the extra-curricular activities you involve yourself in.

I know certain things I've said to other people in this forum have angered you, and I may not have "come right" back to you with my responses to those issues, but regardless of any petty bullshit we've argued about, I still admire the hell out of you.

As far as being aware of how VILE certain crimes are, I'm also well aware of that. I just started playing 2005's GTA San Andreas. (I know I'm REALLY behind on the times, but it's soooooo much cheaper that way!)....

Sure, I love shooting cops and rival drug gangs... probably even more than playing the game itself. I think that's why Rockstar started giving stat bonuses to everything you did in that installment for "completionists" like me so their 3 hours of just beating up pedestrians and cops would count for something in the end.....

At the same time though, I've NEVER watched a SECOND of any "Saw" movie. I've never seen "The Hills Have Eyes". The last movie like that I even saw a part of was either "House of 1,000 Corpses" or the "sequel" to Silence of the Lambs.... both of which I never saw to the end.

I'm down for any monster or sci-fi fest, but I don't watch those BS psychological thrillers with humans hurting humans. That shit is why the "Batman Shooting" occured. You and I might have been old enough to realize right from wrong when and if we watched that shit, but some dumb 10 year old who was picked on everyday got a whole lot of ideas that I, thankfully, never got when I was his age.

Once you watch it.... You can't unwatch it ~Bender, from Futurama....

Sorry, but anyone who has watched those movies and has a lick of issue with anything I say here is more than a hypocrite.

You've seen things much more evil than I could even imagine.

Thankfully, most of you have an IQ of at least half of mine. The only reason I turned off "Sequel of the Lambs" is because I could imagine myself doing those things to somebody out of sheer boredom.

Call me a sociopath if you'd like....


I'm just bored.....

It's much better for me if I don't watch movies like that and get any ideas.

Anyone who has ever had a shitty boss or wife/husband or really any personal relationship and hasn't gotten any ideas from those kinds of movies is either so ridden with Christian guilt theyd never admit to it on these forums, or they're too stupid to even think of it.

Good luck to you either way.....

Keep watching that Trash.....

Let your kids watch it, unchecked by you....

Maybe someday your kid will make headlines being "The Next............


Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Nobody can help you unless you decide you WANT help, and you plainly don't.

So you got stabbed. Big whoop. Suck it up, buttercup, 'cause it's a mean old world out there, and trying to portray yourself as the innocent victim just doesn't fit you. And then going on long racist rants because you got stabbed by someone - gasp! - BLACK - really doesn't help your case.

Hey, I got run down by a white woman, her 8000-pound car against my 600-pound motorcycle. Shall I rant about how shitty white women are as drivers? Or do I accept that what happened to me happened, and move on? I didn't die. Spent a few months in hospital, had a lot of chats about whether or not I was going to lose a leg, had catheters pushed up my dick twice a day for a month, had a liter of Betadine forced into my leg twice a day for damn near that long - while the skin was still stapled together from knee to ankle. Shattered every bone in my left foot from toes to ankle - a wonderful lesson in inertia and momentum: when you're traveling 45mph and your high-top sneaker suddenly stops, your foot will continue in a straight line, right through the leather, fabric, and laces of the shoe. I have what is for all intents and purposed a bionic left elbow, constructed of space-age metals and plastics, all grafted into the bone with dozens of screws and pins. It's quite a bit stronger than my (dominant) right arm, but the funny bone is a whole different story, since it basically consists of a screwhead that goes straight into the bone. I light up metal detectors like nobody's business, so every time I encounter one it's basically a strip search situation. My body tends to look quite a bit like Frankenstein's Monster, a roadmap of scars, grafts, and stitches where it's been pierced by everything from bullets and knives to screwdrivers, boxcutters, dog teeth, and several of the letters that spelled out "L I N C O L N" across the front of a 1970s Town Car, some of which I surprised the ER staff by pulling out of my body while they were discussing how many limbs they'd have to amputate, and in what order, while I was supposed to be in shock and sedated. I've broken more bones than Evel Knievel, some of them more than once, a few more than twice. I've had my head stitched together more times than I'd care to remember; did you know that if you hit a concrete curb head-first at 45mph without a helmet you won't necessarily die, but you'll come very, very close? I'm told I hit the curb, popped up in the air and executed a wondrous two-and-a-half in a decidedly un-pike position, and landed about 20 feet up in somebody's yard, whereupon I tried to jump up and say I was okay, but didn't, quite. I did manage to split my skull pretty effectively, though. I also cracked both hips and my pelvis and dislocated both shoulders; either shoulder can "fall out" while I sleep, if I relax too deeply, and will then feel rough and gravelly for about a week after.

And so shit happens. I was 19, some of the docs thought I wouldn't see 20, and now I'm 50. I still work a very physical blue-collar job, because I *can*, not because it doesn't hurt to do so. Life goes on, until one day it doesn't.

And what strikes me as funny is that whenever I hear anyone ask "If you could be any age, what age would you be?" I immediately answer "Twenty-six," because that was just a wonderful time for me - DESPITE the fact that all that shit had already happened to me by that time.

My body has odd pains at times. My elbow tells me when the weather's going to have a big change, my left ankle will sometimes just lock up while I'm walking - docs think there's a bone sliver that's floating around in there and sometimes gets wedged between the bones and nerves. When it happens, my left leg stops working and I drop in mid-stride. Nobody's found the bone yet, but a handful of MRIs and a double-handful of X-Rays have tried. My toes on my left foot will wake me up at times, screaming because of the stabbing, burning pain from bones that were split lengthwise and never quite healed correctly.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I wouldn't trade it for anything, either. It all went into making me who and what I am. And the idea that Niki may or may not have gone through such things doesn't, in my mind, make her less worthy or qualified to discuss motorcycle safety or the virtues and vices of wearing a helmet.

If only gunshot survivors are allowed to weigh in on gun control issues, then maybe we'd better all listen to Jim Brady and Gabby Giffords...

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:36 AM


No, I don't think much of you, Jack - you seriously need to get your shit together as a human being, cause you got damage and it shows.
The self-inflicted hell you drove upon yourself to obtain property has driven a rut in your mind and trapped you into a self-reinforcing pattern of closeminded and hostile thinking which does you nothing but harm, and that harm spills out of your mouth onto those around you.

This is, despite all your excuses, WHY you are struggling with some things now, from an employers perspective you're fucking loose cannon and lawsuit waiting to happen, and from a social perspective you're a bomb waiting to go off.

You need to drive out of that rut, jump the tracks of that self-inflicted hell and dump that fucking baggage (and the racism with it) before you're ever gonna be whole as a person, or anything even remotely resembling respectable - and those scars will take a long time to fade, if they ever do, so you ought LEARN from the goddamn experience.

As for GTA: San Andreas, thank you for supporting the careers of some of my personal friends - and while I do concur that such games aren't for kids, there is without a doubt a theraputic value in getting that crap out of your system before facing the world - one tenet of my own beliefs is to deliberately overfeed your vices in a safe manner to make them fat, weak and lazy so they have no influence in your decision making process, and so therein lies good purpose for such a game.

But all in all, you really, seriously NEED to collect your shit, dump some baggage and get your head out of your ass, man.
You being you, the idea of a therapist or shrink is out of the question cause you are psychologically iatrogenic and would never engage sufficiently to accomplish anything that way, so I HIGHLY suggest you put aside the money you'd normally spend on booze and invest it in a local martial arts instructor, preferably Akido or Judo, and be right up front with him that you have *issues* and this is the only way you might be able to address them.

Cause that worked for me, in regards to a legendary berserkerang temper.
I begrudge you even that much advice, given the apologies you owe, but there you are.



Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I have what is for all intents and purposed a bionic left elbow, constructed of space-age metals and plastics, all grafted into the bone with dozens of screws and pins.


You and me Mikey, I feel ya...
Of course, I plan to have my skull and spine yanked and put in an ED-209 unit with handling arms as soon as technology allows for it, myself.



Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:46 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


The self-inflicted hell you drove upon yourself to obtain property has driven a rut in your mind and trapped you into a self-reinforcing pattern of closeminded and hostile thinking which does you nothing but harm, and that harm spills out of your mouth onto those around you.

That oh-so-American idea that you MUST *own* something, no matter what the cost. You don't own your home, Jack. At this point, it owns you. You've become a slave to it. You think you're free, but the chains that bind you are much stronger than those you see on others.


Saturday, January 19, 2013 9:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


And the idea that Niki may or may not have gone through such things doesn't, in my mind, make her less worthy or qualified to discuss motorcycle safety or the virtues and vices of wearing a helmet.

Ironically, Mike, I went through something close to what you did, several times. When I rode a motorcycle in the '60s, few women were riding their own bikes much, we were "eye candy" on the back. Numerous times I had men TRY to push me off the road... Luckily, unlike with you, none of them succeeded, tho' two came AWFULLY close! At the same time, I was virulently anti-helmet (back in those days they weren't legally mandated), which shows just how stupid/young I was! I still resent helmets to this day, and have been known to ride around in shorts and a t-shirt, which shows that although older, I'm still stupid. Can't help it; I remember the days when riding a motorcycle was a joy unencumbered by lots of padding, and having only dumped my bike twice, didn't think of how easy it would be to end up as you did. I'm so sorry you went through all that, it must have been horrific.

I stopped reading Six's posts when it became clear they were rarely about the issue at hand, and just (frequently drunk) rants about HIS life, HIS misery, how unfair the world was to HIM...and esssentially just "I", "I", "I". Some of the rest of us do that, too (definitely including myself), but never to the consistent extent he does, so why read something boring and stupid, I figured.

Man, I keep going back and re-reading YOUR "rant", I guess it's because it's stuff I didn't know about you and as a recital it is So horrific... And I will shut up in future about my various aches and pains; they're a drop in the bucket compared to what you have suffered!

ETA: Frem, I LOVED your post after Mike's...made me giggle.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:31 AM


kwicko: :(

Glad you're okay.


Sunday, January 20, 2013 9:30 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

When people go through super injuries and come out the other end I figure God obviously has more stuff for them to do for the good of the world. When people have this happen repeatedly I figure that God realllllllly has important stuff for them to do for the good of the world.

Jack, I understand that you've had hard things happen to you and so you feel you come at things from a more experienced point of view, and that may be true in some cases. But others still can share their opinions too. I figure we've all had crappy things happen in our lives, though we can rank them according to various measures and values of what is worse and no one will have the same answers I reckon.

I'm sorry that you and Quicko have had so much physical trauma in your lives.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 21, 2013 12:57 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
When people have this happen repeatedly I figure that God realllllllly has important stuff for them to do for the good of the world.

Yanno that's the second time I've heard that this week, and my earlier snarky response applies.
"Then your God must realllly hate you people."



Monday, January 21, 2013 6:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jack has what we here like to call "I strain". Everything is about him, and nobody else could possibly know/ be as smart as/ have suffered as much... and therefore everything that happens to him is the most unfair/ so undeserved/ causes unbelievable suffering.

Having lived a good number of years with "I strain", I did manage to figure out a few things.

One of them is: No matter how talented and smart you think you are, there is someone even more talented and smart than you. Trust me on this one, because I've interviewed several hundred people in my professional and personal life and no matter how smart I think I am, some of the interviewees make me damn glad that I'm sitting on my side of the table because they are head and shoulders above me. Those, I recommend for hire right away.

I will always extend a hiring hand to those who can do the job, even if they have personal problems (depression) or family/ health problems. I will NOT hire people who think they're god's gift to the world... We work as a team, and I do not have time to clean up the interpersonal messes they leave behind.

No matter how many obstacles YOU think you've overcome, someone has done even more, and gone even farther. Hubby works with a professor who came from the mean streets of Kabul; dad rose up from a small farm in Poland, via a Siberian labor camp and British residency to direct 85-100 people in the USA; hubby designs research university equipment from the humble beginnings of a small mountain hamlet in Hungary and thru the experience of the 1956 uprising.

So, put on your big-boy pants, you've already done a lot, I think there is more that you can do.


Monday, January 21, 2013 6:36 AM


I have to admit I dislike the notion that "God" gives people, say, cancer, and then cures them of said cancer because they're important or because they're blessed and it's all part of some divine plan or test.

I suppose that people who die of cancer, like my grandfather, had nothing left to offer the world and failed God's test of strength. Or that if my mother had died from one of her many brain tumors then she was being punished for something.

Sorry, Riona. I know you mean well, but that was not as comforting a statement as you'd like to think.


Monday, January 21, 2013 6:42 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


When people go through super injuries and come out the other end I figure God obviously has more stuff for them to do for the good of the world. When people have this happen repeatedly I figure that God realllllllly has important stuff for them to do for the good of the world.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, January 21, 2013 7:46 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Jack has what we here like to call "I strain". Everything is about him, and nobody else could possibly know/ be as smart as/ have suffered as much... and therefore everything that happens to him is the most unfair/ so undeserved/ causes unbelievable suffering.

Having lived a good number of years with "I strain", I did manage to figure out a few things.

One of them is: No matter how talented and smart you think you are, there is someone even more talented and smart than you. Trust me on this one, because I've interviewed several hundred people in my professional and personal life and no matter how smart I think I am, some of the interviewees make me damn glad that I'm sitting on my side of the table because they are head and shoulders above me. Those, I recommend for hire right away.

I will always extend a hiring hand to those who can do the job, even if they have personal problems (depression) or family/ health problems. I will NOT hire people who think they're god's gift to the world... We work as a team, and I do not have time to clean up the interpersonal messes they leave behind.

No matter how many obstacles YOU think you've overcome, someone has done even more, and gone even farther. Hubby works with a professor who came from the mean streets of Kabul; dad rose up from a small farm in Poland, via a Siberian labor camp and British residency to direct 85-100 people in the USA; hubby designs research university equipment from the humble beginnings of a small mountain hamlet in Hungary and thru the experience of the 1956 uprising.

So, put on your big-boy pants, you've already done a lot, I think there is more that you can do.


My post above wasn't a pity party, it was a factual account of events. I'm not sorry any of that stuff happened to me - I'm thankful and glad that I'm still alive, because by the odds, I shouldn't be, several times over. What I have, I worked hard to get. At the same time, I could never have been in a position to do any of it if not for those who paved the way and paid the price before me!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Monday, January 21, 2013 1:35 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Byte, I'm really upset that you think that i think that God "causes" any bad things to happen. You're obviously not being a very good listener and listening good is part of a friendship obligation. I've said many times that I think reality/genetics/circumstance causes crap to happen, not that God does. I just believe that God can get people through crap and when we do get through things we can know that its an oppertunity to do mroe for others. Kind of like if Mother Theresa had died young she wouldn't have helped all those kids in India or if Joss Wedan had died young he wouldn't have made Firefly for us (and Firefly definitely helps people).

Hi Frem, sometimes life just sucks. But you are always helping people in your life so I'm glad you're still alive, because a lot of people need you.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 21, 2013 1:54 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by RionaEire:
When people go through super injuries and come out the other end I figure God obviously has more stuff for them to do for the good of the world.


Originally posted by RionaEire:
Byte, I'm really upset that you think that i think that God "causes" any bad things to happen. ...I've said many times that I think reality/genetics/circumstance causes crap to happen, not that God does. I just believe that God can get people through crap...

I hope you can understand why this is still an incredibly offensive stance to some people. Having just lost one of my oldest friends who was only twenty-five years old, I count myself offended. What, did she just not have anything left to offer? She was done? Yeah, no she fucking wasn't. (The minister at her funeral said something similar, actually, and I nearly got up and punched him.) I want nothing to do with a god like that, who would let a wonderful young woman die because she's somehow not worth saving more than anyone else. No. Fuck that guy.

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.


Monday, January 21, 2013 2:11 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'm still sorry your friend died. I don't have all the answers. I'm sure you'll miss her a lot. I shouldn't think someone would say that _at _a _funeral, talk about bad timing/lack of tact.

When I'm going through suicidal phases though I don't do it because all my little ones in my life would be traumatized, my parents would be traumatized, and I feel like I have more to do in this world. Killing myself would screw things up. I think God would find a way to work around it, but it would still screw things up.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 21, 2013 3:01 PM


>_> Mother Teresa... Wasn't actually as nice as people think she was...

Anyway. I actually thought I was being pretty polite there. In a number of interpretations I've heard, bad events are considered part of God's plan, to test people before ascendance.

In any case, it's less important to the argument whether or not "God" causes or allows bad things to happen, and more that there is suggested picking and choosing of who is saved, when most of the people on this earth have loved ones who think they're worth saving.

But, perhaps you're right in that it would have been better to have that conversation in private messages.


Monday, January 21, 2013 3:02 PM


-.-. ..- -- / -.-. .- - .- .--. ..- .-.. - .- . / .--. .-. --- ... -.-. .-. .. .--. - .- . / . .-. .- - --..-- / - ..- -- / ... --- .-.. .. / .--. .-. --- ... -.-. .-. .. .--. - / -.-. .- - .- .--. ..- .-.. - .- ... / .... .- -... . ..- -. -

Huh. Being a mind interested in the motivation behind the words as much (if not more) than the words themselves, I ponder what this public spectacle was initially meant to accomplish. Are some or all of us supposed to admire Niki for being smart enough to avoid a gun in the face repeatedly? Are some or all of us supposed to sympathize with or pity 6ix? Or was it bragging, where some or all of us were supposed to be impressed?

I read the disclaimer that this bit of drama had no negative ... or positive inspiration. Well, I guess that covers all bases, including lack of responsibility for said words. I see inference about Niki's opinion ('Judgmental', it seems) and how it cannot apparently compete with 6ix's (I'm guessing because 6ix getting stabbed in the back, back story later given coming off sounding like a half-arsed barely researched late homework assignment [you were both 21 and 19 when this happened? - now THAT'S impressive], was an experience that confers a form of superiority). I notice resentment and perhaps a touch of inferiority complex regarding the circles Niki participates in versus the circles 6ix gets injured and threatened in.

Honestly, if getting back-stabbed and threatened with a gun is now 'bragging rights' ... I'm not seeing 6ix growing from the experience much. I bet he thinks he's unique on this forum and elsewhere. Maybe he is.


sincerely, 1933


Monday, January 21, 2013 3:16 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The thing that bothers me is that you and I have discussed this before and you don't recall what I said and how I felt, thus you misrepresented my views on the matter. But I guess most people are inferior listeners so I can't be that upset at you forever.

But maybe this is going to ultimately be a good thing because it has made me think about how I represent someone else's beliefs. From now on when telling someone in a forum or group setting what another present person believes in I'm going to say "From my understanding so-and-so believes ...". that way if I'm wrong I haven't hurt anyone's feelings or misrepresented them agregiously. So this incident may not be so very bad after all.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 21, 2013 3:27 PM


-.-. ..- -- / -.-. .- - .- .--. ..- .-.. - .- . / .--. .-. --- ... -.-. .-. .. .--. - .- . / . .-. .- - --..-- / - ..- -- / ... --- .-.. .. / .--. .-. --- ... -.-. .-. .. .--. - / -.-. .- - .- .--. ..- .-.. - .- ... / .... .- -... . ..- -. -


Originally posted by RionaEire:
From now on when telling someone in a forum or group setting what another present person believes in I'm going to say "From my understanding so-and-so believes ...". that way if I'm wrong I haven't hurt anyone's feelings or misrepresented them agregiously. So this incident may not be so very bad after all.

Might I recommend that you avoid the word 'believes' altogether. You don't know what another person believes (even if you think you do). You can quote what they post if they state a belief (don't attempt to paraphrase a post you think you remembered) or ask someone what they believe and let them either respond or avoid the question ... but you can't offer up another person's beliefs ... even with the disclaimer 'From my understanding' tacked in front in order to supposedly avoid 'hurt feelings' or misrepresentation.

This/\is just a suggestion. =0)

sincerely, 1933


Monday, January 21, 2013 3:37 PM


I guess you always run the risk of offending someone everytime you say /writesomething. Some statements will always be offensive to me, no matter how people word them ie 'all gays will go to hell'. It wont matter whether you say it politely, or say 'i believe' before it, the concept will be offensive.

Rione, that is really what you are facing. Your beliefs are that there is some grand plan of god which determines who dies, who lives and the suffering that is doled out to individuals. That may give you comfort to know that ultimatelty death and suffering have a purpose, just not one that individuals can understand. For others that whole concept is offensive.


Monday, January 21, 2013 3:38 PM



thus you misrepresented my views on the matter.

Riona: Oh. I see what you're saying. Sorry about that.

I guess technically that wasn't really directed at you then but more at like dozens of "well-wishers" here in SLC expressing "sympathies" about my family's health problems. There are certain things that they always say that tend to run along similar lines, and unfortunately what you said was close enough to that for various reasons that it set me off.


Monday, January 21, 2013 5:38 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Crapola happens. I don't think God causes said crapola, said crapola is a by product of an imperfect world and everyone gets crap happening to them, no matter what they do, good bad or indifferent. I think there are more things for me to do in the world so here I am. I haven't ... put an end to it yet because I know that there's more. And I know Frem has more because he's got all those people who depend on him. And Quicko's wife wants him around and his friends need him and I think there's lots of stuff that we're all doing in life. And people will miss all of us when we die.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 7:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


I hope you can understand why this is still an incredibly offensive stance to some people.

Yes. I try not to be offended by others' beliefs, but I admit when it comes to the idea of a god out there deciding this and that, especially when it's done with "deserves" in mind, my hackles rise. I didn't become a buddhist because I believe in one god over another (as many religions do), but because I don't believe in a humanistic "god" running things. In part anyway, much more went into it, of course.


Or was it bragging, where some or all of us were supposed to be impressed?

is my bet. Especially when drunk, Six seems to brag a lot, and even his constant litany of how bad the world has treated him seems like some kind of bragging, if you know what I mean.

I didn't read his posts, but your saying

I see inference about Niki's opinion ('Judgmental', it seems) and how it cannot apparently compete with 6ix's.....resentment and perhaps a touch of inferiority complex regarding the circles Niki participates in...

I've been called judgmental before, which saddens me because I'm the first to admit I don't know shit. But yes, the resentment and inferiority were the same things I posited with regard to Six...and not just toward me. But he has, in the past, shown a very weird fixation on me, especially after I began ignoring him. It's like it was a "thing" with him, and somehow important that I acknowledge him and reply to him. It was very strange, and I have no idea where it came from. It seems to remain to this day, given he made some crack or other in another thread about how I'd turned the thread into something about him, without using his name in the title. Very strange, since my thread had nothing to do with him, but yeah, there's something at work there.

lack of responsibility for said words

Good gawd, has Six ever taken responsibility for ANYTHING he's posted, ever? As I said, I don't read his posts, so maybe if he has I've missed it, but I sure never saw it; what I saw was overblown reactions to any kind of criticism...the "N"-word thing a prime example. Drunks are boring and pathetic.

In his way, yes, Six IS unique here. I don't know anyone else who posts like he does (I assume it hasn't changed since back when I read his posts); I suppose if one writes it off to being drunk, it's not that unique 'cuz some others post here when inebriated occasionally, but the way he does it, I've never seen here or on any other forum...

But we're all unique here, we've got our residential right-wing spouter; our resident polite, tolerant person (where IS Anthony these days?); etc/, so maybe Six is just our resident drunk, who knows?

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:24 AM




Originally posted by RionaEire:
Byte, I'm really upset that you think that i think that God "causes" any bad things to happen. You're obviously not being a very good listener and listening good is part of a friendship obligation. I've said many times that I think reality/genetics/circumstance causes crap to happen, not that God does. I just believe that God can get people through crap and when we do get through things we can know that its an oppertunity to do mroe for others. Kind of like if Mother Theresa had died young she wouldn't have helped all those kids in India or if Joss Wedan had died young he wouldn't have made Firefly for us (and Firefly definitely helps people).

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?


I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:26 PM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?


*aside glance*
By all that's holy tell me you ain't a Malthy or Shadowvaj, cause then I might just have to not hate you, and that would be damn irritating.



Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:31 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

No, I don't think much of you, Jack - you seriously need to get your shit together as a human being, cause you got damage and it shows.
The self-inflicted hell you drove upon yourself to obtain property has driven a rut in your mind and trapped you into a self-reinforcing pattern of closeminded and hostile thinking which does you nothing but harm, and that harm spills out of your mouth onto those around you.

This is, despite all your excuses, WHY you are struggling with some things now, from an employers perspective you're fucking loose cannon and lawsuit waiting to happen, and from a social perspective you're a bomb waiting to go off.

You need to drive out of that rut, jump the tracks of that self-inflicted hell and dump that fucking baggage (and the racism with it) before you're ever gonna be whole as a person, or anything even remotely resembling respectable - and those scars will take a long time to fade, if they ever do, so you ought LEARN from the goddamn experience.

As for GTA: San Andreas, thank you for supporting the careers of some of my personal friends - and while I do concur that such games aren't for kids, there is without a doubt a theraputic value in getting that crap out of your system before facing the world - one tenet of my own beliefs is to deliberately overfeed your vices in a safe manner to make them fat, weak and lazy so they have no influence in your decision making process, and so therein lies good purpose for such a game.

But all in all, you really, seriously NEED to collect your shit, dump some baggage and get your head out of your ass, man.
You being you, the idea of a therapist or shrink is out of the question cause you are psychologically iatrogenic and would never engage sufficiently to accomplish anything that way, so I HIGHLY suggest you put aside the money you'd normally spend on booze and invest it in a local martial arts instructor, preferably Akido or Judo, and be right up front with him that you have *issues* and this is the only way you might be able to address them.

Cause that worked for me, in regards to a legendary berserkerang temper.
I begrudge you even that much advice, given the apologies you owe, but there you are.



Thanks for not looking past the BS.

Even if you don't respect me, I still think of you as a real friend....

Really, out of everyone in the RWED, we're the only two people that have talked at all to great lengths about our REAL WORLD outside of the BS politics.

We're the only ones that have anything to lose. Of course I lose hands down to anyone, even a mute that has no opinion and never states there case. I'm a smoking and drinking fool. Anything I say is BS, always.

Personally, I'm glad we live in "that world", where even if I drink I'm nothing more or less than a "drunk idiot".

I'd never want to be a liability, but I'm seriously glad every day that passes by that the things I talk about haven't happened yet.

Make no mistake... I don't think they won't happen still, but I was just a lot more mellow and agreeable when I didn't give a shit about "hair follicle" tests when I quit smoking weed 2 years ago, come april. I barely drank a drop then....

Thank you GOVERNMENT, for making me choose the greater of two evils......


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:49 PM


Hmm. I know people say it's impossible to get addicted to pot, but that sounds like an addiction to me. If not a chemical addiction, then a coping addiction.


Really, out of everyone in the RWED, we're the only two people that have talked at all to great lengths about our REAL WORLD outside of the BS politics.

No one is really interested in day-to-day-life unless it's a tragedy. Most of us don't talk about it, but when someone does, it's polite to listen, even though we can't do anything about it.

I vent a lot of negativity here, but don't really talk much about my life - because it's not interesting. Same as you and everyone else, I'm dealing with issues like rent and working for a job 40 hours a week on five hours of sleep a night, and I angst about being a work slave, being unable to do anything to help anyone else, failing whenever I've tried, and not seeing any bright future to look forward to.

Everyone has those problems. You have addiction problems on top of that, but that also isn't too different from what other people go through.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013 2:43 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'd like to point out that I NEVER said the word "deserve" because we are just a drop in the bucket and technically don't deserve much in the grand scheme of things, when you lay it all out.

Jack, I don't think you can blame the government for your need to use substances, which seem to do you more harm than good. If those substances did you more good than harm it wouldn't be such a bad thing, but what you use isn't really doing you as much good as it does harm. As for talking about real life I'm actually surprised that I don't do it more often, because I'm notoriously selfish and do enjoy talking about myself. It just doesn't seem to happen that much here. If anyone wants to hear about it though I'd be happy to. I do think though that Niki talks more about her life than Frem does, when Frem does it its in pieces which don't make sense to the casual viewer, only with context does what Frem tells us come together into something with sequence and recognition. But Niki's stories about her dogs and her husband and stuff are pretty straight forward, not much to suss out there, up front. I don't know why you chose Niki on whom to vent your frustrations here. Sure she disagrees with you on many things, she has flaws and failings just like anyone else, she displays naivety sometimes which I don't really think is accurate, she's not as naive as she acts I reckon. But she's nicer than some and more sociable than many, so I'm not sure what it is about her that drives you to distraction so much.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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