Sir Jimmy Savile Knight of the BBC Empire raped children in Satanic rituals in hospitals with LOT'S of dead bodies

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Saturday, January 19, 2013 11:57 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Sir Jimmy Savile Satanic Knight of the British Empire

JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.

The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrifi ed victim in a candle-lit basement.

He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former DJ’s 54-year reign of terror.

Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47.

The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason.

Dr Sinason told the Sunday Express she first spoke to the victim in 1992. “She had been a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1975 when Savile was a regular visitor.

“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask.

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“She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame.

“She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latin­ised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.”

Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there.

Five years after the hospital attack, he abused a second victim during another black mass ceremony held at a house in a wealthy London street.

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The woman was 21 at the time and was made to attend an orgy, which later took on a darker twist.

Dr Sinason, director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies in London, said: “A second victim approached me in 1993. She said she had been ‘lent out’ as a supposedly consenting prostituted woman at a party in a London house in 1980.

“The first part of the evening started off with an orgy but half-way through some of the participants left.

“Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia. Although the girl was a young adult, who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable.”

Both victims contacted Dr Sinason, who is president of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, while she was involved in a Department of Health-funded study into sexual abuse committed during rituals and religious ceremonies. She said: “Both these witnesses did speak to police at the time but were vulnerable witnesses and on encountering any surprise or shock did not dare to give all the details.”

The police took no action.

BBC's Eyes Wide Shut

Dr Sinason added: “Savile was still a huge celebrity in the early Nineties, let’s not forget, and there was never any action taken against him or any of the others involved.

“Neither girl knew one another, they lived in different parts of the country and contacted me a year apart yet their experiences are very similar. Whether Savile was a practising Satanist or merely enjoyed dressing up to scare his victims even more will perhaps never be known but he left those two girls mentally scarred.”

Dr Sinason has passed details of the abuse to officers from the Savile inquiry, Operation Yewtree.

A joint report published on ­Friday by the Metropolitan Police and the NSPCC uncovered at least 30 claims of abuse at Stoke Mandeville.

The hospital said it was unable to discuss individual cases while its own “Speaking Out” investigation was ongoing.

Anne Eden, chief executive of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “As the investigation’s name suggests, it is very keen to hear from anybody with any knowledge that they feel could help its work or anybody that needs support because of Jimmy Savile’s alleged behaviour.”

Detectives 'had a cast made of Savile's teeth' to check against bite-marks left on bodies of Yorkshire Ripper victims

•Police knew Savile used prostitutes, according to friend of dentist involved
•Two bodies were found with bites on their breasts at the time
•Ex-police officer has named Savile as a 'potential Ripper suspect'
•Peter Sutcliffe has rubbished claims Savile abused anyone at Broadmoor mental hospital, where he is a patient
•Yorkshire Ripper, 66, claims Savile was his 'friend' and donated money to charities Sutcliffe supported

A dentist made a cast of Jimmy Savile's teeth to check against the bite-marks found on the bodies of the Yorkshire Ripper's victims, it has emerged.

It is now clear that detectives went to some lengths to find out if Savile was connected to the shocking serial killing spree in the 1970s.

His teeth were examined in 1980, a year before Peter Sutcliffe, now 66, was convicted of murdering 13 women and attempting to kill seven others.

Two prostitutes thought to have been killed by Sutcliffe had bites on their breasts.

Savile, seen at Broadmoor in 1991, with best buddy serial killer Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe meeting boxer Frank Bruno

He denied killing one of them, but detectives at the time thought he was lying to cover for an accomplice.

Two of the Ripper's victims were found near Savile's home in Leeds, and Sutcliffe even named Savile in police interviews.

Sutcliffe was asked why he placed a victim's boots over her legs before he left the park.

He said: 'For two reasons. One, because I could hear voices from I don’t know where and a car had just driven into an entrance just behind the building — that was the block of flats I found out later where Jimmy Savile lived.

'Secondly I was surprised to see how luminous she appeared in the dark.'

The sick pair later appeared to have formed a disturbing friendship, with the BBC star visiting the killer in jail and describing him as a 'mate' after later trips to see him in Broadmoor Hospital.

Dr Mace Joffe was sent from Harley Street to Leeds to make a cast of Savile's teeth, revealed the dentist's friend Nikki Critcher, an ex-model and former Benny Hill girl, in The Sun.

'He said he had been told by the police that Savile was known to them for using prostitutes and that he had been a potential suspect,' said Ms Critcher, who has now retrained as a lawyer.

'We were amazed,' said the mother of three and former Page 3 girl. 'We didn't think he'd be the sort - he was doing all his charity work and things.'

Dr Joffe died in 2003 and so cannot reveal more about the investigation.

A former detective who helped catch the Yorkshire Ripper this week made the shocking claim that Savile was quizzed over the serial murderer's crimes.

Former West Yorkshire detective John Stainthorpe told ITV Yorkshire Calendar News that Savile was brought in for questioning after members of the public contacted the police naming the eccentric DJ as a possible killer.

Mr Stainthorpe, who worked for the West Yorkshire force for more than 40 years, and who spent years trying to catch Sutcliffe, told the programme: 'When the Ripper was really active one of the suspects put forward by members of the public was Jimmy Savile, strange as it may seem.

'Obviously it was not him, but he was interviewed along with many others, as you can appreciate.'

However, a West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: 'Hundreds of people were identified in the operation, we cannot be more specific than that at this time.

'Details of all who were questioned in connection with the crimes are in storage, so we cannot confirm that Jimmy Savile was spoken to.'

Mr Stainthorpe said the person who gave police the anonymous tip-off was 'aiming in the right direction'.

'Child perverts soon become child killers,' he added.

The detective's shocking revelation came as the killer said that Savile regularly visited him in custody and the pair became friends.

Rubbishing claims the late DJ abused around 300 victims over six decades, Sutcliffe said those making allegations were 'jumping on the bandwagon'.

The Yorkshire Ripper's horrific crimes shocked the nation as he embarked on a murderous rampage across the country, slashing his victims, mutilating them and killing them.

Between 1975 and 1980, the vicious murderer attacked women, stabbed them with screwdrivers, stamped on them, left notes with their bodies taunting police for not catching him and killed in total 13 women.

Officers desperate to catch him cast their net far and wide as they hunted for the man who signed his notes as 'Jack The Ripper' and launched a huge campaign, publishing his notes and voice recordings in a bid to have someone identify the murderer by his writing or voice.

In 1981 he was convicted of murdering 13 women and attempting to murder seven others.

Sutcliffe, who will never be released from Broadmoor mental hospital, told the Sun that the claims made against his 'friend' Savile were exaggeration.

He said: 'It's a load of rubbish. People are just getting carried away.

'He visited a lot. He'd always come and chat with me on visits and I would introduce him to my visitors.

Several times he left £500 for charities I was supporting.'

One of Savile’s abuse victims urged police to investigate any links between the pair.

The victim said: 'Sutcliffe and Savile are two peas in a pod. It's quite fitting the only person to stick up for Savile is Sutcliffe.'

Sutcliffe's 'friend' Savile was said to have been given his own set of gold-plated keys to high-security Broadmoor, where the Ripper is a patient.

He was allegedly given bedrooms or an office at three hospitals, and this week more former patients came forward to say he abused them on children’s wards.

The details come after it was reported that Sutcliffe killed his third victim, Irene Richardson, yards from Savile’s flat in Roundhay, Leeds, in 1977.

Miss Richardson was killed near the disgraced paedophile's three-bedroom penthouse, which overlooks Roundhay Park.

It is three miles outside Leeds city centre, with floor to ceiling windows, and has been put on the market for £325,000, with the proceeds intended for the Jimmy Savile Charitable Trust.

Savile's relatives said they do not want a penny of his £4.3million estate and called for the cash to be donated to an organisation to tackle sex crimes.

A gold-plated set of keys to Broadmoor Mental hospitalwas presented to the paedophile Jimmy Savile to rape mentally ill patients

At Broadmoor, Savile boasted that he was actually responsible for getting some mentally ill patients - among them murderers - freed from their sentences.

He called himself the ‘Governor’ of the hospital and was made chairman of a hospital taskforce by the Department of Health in the 1980s.

Savile, who died a year ago aged 84 in his Leeds flat, is now believed by police to be one of the UK's most prolific child abusers.

Scotland Yard is leading a national investigation into the television and radio star's activities.

Detectives are following 400 lines of inquiry while the BBC has launched an inquiry into the culture and practices at the corporation in the era of Savile's alleged sexual abuse.

VIDEO: John Stainthorpe says Jimmy Savile was questioned by police...

Savile was allegedly questioned by police about the crimes of Peter Sutcliffe. Seen here are twelve of his 13 victims

Last month health chiefs announced an inquiry into Savile’s reign of abuse at three NHS hospitals.

It will be run by the Department of Health itself, raising fears it cannot be truly independent.

Former barrister Kate Lampard will oversee the investigation to provide ‘independent oversight’, Downing Street pledged.

It will examine why the paedophile presenter was allegedly given the keys to Broadmoor, a bedroom at Stoke Mandeville and free rein at Leeds General Infirmary.

He allegedly raped and molested young victims for decades without anyone stopping him.

A Department of Health spokesman said: ‘[Kate Lampard] will provide oversight of the Stoke Mandeville, Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor inquiries as well as the Department of Health’s inquiries into the appointment and role Savile held at Broadmoor Hospital.

‘All relevant information from these inquiries will be passed to the police.’

Unlike the BBC, which has issued several grovelling apologies, none of the hospitals has yet said sorry for the alleged abuse.

Savile, who raised £40million for the hospital in his lifetime, boasted that he ‘lived’ in a bedroom managers had given him at Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, and said he could do as he pleased.

Savile was suspect in Yorkshire Ripper murders probe

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Sunday, January 20, 2013 12:53 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:11 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Celebrity arrests could soar after horrified police discover Jimmy Savile's secret lair at record shop

"Rigor mortis -- the new Viagra."
-Dollhouse, Topher Brink, Epitaph 2: Return


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1:01 PM


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Wednesday, July 31, 2024 8:39 PM



Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:11 AM


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Thursday, November 21, 2024 1:19 PM


A British BBC nature expert who raped dogs to death?

Croc expert dog rapist's jail interviews - from dreams of being horse to naked mud rolls

Adam Robert Corden Britton a British-born Australian zoologist whose killing of dogs gained worldwide scrutiny when he was convicted on multiple criminal offenses including, animal abuse, zoophilia, zoosadism, bestiality and possession of child exploitation material. In September 2023, he was charged with 56 counts related to the sexual abuse, torture, and killing of dogs, along with possession of the worst category of child exploitation material. Britton pleaded guilty to all charges in August 2024 with a sentence of 10 years and 5 months in prison

He was an 'expert' on NHNZ-produced, Discovery Channel/Animal Planet tv programs

Court documents state that he had concealed a "sadistic sexual interest" in animals since he was a child and began molesting horses at the age of 13

Britton faced 60 charges which related to using child abuse material as well as bestiality, to which he had pleaded guilty.

He had searched for dogs on the website Gumtree Australia, claiming to rehome them, and telling their former owners that they were thriving in his care, when in fact he had already sexually abused, tortured, and killed them. He is known to have sexually abused 42 dogs, of which 39 died


Tuesday, January 7, 2025 9:29 PM


Why are they Covering up the islamic jihadi Pakistani child rapist Grooming Gangs?

a foreign Roayl Greek Saxony German Bulgar family






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