Where's Niki and Anthony?

UPDATED: Monday, March 18, 2013 11:10
VIEWED: 5664
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 9:34 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Where is Niki, I haven't seen her in a long time, I hope she is okay. Maybe she's busy with that healthcare situation she was telling us about. I haven't seen Anthony for a while either. It is his way to go away for a month or two and come back again though so I reckon he'll be back in time, but I've never seen Niki away for so long.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, March 7, 2013 1:21 AM


America loves a winner!

You just had to go and jinx it, didn't ya ?

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, March 7, 2013 6:36 AM


Everyone hates posting here Riona....

Maybe they'll be back in less than 3 years like I did......

I hope they're alright too.

I'm sure they are though. The actual RWED probably took front seat to our faux RWED.....


Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I left when Frem attacked me around the gun issue, Riona, and haven't posted since. I realized I'd broken my own rule, I'd left myself open to someone actually hurting my feelings on the internet. That hasn't happened in over a decade, and it won't happen again. My "enemies" can't touch me (this should all be good news for you, Rap: I won't be around to counter your deliberate ignorance anymore), but I let a few people here get close enough to me that one of them finally did.

So I'm pretty much "gone", now. I pop in every couple of days but don't see much to post about and usually get turned off by the sheer volume of PN gross-out posts and there being little, if anything, else. Not willing to put in the time and energy to offer information for those who might be interested, mostly because it wouldn't make any difference anyway, never has, and there are plenty to express their opinions without needing me around.

My life has changed dramatically, too. Getting off all the meds had me lose some 20+ pounds without even trying, I'm not falling asleep in the middle of the day anymore, have begun cooking so I can eat my one "meal" mid-day (to avoid reflux, since I'm not on the meds anymore) and somehow without being here, ended up with more projects than I can handle. Driving a bit North weekend mornings early to run the dogs with some mushers up Sonoma way, and with Jim retired, we get the dogs out every day almost without fail at dawn, so I do that rather than come straight in to sit down here and lose half a day to a whole day here. Was a great way to break the habit.

The only reason I still come is because the only option when we get back and I have my V8 and banana is to watch TV, and I've avoided the news and politics, which has been great. What little "good" news there ever is doesn't do much for me; this country has been headed in such an awful direction for so long, I no longer want to hear about it. Everyone who's even bothering to pay attention is so distracted by the faux drama created by the right that few, if any, are noticing that while the DOW is record high and corporations and the rich are getting frighteningly richer daily, everyone else's standard of living and wages are going steadily downhill. That's not going to change, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Scalia's remarks about voting being a "racial perogative" and the fact that the FUCKING supremes will probably do away with the Voting Rights Act was pretty much the final straw for me. I couldn't believe it and was devastated to learn about it, and what it says about my country and my government disgusts and sickens me to the point where I don't even want to know what's going on anymore. Just that and the DOW hitting record territory, while the right is working so hard and so effectively (with the help of the left in power) to make things even WORSE for those who actually keep this country going--you know, the workers?--pretty much sums it all up for me.

I'm ashamed and deeply saddened for my country. I'm still semi-active politically, but I'd rather focus on just about anything else at this point, and being here is just a waste of time. There are those I'll miss; that's the only negative I can think of about it. But most of them aren't here anymore anyway, some no doubt for similar reasons to mine; I don't think Frem has returned either and Anthony was gone for a long time before anyone but me seemed to notice. The same with others. I'm sure I won't be missed any more than any of them.

Good wishes to all those sane, lovely people who remain, I really do miss you: Rap and Six and the rest of you assholes who ruin this place for whatever your asinine reasons are: go to hell.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:01 AM



Just that and the DOW hitting record territory, while the right is working so hard and so effectively (with the help of the left in power) to make things even WORSE for those who actually keep this country going--you know, the workers?--pretty much sums it all up for me.

Yeah. Really I think a lot of people knew all along how bad it was, but they didn't want to believe that.


Good wishes to all those sane, lovely people who remain, I really do miss you: Rap and Six and the rest of you assholes who ruin this place for whatever your asinine reasons are: go to hell.

I appreciate the sentimental subversion here. As one of the insane assholes, I promise to keep the fires going and simulate plenty of brimstone.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:11 AM


America loves a winner!

Ri - just as it's bad karma to comment that a pitcher is throwing a no hitter in baseball, some things are just best left unspoken. As now you see why.

And Niki... Touching you is no where on my " to do " list. Eww.

*Follow up - After reading your little screed... wow. I was going to joke that you clearly were off your meds, only to see that indeed, you ARE ! Not that it alters your warped view on politics any, but it sure does seem to make you more ornery. And while I fully agree w/ Scalia and his comments on the VRA, as it absolutely needs to go, MY guess is that it won't. See, I live in this fantasy world, were folks are treated EQUALLY, and no special privileges are given to one group over another. Some other fine American once made a speech about it... Martin Luther something. Oh well.

I could say more, but what's the point ? If you're truly leaving, then I wish you happy mushing w/ your huskies, and give them a big hug for me.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, March 7, 2013 10:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Operative Nikovich2's propaganda paycheck was terminated by Obama's Sequestration budget, that gave an extra billion borrowed 'Federal' Reserve Counterfeit Notes to Israel.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 11:52 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

I left when Frem attacked me around the gun issue, Riona, and haven't posted since. I realized I'd broken my own rule, I'd left myself open to someone actually hurting my feelings on the internet. That hasn't happened in over a decade, and it won't happen again.

Frem? Are you kidding, Frem...that flaming psycho who hates everything is why you don't post anymore? Frem hurt your feelings? You must be joking, right? I guess all the others that always backed you up on everything don't matter, only that Frem pissed you off? How pathetic. What are you...Joan of Arc or something?


My "enemies" can't touch me (this should all be good news for you, Rap: I won't be around to counter your deliberate ignorance anymore), but I let a few people here get close enough to me that one of them finally did.

Yeah...your "enemies". That's pretty psychotic in itself. There are no enemies here. There are Firefly fans who have different views of the world, that's all. Obviously you took the whole thing waaay too seriously. Yes indeed. It's best you skulk off and lick your wounds, but fret not 'cause there are still many left to pick up the slack, and they will continue your fine tradition of insulting and mocking anything resembling conservative opinion and beliefs.


So I'm pretty much "gone", now. I pop in every couple of days but don't see much to post about and usually get turned off by the sheer volume of PN gross-out posts and there being little, if anything, else.

Yeah, PN. He posts as many "jew" items as you did Sarah Palin and Fox News items. Yes...very grossed out.


Not willing to put in the time and energy to offer information for those who might be interested, mostly because it wouldn't make any difference anyway, never has, and there are plenty to express their opinions without needing me around.

Oh woe is you. "Angels and ministers of grace defend us."


What little "good" news there ever is doesn't do much for me; this country has been headed in such an awful direction for so long, I no longer want to hear about it. Everyone who's even bothering to pay attention is so distracted by the faux drama created by the right that few, if any, are noticing that while the DOW is record high and corporations and the rich are getting frighteningly richer daily, everyone else's standard of living and wages are going steadily downhill. That's not going to change, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

So your intense jealousy of other people's success gives you a tummy ache? Have faith and take a slug of Mylanta. Obama's working hard to take it away from them....just hold out a bit longer.


Scalia's remarks about voting being a "racial perogative" and the fact that the FUCKING supremes will probably do away with the Voting Rights Act was pretty much the final straw for me. I couldn't believe it and was devastated to learn about it, and what it says about my country and my government disgusts and sickens me to the point where I don't even want to know what's going on anymore.

Now you know how most people feel. What ever made you think you were above any of it?


I'm ashamed and deeply saddened for my country.

That's just what Michelle Obama said...until her husband became President.


Good wishes to all those sane, lovely people who remain, I really do miss you: Rap and Six and the rest of you assholes who ruin this place for whatever your asinine reasons are: go to hell.

Oh yeah, those 'assholes' who ruin this place! What does that really mean? Is it because they dare to disagree with you? God, the world and RWED would be just so perfect without AuRaptor and Rush Limbaugh...right? Fact is you're just a hard-core ideologue, and you're just like those you apparently despise so much.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 11:56 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by Niki2:
My "enemies" can't touch me (this should all be good news for you, Rap: I won't be around to counter your deliberate ignorance anymore), but I let a few people here get close enough to me that one of them finally did.

Yeah...your "enemies". That's pretty psychotic in itself. There are no enemies here. There are Firefly fans who have differengt views of the world, that's all.

Thus the quotation marks, genius.

And then you get dumber from there. Bravo!

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, March 7, 2013 12:35 PM


America loves a winner!


What little "good" news there ever is doesn't do much for me; this country has been headed in such an awful direction for so long, I no longer want to hear about it. Everyone who's even bothering to pay attention is so distracted by the faux drama created by the right that few, if any, are noticing that while the DOW is record high and corporations and the rich are getting frighteningly richer daily, everyone else's standard of living and wages are going steadily downhill. That's not going to change, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Yeah, this was pretty funny. The 'faux drama', created by the Right ? ROFLMAO !!!

What about the very long list of LIES uttered by this President, over the sequestration doom and gloom predictions ? From the FACT that it was his idea in the first place, to the childish, totally unnecessary canceling of WH tours to the public, all while the govt is running on 15 BILLION MORE DOLLARS THIS YEAR THAN LAST ???

There are no cuts. None We could all use with such 'cuts', where we get more money to spend than we did last year.

And the DOW ? The main reason it's going up is because we've printed over 80 Billion more dollars, just to bail Obama out of his mess. Thank you Ben Bernanke.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, March 7, 2013 1:17 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

Excuse me while I soak in my swimming pool while sipping a fresh pina colada.

Just a beautiful sunny day here in Ft. Lauderdale today. Gonna grill up some steaks later.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 1:19 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

That's true, I haven't seen Frem in a while, I miss him too, but sometimes he takes breaks when he gets busy so I just thought he'd be back when he could.

I will miss you Niki, I like you even when we don't get on perfectly. I felt like a decent amount of time we could "meet in the middle" on things. I hope finishing up the medicine works out for you and that you're one of those lucky ones who can stay in remission without medicine since you're older, sometimes older people get to that place, I hope you're one of them. I'm sorry your and Frem's exchange hurt your feelings so very much. I think he just gets wound up sometimes when he's passionate about something. We all do really. You can always email me if you like. There's a little hole where you were here.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, March 7, 2013 1:25 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:

I will miss you Niki, There's a little hole where you were here.

Amen to that.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 1:40 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Uh ... are you trying to be grotty in response to my sentiment? Hopefully not and you really will miss Niki.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, March 7, 2013 2:18 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

And the DOW ? The main reason it's going up is because we've printed over 80 Billion more dollars, just to bail Obama out of his mess. Thank you Ben Bernanke.

My stocks have made me on paper almost a year's salary in just the last two months. I'm not waiting for the crash to come. Gonna sell them all and buy Chinese currency and noodle futures. The U.S. dollar is headed towards worthlessness.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 2:40 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

And the DOW ? The main reason it's going up is because we've printed over 80 Billion more dollars, just to bail Obama out of his mess. Thank you Ben Bernanke.

My stocks have made me on paper almost a year's salary in just the last two months. I'm not waiting for the crash to come. Gonna sell them all and buy Chinese currency and noodle futures. The U.S. dollar is headed towards worthlessness.

I'm guessing you're not using 6ixstringjack as your salary base example, huh?

( no offense meant )

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, March 7, 2013 2:55 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

And the DOW ? The main reason it's going up is because we've printed over 80 Billion more dollars, just to bail Obama out of his mess. Thank you Ben Bernanke.

My stocks have made me on paper almost a year's salary in just the last two months. I'm not waiting for the crash to come. Gonna sell them all and buy Chinese currency and noodle futures. The U.S. dollar is headed towards worthlessness.

I'm guessing you're not using 6ixstringjack as your salary base example, huh?

( no offense meant )

Well, I'm not rich enough to retire just yet, but my bar tab is more than Six's salary. Seriously, that Chinese noodle thing is a goldmine. I have a friend in Shanghai and he says the noodle factory is a great place to be nowhere doing nothing.


Thursday, March 7, 2013 4:20 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow, my response sure seems to have triggered Jong, doesn't it? Have no idea why it would be that important to him, but I'm glad it gave him something to focus his negative energy on, maybe it will spare someone in his real life a bit of unpleasantness.

Reading this thread brought a smile to my face; I could have written most of the nasty responses myself, they're so predictable. Also made me glad I'm not going to go back to posting; this place has becomes so overwhelmed by the ugly among us, it's not worth being here bothering to ignore them to find what positive energy there is.

And yes, Mark, of course you and most others got it, but I doubt Jong or Rap ever could. I have no "enemies" here, nobody here who hates me is that important to me, tho' some have certainly written as if they hate me with considerable virulence, Jong among them even tho' I made a sincere attempt to find common ground with him at one time. Sad to think someone can "speak" to another the way he does/they do, yet laugh at the idea anyone thinks they're considered an enemy. Gawd help their "friends", is all I can say.

For clarification, Frem didn't hurt my feelings deeply. We've communicated a lot in e-mail, so he wasn't just "another poster" to me, but when I realized he had hurt my feelings AT ALL, it was time to re-evaluate the situation. Those I respect, yes, I do care about their opinions. I'm glad I backed out, now; after a bit of time not being in the middle of it, it's easy to see the vicious voices are far more prevalent here than the intelligent ones who actually WANT to communicate, and most of the good voices are long gone.

Just popped in to say thank you for all the unexpected warmth in PM, I had no idea so many were out there lurking who I've been missing because they're not posting, or that anyone at ALL would bother missing me! To my friends--no quotes, because I do consider some here friends and by what I write they know who they are--I'd love to stay in touch and if you PM me I'll give you my e-mail. I would really like that. I replied to some who posted here privately, all I'll say publicly is thank you, Riona, for your kind thoughts.

What I see now, reading down the thread list, is really pathetic. It looks almost like the OB did before it was killed, spam after spam of PN's insanity, and little else. I miss the intelligent exchanges, but realize just how few opportunities there are for same and how long it's been since it was otherwise. Very sad; this was a lively, challenging place once, I'm glad I had the chance to experience it.


Friday, March 8, 2013 9:17 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Good wishes to all those sane, lovely people who remain, I really do miss you: Rap and Six and the rest of you assholes who ruin this place for whatever your asinine reasons are: go to hell.

I hardly run this place girlfriend, but if it makes you feel any better, my best friend I made in this forum hates me because of our discourse.

At least you're still alive though, right?

EDITED TO ADD: Seems my friend is also missing. He's "REALLY" sick and lives with it everyday. I've kept my distance because I do what he says since he's lived in this shit-hole a lot longer than I have and I don't want to piss him off any more than I already have.

I float in and out of here, so I have no idea what "happenings" have occurred since the last post I found relevant, but I'd hate to think that a friendship was wasted because I said a callous word or two back in the day that you're going to prove to be true by disappearing and leaving some bad remarks in your wake....

Sure.... I called YOU a "CUNT" in the past.

Sorry, sister, but I've called GWB and Obama much worse.....

You don't have a monopoly on the bad words that Jack has called people before.

He just happened to strengthen your argument after the fact and lead to a 6 month hatred of me because of speaking my mind. Even I bought into it because even though you were being a major C-WORD, I felt bad when he came to your defense.

I'm sure that breaking my bond with him was a major victory on your part, but it's not my fault that you're so flappingly Liberal Kook on the other side that he told you to eat sand one day.

It just took him a lot longer to come around to the fact that you didn't know what you were talking about because I was dumb enough to call a Spkunt a Spkunt....

I'm sure if Obama was still on the rise you'd never relent now....

But you know that Bammy is just as bad, if not worse, for America that GWB was...

I called for GWB's impeachment as well...

Don't hate the playa... hate the game.....

The real reason you lose, and the real reason you back out of the RWED has ZERO to do with members here Niki....

It's the same reason I bowed out just before Obama was Prez.......

Anyway you look at it, YOU LOSE....

It's just too much for you and most mortals to take.....


Friday, March 8, 2013 9:52 AM


Niki - I have definitely missed you! I do the same as you - check in once in a while to see if there's anything interesting. Without you to start threads, it's been a flood of PN garbage. I really have never seen anything redeeming in this guy. We need a PN board where all his threads go automatically so he doesn't take up the whole front page. Unfortunately, his crap, not to mention the twisted and well-pickled brains of Rap and Six (respectively) have driven most reasonable folks away from the board. It just gets old.

And yes - wow! - did Jong just go batty! (And Six too, but that's hardly surprising.) I wonder why these guys go batshit over you, Niki? I think it's because you're quite genuine and open about who you are. Some types take that as a weakness, a chance to attack. I'm glad it doesn't get to you.

I missed what happened between you and Frem. The gun debate was going no where pretty, and I bailed sooner than you. You can't have reasonable religion talk with god fanatics; you can't have reasonable gun talk with gun fanatics.

Anyway, take care, Nik. Glad to her you're doing good!


Friday, March 8, 2013 9:57 AM


Tell me where I was wrong about guns.

You don't have an answer......

EDITED TO ADD: Likely, I've been a fan of FF before you were weened off your mama's titties.

If you're somehow a "veteran" to this entire idea, you definitely walked away with the wrong morals....


Friday, March 8, 2013 10:12 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Tell me where I was wrong about guns.

You don't have an answer......

EDITED TO ADD: Likely, I've been a fan of FF before you were weened off your mama's titties.

If you're somehow a "veteran" to this entire idea, you definitely walked away with the wrong morals....

You get dumber by the day. Might as well down another 6-pack. Why slow down, right?

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Friday, March 8, 2013 10:19 AM


Explain yourself SM....

My proclivities, and the fact that I do NOTHING to hide them for nothing from you or no others in the RWED make them mean nothing...

All I'm saying is that your fight here, using that arguement, is a strawman....

If anything, I relate more to anyone on anyone on any specrtum because I tell you EVERYTHING about not only my alcohol related proclivities, but of my weed and sex related and otherwise....

If anything..... One might be able to trust me more than anyone else here because I lay out who I am before everyone before and after making statements. I also have friends here who know me via email who know that I do not lie about who I am or what I do.

So, the question you, and anyone else here must ask yourselves about me if you are so inclined, is this.....

Am I more or less trustworthy because I readily and willingly spill all of my faults out for the world to see, completely unadulterated.....?


Friday, March 8, 2013 11:12 AM


Wait, Riona? Something happened with you and Riona?

Tell ME! I demand the juiciest gossip, the biggest scoop!

I taste it from here, like ice cream or kitten tears.

EDIT: Oh. HIM. I am disappoint. :( I thought I'd stumbled upon something... SCANDALOUS.

Eh, I'm a bitchy cunt, those are just words, I'm pretty sure even Niki doesn't even care about that anymore.


Friday, March 8, 2013 11:46 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Am I more or less trustworthy because I readily and willingly spill all of my faults out for the world to see, completely unadulterated.....?

No, it just makes no one want to listen to you. Believe me, I know - I spent a lot of time venting psychological issues on the board, though nothing remotely like the overshare you do.

I don't even bother anymore. You know why?

Because as it turns out, like how I was, you're the only one who cares who you are and what you think. When I realized that about me and all my conversations, I suddenly stopped caring about anything about me either, and so now I just troll the shit out of everyone and everything and myself in a flurry of self-liberation and devil-may-care fuck-it-all.



Friday, March 8, 2013 12:47 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mal4, you are definitely among those I will miss the most, but like a good number of the other voices actually worth reading, yours hadn't been around a lot when I left. I haven't read any POSTS since then until now, the titles were quite sufficient to make me lose interest.

And yes, the PN thing sickens me and is one reason I'm not interested in returning. He truly does SLATHER the place, and one of the reasons I spent time looking for interesting issues to post was to offset that. Now, eh, it's turning more and more into a PN-Rap-Six free-for-all, which is even less interesting.

This thread continues to amuse, tho'. Think I may stay around until it peters out; being in only one thread takes no time, just pop in to see what's new, and eventually it will fade and I'll go with it.

Meanwhile, it is mildly amusing. First Jong doesn't comprehend the sarcasm/satire of quotation marks and goes off the rails with his vitriol toward me, now Six can't read the word "ruin" and mistakes it for me having said he "runs" RWED. Ahhh, the I will miss them...NOT! ;o) Why do I get under their skin? Gawd only knows, and probably wouldn't care any more than do I, but I certainly seem to chap their stick, don't I? That was, I admit, one of the things that kept me hanging on; but while amusing, it's not healthy to spend that much time on, not when there's a whole world of so much finer things to focus on.

I didn't read further than his claim he doesn't "run" the place, but I did get a giggle out of the quote Mark posted. Dunno who the remarks from Six were aimed at, and not about to bother reading his actual posts, but found the last two sentences weird; somehow connecting how long one has admired Firefly with "morals" is just too convoluted to even wonder about...

And Byte, just so's you know, I always cared about what you think, as well as what the others here worth paying attention to think. I just never bought into your self-hatred and it always puzzled me why you were so adamant everyone else agree about it. But you're right on about Six and why few pay him any attention...the difference is, what you've had to say has ALWAYS been more interesting and far less self-involved than anything I read from him (back when I bothered to read). In all the years I've been on forums, I've never quite run into anyone so completely self-absorbed, it's pretty off-putting aside from anything else. You were NEVER in his league! ("Overshare"; I love it!)

I will say to Rap: I hugged the guys for you (we had a GREAT, frigid (!) run out in the redwoods this morning, they're happily crashed and probably didn't appreciate the hugs), and will always remember the curious "frenemy-ship" of someone who wrote with such incredible hatred for me around anything political, but with such civility and downright comradeship (sp?) around dogs, astronomy and just about everything that didn't in any way touch politics. Very weird. FYI: Please note I said "wrote with"--I doubt you ever cared enough to hate me, but your warped mindset around politics eschews nothing BUT hatred for all with whom you disagree. And your consistent choice of how you communicate with them can be described as nothing BUT incredible hatred.


Friday, March 8, 2013 1:16 PM



And Byte, just so's you know, I always cared about what you think, as well as what the others here worth paying attention to think. I just never bought into your self-hatred and it always puzzled me why you were so adamant everyone else agree about it.

Well... I guess it doesn't matter what people (or me) think about me anymore. Total irrelevance with everyone is better anyway, because then I can just play around with stuff. I can still try to change some things, but bigger picture I'm just like a single phytoplankton in the ocean fighting the current, so maybe my problem is I take things too seriously. And I take myself too seriously. What's the point of getting angry all the time and being worried all the time if it doesn't even DO anything?

So I'm fixing myself and it totally works and I only feel like I have ulcers occasionally now. World's just gonna do what it always does, no matter what happens. That's all there is to say about that.

I helped take a dog for a walk today. Nothing like your huskies. Overweight Chihuahua, my grandmother's been looking after her. Really all of us needed the walk so there you go.


Friday, March 8, 2013 2:30 PM


Yeah, this board has really deteriorated recently. I come here and scan the threads, but its mainly PN junk and Six talking about his pecadillos, and so I have nothing to say.

Glad things are looking up for you, Niki, in the RW and that your too busy to come here.


Friday, March 8, 2013 2:42 PM


I could start posting science stuff. I get a steady stream of various articles from a subscription to some magazines.


Friday, March 8, 2013 3:01 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Niki2:

I will say to Rap: I hugged the guys for you (we had a GREAT, frigid (!) run out in the redwoods this morning, they're happily crashed and probably didn't appreciate the hugs),...

I'm both very envious and happy, whether you believe it or not.


... and will always remember the curious "frenemy-ship" of someone who wrote with such incredible hatred for me around anything political, but with such civility and downright comradeship (sp?) around dogs, astronomy and just about everything that didn't in any way touch politics. Very weird. FYI: Please note I said "wrote with"--I doubt you ever cared enough to hate me, but your warped mindset around politics eschews nothing BUT hatred for all with whom you disagree. And your consistent choice of how you communicate with them can be described as nothing BUT incredible hatred.

I could do a better job displaying my passion on certain topics, instead of having it viewed as 'hate'. I'll cede that much. But here's the thing... I absolutely loathe the concept of communism, socialism, or the degree of collectivism which is so prevalent on the Left. To put it simply, I see the whole "collective " mindset as a smothering , controlling force which crushes the human spirit. While the stated INTENTIONS may be noble, the means by which these goals are sought are anything but.

And I'll step off the soap box before I get rolling, but I just wanted to say, it's with that deep hatred, TRUE hatred for such things with which I was fueled in many of the areas where we butted heads.

To quote talk radio host Dennis Prager - " I prefer clarity to agreement ". I think it's an honest and very wise concept, because understanding how others see the world even if it doesn't win you over to their way of thinking, at least gives you some insight on their point of view.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, March 8, 2013 7:21 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I could start posting science stuff. I get a steady stream of various articles from a subscription to some magazines.

Yeah, post science stuff. I'll come back if you post science stuff. :)


Disobedience is not an issue if obedience is not the goal.


Sunday, March 10, 2013 8:22 AM


This has just turned into a "poor Niki" thread.....

Will she be missed as somebody who had a different opinion; as somebody for the hard core righties to "fight against"..... ?

Sure she will.

That's not why she's leaving.

She's not telling the truth at all about why she's done (at least for the short term) with the RWED.

Of course I can't say for sure what the real reason is, but I would venture a guess that here we are... nearly 6 years later, and America is even worse than all of those promises of hope and change that garnered 2 votes out of her.

4 additional trillion dollars in US debt with nothing to show for it......

Further, she might simply not even have the "free time" to be an active member anymore because their family needs a 5-income household with only two contributing members just not to get foreclosed on....

I could be wrong about all of that, but all I can do is speak from experience. As cheap as I am, gas is nearly at an all time high in my area, food costs 175% more than it did when I had a good job, and I'm making way less than 1/4 of what I made in 2009 when you include benefits (of which I have zero today).

I'm sure glad the DOW is doing better than ever before and the unemployment rate isn't abysmal.

I guess that hasn't "trickled down" to the masses yet.....

Keep enjoying your helicopter rides to Broadway with your clueless wife and kids on my dime Bammy.

Thanks for raising the National Debt by 30% in only 6 years, in the mean time.....


Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:18 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Magons, another of those voices I will reeeely miss...if you and the other like you were around more, I'd be sorely tempted to stay...sigh... Or maybe, as Sky said, if there was more science stuff...or ANYTHING more interesting than what the thread list MOSTLY reads like today, and yesterday, and the day before, and, and, and...

For Rap: As a parting gift, I offer you a few husky "smilies". Of course I believe you're envious, and happy, and if we could completely avoid the subject of politics, you can believe I'd love to share the fun we have with you. Since I can't:

First, a shortened version of my new favorite trail, up on the Tam foothills. We run pre-dawn, so get to the halfway point at just around sun-up, and it's gorgeous. It's called Concrete Pipe Road because an old concrete water pipe runs under/along it; we hear the wild turkeys every day as we start up, and it's full of good sniffs and passing deer and a fearless, resident coyote, so it's the guys second-favorite run. It's between 40 minutes and an hour round trip, depending on how long we hang out at turn-around and how much I let them stop and sniff (and how warm it is = how fast they go!), but this is a condensed, 7-minute version so you can "come with" us. Both this one and the next, it's much darker than it appears, so maybe squint or wear sunglasses so you can 'feel' the pre-dawn light ;o) , and watch it full screen--that's the closest I can get to "giving" it to you:

THEIR favorite run is The Ponds, our series of four local water reclamation ponds (a favorite place for birdwatchers). There we often see one of the local coyotes, as well as occasionally deer, raccoons, dkunk (who ran in front of us once before dawn, causing me two broken toes!) rabbits and the cows in the pasture of the farm next door (which twice they slipped loose and 'played' with while I slogged through the mud behind them waiting for them to get tired...!). That's the place they think is exciting. THERE they go like balls of fire all the way out to the marsh. I'm gonna re-do the video, I've got a new videocam and am just learning how to work the software, but it's good enough for you to come along with--about 7 minutes of a 45-minute run:

This one is from this morning's run. The Northbay group runs at 8am (which is 9am this morning, with daylight savings). WE usually run half an hour or so before sunup. My guys did fine the first couple of runs with the Northbay group 'cuz the weather was COLD, but today they were embarrassing--they consider it too late and too warm, so tho' they started out on fire, they quickly refused to keep up, and at the end as you can see even with Jim ahead of us on his bike, they lagged behind HIM! Nothing would make Koch go any faster, tho' Tashi was willing, so I had to apologize for holding up the others. Damned huskies. Guess I'll meet up with them and learn new trails that way, then to back at our usual (pre-sunrise) time with Jim. Bah. Huskies!

Tho' it's only a half hour North, it becomes "cow country", small farms, suburban farmlets and ranches, verrrry flat! Very pretty too, lots of horses, cows, vineyards,'s between a half hour and an hour's drive to the trailheads, so it costs some gas, but we only go on weekends--otherwise we'd be in rush-hour traffic going home.

And as a parting shot, here's a couple of giggles for you. This is how the guys greet Jim when he gets back from his morning run/bike ride...Tashi takes his "beard cleaning duties" very seriously, as you can see. (Notice the narrow section of bed which "belongs" to Jim; yes, that IS where he sleeps, and only there--when they don't push him completely off the bed. He is totally puppy-whipped!)

This is from a couple of days ago; we run them off leash only one place, so it's special to them. I wouldn't have been laughing while I shot this if I'd known what was coming. For only the second time up there, they spotted a deer and took off. Coulda killed 'em; at that hour, and with the wind, it was a pain in the ass waiting for them, even tho' it was only 20 minutes or so. Kochyok is "Chatty Kathy" at home when greeting, but Tashi is DEFINITELY the vocal one when waiting to go on the trail. Ironically, in this it's Koch making all the noise, so you'll just have to take my word that when we're out with the sulky, Tashi NEVER shuts up and is the complaining-est of all the dogs we run with!

At home, Tashi would LIKE to be vocal for treats, but doesn't seem to be able to do it on command. Instead he tosses his head mightily and comes out with a bit of sound, it's funny to watch him try (this is from the cell phone sitting on Jim's bed, so it's pretty shitty).

Rap, the one thing you don't get ( in response to your post), is that when all you have is hate, you miss everything else; there is no room for the grays in life, and NOTHING is black and white, everything has shades of grayy. I wish you the ability to see the grays someday. It would expand your world more than you can imagine.

Which is another way of saying, I wish you well, despite all the bad between us.


Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:19 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Lastly, is Six just ALWAYS that drunk, or what?! This guy thinks he knows me?? I love being called a liar by some tanked asshole who doesn't know shit about SHIT...but I guess I should expect no better. Actually bothered to read the post--silly me--what a loser! But he did actually manage to get my goat enough for me to say the following:

My leaving has nothing to do with any "failure" on the part of the people I voted for. I know full well they've done what they can, and I know exactly what kind of shape we'd be in if the fucking Republicans weren't absolutely, patently, and OPENLY bound and determined to run this country into the ground in the hopes of regaining power, after they spent eight years running it into the ground by mismanagement and an agenda to get as much as possible to the rich and corporate interests while screwing over the rest of us. We're in the state were in DESPITE the left, not because of them, and anyone with half a brain who's been paying attention knows it. Ironically, they HAVE managed to keep us from where we'd be if McCain or Romney had gained power, and there's hope yet, given they're working so hard at becoming unelectable, that we can still dig our way completely out of the hole they put us in. My lack of hope is because of the continuing inability by those in power to stop the right-wing fringe tea baggers and their grab for power in the Republican party; even the intelligent Republicans haven't been able to stop what they're doing to this country (little as they've tried) and it will only get worse as time goes on.

Jim and I are just dandy compared to the vast majority of the country. We worked hard and were pretty lucky. We own our own home and everything we have free and clear, and if we added up everything we've got in retirement, savings and the bank, would probably be up around a quarter of a million dollars; I will say that just once. We live cheaply, we don't want much, and we appreciate what we have; and even with that, we'll only be okay if nothing horrific happens and things don't get horrendously worse amazingly fast. Thank gawd we're as old as we are. WE'll probably be fine; it's the rest of my countrymen I weep for, those coming after who will be reaping the whirlwind of global warming and what people like Rap and Jong and Geez want to see happen to this country.

Yeah, he got my goat just that much; from what I've seen of him thus far, that should give Six immeasurable pleasure. I've never figured out why he wants attention from me so badly and I think he's some kind of freak for it bothering him so much that I don't think he's worth ANYONE's attention. So no, it's sure as hell not a "poor Niki" thread, it's quite the opposite. I've got life damned good and I know it and am grateful as hell for it, I'm not like Six, slathering some fan site anonymously with self-pity and self-aggrandizing twaddle. Drunks are pathetic; some drunks are more pathetic than others. This brainless dipsomaniac has absolutely no excuse.

And with that, I will bid you adieu, leave the rest of you to get whatever you can out of this place, and hopefully not return.


Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:24 PM


Hey Niki,

It's getting late and I'm fading, so what could be a longer post will boil down to a few things:

1. Your dogs are ADORABLE! I'm 100% a cat person, but I do enjoy seeing happy dogs out and about, busy being happy dogs. Yours certainly are!

2. I know we all get caught up with the odd inconveniences of life, and I know you have as much as anyone, but I hope you appreciate how cool it is that your life involves taking dog-cart rides in a beautiful place at sunrise. I think it's pretty awesome.

3. Oh, Six. Six is just being Six. Still, I have no problem with you giving him a virtual punch in the nose for being a jackass, since ignoring these types clearly does not make them go away.


Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:13 PM


America loves a winner!

First, as I've said, what I do here, what I 'show' of myself, is only a small part of who I am. It's false to claim that " all I have " is hate. We disagree, on some matters. Sometimes strongly. But not always. But there are times when agreements and compromise can be made. But not always. The NAZIS didn't 'sorta' start a world war. Slavery isn't a 'gray' area, is it ?

Not everything is a shade of gray. There are rights and wrongs. Some things are either black or white.

The Vids are great. I'll watch them , but not all at once, so there's something to look forward to , for a while, every time I come here.


Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:09 PM


Keeping order in every verse

I too, am one that, although never posted that much, have decided to distance myself from the PN thread hijack. Every time I log in here, it is just line after line of PirateNews bollocks. And I just can't be doing with it. Hi Nicki, by the way. And Bye.
Congrats to PN for ruining the site, and shame on the man in charge for doing absolutely nothing about it. A great site that has just become a waste of time. See ya.

With the grace of age, commander, we learn to accept.


Monday, March 11, 2013 3:36 AM



The NAZIS didn't 'sorta' start a world war.

Well even I'll admit it was either the Nazis or the Japanese, and they were kind of on the same side even though they were totally going to backstab each other for world domination later.

I guess it depends on if you count the under the radar skirmishes we were having with the Japanese for years before pearl harbour, or if only the invasion of Poland counts.


Slavery isn't a 'gray' area, is it ?

Shit no.

Although I do wish there was less of a grey area around here in regards to genocide, civilian death, and blowing up planets. I've seen people take the Empire's side, and lemee tell you, after seeing artist conceptions of Alderaan, I'm pretty sure that the Empire is the biggest bunch of jerkasses this side of the Yuuzhan Vong.


Monday, March 11, 2013 6:33 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Although I do wish there was less of a grey area around here in regards to genocide, civilian death, and blowing up planets.

You gotta draw a black and white line at genocide. You just gotta.

I'm pretty tolerant and understanding of most positions. But sometimes, evil is just evil.


Disobedience is not an issue if obedience is not the goal.


Monday, March 11, 2013 9:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Will be responding in PM from here on, don't want to drag this thread out any longer. I've said all I have to say.


Monday, March 11, 2013 5:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


First, as I've said, what I do here, what I 'show' of myself, is only a small part of who I am.
Well, I've seen your posts in other forums, and thank god you don't show your really racist side here!


Monday, March 11, 2013 7:08 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

First, as I've said, what I do here, what I 'show' of myself, is only a small part of who I am.
Well, I've seen your posts in other forums, and thank god you don't show your really racist side here!

No, you really haven't. Because no such posts even exist.

You clearly have me confused with someone else.

Would be nice if you backed up your imaginary widdle claim, but we both know you can't.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, March 11, 2013 8:39 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Believe it or not the amount of PN threads doesn't bother me. Most of them are obnoxious, a lot of them are boring to me and occasionally he posts something that has a point/is relevent or interesting. I have the power to respond or not, and I have the power to read or not. So I can choose what _I want to do and how much of that PN stuff to expose myself to, I have the power. So it doesn't really concern me all that much. I think that the more people are here the more interesting the place is, as a general rule.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 5:24 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by RionaEire:
Believe it or not the amount of PN threads doesn't bother me. Most of them are obnoxious, a lot of them are boring to me and occasionally he posts something that has a point/is relevent or interesting. I have the power to respond or not, and I have the power to read or not. So I can choose what _I want to do and how much of that PN stuff to expose myself to, I have the power. So it doesn't really concern me all that much. I think that the more people are here the more interesting the place is, as a general rule.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

This is the only board on which I post where there is no moderator, of any kind, at all. 99% of what PN posts would be zapped on sight, and he'd likely be banned a long, long time ago.

But not here.

It is what it is.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 6:59 AM


In my experience, it's when boards get moderators that they go downhill. Because some faction always starts to play favourites, and another mod goes power crazy with banning people the moment someone speaks against them.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:22 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
In my experience, it's when boards get moderators that they go downhill. Because some faction always starts to play favourites, and another mod goes power crazy with banning people the moment someone speaks against them.

Then I've been lucky. The other forums I frequent don't have such power mad mods, and I've been posting on them longer than here. They're a bit more family friendly, and a time or two, I've been wrist slapped, but not unjustly. Never had a warning or been censured. But to each their own. We choose to visit here, or not. As Riona says , just ignore what ya don't like.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 10:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hopefully my last post ever in RWED. Over the past few days, I've heard from almost ALL the voices I have respected and enjoyed in my time here (!), whether those of you who were kind enough to respond to my post here or those of you who contacted me privately. It's been a bit of a shock; I really thought most of you were gone for good--which serves me right in some cases for not hanging out anywhere but RWED.

It's been kinda painful to hear from people, to know they're still "out there" when I thought they were long gone, but at the same time to know the only way to stay in touch is to return to RWED, which I really don't want to do. So this morning I made a decision, which I may regret...or not. I'm moving to Talk Story. I'm probably going to post mostly videos and talk about my dogs, since they are a large focus in my life, as well as hoping that some "real world events" are kosher to discuss over there, and I am going to do everything in my power to avoid EVER talking about politics. Maybe I'll see some of you there...I sure hope I do, as the opportunity to stay in touch and enjoy your company does mean a lot to me. My worry is that even there I won't be able to avoid the nastiness I've become accustomed to here, but it's a chance I'm willing to take.

As an aside; I've been on forums of both kinds, some where the Monitor Problem has been just as described, others where monitoring has been a godsend and never gotten in the way. I wish this place were the latter, but as has been said, it is what it is. Being a big believer in "all things in moderation", I long wished there was moderate moderating here, but that's neither here nor there.

So anyone sick of what RWED has become (and interestingly, virtually everyone who posted/PM'd me has expressed feelings almost identical to mine where that's concerned), I'd sure love to join you over there, on any subject you wish (EXCEPT politics!). I hope the rest of you enjoy what RWED has become for as long as it gives you whatever it is you're looking for.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 11:36 AM



I long wished there was moderate moderating here, but that's neither here nor there.

...Wait that uh can't what?



(I will see you on talk story then)


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 1:22 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I've liked the no moderator thing, because I know what Byte means, they get in the way because there is no such thing as a completely unbiassed person, even people who are well rounded and like to stay out of others' business can become a little power mad or let their personal feelings interfere with their moderating duties. I like not having a moderator.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:14 PM


America loves a winner!

I don't think it's too much to ask for folks to be made to back up their claims when bearing false witness against another. Most effective board w/ rules against such things aren't too unreasonable.

What we have here are simpletons who can't debate issues, so they accuse others of being all sorts of vile and ugly things.

That sort of nonsense wouldn't be tolerated on most boards.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall






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