Your Wednesday dose of Crazy From the Right

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 07:54
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Radical Pastor Says Teaching Your Kids Not To Hate Gays Is ‘Disgusting’

It’s the kind of hate we are so used to hearing about but still can’t quite understand where it’s coming from, mostly because you have to be an irrational nut case to comprehend it. Now, it’s not just hate against homosexuals. It’s hate on top of hate. It’s hate for not being hateful. It’s hate against anyone who doesn’t hate gays.

Matt Trewhella, founder of Missionaries to the Preborn, used his bully pulpit on a show called “In Focus,” broadcast on the Voice of Christian Youth America networks, to blast not only homosexuals for their “filthy” existence, but parents who don’t hate homosexuals for not teaching their kids to hate them.

Trewhella says in the show that allowing gay marriage will ‘totally change the culture’ of America. Then he goes on to a strange rant about how Americans are an ‘Atomistic society’ that is too busy being selfish to have kids anymore, as if Americans are just aborting fetuses left and right rather than have a child disrupt their lives. But for those who do actually, somehow, manage to resist that urge to abort every pregnancy and somehow get over their vanity to actually give birth to a child, Trewhella has some choice words:

Your children would be getting perverted in their minds by these filthy people. I have no respect for people who are parents, who actually have children, and have no problem with homosexuality or homosexual marriage. They are the most base people on the planet to have totally abandoned every God-given vestige to protect your child from the filth of homosexuality, to blatantly go along with it is disgusting.”

Trewhella is, as you may have guessed, no stranger to stupidity. He is a convicted arsonist. He has been investigated by the FBI in connection with the murder of a doctor. He signed the “Justifiable Homicide” petition defending the murder of two doctors. His organization, Missionaries to the Preborn (whatever “preborn” means) is militant. He has openly called for arming children, saying:

“This Christmas I want you to do the most loving thing, and I want you to buy each of your children an SKS rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition.”

This is, apparently, the Voice of Christian Youth in America.

I'll bet you can guess what I find "disgusting"...

The author goes on to state:

All too often, Christian fundamentalists argue that the rhetoric against marriage equality is not about hate or intolerance. That’s simply not true. We are human. We hate what we fear. We fear what we don’t know. We don’t know what will come from change. But that’s what makes change so exciting. We don’t know what will come from it. We can make predictions, we can assume, but we will never actually know until that change happens. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be unsure. It’s not okay to take that fear and uncertainty and translate it into a language of hate and intolerance. As long as you keep trying to convince me that somehow a 2,000-year-old book and an invisible angry deity will send me to some unknown fiery inferno for not denouncing homosexuality, I will keep pointing out that, according to the same Bible you keep telling me is all or nothing, the tattoo of the Bible scripture on your shoulder is a sin, too.

To which, I say: "Amen". And then some.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:54 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Anti-Choice Nebraska State Senator Says ‘Women Don’t Understand Themselves’

Nebraska State Senator Bill Kintner says he doesn’t “understand women.” In fact, women “don’t even understand themselves.” But he has no problem relying on his Christian background to make decisions for them.

The Lincoln Journal-Star has been featuring several state politicians in a series called “In Their Own Words,” giving readers the opportunity to get to know the people that represent them in state government. In the most recent installment, Kintner got his turn at the mic, and he gave us a couple of real gems.

"Biggest mystery? Women. No one understands them. They don’t even understand themselves. Books and books and books have been written about it, and no one understands it."

women must be a real mystery to Kintner since he refers to his wife as “the woman,” referring to her by name only once in parentheses. He goes on to say of their marriage:

"In our household, we have a separation of powers. The legislative is downstairs and the executive is upstairs. We don’t talk about what she does on her side and what I do on my side. There’s no sharing of inside information."

Sounds like a wonderful way to run a marriage.

Sad the man doesn't grasp that NOBODY "understands themselves", that we all have subconscious stuff at work which makes us think/behave in ways we might not choose to all the time. But apparently he doesn't realize that's at work for him, as well, which is sad but amusing:

this is the same politician who says his Christian belief system, with its “moral absolutes,” is what makes him choose to be “pro-life.” Unfortunately, it seems that he forgot about that other “moral absolute,” that deadly sin or gluttony, when he said:

"There’s not much about food that escapes me. I like to eat. If it’s bad, I like it. Big steak and big steak fries. Strawberry short cake and doughnuts."

Or the commandment against idolatry: "Prized possession? My Roger Staubach jersey. He’s from Cincinnati, by the way."

But then again:

"I go to one of those nondenominational rock and roll churches."

Introspection is obviously not his "thing".


Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

The "christians" (UNcapitalized and in quotes) are running amok today...

A man in Georgia is threatening to sue if he isn’t allowed to approach and harass other people’s’ children about Jesus in an attempt to indoctrinate them.

During an annual event called “1890s Day Jamboree” in Ringgold, Georgia, obsessed Christian, Daryl Banther, along with his eight-year-old son, approached the children of complete strangers in the parking lot to talk to them about Jesus, handing them religious pamphlets and questionnaires. Concerned and understandably angry parents called police to make the harassment stop and officials did just that. Now Banther, who isn’t even a resident of the town, is threatening to take legal action if city officials don’t allow him to continue targeting children whether their parents like it or not.

“They were all harassing me because I have a constitutional right to do what I was doing,” Banther told WTVC-TV. “If I’m anything else, I have rights, but as a Christian, we have rights no more. They’re taking all the Christian rights away and I’m going to stand for what’s right this time.”

City officials say they stopped Banther because, unlike other participants at the local event, he didn’t have “prior approval,” or “a booth to operate the activity” he was doing. In other words, he was some strange and creepy guy stopping kids in a parking lot, which to most parents, is the kind of thing a child molester, pedophile, or kidnapper would do. Parents had every right to be concerned and police did their job by stopping him.

Banther claims it is his constitutional right to “do what I was doing” on behalf of his religion, but no such right exists in the Constitution. People have the right to exercise their religion, which means people are free to practice their religion in their church or home, but people also have the right to be free from religion… and they certainly have the right to stop some creepy guy from harassing their kids. Despite what Banther says, there is no war against Christianity and such claims become comic fodder for shows such as “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.”

Freedom of religion doesn’t give anyone the right to force their beliefs on others and it certainly doesn’t give creepy men the green light to approach and harass kids in a parking lot against the wills of their parents.

Religion in this country is getting scarier...


Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Cardinal Calls For Anti-LGBT Sermons

Tensions are high in the LGBT community in New York City and with good reason. So far this month there have been nine violent hate crimes against members of the community, bringing the total to twenty-seven this year. This means there have been double the amount of hate crimes against the LGBT community this year, as there were last year; which even more concerning as last year also saw a double-digit increase over the previous year. Despite the wave in hate crimes America’s highest ranking Catholic, Cardinal Timothy Dolan has called on all Catholic dioceses to focus their sermons on “traditional marriage” from now until the end of June. Dolan, who is the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), is also the Archbishop of New York has made no statements condemning or even acknowledging the recent violence against the LGBT community in his city. He has however urged parishioners to join more anti-LGBT events, fast and pray as a way to stop marriage equality from becoming a reality in the USCCB’s spring bulletin.

The bulletin urges parishioners to join the church’s anti-LGBT events, “Fortnight for Freedom,” that ironical lead-up to Independence Day. These events are designed to protect ‘traditional marriage.’

The bulletin then goes on to say that while there are many ways to protect the basic humans rights of everyone, that allowing the LGBT to marry is not one of those ways and it ‘serves no one’s rights, least of all those of children.’

It really is rather funny to me that all of the church events lead up to July 4th; the day when our forefathers sought independence for a country that was founded on religious freedom. Now, the Catholic church wants to shove their religion down the throats of all of the citizens in this country, regardless of their religious affiliation. Not only, is the Cardinal Dolan trying to stomp all over the Constitution but he is calling for a wave of anti-LGBT sentiment at a very volatile time in New York City.

Let’s think about that for a second. A hate-group is denouncing violence against the LGBT community but the head of the Catholic Church is not? Seriously? These hateful sermons could very well lead to an increase in violence in the community. All it takes is a few parishioners to decide that they are going to take matters into their own hands and the city of New York will have another Mike Carson murder to deal with.

Perhaps instead of encouraging parishioners to go against everything this country stands for leading up to Independence Day, he should celebrate the principals on which it was founded upon. And even if that is a little too much for him to swallow, the least he could do is practice what his heavenly father preached: love and acceptance. Right now Cardinal Dolan seems to be spreading the word of Republican Jesus, not the loving and caring Jesus I learned about in Sunday school.

And again: "a-MEN!"






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