Viva La Canada

UPDATED: Monday, January 10, 2022 23:20
VIEWED: 3856
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Saturday, November 16, 2013 12:29 AM


Finally, FINALLY, someone had the freakin guts to take on the Azov ring, which has been in operation since roundabouts 2004, often with the complicit consent of politicians interested in their... "product".

And all down in flames, good riddance.

Been a damn busy week, it has, logistics on one end, tactical on the other, and workin despite it all even tho my leg is killin me, arggh.

Project Spade.


In all, police say 386 children were rescued from direct abuse and exploitation as a result of the Spade investigation — including 24 Canadian children and more than 330 children in the U.S.

So score one for the good guys - and as usual, American cooperation with such, about bloody zip, bare minimum to make it go away, and there's more to this a-comin.



Saturday, November 16, 2013 5:58 AM


Frem, Wow!

Indeed score one for the good guys. The pedophiles ran across the board and touched upon these people from all walks of life. Wow! I knew that this goes on, but to this extent and scope!

Thanks for posting buddy.



Saturday, November 16, 2013 11:06 AM


It actually used to be even worse, SGG - cause as with religious abuse and the hellcamps, there was a lot of "Urban Myth" and "No-such-thing" on this one too, mainly cause the issue is so horrible people do not WANT to believe it, and will clutch at any straw to avoid being forced to face such an ugly truth.
Not just that, but this is one of those issues I tend to be a little cagey about still cause there are things in this world that just the knowing of can pyschologically damage people, so I choose to be vague when in doubt.

There's always been some crossover between foster care, group homes and these kinds of abusers, and at its worst sometimes the social services folk in a local region wind up involved in it too or at least turning a blind eye.

American authories have been for the most part utterly useless, and for all the drum banging the FBI does about their efforts, back in the beginning they actually refused to follow up the Burdinsky case till USDOJ forced them, and even then dragged their feet and deliberately tanked the followup and prosecutions, still do, when they bother at all.

Now at the time, and this is no longer the case, jurisdiction in this type of crime was also in the realm of US Customs, cause originally pre-internet the job of busting down these creeps was them and the US Postal Service, who got really, REALLY good at it, which is why the freaks took to the internet to begin with, and one reason the extremely bitter hatred between freaks and hackers exists to this day, cause the Feds went after the hackers like mad while deliberately ignoring the freaks - a practice that continues even now (See Also: Deric Lostutter), but there was one guy dumped on US Customs Enforcement assigned to this matter as something like being sent to siberia cause he was a little too.. "clean", for lack of a better word, and didn't know when to look the other way.

To understand that, you should know that when police and federal forces assign someone to this work, it's treated by departmental policy in much the same fashion as a suicide, just one that ain't happened yet - as a rule it destroys them psychologically and is often assigned as punishment for being on the wrong side of office politics, a death sentence to career and sanity, and that is when it don't turn out worse, cause sometimes those who chase monsters...

So anyways, guy at US Customs by the name of Marcus Lawson took the unusual step of actually DOING the job, and bagged up Landslide Inc and sent Tom Reedy down for like 1400 years, consecutive - causing all the OTHER sites involved, most of which were pretty damn public about it at the time, to start crapping bricks, cause he *also* discovered a weak point, one I fleshed out in detail in an editorial called "Complicity", which caused something of a blowup and had a whole bunch of them wanting MY head cause they couldn't dare go after Marcus, but it was futile cause at the time I was working out of motel rooms being renovated and via the motel chain switchboard thanks to contacts within that chain.

See, the third-party-billing sites were the weak point, they'd collect the money for access to the content, and insulate the client from the consequences, but the key lay in that the TPB site knew where the sites were, even ones with mobile URLs, AND the big bonus is that they had the billing info, credit card transactions, hard evidence - barring the stolen card excuse, and unless you're one of the wealthy and powerful, better be able to prove it!
More importantly, a *lot* of those TPBs were based here, which would have made them easy to prosecute, but alas, no good deed goes unpunished, and Marcus was "rewarded" with a forced retirement as US Customs was relieved of authority on this issue.

Said authority was then thrown upon the civilian volunteers of NCMEC, which breaks the chain of custody and makes actually prosecuting the bastards pretty much a dead letter here, and I have other issues with NCMEC, one of which is not vetting their stuff correctly or sufficiently, cause yanno sometimes a kid goes "missing" for a damn good reason and the supposedly outraged parent just wants their sextoy or punching bag back, preferably before they start talking to the law, cause there's that, and more.

So one of the workarounds we had for a while, was some contact with the RCMP, and the only way we could get Americans busted for this was to report em to the damn Mounties, have THEM investigate, and then pass the buck back here to the perps local law enforcement on a silver platter, but this wound up crushed from above some years ago when the powers that be in Canada suddenly decided for reasons unknown to balk at prosecuting and investigating such crimes at ALL.

There wasn't really much progress till MI State Attorney General Jennifer Granholm also discovered the weak point of them third party billing sites and went after them, cause the problem never was identifying the bad guys, it was getting anyone with the power and jurisdiction to DO anything about them, and via smashing the sinister six, cutting off the MONEY, several rings we'd been trying to hammer for a decade collapsed within a month.
You bet yer ass I supported Jenny as Governor of MI, she earned it.

Then followed the formation of the Wayne County Internet Crimes Task Force, under Sheriff Evans, and they kicked all amount of ass, took names and set a standard for other jurisdictions to found their own, but once Evans left to try (and fail) reforming the DPD it all kind of floundered and fell apart in the pervasive corruption overtaking Wayne County and Detroit in particular.

So it's good to see Canada "back in the game", cause American authories have mostly been useless on this, and even their latest bit, going after Silk Road (this stuff was one of their excuses) was more about trying to break the TOR network and wreck up Bitcoins, cause can't have people out of CONTROL, out from under the watchful eye, oh noes...

Even when they do act, the American authorities tend to go after the lookers and lurkers who present minimal if any threat, while ignoring the actual abusers and producers as hard as possible - which is, if you think about it, exactly what they do with any other crime, cause elsewise they might work themselves out of the job and not have all those excuses to beg more money and power, right ?

It's never been about locating or identifying the bad guys here, there's rings been operating for DECADES, hell, Azov ran pretty close to that, it's always been getting anyone with a badge off their ass to DO anything about it.



Tuesday, February 9, 2016 1:42 AM


Are Canadians now REGRESSIVE LEFT?

Ok take this guy with a pinch of salt, I have seen him before he's maybe rightwing or Jewish conservative with maybe an agenda...but he does have an interesting vid

Rebel media - Ezra Levant

EXCLUSIVE: Liberals to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases

and btw
Do you know how badly women and children are treated in the Muslim world?
I think you guys just imported a shed ton of jihad, wife beating, theft and riots and pedophillia


Tuesday, February 9, 2016 8:56 AM


Can't hide it JAYNZTOWN, you're nothing but a bigot.


Thursday, February 11, 2016 4:15 AM



I got excited when I saw a post started by Frem. I haven't heard from him in a long time.

Does anybody know how he's doing?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 11, 2016 11:44 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Pretty sure the mental case known as JAYNEZTOWN is simply necroposting their shit in every damn thread they were never involved in to begin with. It might as well be graffiti at this point.

I miss Frem, too. He was excellent at calling out the bullshit.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Saturday, February 13, 2016 6:22 PM


Necroposting.... I never heard that before. I like that.

I really miss Frem too. He called the bullshit and he was really a good guy too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 8, 2016 1:16 AM


I still miss the Fuck out of Frem. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 16, 2020 5:09 PM


Top Actor?

We need a regular Canada thread

Trudeau apologizes over contract for charity tied to his family

OoopsJustin Trudeau apologized for granting a federal aid program to a private organization that has paid his family at least $220,000 Ooops he's you caught him embezzling. There he said it; so he can go now! Ooops NoBiggie -Trudeau


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Forgive this one maybe?
I cant find the regular Canuck Leafy threads


Originally posted by RahlMaclaren:


Faggy Frem was a piece of shit who made threats of violence, terror and threats of intimidation against firefly browncoats, threats against American people who wanted to vote Conservative, Libertarian or Republican

...maybe Frem was having a 'moment' a meltdown

but my instincts were that Frem was a piece of shit
maybe far worse than PirateNews, as crazy as Piratenews was I dont remembering him threatning to kill others

Trudeau said he took ‘many lessons’ from his last ethics scandal. Now he’s in another one.

GUNTER: Trudeau's lame apologies are trite and tiresome


Monday, January 10, 2022 11:20 PM


What would Canada do of Prince Andrew types?

"Nxivm 'sex cult' part one: How my daughter became trapped"

The NAFTA interntaional sex cult mind control human trafficking highway and cult called NXIVM?

Sara Rosner Bronfman is the daughter of the billionaire former Seagram chairman Edgar Bronfman Sr. From about 2001 until its 2019 demise, Bronfman was a leading funder and a member of the leadership team for the controversial multi-level marketing company and cult NXIVM, as was her sister, Clare Bronfman. In 2009, Bronfman reportedly had a sexual relationship with Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the self-styled "Personal Emissary for Peace for the Dalai Lama"; the affair was made public after a 2017 investigation led to Dhonden's removal for corruption. Eager to distance themselves from cult allegations in the press, NXIVM members sought the endorsement of the Dalai Lama, spending $2 million on the project. In 2012, Bronfman married islamo jihad Libyan businessman Basit Igtet; the couple have one daughter. Sara began working with Raniere's company Executive Success Programs, Inc. (ESP) and its "proprietary technology" Rational Inquiry, which had been created by Raniere. According to one source: "She founded the company's VIP Programs, which provide distinguished individuals with special training and coaching. These programs facilitated by the company's President Nancy Salzman, were responsible for launching ESP into the British and Irish markets in 2005." Soon Sara Bronfman was on the Executive Board of ESP and had become "Director of Humanities, Regional Vice President, Professional Coach and Head Trainer". In September 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Bronfman in the Brooklyn Supreme Court, asserting that she "ensnared" Isabella Martinez and Gabrielle Leal, among others, into taking costly classes as part of "a fraudulent scheme nationwide" for Raniere and NXIVM.

Nancy L. Salzman is an American felon and the co-founder of NXIVM, a multi-level marketing company and cult based near Albany, New York. She was involved with Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) it is a pseudo voodoo scientific approach to communication and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s. A former nurse, Salzman worked with Keith Raniere in the development of the organization beginning in the 1990s. Salzman has had experience with hypnosis and NLP. Salzman is listed in the Nursys database as having a nursing license in the state of New York from 1983 to its expiration in 2019- graduating from Cranford High School in New Jersey in 1972 and later Union College in Schenectady N.Y. n September 2021, Salzman was sentenced to 42 months in prison and a $150,000 fine for racketeering conspiracy.

CBC: “Racist former Calgary mayoral candidate Kevin J. Johnston has been arrested in the U.S. after failing to show up to a Toronto courthouse to begin serving a jail sentence” (

Clare Bronfman is an American heiress, convicted felon and former leader of NXIVM, a multi-level marketing company and cult based near Albany, New York, United States. She is the youngest daughter of billionaire philanthropist and former Seagram liquor chairman Edgar Bronfman Sr. After a brief equestrian career, Bronfman began involvement in NXIVM, a business engaged in criminal activities during 1998–2018, which led to indictments on federal charges, including sex trafficking.

Canada! Another really weird. 'CONSPIRACY'...Trudeau is planted and Controlled

Castro and Margaret Trudeau had an affair, Justine Trudeau's Mother used to be a party animal and go around nightclubs on the East Coast of the US, a drug addict and a degenerate, flashing her hairy beaver to the press

Allison Mack an actress and passports cross the Canada border?


Emiliano Salinas? Son of Former Mexican President Allegedly Top Member of Sex Cult NXIVM

In September 2011, it was reported by federal prosecutors that the Interscope Geffen A&M Records building was used by a drug-trafficking ring as a transport center. The Drug Enforcement Administration inspected the year-long case and stated that the Los Angeles offices of Interscope Records were used for pickups and deliveries of hundreds of kilograms of cocaine in 2010 and 2011. Rock-It Cargo, a shipping company which has an immense list of musical clients, shipped music cases that allegedly contained drugs to New York City studios.

'"A number of our clients in the U.S. have been harassed by this group of former associates," Salinas told BuzzFeed News. ', "Raniere was arrested in Mexico in March 2018, where The Guardian reported Salinas led NXIVM's Mexican affiliate."

'However, Salinas denied that the sorority he ran was affiliated with the alleged sex cult. '

'Founded by Keith Raniere in the 1990s, the alleged cult operated in Albany, New York, under the guise of a self-help community. '

Bronfman turned back over to U.S. Marshals after sentenced to 81 months in prison for crimes committed in NXIVM sex cult

Endeavor Global, a non-profit organization pioneering a new approach to international development.

Avenatti Intrigue Dominates at Hearing on Cult-Like NXIVM

Heiress to Liquor Fortune Charged in Sex-Slavery Case

Canada's access-to-information system has only gotten worse under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government, and a new Liberal bill intended to fix the problems has "worrisome" elements, a new report has found.

A freedom-of-information audit from News Media Canada, a national association representing the Canadian news media industry, gives the federal government a failing grade for timely disclosure of information. It also said its performance in this year's audit "was even worse than in the latter years of the former Stephen Harper government."

THE CRIMES? ...maybe not

maybe so

Eager to distance themselves from cult allegations in the press, NXIVM members sought the endorsement of the Dalai Lama, spending $2 million on the project.Clare, along with her sister Sara, and NXIVM founder Keith Raniere formed an organization called the World Ethical Foundations Consortium.
Clare and Sara were credited with being able to bring the Dalai Lama to Albany to participate in the WEFC's inaugural event on May 6, 2009. On May 6, 2009, the Dalai Lama traveled to Albany to give a talk; during the event, he presented Raniere with a white scarf onstage. The Dalai Lama additionally wrote the foreword to the book The Sphinx and Thelxiepeia, which Raniere co-authored in 2009. Eight years later, it would be revealed Clare's sister Sara had a 2009 sexual relationship with Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's gatekeeper who arranged the appearance, who as a monk had taken a vow of celibacy. Amid accusations of corruption, Dhonden was replaced.

Through her sister Sara, Clare Bronfman became involved in 2002 in NXIVM's personal advancement program and "Executive Success Program" ("ESP") workshops. The sisters became committed followers and financial backers of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere, relocating to upstate New York to work as NXIVM trainers.
Clare Bronfman installed keylogger software on her father's computer, allowing NXIVM members to access his email for years thereafter. From 2007 to 2009, Clare Bronfman, allegedly at the direction of Raniere, employed private firms to investigate perceived enemies of the group, including six American federal judges.

Other actors on Firefly?

Allison Mack's wife, Nicki Clyne, defends Nxivm 'sex cult'
“Battlestar Galactica” actress and Nxivm devotee Nicki Clyne?
Clyne is a member of NXIVM, a multi-level marketing company and cult that engaged in sex trafficking, forced labor and racketeering. Nicki Clyne is a Canadian actress, known for her role as Cally Henderson on the SyFy television series Battlestar Galactica. Clyne is a member of NXIVM, a multi-level marketing company and an American cult.

Serenity of Battlestar Galactica

At one time the Battlestar reboot reimagine remake was a big tv hit

. "Dozens of Canadians included in lawsuit over alleged abuse by NXIVM sex-cult leadership"

In June 2017, NXIVM leader Sarah Edmondson revealed the existence of a "secret sisterhood" within NXIVM to Frank Parlato, who published the story on the Frank Report. Edmondson revealed that within the secret group, female members were allegedly referred to as "slaves," branded with the initials of Raniere and Allison Mack, subjected to corporal punishment from their "masters", and required to provide nude photos or other potentially damaging information about themselves as "collateral"

New Study Exposes Corporate Bias In Canadian Media


Originally posted by RahlMaclaren:

I miss Frem, too. He was excellent at calling out the bullshit.

Faggot-Frem went insane and lost his mind started making Death Threats against anyone who MIGHT have voted Trump
Freaked out over Corna and also screeched that 60,000 americans were going to lie dead under Trump from Covid but ignored the failures of Leftwings, Obama and Biden






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