Iran's POV of America and the nuclear deal

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 08:54
VIEWED: 2152
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Friday, August 14, 2015 4:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is what the Iranian leadership thinks of the USA. If you want to know what's really going on there, it's a must-read.


On July 18th, 2015, in his first speech after Iran’s nuclear agreement signed four days ago, Sayed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, sent a resounding message to the West, especially the United States and Israel, debunking the propaganda that endeavours to transform Iran’s outstanding victory into a success for Western diplomacy. And to further underline the determination of the Islamic Republic and its fundamental hostility to American imperialism, which will always remain the “ Great Satan ” in Iran’s eyes (as Israel remains the “ cancerous tumour that must disappear from existence ”), Sayed Khamenei gave his speech while clutching nothing less than an assault rifle : this is exceptional and almost unprecedented , especially for such a religious authority, in a mosque and on the occasion of a speech commemorating the end of Ramadan and Eid-al-Fitr, a feast day throughout the Muslim world.


... Another issue is a domestic one: the issue of the nuclear negotiations. I deem it necessary to raise a few points in this regard. The first point is a word of thanks to officials in charge of these long and arduous negotiations – the honorable President and particularly the negotiation team who really made great efforts and worked hard. They will certainly be divinely rewarded whether the document that has been prepared will- through its determined legal procedures- be ratified or not. We have said this to those brothers in person as well.

Of course in order to ratify this document, there is a clear legal procedure that, by God’s favor, has to be taken. We expect that these officials take the interests- interests of the country, interests of the people- into consideration by paying careful attention, so that when they deliver the matter to the people, they can do so with their heads held high in front of God the Exalted as well.

The next point is that by God’s favor and grace, no one will be allowed to take advantage of this document in any way and to undermine the fundamental principles of the Islamic Republic whether this document is ratified or not. [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!] The defense capabilities and the security area of the country will- by God’s grace- be protected although we know that the enemies have placed great emphasis on these areas. The Islamic Republic will never give in to the enemy’s greed in the area of protecting its defense capabilities and security- particularly in this environment filled with the enemies’ threats. [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!]
The next point is that whether this document is ratified or not, we will not abandon our regional friends: the oppressed people of Palestine, the oppressed people of Yemen, the people and government of Syria, the people and government of Iraq, the oppressed people of Bahrain and the sincere mujahids of the Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine. These people will always enjoy our support.

The next point is that our policy towards the arrogant government of America will not change in any way despite these negotiations and the document that has been prepared. [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!] As we have said many times, we have no negotiations with America on different global and regional issues. We have no bilateral negotiations with America. Sometimes, we have negotiated with them in exceptional cases such as the nuclear issue and we have done so because of our interests. The nuclear issue was not the only case. There were other cases as well which I have referred to in my previous public speeches. The American policies in the region are 180 degrees the opposite of the policies of the Islamic Republic. The Americans accuse Hezbollah and the Lebanese Resistance – who are the most self-sacrificing forces in their country in the area of national defense – of terrorism. There is no injustice worse than this. This is while they support the terrorist child-killing government of Zionism. How can one do business, negotiate and reach an agreement with such a policy? There are other cases as well and I will expand on them in other speeches.

Another point is about the Americans’ blustering in recent days. In the recent days that the negotiations have been concluded, the American excellencies – their male and female officials – are busy blustering. Each of them is blustering in a different way. Of course, this is alright with us. Their domestic problems force them into blustering. They claim that they have dragged Iran towards the negotiating table, that they have made Iran surrender, that they have obtained such and such concessions from our country and other such claims. However, the truth is something else. They say that they have prevented Iran from building nuclear weapons, but this has nothing to do with our negotiations with America and other countries. They themselves know this and sometimes they have spoken about the importance of the fatwa that bans nuclear weapons.

According to the commands of the Holy Quran and Islamic sharia, we consider building, keeping and using nuclear weapons as haraam and therefore, we will not do so. This has nothing to do with them and with these negotiations. They themselves know that this is the truth. They know that what prevents the Islamic Republic from building nuclear weapons is not their threats and intimidating behavior. There is a religious barrier behind this and they know the significance of this fatwa, but they still claim that it was they who prevented Iran. They are not honest with their own people and they do not tell them the truth. On various other matters, they say that they have adopted such and such a measure about Iran’s nuclear industry and that they have forced Iran to surrender, but they can only see Iran’s surrender in their dreams. [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!]

From the beginning of the Revolution until today, five other U.S. presidents died or were lost in history dreaming that they would force the Islamic Republic to surrender. You too will enjoy the same fate. You too will never achieve the dream of forcing the Islamic Republic to surrender.

There was one point in the statements that the American president made in recent days: he admitted to America’s past mistakes. Of course, he said a hodgepodge of things. He admitted that the Americans made a mistake in Iran on the 28th of Mordad. He admitted that the Americans made a mistake in helping Saddam Hussein. He admitted to two, three mistakes, but he did not mention tens of others. He did not speak about the 25-year oppressive and treacherous rule of the second Pahlavi monarch. He did not speak about the many instances of torture, looting, massacre, disaster and calamity that were caused by America. He did not speak about the destruction of the Iranian peoples’ dignity and America’s efforts to trample upon their domestic and foreign interests. He did not speak about the Zionists’ domination, the killing of Iranian passengers on a passenger plane and many other things. Nonetheless, he mentioned a number of mistakes.

I would like to offer a friendly word of advice to these excellencies: today – after the passage of many years from the 28th of Mordad, the eight-year war and the defense that the Islamic Republic put up there – you acknowledge that you have made certain mistakes. I would like to say to you that you are making a mistake in the present time as well. In the present time too, you are busy making mistakes in different places in the region and particularly towards the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran. In a few years, someone else will turn up and show you your mistakes, just as today you are admitting to the mistakes that your predecessors made. You are making mistakes as well. Therefore, you should awaken, correct your mistakes and understand the truth. You are making grave mistakes in the region.

What I want to say to the people of Iran is that by God’s favor and grace, the Islamic Republic has become powerful and strong. [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!] It has become stronger on a daily basis. It is 10, 12 years now that six great global powers – which are among powerful countries in the world in terms of economic wealth – have been sitting in front of Iran, trying to prevent it from pursuing its nuclear industry. They have said this openly. Their real goal is to open the nuts and bolts of the nuclear industry. They have said this to our officials many years ago. In the present time too, they pursue the same dream. The result of a 10, 12-year struggle with the Islamic Republic is that they have been forced to tolerate the operation of several thousand centrifuges in the country. They have been forced to tolerate the continuation of this industry in our country. They have been forced to tolerate the development of this industry and the continuation of research on it. Research and developing the nuclear industry will continue. The cycle of the nuclear industry will continue.

This is what they have been trying to prevent for many years, but today they have signed on paper that they have no problem with our nuclear industry. Apart from stressing the power of the Iranian people, what other meaning does this have? [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!] This has been achieved because of the people’s resistance and steadfastness and our dear scientists’ courage and innovation. God’s mercy be upon the likes of Shahriari, Rezainejad, Ahmadi Roshan and Ali Muhammadi. God’s mercy be upon our nuclear martyrs. God’s mercy be upon their families. God’s mercy be upon a people who stand by their truthful claims and rights.

I would like to raise another point which is the last one. An individual has said that he can destroy Iran’s army. Our predecessors used to call such statements, “boasting among strangers” [audience laughs]. I do not want to say anything more in this regard. If those who will hear this statement want to know the truth and if they are willing to use their experiences correctly, they should know that should any war break out – of course we do not welcome and begin any war – he who will emerge humiliated [literally: “head-cracked”] out of it, will be transgressing and criminal America. [Audience chants: God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! Khamenei is our Guide! Death to the enemies of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guidance of the Jurist)! Death to America! Death to Britain! Death to the hypocrites and enemies of God! Death to Israel!]
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

When there comes the help of God and the victory,
And you see men entering the religion of God in companies,
Then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and ask His forgiveness. Surely He is oft-returning to mercy. [The Holy Quran, 110].

Greetings be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings


Saturday, August 15, 2015 10:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

G, you're a dunderhead.


No wonder you're always a day late and a dollar short when it comes to geopolitics!

I put this up for the intelligent reader, which apparently excludes you.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, August 15, 2015 3:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
G, you're a dunderhead.


No wonder you're always a day late and a dollar short when it comes to geopolitics!

I put this up for the intelligent reader, which apparently excludes you.

So what do you think was said?


Sunday, August 16, 2015 1:56 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

I'll play.

I think basically it says something like: Iran might sign the treaty, but they'd rather wipe their ass with it, because they don't trust the US. (For example: How many treaties had the US signed with the Native Americans, and how many were NOT broken by the government?) Iran has only been constantly harassed by the US since the 50's. That's all.

Another story of two countries (governments) going back and forth making stupid choices, and being assholes.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Sunday, August 16, 2015 3:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well ... one always has to be careful with political speeches, especially if you have no way to evaluate the content. Speeches - whether by US officials, or Russian, or Israeli, or Iranian - are by their nature given to create a specific effect in the audience.

Having negotiated a treaty with the US ... could that be considered a minor defeat? In that case a speech might be given to reframe it as a victory. Or could it be considered a minor triumph - in that case this is a victory speech.

The only way I would be able to tell is by evaluating the content for truthfulness and completeness. But I don't have enough information to evaluate the content.

I can't even get much out of the audience reaction. We're told - by western media - that the younger generation is far more relaxed about religion. Is that true? And how does that square with the reported audience participation, which seems as hardline as ever? And IF that reporting was accurate, was the audience handpicked?

I have too little information to form an opinion,

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, August 16, 2015 3:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, the sermon may take interpretation and knowledge of events outside of Iran, and its something that hubby and I have been discussing and not agreeing on.

The agreement with Iran is a big, big deal. Not, as I said, because it stops Iran nuclear weapons program (which wasn't an issue anyway) but because of what it indicates geopolitically.

Over the past several years, it's becoming increasingly clear (to me, anyway) that the US-Saudi pact became very important after the Shah of IRAN was overthrown, and its REAL outlines went something like this:

Saudi Arabia accepts only USA dollars for oil, controls world oil prices, and re-invests its dollar revenues in US Treasuries (That a lot of requirements!)

IN RETURN, the USA allows Saudi Arabia to be its regional hegemon VIA ITS FUNDING OF TERRORIST ACTIVITIES. I've mentioned this many times, but I recall an impassioned news article from my mid-teens, and that was a long time ago, about the Saudi funding of madrasses in the Horn of Africa and elsewhere, and how the USA would cede the territory to Saudi fundamentalism unless it stepped up to the plate and funded more education in eastern Africa. But to the State Department, ceding territory to the Saudis was simply the cost of doing business. Even more, the Saudi terror project has been useful to us too; the progenitor of Al Qaida was successful in driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan and making trouble in Chechnya. The one limit to Saudi terrorist actions is that they must not attack Israel.

What I thought was a power vacuum in Iraq and Libya etc, reflected as being newly-created hotbeds of terrorist cells, is actually viewed by the State Department as under Saudi control.

Now, the USA is jettisoning its very, very-long-term mideast partners, Saudi Arabia and Israel, to make a deal with Iran. I've been trying to figure out what the urgent-urgency of this deal is. We've been against Iran since 1978.
What's changed?

Now here comes the conjecture:


SOMEBODY in the US government had a butt-puckering moment about ISIS, which may (or may not) be another Saudi-funded offshoot. It was so butt-puckering that they turned away from Saudi Arabia and Israel, and are willing to piss off the powerful Jewish/ Israeli lobby in the USA to get there.

Now, if I had to guess who that somebody is, it would be the military.

The State Department and Congress are filled with neconons and AIPAC. While they dream of world domination and make trouble in Ukraine and Syria, Libya, Iraq, and elsewhere, the military is left to clean up the mess. ISIS is a non-state military force, which our military views as a REAL problem (as opposed to the made-up boogeymen: Saddam, Qaddafi, and Assad, who pose no military threat to USA security, but simply stand in the way of Total World Domination.)

The USA and Saudis have seen apparently a parting of the ways on ISIS (and oil prices).

So, what is Iran saying?

It's saying that if the USA is counting on any partnerships with Iran to do anything (fight ISIS, prop up US banks, etc) the USA can forget it.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"When the wise man points to the moon, the fool looks at the finger."

For some reason, that keeps coming to mind every time I read your posts. I hope you don't mind if I don't engage with you a whole lot, it's not worth my time.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.






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