Joss Whedon supports Planned Parenthood, matches donations

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 08:49
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Monday, January 4, 2016 5:40 PM



Monday, January 4, 2016 5:46 PM


Not being without some understanding about what makes Joss tick, and knowing he would have a women play lead in everything he does but it would be suicidal to his career, I am not surprised.


Monday, January 4, 2016 6:02 PM


I agree Joss, support women, support birth control.


Sunday, January 10, 2016 9:52 PM


I'm all for birth control
but as a nation it should not be America's number 1 priority

When I hear dumbass Joss doing stuff like this I think

He's just as Predictable as the rightwing fool Baldwin'll be importing islamics soon because Western women are too busy, or they don't like the chore of making babies and having a family it is too inconvenient for the American woman who needs more time to shop for more handbags or shop for whatever book Ellen had on her show....
the governments, corporations and banks and the nations also want population as American women are encouraged to abort thefuckoutof their kids....what do you think is going to fill that population gap?
Will people magically appear from nowhere?

Will all those body parts magically turn into a Dr Frankenstien population of children??
...but there must be some magical way to sustain population growth?

No of course not
That's when you open the borders

more islamo nuts come in from the middle east...and you get new voters

US politics has totally jumped the shark
its all lunatics running an insane asylum...meanwhile Obama's debt is heading in the direction of 20 Trillion yes that is TRILLIONS, not million or billion but TRILLIONS in debt


Monday, January 11, 2016 12:17 AM


I don't care about anyone else's agenda as long as there is less people on this forsaken rock.


It's not just women wanting less kids BTW, men are tired of working their whole lives to support them, and aren't wanting to get married as much, either.


Monday, January 11, 2016 4:43 AM


It is beyond my comprehension just how stupid, idiotic, hypocritical and just plain dumb some folks are. To the Christians; God commanded you not to kill, so why are
you bombing clinics and shooting doctors and their staff? They are babies who are
now fully grown. Besides the Bible says Thou Shall Not Kill.

Also, God made us in his image and loves all of us in the world, not just Christians. We, supposedly, are his creation and you are not to avenge:

Deuteronomy 32:35 Vengeance is mine and recompense; their foot shall slip: For the
day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that are to come upon them shall make haste.

To the Conservatives:

Really!? Braking the law is the new thing to do. What about the whole Constitution argument you guys love to use so much. The famous 2d Amendment. You claim that Obama is lawless, yet you don't flinch when it comes to taking over government buildings and such. Government overreach!? You don't want any common sense rules
to keep safe from gun violence, but you want the government to tell women what to
do with their bodies. Does that seem right to you? You complain about folk on
welfare, but you support a rancher who's stealing money from taxpayers to feed his horses so he can make millions. WTF is going on with you guys?

So Planned Parenthood are baby killers; then why did the Bush Family support them since the 1940s? Only 3% of their services pertain to abortion, the rest is organizing responsible family planning. Of course, it only makes sense to sensible



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

For all you right-wing terrorist fucktards..... SEE YA!!!



Monday, January 11, 2016 5:36 AM


Joss is behind the curve is all
if you want to see what possibilities loom only look to other nations for example Europe, Japan


Originally posted by Wishimay:
I don't care about anyone else's agenda as long as there is less people on this forsaken rock.

maybe Hindu street shitters will replace you

The West seems to have enough abortion for your guys but IF YOU WERE SERIOUS about this would campaign to start contrception across the Middle East, Africa and India, to open up abortion centers in the Middle East, Africa and India ASAP
...but are you not allowed talk about birth control of the middle east or is that subject to 'taboo' for Regressive Leftists??

The use of the word 'Forsaken' implies someone abandoned people of Earth, is this what you believe?
do you believe God or Aliens or 'Gods' abandoned us?


Monday, January 11, 2016 9:43 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

The West seems to have enough abortion for your guys but IF YOU WERE SERIOUS about this would campaign to start contrception across the Middle East, Africa and India, to open up abortion centers in the Middle East, Africa and India ASAP
...but are you not allowed talk about birth control of the middle east or is that subject to 'taboo' for Regressive Leftists??

The use of the word 'Forsaken' implies someone abandoned people of Earth, is this what you believe?
do you believe God or Aliens or 'Gods' abandoned us?

One, several years ago Joss was supporting a charity that helped with birth control in all third world nations, guess someone pointed out that some women need help with that here. You can go to the middle east and have a chat about it, I get enough crazy here, thanks...

And... it's just a word. Although not religious, I've always had the feeling we're in Purgatory


Monday, January 11, 2016 10:02 AM


The world population explosion is not happening in Germany, its not happening in the United States of America, it is not happening in Japan, its not happening in France

It's happening in those other places regressive leftists find 'Taboo' to talk about. There is Population explosion in Africa, India, and parts of Middle East. Forget sending them 'refugee' papers, forget sending them guns for their revolutions against their dictators, forget sending them cell phones...
if you are serious about zero population growth
What you should donate to the Middle East, to India, to Africa is birth control. Seriously get some morning after pills or whatever your taste, get some condoms...put them in a box and post them to some hole in Africa right now, or some backward Islamic hole in Asscrackistan...the touble about posting shit to the middle east is the islamic rats might find a way to turn those condoms into bombs or IEDs or use your postal address to apply for asylum or refugee status on that application form...and the poor woman caught with birth control well she might be stoned to death for blasphemy....but youre get the picture now? If you want to stop population growth start with the Middle East.

The whole planned parenthood sounded like a misnomer to me, inaccurate name or wrong designation for the abortion clinic group
Call it what it is, its mostly an abortion company, it makes money aborting American babies where an American women can go terminate an unwanted unborn baby, human-fetus termination service, I hear they also do some other stuff like smears, STD tests, breast exams and I hear maybe selling unborn baby body parts...
I don't really give a damn if it should be supported, funded, cut, or defunded...but I care about the incorrect use of the English langauge to describe it and other facilities and all the red versus blue nonsense behind this thing. Call it what it is first, then you might have a proper logical debate.

Joss is trying to score politcal points by engaging in the left versus right stage show, its not about changing anything, its about being part of stageshow propaganda and news entertainment, remember those old overseas movies featuring British seaside have the Punch guy as a red doll and Judy in blue as the other doll...some children scream for one doll, let's say team blue, they scream for the blue doll...but nothing changes...its all a stage show...the same thing happens the next day for the children and its all part of the one production company
Red versus Blue is a stage show to keep the masses stupid

In some place not called Germany, not called France, not called the USA, not called Japan they have constant war, jihad bombings, poor food security, religious violence and yet their populations explode....why would you raise kids in backward holes like these....I'm not Pro-Israel I think their Israeli government sucks but did you ever ask yourself why do those miserable idiots in Palestine and other holes keep poping out kids after kids only to be born miserable and die miserable....North and Central Africa, the Middle East, and on through Pakistan....the population explosion will occur in places like India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia, the Middle East.
Start there if you are serious about 'planned parenting', start in these parts of our planet for 'population control' on Earth


Monday, January 18, 2016 2:02 AM


Government approved preventive maintenance eh!? Why not export it. That's really what's wrong with the world today, population explosion elsewhere.

Talk about government overreach!

The Sterilization Campaign in Puerto Rico

According to Harriet Presser in "The Role of Sterilization in Controlling Puerto Rican Fertility", sterilization was introduced into Puerto Rico in the 1930's, along with contraception methods. In 1934, 67 birth control clinics were opened with federal funds channeled through the Puerto Rican Emergency Relief Fund. The funds lasted only two years; then in 1936 the private Maternal and Childcare Health Association opened 23 clinics.

The Family Planning Association of Puerto Rico, another private organization, was established in 1954, two years after the Population, Council was formed in the United States by John D. Rockefeller. During the next ten years, according to Presser, it subsidized sterilization in private facilities for 8,000 women. Between 1956 and 1966 it also subsidized sterilization of 3000 men. This organization still functions today, and has an important role to play in the future, according to the November, 1973 report. Presently it receives $750,000.00 of its $900,000.00 budget from the federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Just so long it's not done here, in the good old U.S. of A.

Funny how that works!



Monday, January 18, 2016 3:42 PM


America loves a winner!

Private donations for PP is just dandy.

But it deserves no public $, imo.


Monday, January 18, 2016 6:43 PM


Geez, you libs should never go to Adam Baldwin's twitter page, you'll never see Jayne the same way again.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016 11:35 PM


So true, men are not as eager to marry and have in point,
my son, 32, doesn't want to get married yet and is waiting to have kids.
Can't say I blame him, look at the world today, so different from when I was a kid. Much more dangerous..........still though, I can't wait to be a
grandpa. But that's my selfish side talking.

My grand niece, 18, told me when she was 12 that she didn't want to have kids, period. Too much has happened in her life, she said, for her to bring children into the picture. 12 years old, she had decided. I said nothing to her because, I thought, she's young and doesn't know what she wants. Then I
thought back to when I was 12-13 years old...........yes, kids are so much
more advanced then back when I was 12. Pity, I thought, she's such a beautiful child, she's make some beautiful babies thought I. Again, my
selfish side rearing it's ugly head. So far, she has kept her word.

My pet peeve in all of this is that you have folk talking out the side of their mouths about the Constitution and lawlessness; and here you have folk
breaking the law all the time. Killing, bombing, shooting folk all in the name of protecting the babies. We are here because of a show that celebrates
freedom, and yet we're talking about 'restricting' a woman's choice. Men drop their seed and move on, and men sit in a huge chamber and decide "We
know better; you cannot choose. And that's final"

Somehow, that don't seem right!



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I don't care about anyone else's agenda as long as there is less people on this forsaken rock.


It's not just women wanting less kids BTW, men are tired of working their whole lives to support them, and aren't wanting to get married as much, either.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016 8:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



The world population explosion is not happening in Germany, its not happening in the United States of America, it is not happening in Japan, its not happening in France
True, dat.


It's happening in those other places regressive leftists find 'Taboo' to talk about. There is Population explosion in Africa, India, and parts of Middle East. Forget sending them 'refugee' papers, forget sending them guns for their revolutions against their dictators, forget sending them cell phones...
if you are serious about zero population growth
What you should donate to the Middle East, to India, to Africa is birth control. Seriously get some morning after pills or whatever your taste, get some condoms...put them in a box and post them to some hole in Africa right now, or some backward Islamic hole in Asscrackistan.

After that, the trouble is getting women access to birth control. In countries where women have no rights whatsoever, just getting to birth control is a problem.

Islam regards women as not having souls. Women are subhuman. In some nations like Asscrackistan, women are thought of as SO subhuman that it's preferable to have fun-sex with young boys, or animals. Donkeys have a higher net worth. And the ONLY reason to have sex with women is to make babies ... males, preferably, who are taken away from their mothers around age 6 and raised in the company of men.

In some African nations, women don't have the right to own property. In some nations, like India, women have legal rights which are never enforced. It's not a technical problem of providing birth control, it's a cultural one of women not having any options or any control. PROVIDE EDUCATION.


The whole planned parenthood sounded like a misnomer to me, inaccurate name or wrong designation for the abortion clinic group
Call it what it is, its mostly an abortion company

Absolutely 100% nonsense, you should educate yourself before you post

it makes money aborting American babies where an American women can go terminate an unwanted unborn baby, human-fetus termination service, I hear they also do some other stuff like smears, STD tests, breast exams and I hear maybe selling unborn baby body parts...
More utter nonsense. I used to go to Planned Parenthood, it was the ONLY access I had to health services. You really, really need to come up to speed!


I don't really give a damn if it should be supported, funded, cut, or defunded...but I care about the incorrect use of the English langauge to describe it and other facilities and all the red versus blue nonsense behind this thing. Call it what it is first, then you might have a proper logical debate.
Yes, by all means, call it what it is. But don't continue to call it what it ISN'T, which is what you seem intent on doing!


Joss is trying to score politcal points by engaging in the left versus right stage show, its not about changing anything, its about being part of stageshow propaganda and news entertainment, remember those old overseas movies featuring British seaside have the Punch guy as a red doll and Judy in blue as the other doll...some children scream for one doll, let's say team blue, they scream for the blue doll...but nothing changes...its all a stage show...the same thing happens the next day for the children and its all part of the one production company
Red versus Blue is a stage show to keep the masses stupid

Wrong again. PP provides REAL SERVICES. If all they did is whine in front of Congress, like so many other organizations, then you'd be right, but that's not the case.


In some place not called Germany, not called France, not called the USA, not called Japan they have constant war, jihad bombings, poor food security, religious violence and yet their populations explode....why would you raise kids in backward holes like these....I'm not Pro-Israel I think their Israeli government sucks but did you ever ask yourself why do those miserable idiots in Palestine and other holes keep poping out kids after kids only to be born miserable and die miserable....North and Central Africa, the Middle East, and on through Pakistan....the population explosion will occur in places like India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia, the Middle East.
Lack of education, legal standing, and resources for women. Sheer, blind prejudice.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016 8:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



...'ll be importing islamics soon because Western women are too busy, or they don't like the chore of making babies and having a family it is too inconvenient for the American woman who needs more time to shop for more handbags or shop for whatever book Ellen had on her show....

WOW, you must know some really shallow women. And men! Having children is a significant sacrifice, for BOTH parents.


[A] the governments, corporations and banks and the nations also want population growth....[ B] so as American women are encouraged to abort thefuckoutof their kids....what do you think is going to fill that population gap? Will people magically appear from nowhere?

How did you get from point A to point B???? If all of those entities want population growth, then why would they encourage abortion? One of us is missing something ...


Will all those body parts magically turn into a Dr Frankenstien population of children??
...but there must be some magical way to sustain population growth?
No of course not
That's when you open the borders
more islamo nuts come in from the middle east...and you get new voters

There's more to that reasoning, so let's follow it thru.

Governments ... well, actually their banking overlords .... want "population growth".

ONE of the reasons, they say, is because they "need" a younger population to support the older population in some specific nation. They point to a deficit of "productive" young workers in the economy.

And then magically ignore the hordes of unemployed young people within that same economy. The same policy-makers who say they "need" more young working-people are the same ones who shit-can most of the youth onto the pile of the unemployed/ underemployed. CLEARLY, there are enough young people to fill the role of potential workers!

So what is it that the banks and corporations REALLY want, if not the young unemployed population that they currently have on-hand today?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Thursday, March 7, 2024 6:19 AM


Current United States of America might fade, cultures and ethnic history and community getting smaller, moving into gated community and reservations as Native Americans once moved and a new wave of arrivals.

Am I incorrect to say US population grow, or cultural replacement and population explosion is happening because of an Open Border at the South? while they entertain the idea of the current USA aborting itself

real or fictional scene

some say its trafficking across the State others say it is involving fictional girl story

Missouri AG accuses Planned Parenthood of trafficking minors out of state for abortions

Missouri AG files lawsuit against Planned Parenthood over out-of-state abortions on minors


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Islam regards women as not having souls.

and yet at times the horde seems the winner, that backward almost Stone Age, Rapist, Death Cult at times seems to be winning, they would spend years in Afghanistan, even wrote them a dumb Sharia Law constitution and tried to give them McDonalds, Burger King, modern high tech cell phones, put up the Gay LEsbian flags in public, gave them Pornography, Shopping for Hand Bags and did all that go? they watched beheading videos or goat abuse videos on their phones and organized terror groups, 800 + Billion spending packages

is it wise to have an unprotected border to this alien jihad islamic 'culture'?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Having children is a significant sacrifice, for BOTH parents.

are you contradicting yourself, you say both sacrifice while admitting the islamo guy can hookah pipe, be lazy, smoke cigarettes and just slap the wife to make her work harder?


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 11:12 AM


Joss era politics are over first it was a vague accusation, then cast and crew spoke out, an Ex-wife attacked him, then attacked by Buffy / Angel and Wonder Woman star...

and Georgia? how did that one go??

Stacey Abrams is the ghost haunting Georgia’s presidential vote


Saturday, January 11, 2025 6:51 AM


Watch: Gavin Newsom confronted by furious LA resident after fire hydrants run dry

seems like LA is toast

Looks like California is Aborting Itself with those Fires

can the show go on?

KRAVEN THE HUNTER Star Aaron Taylor-Johnson Strongly Hints At MCU Return As Quicksilver


Thursday, January 16, 2025 10:30 AM


LA is aborting itself by fire?

Voting rights group founded by Stacey Abrams fined for illegal campaigning

Neil Gaiman accused of sexual abuse again as queer survivor takes a stand & fans have her back


Tuesday, February 11, 2025 8:49 AM


Buffy is out soon but nothing from the Abortionist Joss

he seems to have vanished from the web after getting Stacey Yvonne Abrams elected and all the MeToo gossip went around....accused of nothing or something?

Heather Horton is online
I walked past this scene for years in my childhood home.
This was where I danced for countless hours growing up, doing ballet across the painted cement floor. It was a library, a shop, storage, but also held worlds of imagination for a little kid to seek solace and get lost in.
This painting is a remembrance of that time.
“Basement tableau”, oil on panel, 24”x18”, private collection, London, England






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