The Mandela Effect. Fact or Fiction?

UPDATED: Thursday, October 27, 2016 03:08
VIEWED: 1866
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:10 PM


I never even heard about this phenomena until 6 months or so ago from my brother. It sounded pretty cool, but at the same time it sounded like some crazy sort of Sci-Fi story with a growing cult behind it. I haven't given it much thought since that conversation until the last couple of days.

Recently, I've been listening to some stories by various YouTubers called "A Glitch in the Matrix" that I find very enjoyable. They're all labeled as "True Stories" that were written by posters on Reddit. They're hit or miss... Some of them can be fairly boring, but the better narrators do a pretty good job of weeding out the lame ones and only telling the interesting and even downright creepy tales in a way that keeps you immersed. While watching some of these the other day, a video on the Mandela Effect was recommended so I watched it.

To the uninitiated, The Mandela Effect is a belief by many people that things we grew up with are notably different than they are now. A large majority of these things I've read about or watched videos of consist of the deaths of famous people, lines in movies, spellings and/or logos of products and passages from the Bible, among others. The name "Mandela Effect" itself comes from the belief that many people hold that they remember Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s, even though he died in 2013.

I'm going to get into some of the other more talked about examples, and some of the various theories behind why people think this is happening, but while I did a fair job of dismissing every one of the examples I saw there was one that baffles me, and I wanted to post this early enough in hopes that somebody has an older version of a Catholic Bible they could reference.

The one in question is about "The Lord's Prayer", arguably the most famous piece out of the bible that many of us were taught as children or have seen spoken in movies or what not.

The line in question is "Forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive those who Trespass against us." A video I watched claimed that according to KJV (King James Version) Bibles, that was never the line. In fact, you could open up a KJV Bible from 200 years ago and it never said that. The line is actually "Forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debtors".

Bullshit, I said, and I found an old bible from the 60s that I got from my Grandmother. She's not Catholic, and it was a KJV Bible. Starting at Matthew 6:10.... sure enough, it says "Forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debtors". I have to admit that I got a little case of the chills when I read that line. I had to call my Grandma and ask her to say the prayer for me. She started saying it to me, and I'm sure it was just a coincidence since she was in her 80's, but she didn't have a problem reading it until she got to that line and had to think to remember what it was. *Goosebumps*

But when she remembered it, she even said the "Trespassers" line, and not the "Debtors" line. However, I did mention it to her when she asked why I was having her recite it and she remembered when she was a kid and they were singing a hymn in church that one of the songs used the "Debtors" line and she thought it was odd at the time. She said she thought they just changed it to better fit the song.

So.... that was kind of weird so far. I decided to call up my Mom and ask her to say the prayer. She is a Catholic. She managed to go through the whole thing and said the "Trespassers" line. When I mentioned that in the KJV Bible it says the "Debtors" line, she said that Catholics don't use the KJV Bible. I didn't know that. She couldn't tell me what version Catholics use though, so I decided to look it up.

According to Wikipedia here: , there were 18 versions of the Catholic Bible in English since the 1500's. The only Bible I was able to get an online transcript for was the New American Bible that came out in 1970. It has the "Debtors" line. Weird....

So I'm wondering if anybody has an older one like the Kleist-Lilly version from 1956 or the Knox Bible from 1950. Better yet, one of the others that pre-date the end of WWII. I'd really like to see what the lines were in some of the older versions of the Catholic Bible. I discovered today that there are over 300 different English translations of the Bible, so it's very possible that this line came from one of them, although if it weren't from the King James Version it would likely have to be from a Catholic version, considering the influence of the Pope.

I have a theory about this though. Even if in every "popular" version it said "Debtors". Consider the fact that 6 million Jews were killed in WWII. A very large, if not the largest part of the justification of these murders by the Nazi party was that the Jews were siphoning the wealth of the Germans and all other non-Jewish Europeans as "money lenders". Jews and Gentiles were mentioned many times in both the Bible and Jewish faith. They were intertwined.

The line in the most famous of all prayers in Christian churches says "Forgive our Debts, as we forgive our Debtors". Sure, there may have been non Jewish "Debtors" around when the Bible was written, and there no doubt were some in America, but even in 2016 people talk about how the Jews run the banks and the media. True or not, it's somewhat commonly held belief that still prevails today.

My theory is that kids starting sometime shortly after WWII were taught the "Trespasses" line instead of the "Debtors" line as a means to keep any potential negativity towards Jews away from them, particularly in the most well known prayer of the Christian Faith.

My Grandmother was born in 1939. This would line up with my theory. By the time she was 7-8 years old is when she likely would have been learning this and other prayers as she made her way to her First Confession. It would also explain that while she was learning one thing on paper, the adults of the church neglected to change the words while they sung a hymn with the "Debtors" line.

If this is true, his might very well be the first act of "Political Correctness" in America.

I know it's a bit of a stretch, but in my mind, it's a much more plausible explanation than the multi-verse is falling in on itself, or overlapping or whatever, and some of us may be living in a different timeline than we were when we were kids. I have to pull out Occam's Razor here.

I'm going to get into other examples of the Mandela Effect, but I wanted to post this early enough that some people might read it and be able to look at an older Bible if they had one. Or just hear from other people on their own opinions on the topic.

I'm not going to outright say that the Mandela Effect is bullshit. I don't believe that. I'm just going to say that I think a lot of it can easily be attributed to our over-active imaginations, our fallible memories, or ability to be influenced by things other people say are true.

Add to that TWO fatal flaws with the theory. The first is that when these different universes fold onto each other, people who believe in the theory claim that their memories are correct even if there is proof to the contrary and other people remember it differently because some of us were originally from a different universe. The second is that, inversely, you can never actually argue with a believer of the theory because of this "fact". It's an argument that by its very nature is completely un-proovable while at the same time you can't disprove it either. Much like God, huh?

What are your thoughts on the Mandela Effect? Can anybody show me a Bible that uses the "Trespasses" line we all know, rather than the "Debtors" line?


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:42 PM


Now I'm going to discuss the three main theories that people generally believe to be behind the Mandela Effect. If you're not a believer, strap in... it's pretty crazy....

1. We are living in the Matrix.

Though it is one of my favorite movies ever made, I think you'll forgive me if I have my doubts that we're all living in a simulation. I've posted here before how "Banks are weird" when I talked about an article where Bank of America higher ups believe there is a 20-50% chance we're living in the Matrix. Recently though Elon Musk, the founder of Paypal and current CEO of SpaceX and Tesla was quoted as saying "There is a One in Billions chance that the reality we're all living in now is a Base Reality".

He says that 40 years ago we were playing pong, which was two rectangles and a dot, and now we have photorealistic games that are advancing at an incredible rate. He then goes on to say that even if this current rate of progress were to slow down a thousand times, that eventually, even if it took 10,000 years, we would one day be able to create a simulated reality that would be entirely indistinguisable from our own. If we accept that as a fact, than who is to say that the entire history of mankind wasn't a simulation that some other beings were putting us through? According to Elon, the chances are Billions to 1.

Some Mandela Effect believers grab on to this idea. If we were living in a simulation, what's to say that there aren't other simulations running concurrently and they aren't accidentally or intentionally "bleeding" over each other? What's to say that this isn't the 100th time this simulation has been run and we're possibly just seeing "fragments" from prior runs?

2. Time Travel.

I won't go too much into this other than to recommend a great little Indie movie I saw about a year ago called Lunaropolis. When I saw it, I thought it was just a really cool little sci-fi movie with a twist on Time Travel that I'd never heard of before. Little did I know that people actually believe that in 2012 we sent starship "Atlantis" back in time and over 1,000 years ago people from our time colonized the moon and have been making subtle changes to our lives Over and Over and Over again in an attempt to save the Human Race from impending Nuclear disaster.

There are two really cool things about this theory that I'm not sure make any sense, but I enjoy contemplating. One is that before making any changes to things, they are documented with a Polaroid camera. Because it's not digital, the image tells the old truth even after it was changed. The other thing is that there are other "reminants" left behind after a change is made. That even though these people supposedly are super intelligent and advanced, they do make mistakes and these are the few arguments that Mandela Supporters can cling to when they believe this is the explanation for it.

An example of this is "The Lord's Prayer". If you Google Image search for it, most of the images show the entire prayer as "Debtors", but there are still some that say "Trespassers". Also, Google "New Coke". Almost 100% of the images are "New Coca-Cola", but the believers that remember it as just "New Coke" claim that these few remnants that say it are proof of their old reality.

3. CERN or "Why you shouldn't play God"

A lot of people out there just attribute all of this to the folly of man and the experiments we're doing with the Hadron Collider. While they're busy trying to create black holes and split atoms and find the "God Particle" they're tearing the fabric of the Multi-verse and it explains why we're seeing things that are just different than the way we remember them.

I still don't buy into any of it, and it all sounds like brilliant Sci-Fi to me, but I admit I'm not a scientist and the only thing I know about String Theory is how it's pronounced and spelled, so what do I know.

I believe this whole phenomena is nothing more than escaping reality like people who take The Walking Dead too seriously and are scavenging now to protect themselves from the impending zombie apocalypse. It doesn't mean it's not fun to think about though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:59 AM


Pull out your childhood books and dig up the Berenstein Bears...

As far as I'm concerned, that's how it was spelled. I don't actually remember it from my childhood, but I do remember later in life when I realized that a lot of Jewish names ended in "stein" that I wondered if the Berenstein Bears were Jewish.

Even with that spelling, I always remember calling them the "STAIN" bears though. Cause that's how my parents taught me.

What do you remember?

Now go look at the books you had when you were a kid.

If you thought it was spelled with "Stein", you're wrong.

It's spelled with "Stain". Look it up online or do whatever, but every single book from your childhood is spelled with "Stain".

I honestly won't take a stance on this issue. I remember the story I told you a minute ago, but honestly, I haven't seen one of those books in 25 years or more.

I can pretty easily dismiss a lot of Mandela claims without even thinking hard, and this is one of them.

Sure, I don't remember for sure, but who among us really does?

At the same time, there are people who believe that when we were kids South America was directly below North America.


There is a reason why the recent Olympics were 4 hours ahead of us. It was always that way. You are mistaken.

But of course, a TRUE BELIEVER of the Mandela theory won't insult me, but just say that I'm from a different Timeline or Universe than they are and I'm wrong.


I think Bella Thorne Said it best when She said Let's Call it Whatever....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:12 AM


So.... Kit Kats

Did they ever have a dash between the Kit and Kat?

According to the history of KitKat on the internet, though there were many log changes over the years, there was never a dash in the logo.

This is another one I can't really speak on. When somebody puts the thought of a dash in my mind i can see it and it's entirely plausable. But I feel this is just how the human mind works.

Watch the "Adam Ruins Everything" episode about Criminality. Though they'd never admit it, "Eye Witness Accounts" are just about the least reliable evidence out there (much to the chargrin of every Law Show out there today)...

7 out of 10 people who witnissed a fake crime of somebody stealing a cell phone from somebody don't even get the ethnicity right, let alone their height and what they were wearing.

7 out of 10 can't even pin it down to the proper ethnicity.

Please forgive me if I don't buy into your insane "other mulitverse theory" if there is only a 30% chance that you can properly identify the race of a theif that you saw in broad daylight when you weren't aware beforehand that something was happening.....

Don't get me wrong. I fucking love the Mandela Effect stories, and especially the Super Creepy "Glitch in the Matrix" ones out there. It's a lot of fun.

Just color me Scully. I never thought I'd be the Boring one, but seriously, dude, the Mandela Effect is Bullshit.

Prove me wrong. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I imagine the process accelerates with so much being online. You can change things... poof! ... and nobody will ever notice. And if you try to find the "old" version... well, that's been changed, too. Unless you have a signed hardcopy safely stored away ... yanno, like our union contract with our agency ... you don't have a fixed reference point.

There used to be a site called "the memory hole" which attempted to digitally save former versions.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:14 PM


It's REALLY interesting Sigs, and you're hitting the nail on the head here.

I don't know the link off hand, but I watched a video yesterday of some guy claiming that people are now able to change things in our reality with their minds using the Mandela Effect and he wants to get groups of believers together to do more important things in the world by collectively "Willing" it to be true.

As I said. I think it's fun as hell to immerse myself in this when it's just for fun. Some of these stories are better than things I've seen from hollywood in the last 10 years and literally scare the crap out of me. I'm 37 years old and I haven't been Afraid of the Dark for going on 2 decades. I actually don't like being in the dark now.... that's how awesome some of these stories are.

But I'm only realizing now that this is an actual possible "Movement".

That's when shit turns from Fun to Scary.....

It's all fun and games until everyone drinks the Kool-Aid...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:24 PM


Oh, and about your "signed hard copy in a safe", that doesn't matter to the True Believers Sigs....

According to them, your signed hard copy will or will not say whatever they think it will say. If you argue them, they can just say that it's not your fault. You just were part of a different time stream/universe...

It's scary because you can never win an argument with them. Kind of like the RWED, but on CRACK.

Honestly, I'm not really worried yet, but I can see this thing turning into a religion all of it's own. Run by super smart people, and with millions of average or low intelligence followers.

Will they do bad or good with it? Who can say?

I'm just saying that when I talk to some of these people there is a fervor. A "TRUE BELIEF" that I never get out of modern christians. It makes me think of Radical Islam, to tell the truth.

I'm sure 95% or more of the people buying into this are harmeless alone. But they're not alone and they're beliving in something that can never be disproven by anyone of any religion or intelligence and science credentials.

Imagine the crazies that this might be attracting, and the crazy things they might do....

All I can do is try to give logical, Real World, explanations for things that make more sense than a Multiverse and/or Time Travel and/or we're living in the Matrix.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 27, 2016 2:56 AM


Life IS like a box of chocolates?

Watch it again. Life WAS like a box of chocolates.

I won't say that some of these things don't effect me, but I'm always the Agent Sculley using Occam's Razor....

I even had an easy time rationalizing "Luke, I am Your Father".... but this one?

I havent seen this in 18 years, but I've seen it a ton of times.

Yeah, you're right. I have zero rememberance of that film nearly 2 decades ago other than mis-quotes that weren't faq checked in a pre-internet era.

Sure, Johnny Carson called her "Sally Fields", but in the internet age, twice, Letterman called her by her proper name "Sally Field", without the S.

There are very-less-than-genius-on-average people, nationwide, trying to scareyou with clown masks. Chances are, at least 2% of them are the son of John Wayne Gacey.

I just want to listen to Debbie Gibson now and tell the theorists to fuck off.

It's not even cool diving in this rabbit hole
my only fear is that the hole gets bigger all the time and sucks more into it.

Since when was I a moral authority who believd in God?

This may be a job for FREM.

Or at least I'd like to see how he comes out of it.

Solid wall meet unmovable object
they don't win with me there either, but only because I get HULK MAD and start destroying stuff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:08 AM


I've been trying to find the "VERSION" of this song I grew up with, but it's hardly CERN or The Matrix that kept it from me since I didn't record it.


I'm a semi-old dude now.

I don't just deserve to "get" this song on command anymore.

This is a Good Song. A Great Song.

It opens itself up slightly to Good People and Greatly to Great people.

I used to be a Great Person, many many years ago.

So much so that it shared the full on Nigger word with me, and not the "Nigga" word....

And it did again tonight.

And I don't want to be censored for it.

It's a word the Intelligent need to discuss about

No boy or girl wants to grow up not being able to say Bitch or Shit. They'll say it because they cant.

That doesn't go away in your 20's or 30s.

White men have a word that they cant say like they're fucking kindergateners. Black men don't have that word.

Equality means a lot of things.

Give that word up today to the winds and your kids won't know anymore than my kids would.

I mean I could just be a fucking scary, but non racist and totoally stantionary clown, but I don't think it's time for the Great Milenkio to pop his head out just this minute.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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