Let Trump be Trump?

UPDATED: Saturday, March 17, 2018 08:31
VIEWED: 3569
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Tuesday, March 13, 2018 10:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Trump has made a number of big moves lately including signing a tariff, arranging a meeting with Kim Jong Un, and firing Rex Tillerson.

There are two interpretations to this:

1) Trump is desperate and is flailing around, trying to divert the discussion from RUSSIA!!! and influence the upcoming 2018 elections, and

2) Trump knows that the "investigation" isn't going to find anything of substance, and/or he had enough dirt on his enemies that they can no longer stand in his way

Considering that the House Intel Committee DRAFT report finds NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, I think that the second is more likely. If Trump now feels freer to implement the policies that he ran on, I see both a number of up-sides and down-sides.



Tuesday, March 13, 2018 10:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Trump is desperate and is flailing around, trying to divert the discussion from RUSSIA!!!

We agree...



Tuesday, March 13, 2018 10:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trump has made a number of big moves lately including signing a tariff, arranging a meeting with Kim Jong Un, and firing Rex Tillerson.

President Donald Trump’s personal assistant, John McEntee, was escorted out of the White House on Monday, two senior administration officials said. The cause of the firing was an unspecified security issue, said a third White House official with knowledge of the situation.

Mr. McEntee had been a constant presence at Mr. Trump’s side for the past three years. He made sure Mr. Trump had markers to sign autographs, delivered messages to him in the White House residence and, over the weekend, ensured that the clocks in the White House residence were adjusted for daylight-saving time. (Who's resetting the clocks when daylight-savings ends November 4th?)

“It’s not going to be great for morale,” one White House official said about Mr. McEntee’s departure.

Mr. McEntee was removed from the White House grounds on Monday afternoon without being allowed to collect his belongings, a White House official said. He left without his jacket, a second White House official said.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment saying, “We don’t comment on personnel issues.” Mr. McEntee didn’t return a call seeking comment.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018 11:18 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trump has made a number of big moves lately including signing a tariff, arranging a meeting with Kim Jong Un, and firing Rex Tillerson.

President Donald Trump’s personal assistant, John McEntee, was escorted out of the White House on Monday, two senior administration officials said. The cause of the firing was an unspecified security issue, said a third White House official with knowledge of the situation.

Mr. McEntee had been a constant presence at Mr. Trump’s side for the past three years. He made sure Mr. Trump had markers to sign autographs, delivered messages to him in the White House residence and, over the weekend, ensured that the clocks in the White House residence were adjusted for daylight-saving time. (Who's resetting the clocks when daylight-savings ends November 4th?)

“It’s not going to be great for morale,” one White House official said about Mr. McEntee’s departure.

Mr. McEntee was removed from the White House grounds on Monday afternoon without being allowed to collect his belongings, a White House official said. He left without his jacket, a second White House official said.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to comment saying, “We don’t comment on personnel issues.” Mr. McEntee didn’t return a call seeking comment.]

Wow, I can't wait to find out why. I'm sure we will because the people who work for Trump can't keep their mouths shut.



Tuesday, March 13, 2018 11:59 AM


Roger Stone claimed contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2016, according to two associates

In the spring of 2016, longtime political operative Roger Stone had a phone conversation that would later seem prophetic, according to the person on the other end of the line.

Stone, an informal adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, said he had learned from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that his organization had obtained emails that would torment senior Democrats such as John Podesta, then campaign chairman for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The conversation occurred before it was publicly known that hackers had obtained the emails of Podesta and of the Democratic National Committee, documents that WikiLeaks released in late July and October. The U.S. intelligence community later concluded the hackers were working for Russia.

tick tock



Tuesday, March 13, 2018 1:41 PM


The fact that Roger Stone knew of the DNC hack before they were made available to the public on wikileaks has been known since before the election. You don't need any half-baked quotes from your go-to "anonymous sources" He said so himself on Alex Jones more than once in the months leading up to the election.

I'm not sure how this is damning at all since the article you quoted even said that Stone was an "informal" advisor to Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 13, 2018 3:05 PM


McEntee is under investigation by the Secret Service for serious financial crimes, federal law enforcement officials later confirmed to NBC.



Tuesday, March 13, 2018 3:25 PM




Wednesday, March 14, 2018 3:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I had a long reply and the inet ate it. Must be the NSA

THUGR: You have once again shitted up an unrelated thread with your RUSSIA!! obsession. Can't you think about anything else? The House Intel Committee found no evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia, and if Mueller indicts on anything, it will likely be on "process" or financial crimes. Since obstruction is hard to prove, I doubt there will be an indictment along those lines, but we'll see. Impeachment, as far as I can tell, is out of the question.

So, MOVING ON from THUGR'S obsession ...


I titled this thread in reference to "Let Reagan be Reagan".

Reagan, you might recall, was also considered a lightweight and an outsider, a former actor who used to make up "play by play" for the Des Moines audience when he was a baseball radio announcer. People used to refer to that as the first indication that - for Reagan- the line between reality and imagination was scarily blurred. The jokes about Reagan and his poor memory/ intellect were legend. "Say, how is Reagan like an old typewriter? Because he has no memory and no colon" *rimshot*

Terrible things happened under Reagan, starting with the (illegal) Iran arms deal (negotiating with terrorists who were holding Americans hostage in the American Embassy) and including the (illegal) hybrid war against Nicaragua using the Contras as proxies. Altho, in retrospect, I wonder how much Reagan knew about this, because the Congressional investigation climbed up the chain of command to Oliver North and thence to William Casey, CIA Director, who conveniently "died of a brain tumor" just days before he was scheduled to testify.

But, great things also happened under Regan, especially the nuclear arms treaties (INF and START). The story goes that Reagan was at a summit dinner with Gorbachev in Iceland, and in an unscripted moment Reagan suggested reducing nuclear arms, and the generals in attendance shit bricks. Apparently, Reagan was anti-nuke from way back - who knew?


So, back to Trump.

As I mentioned before, IMHO Trump is acting like a man no longer under a cloud ... either he knows he's in the clear, or he has enough dirt on his enemies to bury them. So far, Trump has had what I consider to be remarkable successes:

Getting out of TPP. TTIP; and stalling NAFTA
Reducing illegal immigration
Attempting to repatriate investment money back to the USA with tax reductions
Slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum, blocking the acquisition of Qualcom (San Diego) by Broadcomm (Singapore) etc
Broad sweeping actions in Korea (success TBD)
Unlike previous Presidents, we aren't in yet another war. YET!
Blocking the CIA's illicit Afghan drug money funding, and blocking the CIA's legal destabilization funds in Syria, de-funding NED and AID (both CIA fronts via the State Department)

Trump supporters claim that he will "clean sweep" his Cabinet and advisors, including Jared and Ivanka who will be gently let go in a few months. They also claim that he will take major action against The Fed ("audit The Fed"?), and that he proposed Pompeo (who is a scary corrupt security-state dude) and Gina Haspel (who ran a torture site in Thailand) simply to cycle them out later. I bring this up to see if their predictions turn out to be true, but I find these appointments stupid.

If Trump is anything like Reagan, tho, he has emotionally invested causes, and ONE of those causes is his grotch against Iran. Now, granted that Iran's pristine oil and gas fields are a major threat to Saudi's played-out resources, which also is a threat to our petrodollar, but Iran is less of a supporter of terrorists and terrorism than Saudi Arabia. I can only source this hostility to Trump's emotional ties to Israel, which is a stupid reason to do anything.

So Trump is an unpredictable kind of guy. Letting Trump be Trump ... which is what I think will happen ... leads to an uncertain future. Except we know that he will be a loose cannon, which is what I predicted before the election.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, THAT didn't take long!


Andrew McCabe To Be Fired Days Ahead Of Retirement?

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire the former F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew G. McCabe, just days before he is scheduled to retire on Sunday, people briefed on the matter said. Mr. McCabe was a frequent target of attack from President Trump, who taunted him both publicly and privately.

Mr. McCabe is ensnared in an internal review that includes an examination of his decision in 2016 to allow F.B.I. officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that Mr. McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, according to the people briefed on the matter. That yet-to-be-released report triggered an F.B.I. disciplinary process that recommended his termination — leaving Mr. Sessions to either accept or reverse that decision.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Trump Plans To Fire Jeff Sessions: Report

As if the abrupt firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson - and countless others in recent weeks and months - wasn't enough of a surprise, President Donald Trump on Tuesday told an incredulous group of reporters that Tillerson's head wouldn't be the last to roll. The moment had all the hallmarks of a paradigm shift: with his approval rating at post-election highs (according to Rasmussen), an emboldened Trump is reworking the famous phrase "let Trump be Trump" by being more assertive on policy and personnel.And today, Vanity Fair reported that Trump is planning to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions - a decision that would certainly complicate Robert Mueller's investigation (perhaps that's the intention). According to the report, the leading candidate to replace Sessions would be EPA administrator Scott Pruitt.

Perhaps most consequential for Robert Mueller’s investigation, sources said Trump has discussed a plan to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to two Republicans in regular contact with the White House, there have been talks that Trump could replace Sessions with E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt, who would not be recused from overseeing the Russia probe. Also, because Pruitt is already a Cabinet secretary, he would not have to go through another Senate confirmation hearing.

In another (perhaps expected) revelation, Sherman reports that Trump has been quietly grumbling about Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, telling advisors that he wished they'd move back to New York City as Kushner being stripped of his temporary security clearance has become a hindrance to performing his duties as a senior advisor to the president.

Then there is the question of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s futures. Trump has told people for months that he wants them to go back to New York. "Trump wants them out of there. He thinks they’ve been getting hit too hard," a friend of the president said. But Javanka are digging in, sources said. "They’ve damaged us so much already. What else can they say about us?" Kushner recently said, according to a person who spoke with him. "And if we go back to New York, they’ll keep attacking. So what do we have to lose?" In recent days, the couple have argued for their continued relevance by cooperating with pieces in The New York Times and The Washington Post. Sources said that if Kelly is forced out, Jared and Ivanka will fight to stay on.

And that's not all: Earlier this week, it was reported that Trump is preparing to also fire HR McMaster, his National Security Adviser. McMaster was appointed hastily in the aftermath of Mike Flynn's firing, and has refused to parrot the president's views about whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election, earning him the ire of Breitbart and most of the "alt-right."

That news followed another report earlier this month suggesting that Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis had struck a deal to push out McMaster and install one of their proteges.

To summarize: the firing of Rex Tillerson was just the first in a series of terminations planned by what now appears to be a far more confident and empowered Trump. And judging by the market's reaction today, risk assets are finally starting to get concerned.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:11 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The fact that Roger Stone knew of the DNC hack before they were made available to the public on wikileaks has been known since before the election. You don't need any half-baked quotes from your go-to "anonymous sources" He said so himself on Alex Jones more than once in the months leading up to the election.

I'm not sure how this is damning at all since the article you quoted even said that Stone was an "informal" advisor to Trump.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:14 PM


There goes sig with zerohedge again. I suggest you all just skip right past her posts that include that source as I do. She continues to go there because mainstream doesn't twist the facts to create an alternate truth that suits her.

SIGs a regular Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne likes alternative facts too.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:28 PM


Mainstream regularly manipulates facts to create an alternate truth that suits you. That's why I ignore your links as much as I ignore zerohedge links.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 4:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There goes sig with zerohedge again. I suggest you all just skip right past her posts that include that source as I do. She continues to go there because mainstream doesn't twist the facts to create an alternate truth that suits her.
SIGs a regular Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne likes alternative facts too. - THUGR

Once again, THUGR is either too stupid or too lazy to follow a simple embedded link, or is totally ignorant of what a "news aggregator" is, or just likes to lie about ... well, everything.

The article about Jeff Sessions et al was originally sourced from VANITY FAIR.

I guess you don't like VANITY FAIR, THUGR???

Well, neither do it, but now we get a chance to see whether this source got it right, or not.


“Trump Wants Them Out of There”: After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do with McMaster, Sessions, Jared, and Ivanka

rom the moment Donald Trump appointed Chief of Staff John Kelly last summer, he vented to friends and advisers that Kelly was too overbearing, preventing him from acting on his instincts and impulses, the things that got him elected president. To truly be himself, Trump turned to Twitter and Fox & Friends. But over the past week, even though Kelly is still nominally on the scene, his presidency has entered a new phase—one in which Trump feels emboldened to throw off the shackles that have thus far constrained him.

In the span of a few days, Trump launched a global trade war by imposing new steel and aluminum tariffs; stunned the world by making a snap decision to sit down with Kim Jong Un at a nuclear summit this spring; fired his long-suffering secretary of state, Rex Tillerson; and appointed notorious supply-sider Larry Kudlow. “The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”

Speaking to reporters shortly after tweeting that he had replaced Tillerson at Foggy Bottom with hardline C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo, Trump indicated he would soon move against his remaining antagonists, many of whom he appointed with glee, in the executive branch. “I’m really at a point where we’re getting very close to having the Cabinet and other things that I want,” he said.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:15 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Mainstream regularly manipulates facts to create an alternate truth that suits you. That's why I ignore your links as much as I ignore zerohedge links.

You ask why I call you a moron. It's because you think things like what you've just posted make sense. You think it is valid, a strong argument. You believe it and think that you are right to believe it. It's not valid and only shows you to be damaged. Damaged and incapable of functioning normally.

To you jack everything is an event. A set of circumstances fueled by a secret plot of powerful conspirators know as the mainstream media. Nothing is real unless it is presented to you by others who think likewise. Sig suffers the same delusions.

Any well adjusted individual sorts out the facts from fiction before rendering judgements. You bypass that altogether and go straight to it's a lie generated to deceive you. Therefore, most of the available information out there on any given topic you refuse to give any consideration. With that kind of paranoia there is no deliverance for you. No way back to reality and the world of facts. It's one of the reasons why you are always defending the indefensible. Trump...



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:43 PM



You still don't have anything to add to the discussion about what took place last night, huh?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, I have linked information, THUGR which you formerly rejected because it came from ZH. But since I've shown that it came from MSM, do you now accept it?

And what does that say about your "vetting" process? Is it entirely dependent on "trust" in the MSM to give you the "facts"?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:46 PM


It's not funny Jack. You need to face it and change it.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:49 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So, I have linked information, THUGR which you formerly rejected because it came from ZH. But since I've shown that it came from MSM, do you now accept it?

And what does that say about your "vetting" process? Is it entirely dependent on "trust" in the MSM to give you the "facts"?



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, in other words, you let other define the "facts" for you, depending (of course) on whether or not you find their POV compatible with yours. That's quite an echo chamber that you've got in your head, there, THUGR!

So now that you've accepted the "facts" that Trump is planning to gut his list of Cabinet members and advisors ... because it came from a source that you "trust" instead of being "linked" thru ZH ... Do you have anything to say ON TOPIC?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 6:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, in other words, you let other define the "facts" for you, depending (of course) on whether or not you find their POV compatible with yours. That's quite an echo chamber that you've got in your head, there, THUGR!

So now that you've accepted the "facts" that Trump is planning to gut his list of Cabinet members and advisors ... because it came from a source that you "trust" instead of being "linked" thru ZH ...

Do you have anything to say ON TOPIC?

Of course, you're a fucking moron.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 6:28 PM


HUD emails show push to find workaround for $5,000 legal limit on Ben Carson's office furnishings

Internal Department of Housing and Urban Development emails obtained by the watchdog group American Oversight reveal pressure within the agency to spend beyond the $5,000 statutory limit on HUD Secretary Ben Carson's office furnishings. Carson is under fire after his office ordered an expensive furniture set for his office, as CNN first reported.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 6:51 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, in other words, you let other define the "facts" for you, depending (of course) on whether or not you find their POV compatible with yours. That's quite an echo chamber that you've got in your head, there, THUGR!

So now that you've accepted the "facts" that Trump is planning to gut his list of Cabinet members and advisors ... because it came from a source that you "trust" instead of being "linked" thru ZH ...

Do you have anything to say ON TOPIC?

Of course, you're a fucking moron.

The mood inside the White House is the worst it's ever been, with staffers calling it 'the most toxic working environment on the planet'

White House staffers are growing anxious and complained that working in the West Wing has become "toxic."



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 6:59 PM


I gotta ask why it is you guys don't see that in Trumps first year, he has proven himself incapable of hiring anyone with the talent and expertise needed, to do the job they were hired for.

With this in mind, why do you think he will do better this time around? And why don't you realize that he too, is incapable and lacks the skills and talent to do the job he now holds?


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 7:04 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Trump Plans To Fire Jeff Sessions: Report

As if the abrupt firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson - and countless others in recent weeks and months - wasn't enough of a surprise, President Donald Trump on Tuesday told an incredulous group of reporters that Tillerson's head wouldn't be the last to roll. The moment had all the hallmarks of a paradigm shift: with his approval rating at post-election highs (according to Rasmussen), an emboldened Trump is reworking the famous phrase "let Trump be Trump" by being more assertive on policy and personnel.And today, Vanity Fair reported that Trump is planning to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions - a decision that would certainly complicate Robert Mueller's investigation (perhaps that's the intention). According to the report, the leading candidate to replace Sessions would be EPA administrator Scott Pruitt.

Perhaps most consequential for Robert Mueller’s investigation, sources said Trump has discussed a plan to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to two Republicans in regular contact with the White House, there have been talks that Trump could replace Sessions with E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt, who would not be recused from overseeing the Russia probe. Also, because Pruitt is already a Cabinet secretary, he would not have to go through another Senate confirmation hearing.

In another (perhaps expected) revelation, Sherman reports that Trump has been quietly grumbling about Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, telling advisors that he wished they'd move back to New York City as Kushner being stripped of his temporary security clearance has become a hindrance to performing his duties as a senior advisor to the president.

Then there is the question of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s futures. Trump has told people for months that he wants them to go back to New York. "Trump wants them out of there. He thinks they’ve been getting hit too hard," a friend of the president said. But Javanka are digging in, sources said. "They’ve damaged us so much already. What else can they say about us?" Kushner recently said, according to a person who spoke with him. "And if we go back to New York, they’ll keep attacking. So what do we have to lose?" In recent days, the couple have argued for their continued relevance by cooperating with pieces in The New York Times and The Washington Post. Sources said that if Kelly is forced out, Jared and Ivanka will fight to stay on.

And that's not all: Earlier this week, it was reported that Trump is preparing to also fire HR McMaster, his National Security Adviser. McMaster was appointed hastily in the aftermath of Mike Flynn's firing, and has refused to parrot the president's views about whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election, earning him the ire of Breitbart and most of the "alt-right."

That news followed another report earlier this month suggesting that Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis had struck a deal to push out McMaster and install one of their proteges.

To summarize: the firing of Rex Tillerson was just the first in a series of terminations planned by what now appears to be a far more confident and empowered Trump. And judging by the market's reaction today, risk assets are finally starting to get concerned.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

There goes sig with zerohedge again. I suggest you all just skip right past her posts that include that source as I do.

She continues to go there because mainstream doesn't twist the facts to create an alternate truth that suits her.

SIGs a regular Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne likes alternative facts too.


Once again, THUGR is either too stupid or too lazy to follow a simple embedded link, or is totally ignorant of what a "news aggregator" is, or just likes to lie about ... well, everything.

The article about Jeff Sessions et al was originally sourced from VANITY FAIR.

I guess you don't like VANITY FAIR, THUGR???

Well, neither do it, but now we get a chance to see whether this source got it right, or not.


“Trump Wants Them Out of There”: After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do with McMaster, Sessions, Jared, and Ivanka

rom the moment Donald Trump appointed Chief of Staff John Kelly last summer, he vented to friends and advisers that Kelly was too overbearing, preventing him from acting on his instincts and impulses, the things that got him elected president. To truly be himself, Trump turned to Twitter and Fox & Friends. But over the past week, even though Kelly is still nominally on the scene, his presidency has entered a new phase—one in which Trump feels emboldened to throw off the shackles that have thus far constrained him.

In the span of a few days, Trump launched a global trade war by imposing new steel and aluminum tariffs; stunned the world by making a snap decision to sit down with Kim Jong Un at a nuclear summit this spring; fired his long-suffering secretary of state, Rex Tillerson; and appointed notorious supply-sider Larry Kudlow. “The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”

Speaking to reporters shortly after tweeting that he had replaced Tillerson at Foggy Bottom with hardline C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo, Trump indicated he would soon move against his remaining antagonists, many of whom he appointed with glee, in the executive branch. “I’m really at a point where we’re getting very close to having the Cabinet and other things that I want,” he said.


They're different you ass. Like I've said here many many times. You post from zerohedge who manipulates and alters stories to suggest they infer something other than what the author intended.

Even if it's just the tone or mood the author intended. Look up inflection. Once such change is the line, and I quote, "After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson," Show me were it says that in the first one.

These stories barely resemble each other and you are nothing more than a troll for suggesting they are one and the same.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018 9:06 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
It's not funny Jack. You need to face it and change it.


Face and change what?

Tell me. What good has any of your whining and bitching done for you since November 9th, 2016?

Nothing. Not one damn thing.

All that time wasted watching news that you could have put to productive use.

There's an idiot here. I ain't the one.

And either take the italics tag out of the beginning of your posts, or fix your goddamned signature.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:44 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If Trump now feels freer to implement the policies that he ran on, I see both a number of up-sides and down-sides.


Where to start ... the place is like a really trashed up china shop, just a total mess with some vital items. Trump is a bull. The good news is, he could bring it down. The bad news is, he could bring it down.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Even if it's just the tone or mood the author intended. - THUGR
So, nothing ON THE TOPIC of "letting Trump be Trump"?


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:33 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Even if it's just the tone or mood the author intended. - THUGR
So, nothing ON THE TOPIC of "letting Trump be Trump"?


If you're referring to my last post proving zerohedge manipulates stories to change the context, and that that's why you always source them, then yes, nothing on Trump being Trump.

Instead, its on you and your trolling habits. You know, how one of the things you do is deflect away from truths. Like now, this post is you distancing yourself from that exchange.




Thursday, March 15, 2018 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If you don't like the ZH article, how about the Vanity Fair article? After all, it's a source you trust!

So, do you have any INTELLIGENT and ON TOPIC response to it? Any concerns about who Trump might appoint? Thoughts about directions his policies might take? Any benefits you might see from it, such as further trade restrictions on China (You were bitching about the "better deal" we have with China here Any concerns about more "collusion" with RUSSIA!!!? Or are you more fearful of nuclear Armageddon?

Or are you just spewing bullshit personal attacks, as usual?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 15, 2018 1:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

If you don't like the ZH article, how about the Vanity Fair article? After all, it's a source you trust!

Not the point is it sig. Care to explain why you insist on posting from sources that claim to be reposting stories for credible sources, after they've change the original context?

Would you care to explain why you persistently post untruths, knowing they skirt around the facts?



Thursday, March 15, 2018 1:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not the point is it sig.- THUGR

"The point" is the title/ topic of the post ... something YOU seem to keep trying to divert. So, do you have anything ON TOPIC to post??

Apparently not!

As far as what ZH posts, as long as they link the original article, and people [like you] aren't too stupid or too lazy to click on it and track it down for themselves I don't care what kind of "spin" they put on it. They are a NEWS AGGREGATOR. I read ZH for the headlines because they post a different mix of stories. If I'm particularly interested in a story, I'll go to their links, or to other media, to get a different POV.

So, care to explain why YOU keep trying to troll the board by constantly hijacking threads from their original topic, just to constantly screech and hyperventilate about your latest obsession?

Could it be that you're just a troll?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 15, 2018 2:12 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not the point is it sig.- THUGR

"The point" is the title/ topic of the post ... something YOU seem to keep trying to divert. So, do you have anything ON TOPIC to post??

Apparently not!

As far as what ZH posts, as long as they link the original article, and people [like you] aren't too stupid or too lazy to click on it and track it down for themselves I don't care what kind of "spin" they put on it. They are a NEWS AGGREGATOR. I read ZH for the headlines because they post a different mix of stories. If I'm particularly interested in a story, I'll go to their links, or to other media, to get a different POV.

“Zero Hedge ceased to serve that public service years ago,” Lokey said. “They care what generates page views. Clicks. Money.”

In addition, Lokey said he faced constant pressure to frame stories in-line with a particular world-view, which he described as “Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladmir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft.”

Lokey claims Zero Hedge’s focus on traffic and revenue is hypocritical, but Ivandjiiski sees things differently.

Finally, Zero Hedge addressed the accusations of systematic bias in its content.

“We are certainly ok with being the object of other’s conspiracy theories, in this case completely false ones since we have never been in contact with anyone in Russia, or the US, or any government for that matter,” Zero Hedge says.

The site claims it has never accepted a dime of funding outside of advertising revenue and that Lokey was never pressured about how to frame his articles or editorialized.

Again I quote one of zerohedges editors and owners. What you say above sig shows you are one of the conspiracy people who frequents his blog.

A toll sig. Someone looking for a source that provides them with, and helps them spread, doomsday scenarios regarding America.



Thursday, March 15, 2018 2:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The point that YOU seem to keep on making, over and over and over, is that YOU are too stupid or too lazy to click on an embedded link or two.

And since you don't have a point, please stop hijacking this thread with your stupid trolling.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 15, 2018 3:00 PM


President Trump promised the GOP would win the Pennsylvania special election because he is so beloved in a district he won by 20 points. That's not how things went.

Hmm, let Trump be Trump. You mean like this?



Thursday, March 15, 2018 3:19 PM


A new Associated Press report shows Trump's legal team seems to have no good options when it comes to the possibility of Pres. Trump sitting down with Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Our panel reacts.

And like this?



Thursday, March 15, 2018 3:50 PM


Schumer to Trump: When are you 'going to get smart' on Russia?

"President Trump warns all the time that we need to 'get smart' about other countries taking advantage of the United States. ... So President Trump, when are you going to get smart about the threat Russia poses to the United States and our allies?" Schumer asked from the Senate floor.

Or do you want something like this?



Friday, March 16, 2018 7:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

WaPo says


Trump decides to remove national security adviser [McMaster] and others may follow

President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.

Trump is now comfortable with ousting McMaster, with whom he never personally gelled, but is willing to take time executing the move because he wants to ensure both that the three-star Army general is not humiliated and that there is a strong successor lined up, these people said.

The turbulence is part of a broader potential shake-up under consideration by Trump that is likely to include senior officials at the White House, where staffers are gripped by fear and un­certainty as they await the next move from an impulsive president who enjoys stoking conflict.

For all of the evident disorder, Trump feels emboldened, advisers said — buoyed by what he views as triumphant decisions last week to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum and to agree to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The president is enjoying the process of assessing his team and making changes, tightening his inner circle to those he considers survivors and who respect his unconventional style, one senior White House official said.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushed back late Thursday on Twitter: “Just spoke @POTUS and Gen H.R. McMaster. Contrary to reports they have a good working relationship and there are no changes at the NSC.”


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Friday, March 16, 2018 9:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I guess Trump's pick for CIA head is not as bad a Pro Publica reported ...


Correction: Trump’s Pick to Head CIA Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah

ProPublica erred when it reported in 2017 that Gina Haspel was in charge of a secret prison in Thailand during the infamous interrogation of an al-Qaida suspect.

On Feb. 22, 2017, ProPublica published a story that inaccurately described Gina Haspel’s role in the treatment of Abu Zubaydah, a suspected al-Qaida leader who was imprisoned by the CIA at a secret “black site” in Thailand in 2002.

The story said that Haspel, a career CIA officer who President Trump has nominated to be the next director of central intelligence, oversaw the clandestine base where Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding and other coercive interrogation methods that are widely seen as torture. The story also said she mocked the prisoner’s suffering in a private conversation. Neither of these assertions is correct and we retract them. It is now clear that Haspel did not take charge of the base until after the interrogation of Zubaydah ended.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, March 17, 2018 8:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, I guess Trump's pick for CIA head is not as bad a Pro Publica reported ...

Signym, I'm not guessing. You are a lying sack of shit, or more politely, you are being misleading in service to Trump. There is the article "I went to prison for disclosing the CIA’s torture. Gina Haspel helped cover it up."

But many of the rest of us who knew and worked with Haspel at the CIA called her “Bloody Gina.”

The CIA will not let me repeat her résumé or the widely reported specifics of how her work fit into the agency’s torture program, calling such details “currently and properly classified.” But I can say that Haspel was a protege of and chief of staff for Jose Rodriguez, the CIA’s notorious former deputy director for operations and former director of the Counterterrorism Center. And that Rodriguez eventually assigned Haspel to order the destruction of videotaped evidence of the torture of Abu Zubaida. The Justice Department investigated, but no one was ever charged in connection with the incident.

CIA officers and psychologists under contract to the agency began torturing Abu Zubaida on Aug. 1, 2002. The techniques were supposed to be incremental, starting with an open-palmed slap to the belly or the face. But the operatives where he was held decided to start with the toughest method. They waterboarded Abu Zubaida 83 times. They later subjected him to sleep deprivation; they kept him locked in a large dog cage for weeks at a time; they locked him in a coffin-size box and, knowing that he had an irrational fear of insects, put bugs in it with him.

Rodriguez would later tell reporters that the torture worked and that Abu Zubaida provided actionable intelligence that disrupted attacks and saved American lives. We know, thanks to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture and the personal testimony of FBI interrogator Ali Soufan , that this was false.

[Torture is not a public relations problem]

I knew what was happening to Abu Zubaida because of my position in CIA operations at the time. I kept my mouth shut about it, even after I left the CIA in 2004. But by 2007, I had had enough.

President George W. Bush had steadfastly denied to the American people that there was a torture program. I knew that was a lie. I knew torture didn’t work. And I knew it was illegal. So in December 2007, I granted an interview to ABC News in which I said that the CIA was torturing its prisoners, that torture was official U.S. government policy and that the policy had been personally approved by the president. The FBI began investigating me immediately.

A year later, the Justice Department concluded that I had not committed a crime. But CIA leaders were still furious that I had aired the agency’s dirty laundry. The CIA asked the new Obama Justice Department to reopen the case against me. It did, and three years later, I was charged with five felonies , including three counts of espionage, resulting from that ABC News interview and a subsequent interview with the New York Times. Of course, I hadn’t committed espionage, and the charges were eventually dropped, but only after I agreed to plea to a lesser charge. I served 23 months in prison.

It was worth every day. Largely because the CIA’s conduct became public, Congress has specifically prohibited waterboarding and other techniques that the agency used at the secret sites. A ban on torture is now the law of the land.

[Psychologists are facing consequences for helping with torture. It’s not enough.]

But while I went to prison for disclosing the torture program, Haspel is about to get a promotion despite her connection to it. Trump’s move hurts morale among CIA officers who recognize that torture is wrong. It comforts people at the agency who still believe “enhanced interrogation” is somehow acceptable. I spoke with a senior officer this past week who said, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” There’s an attitude of defeatism among opponents of torture.

And the message it sends to our friends and allies (and the countries we criticize in the State Department’s annual human rights reports) is this: We say we’re a shining city on a hill, a beacon of respect for human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. But actually, that’s nonsense. We say those things when it’s expedient. We say them to make ourselves feel good. But when push comes to shove, we do what we want, international law be damned.

[Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Obama for them.]

The meaning of Haspel’s nomination won’t be lost on our enemies, either. The torture program and similar abuses at military-run prisons in Iraq were among the greatest recruitment tools that al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other bad actors ever had, according to legal experts, U.S. lawmakers and even the militants themselves. It energized them and gave them something to rally against. It sowed an even deeper hatred of the United States among militant groups. It swelled their ranks. It was no coincidence that the Islamic State paraded its prisoners in front of cameras wearing orange jumpsuits (like those worn by Guantanamo Bay detainees) before beheading them. Haspel and the others at the CIA who engineered and oversaw the torture program are at least partially responsible for that, because they showed the world how the United States sometimes treats captives.

Do we Americans want to remain a nation that tortures people, like North Korea, China and Iran? Are we proud of the era when we snatched people from one country and sent them to another to be interrogated in secret prisons? Do we want to be the country that cynically preaches human rights and then violates those same rights when we think nobody is looking?

Our country cannot afford that. We cannot look the other way. We cannot reward the torturers. Gina Haspel has no business running the CIA.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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