It should be titled "What Idiots Possibly Think"

UPDATED: Saturday, September 3, 2022 08:53
VIEWED: 9683
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Tuesday, July 9, 2019 2:37 PM


Because I'm not sure idiots would ACTUALLY get that it is intended FOR THEM otherwise...

I mean, when were idiots introspective to begin with?

How many of them think "introspective" is a new type of contact lens?

I see the link doesn't work now. Just google it...


Tuesday, July 9, 2019 2:40 PM


I just resurrected and altered my sig line just for this thread.

Anyone who spends their time bitching about feminists and climatologists when there are much bigger baddies in the world AIN'T THAT DEEP.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019 4:29 PM





Tuesday, July 9, 2019 5:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:


You just admitted to being an idiot


Tuesday, July 9, 2019 5:18 PM


This is interesting.

Wonder if people with egg allergies would be affected??

Eggshells have been tested as a way of repairing long-term flesh wounds.

A team of researchers involving a hospital in Bradford in the UK developed a dressing from discarded chicken eggs in 2016.

Initial results suggested the eggshell dressing speeded up healing by providing the proteins that skin needs, according to its manufacturer, Biovotec.

Chronic wounds – those that take more than six weeks to heal – include foot ulcers; pressure or bed sores; and leg ulcers caused by high blood pressure in the veins of the legs.

And dressings have already been made from animal parts such as fish skin and pig and horse tissue.

The eggshell's inner membrane helps to protect the embryo during incubation, and the scientists used the same inner membrane, crushed it into a powder and made it into a dressing which could be placed on a wound.

'The eggshell membrane-based dressing is expected to cost considerably less than collagen-based dressings,' said Hussein Dharma of the National Institute for Health Research WoundTec Healthcare Technology Cooperative, an NHS organisation that helps research wound care, based at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

'The affordability of these dressings and the anticipated increase in healing rates is expected to save the NHS significant costs, while improving quality of life for patients.'

After 20 days the eggshell dressing was found to have comparable healing effects to the most advanced synthetic dressings.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019 7:24 PM



Can't we just all agree that all of it is a problem?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 10, 2019 9:33 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Can't we just all agree that all of it is a problem?

NO. Child porn is a problem. Pollution is a problem. People in this country having the worlds shittiest healthcare is a problem.

Women wanting freedom and people trying to keep the planet from imploding SHOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM. Unfortunately, some idiots keep standing in the way of both things. THEY are the problem.

See the difference?


Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:40 PM


Women have freedom. lol

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 11, 2019 3:14 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Women have freedom. lol

If you couldn't have sex and make reproductive choices without getting it blessed by a religious figure and a politician, would you still call that freedom?

If you couldn't get promoted or paid the same as others without suing, would you call that freedom?

If you had offspring and knew there was a real chance it would be raped, abused, or murdered at some point, would YOU call that freedom?

If you had to take care of the kids, and the elderly or mentally ill people in your family and be one of the 75% of women still holding down a full-time job while doing it, would YOU call that freedom?

If you couldn't be a public figure and have an opinion without getting death threats, would you still call that freedom??

Yes, things like these do happen to men, but are far more likely to happen to women. Overwhelmingly more likely.

If you didn't have such a damaged man-baby ego you could at least admit to that.


Thursday, July 11, 2019 5:58 AM



And here I was thinking that just maybe you meant women in the Middle East or the Congo.

Only an idiot, entitled, feminist idiot like you would bitch that women aren't free in America.

Go fuck yourself, Nilbog.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 11, 2019 9:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So WISHY, what was it that you linked to? I tried googling it, came across several wesbites devoted to comments about "it" but the content itself seems to have been completely scrubbed from the inet. Was it a cartoon? A video? An opinion piece? This seems to be a thread entirely without a topic.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, July 11, 2019 11:08 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So WISHY, what was it that you linked to? I tried googling it, came across several wesbites devoted to comments about "it" but the content itself seems to have been completely scrubbed from the inet. Was it a cartoon? A video? An opinion piece? This seems to be a thread entirely without a topic.

The thread does have a topic. It's "What Idiots Possibly Think". Unfortunately the hopeless idiot who created it has yet to give us her first-hand insight.


Thursday, July 11, 2019 11:23 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So WISHY, what was it that you linked to? I tried googling it, came across several wesbites devoted to comments about "it" but the content itself seems to have been completely scrubbed from the inet. Was it a cartoon? A video? An opinion piece? This seems to be a thread entirely without a topic.

It's this dumb ultra-lib shit.

The point being here, that climate change, which I believe most of us here recognize as a legitimate problem, trumps everything else that is also a problem and therefore nobody has the right to have a problem with anything else that's going on in the mean time. Even those who aren't arguing the existence of climate change.

It's another POS SJW hit piece wrapped up in a mediocre cartoon aimed at the "children" that are currently attending college and those who graduate it and never actually grow up.

Since I have a bit more time at the moment, I'm going to answer Wishy's questions too...


If you couldn't have sex and make reproductive choices without getting it blessed by a religious figure and a politician, would you still call that freedom?

What point are you even attempting to make here? Are you talking about marriage and/or a civil union? If you are, then are you trying to say that women can't have sex without being married first? Are you trying to say that women don't have absolute 100% control over the ability to kill their baby without the man having any say in the matter or even knowing about it?

Drawing on personal experience, I can tell you that none of that is true.


If you couldn't get promoted or paid the same as others without suing, would you call that freedom?

Screaming "muh feminism!" because you got passed up for a promotion is the sign of a weak minded person with zero self esteem and as a result is the type of person that nobody wants to be around and have to listen to them bitch daily, about EVERYTHING.

There is no wage gap. It is illegal to pay women less for the same job in this country and has been for QUITE some time. On average, women's jobs overall typically pay less than men's do in the totals of what every single man and woman in the country make because men, on average, work more hours and devote more of their lives to working or even work jobs that are much more dangerous than women, on average, typically care to work.



If you had offspring and knew there was a real chance it would be raped, abused, or murdered at some point, would YOU call that freedom?

I call that real life, Princess. Yeah. It sucks.

You do realize that YOUR HUSBAND shares that same fear about your daughter as you do though, DON'T YOU??????


If you had to take care of the kids, and the elderly or mentally ill people in your family and be one of the 75% of women still holding down a full-time job while doing it, would YOU call that freedom?

I call that real life and it sucks too. Nobody says you have to take care of your parents when they're elderly. That's your choice. And if you were worried about raising a mentally ill kid, why didn't you just have an abortion with those absolute procreation rights you are entitled to?

I agree with you about the two incomes and nobody home to watch the kids part. That's tragic. Just keep in mind that as much as you might resent your kid for having to raise her after working full time, that the KIDS are the real losers in any situation where both parents have to work full time and they're going to be even more messed up than you are. Both the girls and the boys.


If you couldn't be a public figure and have an opinion without getting death threats, would you still call that freedom??

I dunno. Maybe I'll ask Trump.

NOTHING on your list is about freedom. Your list is just about dealing with consequences of poor life choices, things that men have to deal with equally as women do in real life, or about some fallacy that women somehow get paid less to do what men do in 2019.

Now if you'd like to discuss how women are treated in other parts of the world where they are truly oppressed, I think you'll find that I agree with you wholeheartedly. If you're going to say that women in America aren't free, you're going to get no sympathy from me or any rational minded adult.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 11, 2019 11:28 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So WISHY, what was it that you linked to? I tried googling it, came across several wesbites devoted to comments about "it" but the content itself seems to have been completely scrubbed from the inet. Was it a cartoon? A video? An opinion piece? This seems to be a thread entirely without a topic.

The thread does have a topic. It's "What Idiots Possibly Think". Unfortunately the hopeless idiot who created it has yet to give us her first-hand insight.


Post of the week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:28 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Go fuck yourself, Nilbog.

I don't have to, I'm married to an actual man with a functioning dick.

I know you don't have a clue about functioning ANYTHING


Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:32 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So WISHY, what was it that you linked to? I tried googling it,

For someone who's on the internet so much, you don't seem to have a clue of how it works.

From the link the title is "In the not too distant future when climate alarmists and identity politics have destroyed civilization" and "Guardian"

How can you not figure out what to google???


Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:39 PM


The point of the comic, 6ix, is that you idiots spend all your time screaming at SJW and Climatologists which are NOT the problem when the ACTUAL problems are the ones you blow off.

Politicians who encourage pollution and environmental destruction at the behest of a temporary economical situation ARE THE PROBLEM.

But since you don't have a legacy you don't care what happens to the planet as long as YOU don't have to be "PC" about it.

It's the epitome of shallow and stupid.


Thursday, July 11, 2019 2:06 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Drawing on personal experience, I can tell you that none of that is true.

It is illegal to pay women less for the same job in this country and has been for QUITE some time.

You do realize that YOUR HUSBAND shares that same fear about your daughter as you do though, DON'T YOU??????

Nobody says you have to take care of your parents when they're elderly. That's your choice.

Now if you'd like to discuss how women are treated in other parts of the world where they are truly oppressed, I think you'll find that I agree with you wholeheartedly. If you're going to say that women in America aren't free, you're going to get no sympathy from me or any rational minded adult.

I'm not going to debate abortion with you because you are a HUGE HYPOCRITE. I'll just say that if you were the one that had to take care of another person for 20 years because of one night of sex there would be abortion centers on every street that had a McDonalds. Hell, you can't even take care of yourself, but you whine about about a blob of cells that ISN'T a person so you can feel superior.....WHAT CRAP.

If it's so fucking illegal to not pay women the same WHY are there lawsuits in the news ALL THE TIME? Why has every woman in this country experienced pay disparity? Maybe because morons like you deny it exists to begin with?

YES, my husband worries about our daughter being harmed BY ANOTHER MALE, because he has brains enough to see that MEN ARE THE MORE VIOLENT SEX. He's not worried about Mary down the street raping her.

FROM THE GUY WHO JUST WHINED ABOUT A FETUS, YOU SAY "NOBODY HAS TO TAKE CARE OF ELDERLY PARENTS???" Are you too dense to understand you can be held liable for their care??

You are really SO COMPLETELY DELUDED to think there is a magical line that divides how women in this country vs. other countries are treated. Women may have more legal rights here, but in many ways we are still subjugated by the violence of a male system.

Seriously, you should dress up as a woman and go to a bar some night. That would be entertaining. I'd pay money to see that.


Thursday, July 11, 2019 7:52 PM



Go back to the kitchen and make your husband a sammich and bring him a cold beer, slave.

You are a woman in America. You have no freedom and rights.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 12, 2019 12:41 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You are a woman in America. You have no freedom and rights.

Close... Not enough of them, which is the point.

But since your kind doesn't understand what a fact is, you may never get it.

*shrug* You can lead an ass to water...


Friday, July 12, 2019 9:34 AM


Then, do us all a favor.


Your little bitch list here is just a bunch of whining and/or debunked talking points and not a list of rights that females don't have in America.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 12, 2019 10:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So WISHY, what was it that you linked to? I tried googling it,

For someone who's on the internet so much, you don't seem to have a clue of how it works.

From the link the title is "In the not too distant future when climate alarmists and identity politics have destroyed civilization" and "Guardian"

How can you not figure out what to google???

I googled that title. Like I said there were lots of sites with COMMENTS about it, just not the cartoon itself. I gave up after clicking on five or six links.

Anyway, I don't "get" your comment on the cartoon. The cartoon a criticism of the elite who direct world affairs and then find themselves a comfortable bolt-hole (they think) where they can escape the consequences (they think). It's an explication of what LIBERALS think, not what conservatives think, so I think your reaction is misdirected. Maybe you think that the characters represent the average conservative? You must think that the average conservative is a billioniare, then. Like I said, I find your reaction to be strangely ... off target.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND
America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 12, 2019 11:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, your willingness to toss the elderly overboard is pretty heartless, wouldn't you say? Taking care of each other is what allowed the human species to survive, and is the basis of family and (ultimately) society.

That you would be upset over a blob of tissue but uncaring about fully developed human beings speaks to a strange disjunct in your ethics.

One of the mantras that I live by is that responsibility and authority should always go hand-in-hand. It's unfair to dump responsibility on someone without giving them decision-making authority. It's unwise to give someone authority without making them responsible for the outcome.

How much responsibility COULD you assume, or would be willing to assume, for the resulting pregnancy? You couldn't, of course, take over the pregnancy and resulting (temporary) disability, health risks, and social and job consequences. Don't you think it's unfair to expect to ask that you hijack another person's body for nine months for "your" baby? Would you have been willing to be the SOLE provider for the child? Or do you think it would be fair to hijack some of another person's time and effort for 15+ years while they raise "your" child? I "get" that you weren't even able to make an offer of help, but - in the end - the decision to have an abortion should belong to the woman, and ONLY the woman. The decision to carry the pregnancy forward should be both the father's and mother's, since they will both presumably be responsible for the child's care.

Women, and grandparents of both sexes, having been doing the work that made the survival of the human species possible for eons, even as men of power remade the world in their (sociopathic) image thru violence and dominance.

Instead of dismissing this vital caregiving function, you should acknowledge it and advocate that it be rewarded. Maybe we can take a step back from this horrible society that only rewards sociopathy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 12, 2019 3:47 PM


I'm not saying that the elderly shouldn't be taken care of. I'm talking about Wishy.

I'm saying that if Wishy views having to take care of her parents or her husband's parents when they can no longer wipe their own asses as an ACTUAL case that she doesn't have freedom in America because she is a woman, then she shouldn't do it.

There isn't a single law written anywhere that says that any child is responsible in the slightest to take care of their aging parents who didn't earn enough money to make sure they would be taken care of. Not for a man. Not for a woman.

If Wishy actually believes that she would be doing this because she is a woman with no freedom, the she shouldn't do it. It wouldn't be good for her, and it most certainly wouldn't be good to be the recipients of her resentment.

I could just imagine her one day giggling maniacally while giving a glass of water to her dementia riddled mother-in-law that was actually just a cup of bleach.

Girl Power!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 12, 2019 3:49 PM


And I'm not even getting into the whole reproductive shit again other than to say that it's absolute bullshit that men have ZERO say in the matter at all. Unless somebody can go into the discussion at least conceding that point, I'm not even going to have the conversation with them. Period.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 12, 2019 9:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm not saying that the elderly shouldn't be taken care of. I'm talking about Wishy.

I'm saying that if Wishy views having to take care of her parents or her husband's parents when they can no longer wipe their own asses as an ACTUAL case that she doesn't have freedom in America because she is a woman, then she shouldn't do it.

As I read it, what you're saying is .... "I'm not saying the elderly shouldn't be taken care of ... EXCEPT if you think you're being taken advantage of because you're a woman ... and THEN they shouldn't be taken care of"? Seems like a giant loophole in your idea of elder care. Maybe I'm misreading it.


There isn't a single law written anywhere that says that any child is responsible in the slightest to take care of their aging parents who didn't earn enough money to make sure they would be taken care of. Not for a man. Not for a woman.
Of course there's no "law". But our laws were written by sociopaths and politicians. We're talking right and wrong here, not "the law". Or at least I thought we were.


If Wishy actually believes that she would be doing this because she is a woman with no freedom, the she shouldn't do it. It wouldn't be good for her, and it most certainly wouldn't be good to be the recipients of her resentment.
Better to be taken care of with resentment than left to die in your shit in your bed.

I know someone who decided not to take care of his dad. He just let him dehydrate to death.


And I'm not even getting into the whole reproductive shit again other than to say that it's absolute bullshit that men have ZERO say in the matter at all.
You can offer your financial and emotional support during pregnancy. You can offer to be the sole caregiver of the child. You can offer your opinion. But there's no way that you can take on the burdens and risks of pregnancy. And you can't tell a woman that SHE has to take on those burdens and risks just because you feel entitled commandeer part of her life. I mean, how would you feel if someone said to you...

"Hey, I'm going to implant a piece of my liver in you, and you're going to have to grow it as spare parts for me so that I can harvest it in a year. While it's growing there there may be some risk. People will see your swollen abdomen and think you're drinking way too much beer. You'll be sick for part of the time and absent from your job for a few weeks or months, And you may miss out on plum assignments and promotional opportunities because of health and/or apparent drinking problem. There will be some risk when we remove the organ. And you have to do it because if you don't I'll feel butt-hurt and endlessly grotch about your selfishness and the unfairness of the world"?


Unless somebody can go into the discussion at least conceding that point, I'm not even going to have the conversation with them.
On what basis do you claim any decision-making authority? Your "contribution" to the pregnancy at that point was a squirt of semen. The woman has a lot more at stake. The woman faces more consequences from, and risks of pregnancy, and there's nothing YOU can do to change that. If you think that's unfair, take it up with nature, because that's just the way things are.

If you think that you have a compelling reason for your entitlement to the decision-making process, I'd sure be interested in reading it because, right now, I'm not seeing it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 12, 2019 11:06 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm not saying that the elderly shouldn't be taken care of. I'm talking about Wishy.

I'm saying that if Wishy views having to take care of her parents or her husband's parents when they can no longer wipe their own asses as an ACTUAL case that she doesn't have freedom in America because she is a woman, then she shouldn't do it.

There isn't a single law written anywhere that says that any child is responsible in the slightest to take care of their aging parents who didn't earn enough money to make sure they would be taken care of. Not for a man. Not for a woman.

If Wishy actually believes that she would be doing this because she is a woman with no freedom, the she shouldn't do it. It wouldn't be good for her, and it most certainly wouldn't be good to be the recipients of her resentment.

I could just imagine her one day giggling maniacally while giving a glass of water to her dementia riddled mother-in-law that was actually just a cup of bleach

Dumb Ass. I love how you proclaim knowledge on things you don't have a clue about. ALL...THE...TIME.

Currently, thirty states in the U.S. as well as Puerto Rico have passed these filial (due from a son or daughter) responsibility laws. In a nutshell, these filial support laws require adult children to financially support their parents if they are not able to take care of themselves or to cover unpaid medical bills, such as assisted living costs. This also includes food, clothing, shelter, and health care/medical needs of the parent. The following list contains states that have passed a form of this filial responsibility law and a link directly to their state statute, where possible.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
West Virginia

I've been taking care of my grandma for 10 years. And NO, it isn't my job. But my mother -who is a narcissist just like you- can't pull her head out of her own rear long enough to see anyone but herself. It's okay... karma just gave her cancer again. The plus is she gets to talk about herself nonstop again...

In fact, she (gran) broke her arm 7 weeks ago in a fall and I took her to every single ortho appointment. I take her to get groceries, to doc appointments and gyno appointments and monthly eye appointments. I took her to pay bills for years and to pick up meds. I fixed her vacuum cleaner 100 times, reset her clocks twice a year, brought her dinner when she was sick. Tended to her million obsessions.

You know what else gran had?? 3 SONS.

One mows her lawn (and he owns the two properties next door, so he is already THERE), the oldest comes up once a year to trim around the property, and the other comes to squat for the night, even though he is a millionaire he doesn't want to pay for a hotel room.

I do not WANT to be her caretaker, but they have proven they will not and I have this thing called a "moral code". When I had the accident and couldn't drive, gran called people at church and begged for rides to the store. She's near blind, near deaf, and having trouble walking. The rest of the family did NOTHING.

Unfortunately, this is the situation all over this country. It's why they call women my age part of the sandwich generation, because we take care of the kids and
the elderly because our boomer parents are FLAKES.

BTW, I no longer have anything to do with my in-laws. They wanted to take my daughter somewhere and when I said no they threatened to shoot me. But, I expect that behavior from hypocrite Trumptards. It was a good excuse to rid us of them. I hope they do down a pint of bleach, but I wouldn't spend a second in jail over their worthless asses.


Friday, July 12, 2019 11:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Maybe you think that the characters represent the average conservative? You must think that the average conservative is a billioniare, then. Like I said, I find your reaction to be strangely ... off target.

You really don't believe that most conservatives are only interested of raping the natural world of it's bounty and then being better preppers than the other preppers??
Do you KNOW many conservatives???

Hello?? Pence and the defunct gas stations his family had?? There was a conservative douche in OUR town that ran the gas station for years and now it just sits there rotting. Take the money 'n run...

If they don't have the emotional intelligence to elect someone who can act like an adult in public, what makes you think they give even HALF a damn about the environment??


Saturday, July 13, 2019 12:08 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm not saying that the elderly shouldn't be taken care of. I'm talking about Wishy.

I'm saying that if Wishy views having to take care of her parents or her husband's parents when they can no longer wipe their own asses as an ACTUAL case that she doesn't have freedom in America because she is a woman, then she shouldn't do it.

There isn't a single law written anywhere that says that any child is responsible in the slightest to take care of their aging parents who didn't earn enough money to make sure they would be taken care of. Not for a man. Not for a woman.

If Wishy actually believes that she would be doing this because she is a woman with no freedom, the she shouldn't do it. It wouldn't be good for her, and it most certainly wouldn't be good to be the recipients of her resentment.

I could just imagine her one day giggling maniacally while giving a glass of water to her dementia riddled mother-in-law that was actually just a cup of bleach

Dumb Ass. I love how you proclaim knowledge on things you don't have a clue about. ALL...THE...TIME.

Currently, thirty states in the U.S. as well as Puerto Rico have passed these filial (due from a son or daughter) responsibility laws. In a nutshell, these filial support laws require adult children to financially support their parents if they are not able to take care of themselves or to cover unpaid medical bills, such as assisted living costs. This also includes food, clothing, shelter, and health care/medical needs of the parent. The following list contains states that have passed a form of this filial responsibility law and a link directly to their state statute, where possible.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
West Virginia

I've been taking care of my grandma for 10 years. And NO, it isn't my job. But my mother -who is a narcissist just like you- can't pull her head out of her own rear long enough to see anyone but herself. It's okay... karma just gave her cancer again. The plus is she gets to talk about herself nonstop again...

In fact, she (gran) broke her arm 7 weeks ago in a fall and I took her to every single ortho appointment. I take her to get groceries, to doc appointments and gyno appointments and monthly eye appointments. I took her to pay bills for years and to pick up meds. I fixed her vacuum cleaner 100 times, reset her clocks twice a year, brought her dinner when she was sick. Tended to her million obsessions.

You know what else gran had?? 3 SONS.

One mows her lawn (and he owns the two properties next door, so he is already THERE), the oldest comes up once a year to trim around the property, and the other comes to squat for the night, even though he is a millionaire he doesn't want to pay for a hotel room.

I do not WANT to be her caretaker, but they have proven they will not and I have this thing called a "moral code". When I had the accident and couldn't drive, gran called people at church and begged for rides to the store. She's near blind, near deaf, and having trouble walking. The rest of the family did NOTHING.

Unfortunately, this is the situation all over this country. It's why they call women my age part of the sandwich generation, because we take care of the kids and
the elderly because our boomer parents are FLAKES.

BTW, I no longer have anything to do with my in-laws. They wanted to take my daughter somewhere and when I said no they threatened to shoot me. But, I expect that behavior from hypocrite Trumptards. It was a good excuse to rid us of them. I hope they do down a pint of bleach, but I wouldn't spend a second in jail over their worthless asses.

Google's your friend, wishy.


Many states have filial responsibility laws that make children responsible for their parents’ medical care, however these laws are rarely enforced.


In most states, for a child to be held accountable for a parent’s bill, all of these things would have to be true:

The parent received care in a state that has a filial responsibility law.
The parent did not qualify for Medicaid when receiving care.
The parent does not have the money to pay the bill.
The child has the money to pay the bill.
The caregiver chooses to sue the child.

That's a whole lot of what ifs right there.

The parent in question lives in one of the states that has these laws and got medical care at a time when they had too much money to qualify for medicare, didn't have insurance to cover the care, but didn't have enough money to cover the bill. Then you have to have enough money to cover the bill (which I know you don't). Then your parent is an asshole and sues you for it.

No, Wishy. These laws do not effect you in the slightest.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 13, 2019 12:09 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm not saying that the elderly shouldn't be taken care of. I'm talking about Wishy.

I'm saying that if Wishy views having to take care of her parents or her husband's parents when they can no longer wipe their own asses as an ACTUAL case that she doesn't have freedom in America because she is a woman, then she shouldn't do it.

There isn't a single law written anywhere that says that any child is responsible in the slightest to take care of their aging parents who didn't earn enough money to make sure they would be taken care of. Not for a man. Not for a woman.

If Wishy actually believes that she would be doing this because she is a woman with no freedom, the she shouldn't do it. It wouldn't be good for her, and it most certainly wouldn't be good to be the recipients of her resentment.

I could just imagine her one day giggling maniacally while giving a glass of water to her dementia riddled mother-in-law that was actually just a cup of bleach

Dumb Ass. I love how you proclaim knowledge on things you don't have a clue about. ALL...THE...TIME.

Currently, thirty states in the U.S. as well as Puerto Rico have passed these filial (due from a son or daughter) responsibility laws. In a nutshell, these filial support laws require adult children to financially support their parents if they are not able to take care of themselves or to cover unpaid medical bills, such as assisted living costs. This also includes food, clothing, shelter, and health care/medical needs of the parent. The following list contains states that have passed a form of this filial responsibility law and a link directly to their state statute, where possible.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
West Virginia

I've been taking care of my grandma for 10 years. And NO, it isn't my job. But my mother -who is a narcissist just like you- can't pull her head out of her own rear long enough to see anyone but herself. It's okay... karma just gave her cancer again. The plus is she gets to talk about herself nonstop again...

In fact, she (gran) broke her arm 7 weeks ago in a fall and I took her to every single ortho appointment. I take her to get groceries, to doc appointments and gyno appointments and monthly eye appointments. I took her to pay bills for years and to pick up meds. I fixed her vacuum cleaner 100 times, reset her clocks twice a year, brought her dinner when she was sick. Tended to her million obsessions.

You know what else gran had?? 3 SONS.

One mows her lawn (and he owns the two properties next door, so he is already THERE), the oldest comes up once a year to trim around the property, and the other comes to squat for the night, even though he is a millionaire he doesn't want to pay for a hotel room.

I do not WANT to be her caretaker, but they have proven they will not and I have this thing called a "moral code". When I had the accident and couldn't drive, gran called people at church and begged for rides to the store. She's near blind, near deaf, and having trouble walking. The rest of the family did NOTHING.

Unfortunately, this is the situation all over this country. It's why they call women my age part of the sandwich generation, because we take care of the kids and
the elderly because our boomer parents are FLAKES.

BTW, I no longer have anything to do with my in-laws. They wanted to take my daughter somewhere and when I said no they threatened to shoot me. But, I expect that behavior from hypocrite Trumptards. It was a good excuse to rid us of them. I hope they do down a pint of bleach, but I wouldn't spend a second in jail over their worthless asses.

Google's your friend, wishy.


Many states have filial responsibility laws that make children responsible for their parents’ medical care, however these laws are rarely enforced.


In most states, for a child to be held accountable for a parent’s bill, all of these things would have to be true:

The parent received care in a state that has a filial responsibility law.
The parent did not qualify for Medicaid when receiving care.
The parent does not have the money to pay the bill.
The child has the money to pay the bill.
The caregiver chooses to sue the child.

That's a whole lot of what ifs right there.

The parent in question lives in one of the states that has these laws and got medical care at a time when they had too much money to qualify for medicare, didn't have insurance to cover the care, but didn't have enough money to cover the bill. Then you have to have enough money to cover the bill (which I know you don't). Then your parent is an asshole and sues you for it.

No, Wishy. These laws do not effect you in the slightest.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 13, 2019 12:10 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm not saying that the elderly shouldn't be taken care of. I'm talking about Wishy.

I'm saying that if Wishy views having to take care of her parents or her husband's parents when they can no longer wipe their own asses as an ACTUAL case that she doesn't have freedom in America because she is a woman, then she shouldn't do it.

There isn't a single law written anywhere that says that any child is responsible in the slightest to take care of their aging parents who didn't earn enough money to make sure they would be taken care of. Not for a man. Not for a woman.

If Wishy actually believes that she would be doing this because she is a woman with no freedom, the she shouldn't do it. It wouldn't be good for her, and it most certainly wouldn't be good to be the recipients of her resentment.

I could just imagine her one day giggling maniacally while giving a glass of water to her dementia riddled mother-in-law that was actually just a cup of bleach

Dumb Ass. I love how you proclaim knowledge on things you don't have a clue about. ALL...THE...TIME.

Currently, thirty states in the U.S. as well as Puerto Rico have passed these filial (due from a son or daughter) responsibility laws. In a nutshell, these filial support laws require adult children to financially support their parents if they are not able to take care of themselves or to cover unpaid medical bills, such as assisted living costs. This also includes food, clothing, shelter, and health care/medical needs of the parent. The following list contains states that have passed a form of this filial responsibility law and a link directly to their state statute, where possible.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
West Virginia

I've been taking care of my grandma for 10 years. And NO, it isn't my job. But my mother -who is a narcissist just like you- can't pull her head out of her own rear long enough to see anyone but herself. It's okay... karma just gave her cancer again. The plus is she gets to talk about herself nonstop again...

In fact, she (gran) broke her arm 7 weeks ago in a fall and I took her to every single ortho appointment. I take her to get groceries, to doc appointments and gyno appointments and monthly eye appointments. I took her to pay bills for years and to pick up meds. I fixed her vacuum cleaner 100 times, reset her clocks twice a year, brought her dinner when she was sick. Tended to her million obsessions.

You know what else gran had?? 3 SONS.

One mows her lawn (and he owns the two properties next door, so he is already THERE), the oldest comes up once a year to trim around the property, and the other comes to squat for the night, even though he is a millionaire he doesn't want to pay for a hotel room.

I do not WANT to be her caretaker, but they have proven they will not and I have this thing called a "moral code". When I had the accident and couldn't drive, gran called people at church and begged for rides to the store. She's near blind, near deaf, and having trouble walking. The rest of the family did NOTHING.

Unfortunately, this is the situation all over this country. It's why they call women my age part of the sandwich generation, because we take care of the kids and
the elderly because our boomer parents are FLAKES.

BTW, I no longer have anything to do with my in-laws. They wanted to take my daughter somewhere and when I said no they threatened to shoot me. But, I expect that behavior from hypocrite Trumptards. It was a good excuse to rid us of them. I hope they do down a pint of bleach, but I wouldn't spend a second in jail over their worthless asses.

Google's your friend, wishy.


Many states have filial responsibility laws that make children responsible for their parents’ medical care, however these laws are rarely enforced.


In most states, for a child to be held accountable for a parent’s bill, all of these things would have to be true:

The parent received care in a state that has a filial responsibility law.
The parent did not qualify for Medicaid when receiving care.
The parent does not have the money to pay the bill.
The child has the money to pay the bill.
The caregiver chooses to sue the child.

That's a whole lot of what ifs right there.

The parent in question lives in one of the states that has these laws and got medical care at a time when they had too much money to qualify for medicare, didn't have insurance to cover the care, but didn't have enough money to cover the bill. Then you have to have enough money to cover the bill (which I know you don't). Then your parent is an asshole and sues you for it.

No, Wishy. These laws do not effect you in the slightest.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 13, 2019 12:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I did look up the filial responsibility laws in general, and it's what I thought. The state, in this case the individual specific states, not 'the state' as a generic concept, doesn't want to be on the hook for bills incurred by parents if the child / children have means to defray the bills.

So, for example, the wealthy Chinese who bring grandma and grandpa into the country to live in a million dollar mansion in order to show residence, are probably in violation of the law if they sign the parents up for state-funded aid or benefits.

The few that I looked at did seem badly written and could be subject to abuse, making them essentially debt-inheritance laws. And in general they seem in violation of Signy's authority / responsibility idea. I for example, had zero authority over how my parents spent their money when they were alive, as does Jack now with his living parents. But if they run themselves into the ground financially all on their own initiative, and they run up unpaid bills like for nursing home care, or get state benefits, then in some cases the children are responsible for making the business, or the state, whole.


Saturday, July 13, 2019 12:18 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I did look up the filial responsibility laws in general, and it's what I thought. The state, in this case the individual specific states, not 'the state' as a generic concept, doesn't want to be on the hook for bills incurred by parents if the child / children have means to defray the bills.

So, for example, the wealthy Chinese who bring grandma and grandpa into the country to live in a million dollar mansion in order to show residence, are probably in violation of the law if they sign the parents up for state-funded aid or benefits.

The few that I looked at did seem badly written and could be subject to abuse, making them essentially debt-inheritance laws. And in general they seem in violation of Signy's authority / responsibility idea. I for example, had zero authority over how my parents spent their money when they were alive, as does Jack now with his living parents. But if they run themselves into the ground financially all on their own initiative, and they run up unpaid bills like for nursing home care, or get state benefits, then in some cases the children are responsible for making the business, or the state, whole.


Saturday, July 13, 2019 2:44 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I did look up the filial responsibility laws in general, and it's what I thought. The state, in this case the individual specific states, not 'the state' as a generic concept, doesn't want to be on the hook for bills incurred by parents if the child / children have means to defray the bills.

So, for example, the wealthy Chinese who bring grandma and grandpa into the country to live in a million dollar mansion in order to show residence, are probably in violation of the law if they sign the parents up for state-funded aid or benefits.

The few that I looked at did seem badly written and could be subject to abuse, making them essentially debt-inheritance laws. And in general they seem in violation of Signy's authority / responsibility idea. I for example, had zero authority over how my parents spent their money when they were alive, as does Jack now with his living parents. But if they run themselves into the ground financially all on their own initiative, and they run up unpaid bills like for nursing home care, or get state benefits, then in some cases the children are responsible for making the business, or the state, whole.

And people wonder why I don't ever want to bother amassing any real amount of money?

Good luck ever suing me for any payouts for my parent's bad decisions. They're on their own. I wish them well.

What's crazy is that even if I lived in a state that didn't have these laws (which I currently don't), that doesn't even matter. If they live in one that has these laws (which they currently don't), their caregivers could sue me no matter how irresponsible they were with their money during their own lives even though I might live in a state that doesn't have these laws on the books and they're living thousands of miles away?


Who knows? My parents might move to Utah tomorrow and lose another 25% on their current place? I'll be safe from lawsuits since I have nothing, but my brother, sis-in-law and niece might not be.

Fucking Boomers (see Soph's video, once again)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 13, 2019 2:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Maybe you think that the characters represent the average conservative? You must think that the average conservative is a billioniare, then. Like I said, I find your reaction to be strangely ... off target. - SIGNY

You really don't believe that most conservatives are only interested of raping the natural world of it's bounty and then being better preppers than the other preppers??
Do you KNOW many conservatives???

Hmmm... yes. I do.


Hello?? Pence ...
How do you jump from the average conservative to Pence?? How is he supposed to be emblematic of most conservatives? He's way too wealthy and powerful to be representative of anyone you or I might know. I mean, I know conservatives. But I don't know Pence, or anyone like Pence. Do you?


If they don't have the emotional intelligence to elect someone who can act like an adult in public, what makes you think they give even HALF a damn about the environment??
Oh, you mean they should act like We came we saw he died Hillary? Or lie like Obama?

The more you post the less I understand you. I feel like you're speaking a foreign language or something.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, July 13, 2019 6:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The more you post the less I understand you. I feel like you're speaking a foreign language or something.

You are the one speaking in obscure political memes from a decade ago...but *I'M* speaking in a foreign language???????

If you try hard, you can come up with a few missteps and obfuscations from Obama and Hillary (...and the vast amount of regular people on the planet).

If you don't try AT ALL you can come up with epic novels full of Trump shit and you think THAT'S EQUITABLE??? ARE YOU INSANE????

He doesn't even REMOTELY behave like he's over the age of 5! It's like comparing a locust to a plague!

Oh, forget it.



Saturday, July 13, 2019 7:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

A decade ago is no big deal? Too long ago to understand? To distant to bother? Ancient history? Really?

Yanno, we're STILL paying the bill from the 2008 financial meltdown. And the bill from the 2003 Iraq War. And the bill from the 2001 Afghanistan War.

Are you willing to write that off because it's too mired in the politics of the day? Too old? Too obscure?

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?
tic tac


Saturday, July 13, 2019 7:56 PM


Good luck getting that point across Kiki.

Most people have been trained all their lives to only think in 4 year blocks, both in the past and the future. It's how they're wired in the core of their being.

I'm prepared to see roughly half the people who pay any attention hate on whoever is the current American President as the Emanuel Goldstein for the rest of our lives. This is what the job has become, and that will likely never be reversed.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 13, 2019 8:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The more you post the less I understand you. I feel like you're speaking a foreign language or something.

You are the one speaking in obscure political memes from a decade ago...but *I'M* speaking in a foreign language???????

If you try hard, you can come up with a few missteps and obfuscations from Obama and Hillary (...and the vast amount of regular people on the planet).

If you don't try AT ALL you can come up with epic novels full of Trump shit and you think THAT'S EQUITABLE??? ARE YOU INSANE????

He doesn't even REMOTELY behave like he's over the age of 5! It's like comparing a locust to a plague!

Oh, forget it.


Oh yeah, NAME CALLING. THAT'S real grownup!

For all that you hate Trump, he has done a couple of things much better than Obama. He hasn't gotten us into YET ANOTHER WAR. Now, you might think that's not such a big deal but the families of the million or so "brown people" that Bush and Obama collectively managed to kill might beg to differ! And he got us out of two terrible trade deals which would have made further progress on climate change absolutely impossible. Plus, he hasn't spent $17 trillion on bailing out the banks (yet), so there's that, too

Yanno, I really don't give a shit what Trump tweets. I don't follow twitter anyway. And I didn't believe any of Obama's lies either, any more than I believed GWB. Or Clinton (either one). What I"m interested in is what they DO. Eliminate Trump's bluster and bloviation, or Obama's smooth-talking lies, or Bush's stumbling speech, and just watch what they do, because anything they choose to tell you is pure self justification/ propaganda.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, July 15, 2019 1:53 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Yanno, we're STILL paying the bill from the 2008 financial meltdown. And the bill from the 2003 Iraq War. And the bill from the 2001 Afghanistan War.

Are you willing to write that off because it's too mired in the politics of the day? Too old? Too obscure?

Hey, we almost went a whole thread without the war drinking game

I'd truly love to know what is wrong with you two. You don't just beat the war horse to death, you've pulverized it and are living off its rancid juices. And harassing everyone around you to live your weird obsession. It's truly the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in the internet... you are officially weirder on my weird shit o meter than Miley Wacko Cyrus...

At this point why even bother saying the word war to me???? You know my opinion, it's not going to change, and there isn't shit one any of us here could do to start or stop a war....

AND I don't give a damn about Hillary or Obama or ANYTHING they've done. They are yesterday. Deal with the now.

As if you could...


Monday, July 15, 2019 2:05 AM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 15, 2019 2:09 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

For all that you hate Trump, he has done a couple of things much better than Obama. He hasn't gotten us into YET ANOTHER WAR. Now, you might think that's not such a big deal but the families of the million or so "brown people"

Oh, the Brown-cry-me-a-river-people AGAIN.

Yanno, there are a dozen times over the amount of people dying of dumb shit in Africa than were killed by us or because of US in the Middle East.

Published in March by Physicians for Social Responsibility, the study, conducted by a team that included some Nobel Prize winners, determined that at least 1.3 million people have died as a result of war since Sept.11, 2001, but the real figure might be as high as two million

There are on average 400,000 people dying of nutritional deficiencies EVERY YEAR across Africa....

Why does your heart not bleed for THEM, why do you only whine about "brown people" over and over?

Doesn't feed into your agenda to feed hungry kids?

Or is it mainly to run the US down??


Monday, July 15, 2019 2:12 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Do you not have a job anymore? You are on here more now than when you were drunk all the time, and you were on here a LOT then...


Monday, July 15, 2019 4:57 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Oh, the Brown-cry-me-a-river-people AGAIN.

Yanno, there are a dozen times over the amount of people dying of dumb shit in Africa than were killed by us or because of US in the Middle East.

Published in March by Physicians for Social Responsibility, the study, conducted by a team that included some Nobel Prize winners, determined that at least 1.3 million people have died as a result of war since Sept.11, 2001, but the real figure might be as high as two million

There are on average 400,000 people dying of nutritional deficiencies EVERY YEAR across Africa....

You wanna' go by numbers or percent? There are roughly 63 million people in Iraq, Syria, and Libya, countries where our military intervened, and an estimated 4.3 million were killed due to US actions that lasted less than a year. That is 7% of the population killed by the US in under a year. There are roughly 1.2 BILLION (1,200,000,000) people in Africa, and 400,000 die every year, or 0.03%. Which is the most devastating to the countries and the people left behind? Do the math.

Why does your heart not bleed for THEM, why do you only whine about "brown people" over and over?

Doesn't feed into your agenda to feed hungry kids?

Or is it mainly to run the US down??

Anybody's heart can bleed over tragedy. But it takes a special kind of US person to not feel remorse, or guilt, or to not seek change over the millions of innocent deaths OUR COUNTRY METES OUT.

That person is you, wishy. You are indeed 'special'.

And if you think I'm being hard on you - I am. Because you have apparently ignored the dozens of posts where Signy explains WHY she criticizes the US - and it's for the millions of people WE POINTLESSLY KILL. These are people who never did anything to us, living in countries that never did anything to us. And we feel free to bomb, shoot, starve, burn, torture - whatever is at our disposal, we do it in order to move pieces on what we call the grand chessboard. Do YOU have no sympathy for the children blown to pieces by our bombs?

And I'm being hard on you because you, somehow, mentally glided past that whole WE KILL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE concept and equated it to people who happen to die tragically in circumstances untethered to us.

For the life of me I can't understand what particular divot you have in your emotions that would make you lose track of that massive, all-important distinction. That would make you try to victimize someone with your 'righteous' anger and be stony-eyed blind to our actual victims.

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?
tic tac


Monday, July 15, 2019 6:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


For all that you hate Trump, he has done a couple of things much better than Obama. He hasn't gotten us into YET ANOTHER WAR. Now, you might think that's not such a big deal but the families of the million or so "brown people" -SIGNY

Oh, the Brown-cry-me-a-river-people AGAIN.
Yanno, there are a dozen times over the amount of people dying of dumb shit in Africa than were killed by us or because of US in the Middle East.
Published in March by Physicians for Social Responsibility, the study, conducted by a team that included some Nobel Prize winners, determined that at least 1.3 million people have died as a result of war since Sept.11, 2001, but the real figure might be as high as two million
There are on average 400,000 people dying of nutritional deficiencies EVERY YEAR across Africa....
Why does your heart not bleed for THEM, why do you only whine about "brown people" over and over?
Doesn't feed into your agenda to feed hungry kids?
Or is it mainly to run the US down?? - TWITCHY

I talk about war and brown people... or war and black people ... or war and white people ... IF WE WERE THE ONES WHO KILLED THEM. I can't DO anything about the corruption in foreign nations (except not fertilize it with more money), which is the proximate cause of poverty and death abroad.

So WHY do I post about "our" wars? Because we have moral responsibility for those dead. And the "right not to be killed" trumps any other right you can imagine, because ALL other rights are contingent on being alive to enjoy or invoke them.

And BTW, have you not noticed that we kill an awful lot of WOMEN? Where is your sense of responsibility? Where is your sense of priority? Where is your sense of solidarity? I know that "war" is a distant and (FOR YOU) unimaginable tragedy from your isolated hometown of Bumfuck IN, but for the people (WOMEN) that we bomb, and their families, it's all too present and all too real.

And if you think me posting about war is pointless, then you CONSTANTLY posting about Oh, poor women!!! is at least as tedious and useles. So if you're asking me to STFU, YOU FIRST.

I find you repugnant, TWITCHY. IMHO you have an overdeveloped sense of victimhood that prevents you from seeing any other victims besides you*. It's not that I disagree with your view of the state of women's rights, but you have to put it in context: which is more important TO WOMEN? The right not to be killed, or the right to an education? One comes before the other. YOU figure it out!

* Or people just like you.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, July 15, 2019 1:05 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
These are people who never did anything to us, living in countries that never did anything to us. And we feel free to bomb, shoot, starve, burn, torture - whatever is at our disposal, we do it in order to move pieces on what we call the grand chessboard. Do YOU have no sympathy for the children blown to pieces by our bombs?

You both are full of total horseshit. You think those people are so spotless, go over there and go for a walk without being dressed head to toe.

These were all just shiny happy people? The middle east was never a violent shithole to begin with, right?

Chemical weapons were employed by Iraqi forces against Iranian combatants and non-combatants during the Iran–Iraq war (1980–1988). These have been classified based on chemical composition and casualty-producing effects. The best-known substances used by the Iraqi army were organophosphate neurotoxins, known as nerve agents Tabun, Sarin, and mustard gas. According to Iraqi reports, in 1981 vomiting agents were used in initial and small-scale attacks. In August 1983, chemical weapons had been employed on the Piranshahr and Haj-Omaran battlefields. Next, they were used on the Panjwin battlefield, in November 1983. The Iraqi army began extensive chemical attacks in 1984, by using tons of sulfur mustard and nerve agents on the Majnoon Islands.[1]

If they have ZERO qualms using those kinds of weapons on people who are their genetic cousins, what do you think they would do to US given half a chance??

Their own lack of a vaguely civilized culture was their own undoing.

Even if we weren't involved there would still be lotsa dead kids in the Middle East. You wanna make a no-win scenario your cause, go ahead Quixote. I'm not gonna waste my time on 'em.


Monday, July 15, 2019 1:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And if you think me posting about war is pointless, then you CONSTANTLY posting about Oh, poor women!!! is at least as tedious and useles. So if you're asking me to STFU, YOU FIRST.

I find you repugnant, TWITCHY. IMHO you have an overdeveloped sense of victimhood that prevents you from seeing any other victims besides you*. It's not that I disagree with your view of the state of women's rights, but you have to put it in context: which is more important TO WOMEN? The right not to be killed, or the right to an education? One comes before the other. YOU figure it out!

* Or people just like you.


I can't do a THING about the Middle East and neither can you... But something could be done about incels in THIS country.

Which battle makes more sense?

I wonder....


Monday, July 15, 2019 1:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And if you think me posting about war is pointless, then you CONSTANTLY posting about Oh, poor women!!! is at least as tedious and useless. So if you're asking me to STFU, YOU FIRST.
I find you repugnant, TWITCHY. IMHO you have an overdeveloped sense of victimhood that prevents you from seeing any other victims besides you*. It's not that I disagree with your view of the state of women's rights, but you have to put it in context: which is more important TO WOMEN? The right not to be killed, or the right to an education? One comes before the other. YOU figure it out!
* Or people just like you. - SIGNY


No, just disgusted. And of course only a moral pustule like you would laugh about their own corruption.


I can't do a THING about the Middle East and neither can you... But something can be done about incels in THIS country.
LIKE WHAT? Unless you intend to personally bitch-slap your way thru your neighbohood, the nearby places of work, your neighborhood schools, churches, and bars, avenging every perceived wrong with the palm of your hand, the only way you can affect all of the things you gripe about is by affecting policy. But if you think that you're able to effect policy by your endless bitching about Oh poor me! then you should ALSO be able to effect policy on war. It seems like a logic that even you can't fail to grasp.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, July 16, 2019 1:21 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So WHY do I post about "our" wars? Because we have moral responsibility for those dead. And the "right not to be killed" trumps any other right you can imagine, because ALL other rights are contingent on being alive to enjoy or invoke them.

"Right" not to be killed, lololol. No one has that HERE. No one ON THE PLANET has that... Were you born YESTERDAY?? Are you NEW to EARTH??

The only moral responsibility I have -is to me and mine. If we really try, maybe we can keep incels from becoming the same ultra-violent knuckle-draggers that the Middle East devolved into. I don't really have a lotta hope for that, either.

I don't ever underestimate people's ability to be violent. I'm totally sure the two of you aren't saints either. NO. ONE. IS.

Now fuck off with your Middle East Brown People. Mermaid hair, don't care Call me when they crawl back out of the Dark Ages...


Tuesday, July 16, 2019 1:28 AM


Anybody find it funny that Wishy flipped about my joke about Third Wave Feminism being the world's biggest problem right now, but it seems that "incels" are the big bad in her mind?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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Record-setting asteroid to shave past Earth *THIS month
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Four black teenagers kidnap and torture mentally-challenged man, and chant anti-Trump, anti-white slogans
Thu, March 13, 2025 17:16 - 49 posts