Creating crises to control the people

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 13:13
VIEWED: 1293
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Sunday, December 11, 2022 4:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste"

And if necessary, create one.

I'm going to revisit this later.


Sunday, December 11, 2022 9:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sorry for the teaser

I've been noodling on our recent (30 year) history. It seems to me that there's been a qualitative change from the previous 30 years, and that is that now, every "solution" to a "crisis" makes us poorer and less free.

We've had "crises" before... the Savings and Loan crisis (1000 bankers went to jail). The Oil Shock crisis, when OPEC embargoed all nations that supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War. THAT was a crisis! The inflation crisis of the 1979s that actually led to wage-price controls. The financial crisis of the late 70s that almost was, when the huge wad of money that BoA and other banks had accumulated (thanks to high oil prices ) was invested in S Anerica, and threatened to disappear. People, including us, we're tightly afraid that banks with international exposure were illiquid. When we were trying to get our money out of the bank for a down payment, and they kept stalking us, we threatened to start a bank run to get our money out.

Cuban Missile crisis. Iran Embassy crisis. Anti- Vietnam War movement. The Black Panthers. There was EDITED TO ADD: NO shortage of problems then, so it's not like life was idyllic!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, December 12, 2022 4:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But there are differences.

Before, the crises were mostly unintended...

Inflation bc Johnson wanted to fund the Vietnam war AND pacify people with his Great Society program. Extravagant money emission, inflation, the breakdown of Bretton Woods. The USA falling off the gold standard. Wage price controls. The creation of the petrodollar. The rise of the petrodollar.

The involvement of the USA in the mideast aside from USA automatic protection of Israel. Reaction by the Saudi (holy) kingdom to USA bases. Courting Saddam and Assad as secular bulwarks against Saudi and other Mulsim extremists. Reflexive anti-communist, anti-Soviet policy. Courting China as a bulwark against the USSR. Funding jihadists against the Russians.

Mostly the result of unthought-out policies leading to blowback, dominoes falling, but sincere atempts by TBTB to hold things together.

But something changed under Bill Clinton. While he didn't step on any large landmines (except for Yugoslavia, and that didn't blow up until much later) during his Presidency, he deliberately set the stage for the crises to come by implementing the globalist agenda: adopting the globalist "free trade" mantra and setting the USAs place in the New World Order as a deindustrialized financial center, causing that "giant sucking sound" of jobs leaving the USA, just as H Ross Perot had warned. Just as Haiti was designated as a cheap labor island and China was to be the factory to the world.


After that, it seems to me that the crises that we visited on the rest of the world came to live on our doorstep. Permanently and unendingly.

9-11. And, amazingly, there was The Patriot Act... already written up and ready to go!

bin Laden! Saddam! WMD!! Frenzied hysteria. Endless disinformation. Mass mobilization. More $$ for the military and their contractors.

The Global War on Terror: Torture. Extraordinary rendition. Black sites. The CIAs drone wars. Habeas corpus eliminated.

The 2008 crash and.... bailouts for banks! Free passes for fraudulent loans and investments! Mass surveillance. No more fourth amendment!

Assad gassed his own people! Qaddafi massacred his own people! R2P!!!

Trump's candidacy and suddenly ... RUSIARUSSIACOLLUSON! A deluge of media-security state disinfo. Mass censorship! Free speech must be stamped out!

Covid. Authoritarian lockdowns. Vaccine mandates. Citizen, your card, please! More censorship.

BLM/ Antifa. Rioters coddled and appeased. Demands for race-based "reparations" and privilege.

Extinction rebellion. Ending farming in the Netherlands.

And now, War in Ukraine! We must defend a nation that is neither in NATO nor in the EU. Deindustrializing Germany. Making Europe cold and hungry. But, hey... eat bugs!


We barely have time to react to one crisis when another is thrust upon us, in a disorienting whirlwind of seemingly sharp blades. And each time, TPTB seem to have a "solution" that bleeds us white and disempowers and divides us.

Now, some of those crises were real. We have an accumulation of environmental problems. 2008 was a real financial boondoggle. Covid was a real (lab created, gain of function) virus visited on the world.

Bit most of the so-called crises were/are fake. As fake as the "Covington students" coverage but far more malicious and on a much grander scale, hysterias pushed on people by a frenzied media.

And NONE of the 'solutions' by TPTB are actually designed to SOLVE THE PROBLEMS THEY PURPORT TO ADDRESS. Theyre deliberate creations designed to stampede people into accepting authoritarian rules that are not only not in our "best" interest, they're inimical to our existence.

Our elites ... and not just ours, but most of Europe's.... are so far off the rails they're in the process of self destruction. They have been so successful at scavenging off the chaos they they caused overseas they're just continuing the process of nation-destruction at home.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 4:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Still noodling on this.

It took a while, but eventually the pattern revealed itself:

Crisis, hysteria, impoverishment, repression...
Crisis, hysteria, impoverishment,,repression...
Lather, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.

And there were two things that made it clear this is ON PURPOSE:
So many of the crises were fake. Hoaxes. A frenzy of froth, blown up by hot air
None of the 'solutions' actually solved the problem.

I know I posted that before but let me provide a few examples.

The financial crisis of 2008. Really, it was all about bad mortgages made to people, sometimes fraudulently, who couldn't afford them, on the basis that real estate prices would go up and up forever. And then those loans were multiplied from one bank to the next, sold and resold as solid assets. It's estimated that one bad mortgage created eight times the liability of the original loan, and because the mortgage holders had ben dispersed through tranches of real estate-backed investment products, nobody coudl figure out who was on the hook for what. The LOGICAL and COST EFFECTIVE way for the givernemnt to solve the problem would be to make the bad mortgages whole by paying down the original mortgages to market value. Instead, Obama paid each and every bank to cover its potential exposure, spending something like eight times the amount of miney necessary, and, in the end, bankers were never punished for their irresponsible and (in many cases) fraudulent loans. What banks did to ensure that THEY would never come out on the short end in the future was to pass a "bail in" procedure, which means that they regard your savings as your UNSECURED LOAN TO THEM. Should they ever run short again, they get to seize your money and, in return, you get bank stocks of unknown value. "Bail in" is still on the books, BTW.

what government SHOULD do at a minimum is raise reserve requirements and reinstitute Glass Steagall. But because the faults were left in place, this could have again when the next speculative bubble bursts and banks are left holding the bag.

Another example; global climate change. What good does it do, really, to deindustrialize Europe and prohibit animal husbandry if all of that production just gets shifted to China (which uses a lot more coal than the EU) and Brazil, where rainforests will be cut down for cattle ranches and soybean farms? To put this is persp3ctive, one space launch emits more greenhouse gases than the poorest billion people emit in an entire year. And the DoD uses as much fuel as 10 million cars each year, and one bad forest fire year in California undid 18 YEARS of emission eductions. If yiu REALLY want to solve the problem, stop dicking around with high tech answers and tackle the big problems first.

And then there's Covid. Once it became obvious that it was an airborne virus but that only the elderly or otherwise sick were at risk, the priority should have been to protect those people with the only protection proven to work: N95s for those at risk and those caring for those at risk. But because WE mostly DONT MANUFACTURE N95s AT HOME, and 3M had commitments for its Chinese productoon, that solution was closed off to us.

And then there were the entirely fabricated or wildly exaggerated crises

Saddam WMD!
The white supremacy/homegrown terrorist movement! (failing to notice black and liberal rioters rampaging through the streets)
Russia "hacking" the DNC emails!
The egregious killing of black men by police (not noticing that black onblack crime is far worse)
The terrible hate crime of calling someone by the wrong pronoun!
Defending the right of a corrupt oligarchy to shell its own citizens!

First of all, we need to get our heads out of our asses where they seem to have been firmly planted for the last 30 years or so, and stop getting taken in by fake crises and pointless ideological kerfuffles, and DEFINITELY stop buying into the narrative of the "problems" and the "solutions" as defined for us by TPTB. They are really just meant to kettle us into helplessness, poverty, fear, and dependence.

When are we going to put on our big boy (and girl) pants and start thinking and behaving like grownups?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 10:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I know I posted that before but let me provide a few examples.

The financial crisis of 2008. Really, it was all about bad mortgages made to people, sometimes fraudulently, who couldn't afford them, on the basis that real estate prices would go up and up forever. And then those loans were multiplied from one bank to the next, sold and resold as solid assets. It's estimated that one bad mortgage created eight times the liability of the original loan, and because the mortgage holders had ben dispersed through tranches of real estate-backed investment products, nobody coudl figure out who was on the hook for what. The LOGICAL and COST EFFECTIVE way for the givernemnt to solve the problem would be to make the bad mortgages whole by paying down the original mortgages to market value. Instead, Obama paid each and every bank to cover its potential exposure, spending something like eight times the amount of miney necessary, and, in the end, bankers were never punished for their irresponsible and (in many cases) fraudulent loans. What banks did to ensure that THEY would never come out on the short end in the future was to pass a "bail in" procedure, which means that they regard your savings as your UNSECURED LOAN TO THEM. Should they ever run short again, they get to seize your money and, in return, you get bank stocks of unknown value. "Bail in" is still on the books, BTW.

what government SHOULD do at a minimum is raise reserve requirements and reinstitute Glass Steagall. But because the faults were left in place, this could have again when the next speculative bubble bursts and banks are left holding the bag.

Good job summarizing, but you make the bailout appear to be costly. Instead, it was profitable.

The Bailout Tracker at Propublica says the Federal government made a profit of $109 billion as of Nov 2022:
That $109 billion in profits includes money paid back by bailed-out companies as well as revenue from dividends, loan interest, warrants, and other proceeds.

There are a hundred things the Federal government could do to make housing more affordable for people who rent, but it is not doing any of them because the people who already own houses don't want the price of their houses to drop. Those people vote and Congress knows it. The demand for new houses is far larger than the supply of new houses, which is very advantageous if you are one of those people who already own a house and also want real estate price inflation for their house.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 1:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks to Obana, the banks made money on the crisis. They got paid off, they acquired real estate on the cheap, there were no consequences for irresponsible lending... instead, laws were written to allow them to acquire YOUR DEPOSITS should they get in trouble again, and Glass Steagall (gotten rid of by Bill Clinton) was never reinstituted.

The government made money?

The only losers in the whole deal were PEOPLE. Mostly poor, mostly people of color, likely democrats (yanno, the people you keep wringing your hands about, not "Trumptards") whose major asset, their home, was taken away.

That's my point, SECOND: Government, the deep state, the media, big corporations are colluding to make people poor, helpless, fearful, dependent, and oppressed.

Stop pretending that government (Democrats in particular) intend to "help" people. It's poison from one giant RAPACIOUS neoliberal globalist monopoly/government security- state media blob. A fascist oligarchy if there ever was one. And both parties are in on it, “democrat" v "Republican" and "liberal" v "conservative" are meaningless labels.

I have one tag line and one signature, and they're both proving more and more true with every passing decade:

"Pity would be no more, If we did not make someone poor." A system dedicated to bleeding people white is going to create a lot of poverty. Instead of "helping" the poor, what about ending the laws and practices that rob people of their work, worth, and agency at every step?

"I believe in solving problems, not sharing them"
Look at our immigration crisis. Instead of "sharing" our nation with impoverished illegals, why don't we end OUR FOREIGN POLICIES of overturning/ interfering with democratically elected reformist governments that might actually reduce corruption and turn their countries around? That way, we'd have nothing to feel guilty about in the first place

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake