This Writer's (Long-Winded) Idea for an Angel Spin-Off

UPDATED: Saturday, October 9, 2004 09:23
VIEWED: 5645
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Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:04 AM


Okay this is all clear in my mind, but not exactly very linear so bare with me :)

The show would be called something along the lines of Champions and be about a group of flawed superpowered individuals who reluctantly team up for the greater good.

In the past with both the Angel show and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we saw one main character with superpowers and a supporting cast of more or less "normal" sidekicks.

This show would be different in that all the cast members would have powers. There would be no clear star of the show, and instead each character would be depicted as an equal member of a true team. This would mean the show wouldn't depend on any one star, leading to contractual problems in the future. If an actor decides to leave, he or she can easily be replaced. That would be impossible on a show named after one of the characters.

Because of the significant combined power of the team, they'd have to face threats a lot more dangerous than a mere vampire prowling in a graveyard or a baby-eating demon every week. Each threat would have to be substantial - i.e. all-powerful season long/series long enemy(s) every year. But this wouldn't mean the individual team members couldn't face lesser foes in the dark alleys, sewers and graveyards of this world, though.

And that's another thing I need to get across - Though these characters would be part of a powerful team, that doesn't mean they wouldn't go out and fight evil on their own as well. Think of the Justice League cartoon (first 2 seasons) where there are 7 of the worlds finest, all used to working alone, but band together when the situation merits it.

As with Justice League, there will be 7 cast members, but not all of them need to be used every week. One week there can be an episode where 5 of the gang team up, another week all 7 members are needed, and then the next week only one of the characters is featured in a solo mission or with a special guest star.

This format would have several advantages - first and foremost, the writers wouldn't feel forced to implement every character every week. This would eliminate that whole "Gunn/Xander stands around and nods in agreement throughout the episode" problem where certain characters really serve no purpose and are given next to nothing to do. Also, it'd give the cast members a chance to take on other projects while still appearing as regulars on a weekly hour-long TV show. It'll lessen the gruelling hours these actors have to work and make their performances more lively. Each actor would sign a contract to appear in 15 to 17 episodes out of 22 a year.

Now for the cast list:

Gwen Raiden?

Okay, so this all sounds great but now there are still unanswered questions that need to be addressed, like what happened to Angel? There are three things I can think of. First, he died in the final battle. Second, the Shanshu propehecy came true and he's human and living somewhere in Europe with Buffy, third - and this is what I'd really love to see happen - An Angel movie is released before Champions debuts depicting Angel and co's battle with the senior partners in various hell dimensions. The movie would set the groundwork for Champions, sending Spike and Illyria back to Earth. Maybe Angel would choose to stay and fight the good fight by portal jumping from world to world Sliders-style and kicking the hell out of evil. (Evil out of hell?)

And then there's the issue of Wes. Isn't he dead? Well apparently he was supposed to come back for Angel Season 6, so say he cast a spell before his deadly encounter and it only seems he's dead. He's been travelling the world trying to find out a way to restore Fred's soul. No one, including the audience, know's he's alive. Then around episode 7, just as the episode is about to wrap up and Spike tells a joke at Illyria's expense, Wes suddenly appears in the Champion-cave. The Champions are shocked to see him. Holding a glowing orb, he starts mumbling something in demon-toungue.

Wesley: (Gibberish mumblings)
Illyria: Wesley?
Connor: What's he doing?
Willow: A spell... He's... He's trying to bring back Fred.
(queue dramatic music as the episode ends)

Other loose ends

Hey, someone had to die in the Angel finale, and he doesn't have superpowers so it has to be him.

He comes to town in Season 2 and asks for help with a problem. The team solves it, he parts.

Gwen Raiden
In all honesty, she's a lot like Faith and unless her character is developed a lot, she might be redundant. An all new character would be a better idea.

The Batman of the group, Wesley would be the exception to the rule of "all superpowers". That's not to say he's "normal" - in addition to his various Bat-gadgets, he would have learned a lot of new skills in his travels including an awesome fighting style. He also obviously has many magical skills, though not even close to Willow's awesome power. And lastly, he'd act as the bookworm and general of the group, with most of the ideas. Just like Batman.

If Fred does indeed come back, she'd only be in a few episodes a year (especially episodes that need a vulnerable female to put in danger) and instead the focus would be on Illyria and her "humanity-curious" character arc. Remember, the plan was to bring Fred back in Angel Season 6, but this would be an all new show and she'd likely be out of her element. She does possess some useful scientific skills, however (unless Illyria also has them?) The team would need her to portal jump so she'd have to be called in on occasion. But I'm not so sure Wesley should be successful in restoring her soul. And even if he does, maybe the soul should go straight to heaven?

Connor, as with Illyria, is mostly concerned with learning how to become part of human society, as well as training to be the champion his father is (was?).

Captains in the slayer army and reccuring characters.

The Slayer Army
This will be an on-going arc. The slayers will be at odds with the Champions because of their mostly evil roots. There will be teams of evil rougue slayers the Champions need to stop. The Champions have been known to offer refuge to good demons the slayers are hunting down (Lorne).

Wolfram and Hart
Angel takes them out in the movie. No longer a threat.

The Powers That Be
Now that the balance between good and evil has been skewed thanks to Team Angel in the Angel finale/movie, the Powers need to pick up the evil's slack. Many formerly good otherworldy beings are turning bad just so the cosmic scales will be restored. The Powers That Be offer no support to the Champions and instead try to thwart them at every corner. Perhaps the Powers could be this show's over-arcing foe. Think of this as a shift of power - Bush winning the election and taking control of the American government.

The Apocalypse
This could either be handled as 2 movies (completing an Angel trilogy) or as a season or two of the show. Or both! The remaining Powers That Be fall, all hell breaks loose on Earth as hell dimensions rise and merge with ours and the Champions, Slayer Army and the military all team up for the chaotic final showdown we've all been waiting for. The show would switch more to a Justice League Unlimited format at this point, as characters old and new from all around the Buffyverse attempt to save humanity. There might not be any kind of constant regular cast. Angel would have to return for at least a few episodes when the dimensions are merged and certainly for the final battle. Maybe even Buffy.

The final season of the show would show the aftermath of this apocalypse as people try to rebuild the planet and their lives (think Babylon 5's final season). Because in the end, all Whedon shows are about having to go on after the final battle.

NOTE: I haven't read that online Angel Season 6 thing so I have no idea if I have some of the same ideas?

Also, I think this show could easily work in animated form on Cartoon Network if need be. I'm completely aware that a lot of what I'm suggesting could never happen on network TV.

If anything's not clear, then I'll clarify. And if you have any ideas to add, then please do :)

Just some fun is all. :p

My email:
I'm a qualified writer if anyone wants to offer me work ;)


Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:40 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

A few things - first, glad to hear Wes was coming back. He was one of the reasons why I enjoyed Angel - I mean character development? Seriously!

Now then - WOW! That's quite a proposal. Talk about your comprehensive. Not everybody would be brave enough to put all this out there on a public forum for all eyes to see and possibly borrow from.

Now where is this season six Angel thing you mentioned? Just how far out of the loop am I?

And if you're a qualified writer, shouldn't that first line have been "bear with me" and not "bare with me" or was that a pun? Puns tend to fly by me at random, so I wouldn't be surprised. I spent a former life as an editor, hence the nit-picky.

Lots to process here. My initial reaction is that it would work better as an animated feature, but maybe not so much live-action. Shadows of that X-Men clone, Mutant X, come to mind as well. I would hate for gads of effort to go into this, only to have it compared to that drivel.

Not being a huge fan of writing characters with "super powers," this actually sounds plausible to me. One of the reasons I liked Wesley, though, is that his power was his knowledge. He had the superior logic and reasoning abilities that no one else seemed to have on Angel. All he had to work on was his ability to see all things from different angles - now THAT would be a power. Then again, that would be emulating what Dr. Connor (how cool is Neal McDonough anyway?) on NBC's "Medical Investigation" is doing right now, but hey, it would work, and it would be very in-character.

whoa... I think I just gave myself an idea.

(Ghouly! where's Ghouly?)

I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:59 AM


Yeah, that was just bad spelling :p I don't have a spell-checker on this comp. But I am a qualified writer, done some editting, wrote a few scripts, tons of short stories, got my BA in Creative Writing a couple months back, currently planning an indie film.

And yes, I'm a big comic book fan so that explains the superhero team proposition.

I know I'll never have the fortune of working for Joss Whedon, so sharing these ideas on a public forum isn't a problem. I'd be glad if they were used by those lucky Hollywood writers if only it'd mean more Angel! Besides, I used many of the planned Angel Season 6 plot points, so don't give me too much credit ;)

Some good thoughts on what makes Wesley such a cool character, I agree completely.

I dunno the url for that Virtual Angel Season 6 fansite, but google should help. Seen people talking about it, just fanfiction basically.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:26 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

You could have said it was a pun (yeah! a pun! that's it!) and I would never have known. You have the BA in creative writing, I just do it as a hobby - I am going for an AD in Graphic Design, though so who's the crazier person here?

Most of my drawing skill began with comic books. I paid attention to dynamic anatomy, then wondered why the costumes fit so... well.

Why would you never have the fortune of working with JW? Never say never!

I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:41 AM


Nah, I'm a realist. You'd need to live in Hollywood (and be an American) to write this kind of thing. Not that I wouldn't move over there the instant I got a decent job offer Maybe I can write the new IDW Angel comic? In my dreams, I mean.

I've been trying to decide who would mentor Connor - first I figured Spike, but then I realised Spike would likely need some mentoring of his own - he's just as new at the hero game. So Wesley would be a better choice - a Batman and Robin thing. I also really like Connor's chemistry with Faith, so there's another possibility.

EDIT: Can you tell me more about that Mutant X thing you mentioned? I've never seen that show. Is it similar to some of my ideas?


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:57 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by efumf:
Nah, I'm a realist. You'd need to live in Hollywood (and be an American)

Live in Hollyweird? Don't do that. In fact, don't be an American either. Not right now. We're just a little too screwed up at the moment. And coming here now would just mean subjecting yourself to every form of mean, nasty and gorram persistant election media campaigning there is. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, even a Brit

Originally posted by efumf:
I've been trying to decide who would mentor Connor - first I figured Spike...

:GIGGLE: um, no.

Originally posted by efumf:
but then I realised Spike would likely need some mentoring of his own - he's just as new at the hero game. So Wesley would be a better choice - a Batman and Robin thing. I also really like Connor's chemistry with Faith, so there's another possibility.

Yes but would it be mentoring with Faith or MENTORING? The Batman and Robin thing has good follow through. After all, it was in part due to Wesley that Connor ended up in that hell dimension, yes?

I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:59 AM


sounds pretty cool. ensemble shows are certainly a mainstay in television these days with law and order, lost, ER, the departed Friends etc. while those shows have characters that take more major roles, there are certainly a core of 4-6 that could be considered the "stars". my only suggestions are:

1. wesley, in my opinion, dies in the finale. i cannot explain it, but it is just fitting to me. in addition, illyria even says as much when she joins the rest of the team in the alley. granted, i have not yet completed season 5 of angel (SAY NOTHING TO ME ABOUT IT YET!), so i may still change my mind. in fact, i kind of took the stance that all four of them (angel, gunn, spike and illyria) die in the alley. it makes the finale more in line with the series, i feel. here are the heroes, fighting behind the scenes to save mankind, taking down the circle in their greatest victory, but being handed their ultimate defeat in a lonely alley. seems more powerful to me.

2. gwen coming back is interesting, but her character would need some MAJOR time to expand. she was pretty one dimensional in angel.

3. i would not mind seeing someone like nina in place of gwen.

anyway, that is my two cents. a neat idea, though. :) love the concept of a slayer army. sounds cool.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:09 PM


Faith has plenty of experience as a trained slayer, and could teach Connor a lot. She obviously doesn't respond to authority so I think any lessons she's yet to learn she needs to pick up for herself. She doesn't need a mentor/watcher. Sure, she was evil before, just like Spike, but she bounced back with Angel's help (and he's really the only person I see having any sort of control over her). I think it'd be good for her to look after Connor.

Connor is probably the most important character in the Buffyverse - a vampire with none of a vampire's weaknesses. He could do great things with the proper discipline.

EDIT: EST120, yeah when I saw the finale I was certain Wes had died and wasn't coming back (non-mystical death after all). But then I heard it had been planned for him to come back in Season 6, as well as Fred. So I worked this into my idea.

When you think about it though, that whole death scene seemed pretty surreal. Seemed like there was more to it... What exactly was Wes trying to accomplish?

And as for them all dying, well I'm all for the value of a good prophecy, and Angel (or Spike) has to play a major part in the ultimate apocalypse - like it or not.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:21 PM



Originally posted by efumf:
EDIT: EST120, yeah when I saw the finale I was certain Wes had died and wasn't coming back (non-mystical death after all). But then I heard it had been planned for him to come back in Season 6, as well as Fred. So I worked this into my idea.

i have heard it mentioned that wesley was supposed to come back for season 6, but my only reply to that is perhaps the writers changed the original finale they had in mind when it was decided that the show would not be coming back for season 6. it is hard for me to say that wesley is dead since he is my favorite character.

as far as the prophecy, i have only seen about the first quarter of season 5, but there are multiple times that people state the prophecy does not name names. while it is far fetched, there may be YET ANOTHER vampire with a soul wandering around somewhere. a stretch, to be certain.

anyway, just my opinion.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:34 PM


Okay, consider this:


One of the reasons I liked Wesley, though, is that his power was his knowledge. He had the superior logic and reasoning abilities that no one else seemed to have on Angel. All he had to work on was his ability to see all things from different angles - now THAT would be a power.

Worded perfectly

Does it seem plausible that a character as intelligent and forward-thinking as Wesley would go into a battle like that without considering all possible outcomes, cast a lame spell, and then proceed to allow his enemy to cut him open with no plan B? Unless he was looking to commit suicide, I don't buy it. And Illyria isn't all-knowing. She could have been just as fooled. I really have no idea what the out was planned to be, but I'm sure one exists in the back of Mr. Whedon's mind.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 4:19 PM



Originally posted by efumf:
Does it seem plausible that a character as intelligent and forward-thinking as Wesley would go into a battle like that without considering all possible outcomes, cast a lame spell, and then proceed to allow his enemy to cut him open with no plan B? Unless he was looking to commit suicide, I don't buy it. And Illyria isn't all-knowing. She could have been just as fooled. I really have no idea what the out was planned to be, but I'm sure one exists in the back of Mr. Whedon's mind.

i acknowledge all possibilities and this certainly makes sense. still, wesley is not infallible (he did get fooled about the prophecy about angel killing his son). he may have completely underestimated vail. i guess we will never REALLY know.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 4:37 PM


Wesley is going to free Lilah from Hell. Just my guess.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 5:05 PM



Friday, October 8, 2004 9:01 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:

Wesley is going to free Lilah from Hell. Just my guess.

Wesley can't even remember what Lilah looks like ;)


Friday, October 8, 2004 9:26 AM


Yes, he can.

Select to view spoiler:

In the season five episode, Origin, Wesley breaks the spell and his memory returns.


Friday, October 8, 2004 11:48 AM


The Faith and Connor would be a cool pair. If Angel is out of the picture she would easily take it upon herself to look after Connor.

None of the other characters really work though for me. Wesley is dead. Illyria is too one dimensional. Willow really doesn't want to be a fighter. Gwen only cares about $$$. They'd have to find some other super beings. Plus the whole super evil world ending thing will get old quick I think.

It's a good idea but I don't think it could work.


Friday, October 8, 2004 2:23 PM



the whole super evil world ending thing will get old quick I think.

But that's what the Buffyverse is all about... Sounds like you just don't like these shows or the characters in them and should be watching something else.

Illyria is far from one-dimensional, there's a thousand things I could do with that character. You brought up one good point, though - Gwen can finance the new team Great idea!


Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:25 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:
Yes, he can.

Select to view spoiler:

In the season five episode, Origin, Wesley breaks the spell and his memory returns.

I wasn't being literal. And there doesn't seem to be much need for spoiler quotes - people have spoiled half of S5 in this thread already!


Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:32 AM


Select to view spoiler:

You confuse me.


Saturday, October 9, 2004 9:23 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:

Select to view spoiler:

You confuse me.

Select to view spoiler:

You're welcome :)






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