Savaged Firefly

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 05:13
VIEWED: 4555
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Friday, May 6, 2005 5:27 AM


Just wonderin' if anyone else out there is using Savage Worlds to run a Firefly game? I found a conversion on Savage Heroes that will work to my tastes with a little tweaking, but I was wondering if anyone else has any ideas on things to do. I will post mine here as I think of them...


Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:35 PM


I'm working on my own tweak of Savaged Firefly right now, just because I love the SW system so much.

Now, SavFF is a good 'starting point', in some ways, but one that definately needs some re-thinking. One of the things that I've found with Jamie Herbert's adaptation is that it's really just a shifting around of 50 Fathoms stuff and some new (and to my eyes a bit clunky) Professional Edges.

First, let me to point you to a D20 Modern version that has some good ideas - thus far I think it's about the best overall D20 adaptation I've stumbled across:

I was really pleasantly surprised here. There's even a small mention about 'charged weapons' that details some in-game effects of Firefly-style electro-guns.

Take a look at this site, as well, if only for some great Ships stuff that you can rip out for Savaging purposes:

If you can find it, allow me to recommend the QAGS file that floated around for a while. Some really good ideas, but a really bad one to offer 'em without asking first.



One thing that I've found to be an invaluable aid is the old Tramp Frieghters guide for SW:RPG.

Anyways, onto some of the things that I've incorporated. I'm still going to use a 50F model for ship-board life, with a generic cargo system (rather than dtons, tonnes, or the like, it'll be generic 'cargo spaces'.

I'll probably pull the spec-trade section from the Tramp guide wholesale - broad cargo categories, and successful streetwise or persuasion tests allow for better pricing.


*Guts isn't used - it becomes a straight Spirit roll.

*Lockpicking is broadened slightly to include other larcenous activities (picking pockets and the like). Some folks prefer to do opposed Agil/Notice checks, too, I suppose.

* Repair skill covers computer operations, as well. This lends itself to the FFF formula - not tinkering too much with the skill-list.


*Greenhorn/Fell Off the Turnip Truck(Minor) -
You may have come in fresh from some frozen border moon or out of a fancy Medacad. Either way, you aren’t quite up to the fast pace of life in the Black.

A tinhorn is never deal a card during the first round of combat (he’s always surprised) and takes a -2 penalty to Persuasion and Intimidation checks. He’s also usually saddled with the unpleasant duties, like peeling potatoes, doing dishes, or other scutwork.

The good news is that you may eventually learn to live in the Black, which is why this is only a Minor Hindrance. When levelling, the tinhorn gets a Smarts test at -2. If he succeeds, he can eliminate one set of penalties. Note that not every rookie or fresh faced kid has this Hindrance, just the ones that take a bit longer to adjust to life on the Frontier.

*Browncoat(Minor) - You fought in the war on the losing side. You're still not convinced it was the wrong one. You still hold that system independence is a good idea, and that governments just serve to get in a body's way.

Unfortunately, some folks on your side of the fence haven't stopped fighting their wars. They've just taken it underground.

-1 Charisma when dealing with Alliance officials or citizens if your background is known. On the plus side, you get a +1 Charisma when dealing with your fellow Browncoats.

[Ed. Note: I find these versions of Browncoat and Tinhorn signifigant improvements over the original treatment]


* "MacGuyver" becomes "Mechanical Genius" (This is what the edge was referred to as in NE, and it fits the FF Verse - thinking about Mal's comment about Bester in OoG)

*Street Smarts (Seasoned, Streetwise d8) - You've got some connections, and you know how to make deals. Street Smart characters get +2 to all Streetwise rolls. In addition, when attempting to locate items under less than legitimate circumstances, they can usually do it at 25% off the going rate.

*Cortex Slicer (Seasoned, Repair d8, Smarts d8) -

The character adds +2 to Repair rolls when it involves the operation and care of all electronic or Cortex-based equipment. Building sourceboxes, breaking into hospital databases, manipulating information, tracing data-stream, hacking security systems - it's all child's play to you. Additionally, you add +2 to Common Knowledge rolls when attempting to answer questions related to electronics or basic computer operations.

*Brawler(Novice, Fighting d8) - The character has been in more than her fair share of fistfights, or has training in martial arts. Damage from unarmed attacks is STR+1. Grappling rolls are at +2.

Pugilist (Seasoned, Brawler) - Increases damage to STR+2. Additionally, the character is not considered unarmed in melee combat.

* Other edges used: Dirty Fighter, Really Dirty Fighter, Close Fighting, Improved Close Fighting, Brave, Alliance Connections. I'd also consider throwing in some of the Edges and Hindrances from the Deadlands conversion done by GWG.

For Companion Training, you may want to use Jack Of All Trades, perhaps dropping the die requirements to (Smarts d8, Attractive or Charismatic), if only to allow Companions to be very well educated.

Beyond that, there seems to be no reason for a Shepherd edge, much less a Bounty Hunter edge (which could be represented by Investigator, or some-such.)


Some preliminary notes - first off, Jayne's LeMat is listed under the Deadlands conversion notes

Lemat Grapeshot Pistol (.40) 9 1 2d6 12/24/48 AP 1 Revolver
& Shotgun (16-ga) 1 1 1-3d6 5/10/20 —

Now, onto the juicy bits.

If you've decided that the 'electro' component of FF guns makes them a bit more powerful (you could posit either an electronic firing mechanism or an accelerator), I'd up the AP of the weapon by 1.

Alliance Stunner - a non-lethal weapon, using the shotgun damage progression (5/10/20, 1-3d6), energy for 8 shots.

Tangler - Another non-lethal Alliance device, it's basically an area attack using a small template. Shaken on 'damage' indicates partial restrainment (-2 to Pace and Str/Agil skills), A 'wound' restrains the target fully. He cannot move or use any skills linked to Agility or Strength. No actual damage is done.

Each following round, an entangled target may make a Strength or Agility roll to break free. Other characters may also attempt to free the ensnared person by making a Strength roll at -2.


That's just some notes off the top of my head. I'll post some of the ship-based notes in future.



The devil's in the details. Well, all around the details, too.


Monday, May 16, 2005 1:49 AM


Savage Worlds is a good, fun system and could probably make for some great gaming in the 'Verse. (I also played the more complicated Deadlands and had a great time doing it.)

...but I hope that you'll give the Serenity Roleplaying Game a try when it becomes available. We've been working hard with a huge team of developers and playtesters to make it a great experience for fans old and new. Quickstart Rules will be coming soon, so you can "fly before you buy."

Happy Monday!

** Jamie


Monday, May 16, 2005 8:10 AM


Y'know, I KNEW I forgot to add something to that post...

Mr. Chambers, I'm waiting eagerly to see what you're doing with the Serenity RPG. I'm confident that it'll be impressive. But until I get my hands on it, I'll make do as best I can.

And I'll also add this: even if I prefer the Savage Worlds system, the Serenity RPG is shaping up to be an invaluable resource all around, and indispensible to anyone looking to adventure in the 'Verse, no matter what system they use.



Wednesday, May 18, 2005 5:13 AM


JamieChambers can you give us any sneak peaks or give us more info on the game. Maybe player sheets or chapter titles.






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