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"How The Grinch Stole Christmas" is property of that Dr. Suess guy. I'm just borrowing the style. I'm not profiting, so please don't sue me...I don't have any money left, anyway.
All the Browncoats wanted Flanvention a lot. But Booster Events’ Grinch, so it seemed, did not.
He cancelled Flanvention After planning all season! Please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his head wasn’t screwed on quite right. The reason he gave was: “Finances are tight.” I think the most likely reason of all Is he spent Browncoat bucks on other cons ‘twere too small.
But, whatever the reason, Whatever the cause One week before Flan he gave the Browncoats pause. He put up a notice: “We might have to cancel. “We ran into some problems that we just can’t handle.”
Then he came back again, saying: “Things are okay. “We’ll go on as planned – see you all on Friday! “We don’t really know how to explain it to you. “But we promise we will when Flanvention is through.”
Cali Browncoats planned a big backup bash. But when Flan seemed a go, They gave those plans a pass.
Then the BE Grinch Two days before Flan Said, once again, it might go in the can.
The Browncoats were once again in an uproar. Then the BE Grinch said: “Just a hiccup, no more. “Everyone...things will go on as planned. “You all just relax and we’ll see you at Flan!”
Then...BE Grinch got an idea! An awful idea! BE Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea!
“I know just what to do!” the Grinch laughed in his throat. “I’ll pull a fast one on all those Browncoats! “Let them all get to Burbank, then I’ll put up a note! “’Flanvention is cancelled’ is all ‘twill be wrote. “They’ll find themselves all in a derelict boat!”
“I’ll take all their photo ops, autographs, passes. “I’ll drop all those Browncoats right flat on their asses! “I’ll take away parties and panels and games, “And their Big Damn Heroes...all the big names!”
“And what of their money? “Into the black! “They’ll be lucky if even a penny comes back!”
The day before Flan Still nothing was said. The Browncoats were packed, Out their doors they did head. With their trinkets and treasures and tickets and passes. Their costumes and T-shirts and cocktail dresses.
Later that day, BE Grinch confided: Flanvention was cancelled, he’d fin’lly decided. “Too bad for those Browncoats!” the Grinch was a’humming. “They’re just finding out no Flanvention is coming! “They’re getting there now – I know just what they’ll do! “Their mouths will hang open a minute or two “Then the Browncoats in Burbank will all cry Boo Hoo!”
“That’s a sound,” grinned the Grinch, “That I simply must hear!” So he paused and put a hand up to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising o’er the snow. It started out low, then it started to grow... But the sound wasn’t sad! Why, this sound sounded merry! It couldn’t be so...but it WAS merry! VERY!
And the BE Grinch, at home cold in the snow Was extremely puzzled. “How could it be so??” “It went on without us, without our connections. “Without dinners or photos or autograph sessions!” And he puzzled for hours, ‘til his puzzler was sore. Then he realized something he hadn’t before: “Perhaps a great bash doesn’t come from our store. “Maybe being a Browncoat means something more!”
And what happened then...? Burbank, they say, Was the best Big Damn Bash there’s been to this day! The Browncoats’ hearts were all very light. They rejoiced through the black And into the light.
The Grinch thought he’d taken them all for a ride. But Big Damn Heroes closed in on all sides! “I’ll be in my bunk!” cried the Grinch...and he ran! As California Browncoats once again planned. The Cali ‘Coats said: “Let that Grinch go and hide! “His cowardice we simply cannot abide!”
And when Browncoats from all over the ‘Verse Saw what was happ’ning, They opened their purse. And donated money to make the bash run. To make sure their stranded comrades had fun.
And when it was over, The bash that they’d run, They said to each other: “Why, look what we’ve done! “The impossible, we’ve done...and it was so fun!”
And throughout all the ‘Verse From the ashes of Flan The Browncoats realized...
They had risen again!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:41 PM
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Friday, December 15, 2006 8:02 PM
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Monday, December 18, 2006 1:22 PM
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