Entries are sorted in chronological order with most recent entries at the bottom of the page.


Browncoats compared to other fans...
Sunday, January 1, 2006 1:04:33 PM

I've been a part of many fandoms in my life and each has their own...'quirks'... Anime fans range as much as the title does. Sometimes they're sensible, sometimes they're a little crazy, and sometimes...they're ...


English teachers love Serenity...sorta...
Monday, January 2, 2006 3:54:37 PM

A while back in my Brit Lit class(yes, I'm still in high school. Hard to tell by my last blog...), we were talking about 'Rime of the Old Mariner' and I was immediately reminded of Mal's line about the ...


Nature vs Nurture in the case of reavers and why I became a browncoat instead of a trekkie.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006 4:32:45 PM

Today in my government class, we watched an episode of the original Star Trek to see how it dealt with civil rights in the 60s. I could see the meaning but I couldn't help but be reminded why I didn't ...