Entries are sorted in chronological order with most recent entries at the bottom of the page.


Why Firefly?
Sunday, November 5, 2006 10:59:28 AM

I am amazed that I am sitting here at my computer on a Sunday afternoon writing about a TV series and subsequent movie. I have one TV, no cable and spend more time reading and listening to must (when ...


Strengthening the Signal to get Firefly back
Sunday, November 5, 2006 7:57:38 PM

I'm thinking about ways to strenghten the signal - to push the power to increase the ability to get Firefly back on. I wonder if we have any mystics, psychics, shamans, witches, and other types of energy ...


Questioning myself and the system
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:56:55 AM

It's election day and there was a much bigger turnout where I vote than I've ever seen. Most times I just walk in and vote. There was an option of either using touch screens or voting by ballot. I selected ...


Into the Darkness
Saturday, November 11, 2006 11:44:08 AM

It's getting colder in my part of the world. Cold, dark and wet as it's been raining a lot - warm one day, cold the next. Not too cold yet. Down in the 30's maybe tonight. I like this time of year. ...