The Four Elements: Chapter 7
Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Simon finally gets a chance to talk to Kaylee.


Chapter 7: Fiery Passion

Kaylee smiled with joy as he reached out, cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. It was just like she’d always imagined it, only better. His lips pressed against hers with enormous passion, his hands moved down to her waist and she ran her fingers through his hair. It was amazing. His hands caressed her every curve, fingers tips lingering just long enough to leave her desperate for more. He finally broke the kiss and looked deep into her eyes.

“Kaylee…” He breathed, his voice gruff and deeper than usual.

That’s odd thought Kaylee he almost sounds like…

“Kaylee!” Barked Mal’s voice over the intercom, waking her from her reverie “Get down to the gorram engine room, I need you!”

She grounded and dragged herself up off the bed. Why could he never interrupt her when she was dreaming about boring stuff, like getting grease out of her overalls or sorting out the garbage? Slowly she climbed the ladder out of her bunk and half-sleep walked her way to the engine room. Mal was standing in the door way, arms folded, stern look on his face.

“Kaylee, would you mind telling me what in the hell’s going on?”

“I really don’t know what you mean Cap’n” Said Kaylee, still groggy.

Mal scowled and pointed inside the engine room. Kaylee followed his gaze and gasped as she saw what he was pointing at. That entire engine room was full of smoke and there were sparks coming off the engine very alarmingly. She rolled up her sleeves and ran to tend to her precious Serenity, while Mal stalked off, muttering something in Chinese about “Women” and “negligence”.

After about an hour of slogging away, Kaylee finally managed to get the engine to stop sparking. She mentally kicked herself for letting things get so out of hand but at the same time she knew that if Mal wouldn’t be so stingy when it came to buying new parts then things like this would become a rarity. Exhausted, she lay down in her hammock with some paper with the intention of writing a list of all the things the engine needed when suddenly she heard a small cough behind her. She swivelled her head round and saw Simon standing in the doorway looking kind of sheepish.

“I know you hate being interrupted while you’re working” He said, giving her an apologetic smile that made her stomach do somersaults “But I didn’t want to wait until Dinner to talk to you”

“S’ok” Replied Kaylee, sitting up

“So, you’re not mad at me, like last time” He asked hopefully

“Simon, there was no last time! I didn’t even realise you were there and I was just…talking to myself”

“Yeah, I kind of figured that out” He said, looking down at his shoes. God, he hated himself sometimes “That’s why I came to apologize”

“Apology accepted” Said Kaylee as she stood up “Especially seeing as it was mostly my fault”

“No it wasn’t! If I hadn’t jumped to conclusions you wouldn’t have-“

“Shh, it doesn’t matter now.”

“You’re right. I just wanted to make sure I was forgiven. It seems I’m always messing things up”

“Yeah, you are “Admitted Kaylee” But it’s kinda cute”

Simon blushed. He knew that Kaylee liked him but he never knew how to react when she complimented him. Part of him wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her but the old fashioned part of him knew that it was inappropriate. But Kaylee had made it clear that formalities didn’t bother her…

“Thank you, Kaylee” He said, out of ideas

Her smile wavered a bit. It was obvious that she had expected a better response. Way to go, Simon he thought to himself very smooth

“Well, if that’s all then I actually do have to get back to work” Said Kaylee, the disappointment evident in her voice

It’s now or never…

“Kaylee wait!”

Simon grabbed her arm to stop her getting back under the engine. She looked surprised but she put down her tools and gave him her full attention. She’s been waiting for what she hoped this was going to be for ages and she wasn’t about to give Simon the impression that she wasn’t interested.

“Listen, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now” Began Simon, his throat dry with nerves. The truth was, he hadn’t been thinking about this for a while, he’d only just decided to say this, but he didn’t think that admitting that would have been a very good start “We’ve been getting to know each other well for a long time now and I would like to think we have become quite close. Would you agree?”

“Yes” Said Kaylee, her voice thick

“Well, it has come to my attention that we could be…closer, and that is something I would like very much”

Kaylee took a small step closer to him, her heart pounding. Simon took a deep breath and did the same. This is it he thought don’t be a coward. He reached out and took Kaylee’s hand in his and she smiled her trademark smile that she used only for him.

“Kaylee! Simon!” Called Wash “The food’s ready!”

Why do people keep interrupting?! thought Kaylee angrily. She took a step towards the doorway but Simon stopped her.

“No, Kaylee, please!” He said, sounding more desperate than he had intended. “It’s taken me so long to work up the courage to say this. Please, just stay for a minute”

He reached up a hand a brushed some hair out of her face. He had said it. He had finally said it. Kaylee smiled at him and tilted her head back. Gently he cupped her cheeks in his hands and brought her face up to his, pressing his lips against hers in tender kiss. They stood there like that for a few minutes lost in each other’s embrace. The rest of the world seemed to melt away,

“What the hell is keeping you two?! I hope you know that…whoah!” Wash stopped in his tracks as he was struck by the sight of the Doctor and the young Mechanic lip-locked in the engine room. They sprang apart guiltily the moment they saw him, neither sure what to say or do.

“Well about damn time!” Said Wash, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “Now, if you’re done with your little romantic encounter the rest of us would be very pleased if you’d grace us with your presence so we can eat!”

Kaylee giggle as she and Simon walked hand in hand towards the kitchen. That wasn’t exactly how she had wanted her little moment with Simon to end but all that mattered right now was that Simon had kissed her. He had kissed her and everything was going to be alright.

Lola watched the new couple from the shadows, scowling darkly. Looks like I’ll have so speed up my plan she thought to herself.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:14 AM


Yeah, it's been a while but writers block and exams are a bad combination.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:10 AM


Needs a bit of punctuation help. Do you have a beta?

Otherwise, I'm sure my joy will echo others in the S/K pack - it's about damn time he kissed her!

:), wonder just what her plan could possibly be. . .?

Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:11 PM


Well now...been a while since you have graced us with your writing, moogelyb;)

Still...great to see Simon actually being proactive and telling Kaylee what he feels and kissing her;)



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The Four Elements: Chapter 9
Lola’s plan is set in motion and Mal tries to cope with Inara’s impending departure

Simon and Kaylee reminisce about that night on Persephone.

The Four Elements: Chapter 8
Lola and Inara get acquainted. Simon makes a tough decision.

The Four Elements: Chapter 7
Simon finally gets a chance to talk to Kaylee.

The Four Elements: Chapter 6
Lola introduces herself and Inara comforts Mal.

The Four Elements: Chapter 5
Mal takes on unusual Cargo and Inara employs the help of an old friend to heal Kaylee’s heart.

The Four Elements: Chapter 4
River tries to get Simon to make up with Kaylee.

The Four Elements: Chapter 3
Kaylee blinds herself to the truth and Mal plots a course for Persephone.

The Four Elements: Chapter 2
The debris of the events at the Heart of Gold proves too much for River and Simon and Kaylee have a misunderstanding that leads to even more tension.

The Four Elements: Chapter 1
The debris of the events at the Heart of Gold proves too much for River and Simon and Kaylee have a misunderstanding that leads to even more tension.