Family--Part 2, Chapter 5/9
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? "Simon gives Mal the news"


DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, never will--just having fun playing.

A/N: You should really read the first part of this story, if you haven't already. All chapters are interlinked. Chapter 1 Adult Only!, or an alternate beginning at Chapter 2 PG13

Part 2, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4

As always, thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this for me! Thanks to rhian_morwenna for making sure I got the medical stuff right! And thanks to woodsong_1978 for the final polishing! *g*

Feedback is my drug of choice. Feed my habit?

Chapter 5 Simon gives Mal the news

Simon woke to the feel of Mal's hand combing through his hair. He sat up slowly, stretching muscles that had lain too long in unfamiliar positions, and smiled at Mal. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Hey, yourself," Mal tried to smile back, but it was more of a grimace than anything else. "Considerin' I've been shot, doped, and operated on, guess I'm not feelin' too bad--not shiny, but not bad. Think I could get a drink? Feels like a desert took up residence in m'throat."

Simon jumped up to get Mal a glass of water, helping him to take a drink. "Sorry, love. I shouldn't have fallen asleep like that. You should have had something to drink earlier."

Mal took Simon's hand and brushed a kiss across the knuckles. "Hush, now. It's fine. I'm sorry you were so worried on my account that you couldn't even sleep on the couch out there. You wanna tell me why you're not yellin' at me 'bout gettin' injured, like you usually do?"

Simon gave a choked laugh as he said, "Would it do me any good?"

"No more'n it has in the past."

"That's what I figured, so I thought I'd save myself the trouble." Simon winked as he smiled at Mal.

"Probably for the best. What's done is done, no changin' it." Mal reached up and brought Simon down for a kiss. "So, how long you gonna make me stay here?"

"Well, your leg's not going to be in any shape for walking for quite a while. Don't try to argue with me, I've been shot in the thigh, remember? I know what it feels like. So, no climbing up and down the ladder to our bunk for at least a week." Mal started to grumble, but Simon stopped him by putting his fingers on Mal's mouth. "That doesn't mean you have to stay in here for a week. I'll fix up my old room for us. That should do fine for as long as you'll need to be able to walk comfortably. Your arm should be fine as well. Try not to move it too much for a couple of days. I don't think there was any nerve damage, so don't try to cause any by moving it too much too soon. Use it more than I'd like, and I will put it in a sling, dŏng ma?" Simon was in full doctor mode by the end of this speech.

"And, just how'm I supposed to captain this boat while I'm confined?" Mal protested.

"I didn't say anything about being confined. Although I would like you to rest tonight and tomorrow. After that, you can do captainy things. In the meantime, Zoë's quite capable of handling ship's business. Let her. Now, I'm going to go make up our room. Why don't you rest until I get back?" Simon caressed Mal's cheek, and leaned down to give him a kiss.

With nothing better to do, Mal lay contemplating his day. He tried wiggling both his arm and leg. Both caused some pain, so he figured he'd better follow Simon's advice. Of course, he'd complain as much as he thought he could get away with over the next few days, but Simon was used to that. It'd be fun to see if he could rile him up some. Flustered Simon was too gorram cute for his own good.

Mal thought back to just before the job went south. Why is it that buyers so often think they can get away without payin' for the job? I look like some kind of pushover? You'd think after all this time the word would be out that I do the job, I get paid. He snorted quietly. Don't remember much after bein' shot 'til I woke up after surgery. Simon'd been talking then. Said something I was gonna ask him about. What was it? Can't remember. He'd gone back to sleep, only to wake up to find Simon's head lying on his stomach. How long does it take to make up a room? What was that Simon said earlier? Wish I could remember…

Simon came back into the infirmary and asked, "Are you ready to move to a more comfortable bed?"

"'Bout gorram time," Mal grumbled. "Thought maybe you forgot about me."

"Never, love. Now sit up carefully. Here, let me help you." Between the two of them they got Mal upright on the side of the infirmary bed. "Take some deep breaths. Okay? Do you want some pain medication?"

"Nah, I'm fine. Let's just get this over and done with."

"All right. Lean on me. That's it. You're doing fine." It took some time, and maneuvering, but they finally got Mal settled in the bed in Simon's old room. "I'll be right back, love. I'm going to get my bag. You really need a painkiller. You won't be able to rest tonight without it."

"I said, I'm fine. Don't need any more drugs."

"Humor me," Simon said as he walked out the door.

Mal was more exhausted than he cared to admit, but he hated to take any more drugs. Hate that fuzzy feelin'. Make it so's I can't remember things. Like what Simon said earlier. What was it he said? He'd sounded so worried. Oh yeah! That was it.

As Simon walked back into the room, Mal asked, "What did you mean earlier when you said 'especially now'?"

Simon hesitated a moment in the doorway, but then continued on into the room. Ignoring Mal's question for the time being, he pulled a container of pain relief pills from his medbag, shook two into his hand, and got a glass of water. Turning to Mal he said, "Take these. You won't get fuzzy. They'll relieve the pain so you can sleep."

"Don't need…"

"Please, Mal."

"Oh, all right," Mal gave in gracelessly. "Never can turn you down when you say please," he grumbled.

Don't I know it. Simon smirked to himself as he started undressing for bed.

"You haven't answered my question."

"I know. I didn't realize you heard me earlier. Did you hear anything else?"

"Heard your voice as I woke up, but didn't hear any words 'til you said 'especially now.' Was gonna ask you earlier what you meant, but just remembered again. So? What'd you mean?"

Simon eased carefully under the covers next to Mal. Lying on his side, propped up on his elbow so he could look at Mal's face, he said, "I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you, but, well… River's pregnant."

Chapters 6 & 7


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:38 PM


Too gorram short! Just as you get into your stride the chapter ends, hope the chapter is longer. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:52 PM


I'm such a tease! *g* Actually, the next two are even shorter. So I'll post them either together or at the same time.

Glad you're sticking with me, Ali!

"I love my captain."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:00 PM


Wow, that last sentence made me stop breathing for a moment.


I love this so much, I definitely can't wait to read more!

Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:13 AM



Breathe! Please! *g* So glad you're enjoying this! More soon, I promise.

"I love my captain."

Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:16 PM


Lovin' it...just lovin' it, Lvs2read;)


Friday, May 19, 2006 2:47 AM



Good to hear! *g* Thanks!

"I love my captain."


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The Watcher
Jayne watches the crew and thinks about things. Spoilers for Ariel and Jaynestown. Plus, there's a tiny bit of unrequited Jayne/Kaylee. PG-13

Birthday Ruminations
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Family--Part 3, Moments in a Life
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Family--Part 2, Chapter 9/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
The big day.

Family--Part 2, Chapter 8/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
Nine months in the life.

Family--Part 2, Chapters 6 & 7/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
Mal's Reaction & River gives Kaylee the news

Family--Part 2, Chapter 5/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
"Simon gives Mal the news"

Family--Part 2, Chapter 4/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
"Why can't things ever go smooth?"

Family--Part 2, Chapter 3/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? "Some things just take time"

Family--Part 2, Chapter 2/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? Conversation in the infirmary