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This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? "Some things just take time"
DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, never will--just having fun playing.
A/N: You should really read the first part of this story, if you haven't already. All chapters are interlinked. Chapter 1 Adult Only!, or an alternate beginning at Chapter 2 PG13
Part 2, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
As always, thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this for me! Thanks to rhian_morwenna for making sure I got the medical stuff right! And thanks to woodsong_1978 for the final polishing! *g*
Feedback is my drug of choice. Feed my habit?
Chapter 3 Some things just take time
Life continued in its normal pattern aboard Serenity after the conversation in the infirmary. The shipment was delivered to Beaumonde with relatively few problems. New jobs were found, deliveries were made, injuries were taken care of. There was food and fuel, and they were still flying. Life was good.
Without involving anyone else on the crew, Kaylee, River, Mal and Simon talked frequently about the wisdom of the step they were contemplating. River remained adamant about becoming a surrogate mother for Mal and Simon, never wavering in her commitment to the idea.
She tracked her cycles closely, happy that she had a cycle to track. She had stopped having her menses during her time at The Academy, and had only started up again about eight years ago. At first, there had been no rhythm to her cycles, but as the years had gone by, and the drug therapy had ceased, her body had settled into the rhythm nature had intended. Now she knew, almost to the minute, when she was due. This helped Simon immensely in determining when she was likely to be fertile.
She had undergone the procedure several times now, with no success. The first time had been the most difficult, not medically, but emotionally. The four of them had had such high hopes, but then her menses had come. Kaylee and Simon had taken it in stride, but Mal had been very disappointed. She had tried to reassure him that the time wasn't right yet, but he hadn't wanted to listen. Nor had he wanted to listen any time after that. She knew he thought this wasn't going to work, but she also knew he was wrong.
She had undergone the procedure again yesterday, and this time she was sure it had worked. Mal wouldn't take her word for it, though. So, while he, Zoë, and Jayne were out on the latest job, she went to the infirmary to talk to Simon.
"The timing was right," she told him as she walked in the door.
"I'm sorry, mèi mèi," Simon looked up from the medical journal he was reading. "What did you say?"
"Procedure worked. Test for success."
Simon tried not to get too excited, not wanting to get his hopes up for no reason. "How can you be sure, mèi mèi?"
"Just am. No one else will be. Take test."
"Okay," Simon said as he found a specimen cup and handed it to River. "I need a urine sample."
"Be right back."
Simon puttered around the infirmary as he waited for River to return, putting his medical journal away, preparing the equipment for the test, pacing the floor when there was nothing left to do, trying not to be too optimistic. Finally, River returned and he started running the test.
River sat quietly and waited. She already knew the results, so wasn't the least nervous. She tried to get Simon to sit next to her, but he didn't seem able to sit still. He'd sit for a bit, then pop up to check the equipment, then pace some more before sitting down again. It was really very tiring to watch, so when he sat down again, she did the only thing she knew to get him to stay--she crawled onto his lap. "Stop, Simon. Making me tired. Be patient."
"Sorry, mèi mèi, I can't seem to help it. I didn't think I'd be this nervous," he said with a smile as he hugged her close. He couldn't remember the last time he'd held her like this. "Have I told you lately how much I love you, xiăo mèi mèi?" he whispered.
"Not out loud. But I know," River said as she lay her hand on his heart. "Love you, too, gē ge." They sat quietly, communing as only they could, until the equipment beeped, signaling that the testing was finished.
"So, I'm going to go over there and read that you're pregnant, hmm?" Simon asked. River nodded her head where it lay on his shoulder, and he asked, "Are you ready for all the over-protectiveness that's bound to come your way over the next nine months?"
"You're not over-protective. At least, not anymore." She stuck her tongue out at him.
He returned the gesture as he replied, "I was thinking more about Mal, and maybe even Kaylee."
"Oh. Kaylee'll be fine. You'll handle Mal. Somehow." With that River jumped up from his lap, pulling him up with her, and hauled him over to the equipment. "See. Procedure worked."
"Yes, it did, mèi mèi. Thank you." Simon's eyes were suspiciously bright as he hugged his little sister.
Chapter 4
Monday, April 24, 2006 9:27 AM
Monday, April 24, 2006 9:44 AM
Monday, April 24, 2006 4:24 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006 4:35 PM
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