Thursday, July 13, 2006

This is part two of my former one shot. Please review. I feed off of it.


I see them watching me. Like they're concerned. Like they know how I feel. They don't. Not even the captain. I see the looks Jayne gives me. Willing me with his eyes to be my old self again. That person no longer exists.

I'm half a person without Wash. I wish Mal had possessed the understanding to let me die beside my husband. I wish Jayne would have just shot me when the reavers stormed our position instead of dragging me back behind the line.

Through some sick rutting twist of fate, I was left to live while my love went on to god knows where. I've been considering taking the right action myself. But I know how Wash would feel about that, and so I refuse to do it.

So, because the 'verse doesn't posses the virtue of mercy, I'm stuck walking around a world I no longer belong in.

I do my job, and I always will. But the day I die is the day I'll feel whole again.


I'm beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, there might be a way to save Zoƫ. I'm not completely sure yet. But It's a feeling I have.

IF the right man steps up to the task, she'll become more of herself again. He thinks about her every second of every day. About how he could possibly heal her. No one believe his intentions are honorable. But most people don't know who he really is. I do, and I know the moment approaches where he'll no longer be able to take seeing her the way she is.

To make her see that there's a reason to live, he'll do anything. And the time is coming where he'll have to prove that to her.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:20 PM


oh nice. I want more.

please read some of my olders stuff. It hearks to this well. One called 'memories' and my two latest. :)

Keep writing.

Friday, July 14, 2006 12:15 AM


I'm not sure who that second voice is, at first I thought it was Mal thinking about Jayne stepping up to the plate to do the one thing that could bring Zoe back from that dark deep pit of dispair. Now I'm not so sure. Intrigued to see where you take this, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, July 14, 2006 5:12 AM


lol. I know it's a bit elusive, but if you read it, it kind of goes back to fallen from olympus and jayne's thoughts. it's jayne


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The Easy Way Out
this is a bit of a spin off of a fic I helped write in a live journal roundrobin firefly community. not sure where i'm going with it. hasn't been beta'd. matter of fact, i'm writing this right now in the box. not sure whether to go with zoe or river.

Part 1 in my 7 prompt series- death: Inara
In my lj journal, i've been talking about a prompt series, couldn't think of much, but been ina certain mood lately, so death caught me. So this is the first, Inara.
Warning: character death. Insinuation of sex crimes.

Take a Deep Breath
little ficlit I just wrote. I had that kind of I have to write this know feeling, and so out it poured. Hope ya like it.

two first bits are POV of each, then third person account.

one sided River/Kaylee fic. I'm a bit obsessed with this particular idea right now, so there may be a few more with this same idea to it.

p.s. i'm a terrible fan. after watching god knows how much firefly, i can't find her eye color.

Anything For
This is a fic based time wise in that last bit of War Stories, and River's thinking at the time.

one shot, very short. one sided River/Kaylee

The final chapter of my former zoe/jayne series.
Zoe/Jayne dialoge, and then River thought process

p.s. feeeedddddbaccckkkk

The Pace of a Beating Heart
A Rayne fic, it's a prequel chapter to the fic I wrote called Shiver.

I'm beginning to notice I feed off of feedback, something i didn't know, but leave a comment if you can.

Tyen Shiao Duh
I don't like this one as much as the other's. A bit of a narrative, which isn't bad, but doesn't nessesarily fit with this story. It's what poured out.

The next one may not be thought but more dialogue. Zoe/Jayne conversation. We'll see how this goes. Not promising a happy ending. Not promising there won't be either.

Story about Book and Wash after dying. where they are, what they're doing, and how the crew's handling it.

river and jayne again