Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The final chapter of my former zoe/jayne series. Zoe/Jayne dialoge, and then River thought process p.s. feeeedddddbaccckkkk


"How are you?"

Jayne tried to keep his eyes from contacting her's dead on, knowing how that affected him. "I'm fine. Doc fixed me up a few hours ago."

She nodded, blank-faced. "That's good. Glad to know you're back on your feet."

Jayne smiled weakly. "Yea. Don't much like bein' all weak, helpless, and the like."

Zoë finally caught his gaze. "You were nothin' of the sort. Did a good thing back there Jayne. Not a smart thing, but a good thing."

"Was just trying to keep ...keep the crew safe. No tellin what that sonufabitch woulda done to 'em. Seen the way he looked at ya womenfolk. Couldn't let 'em get the chance ta hurt ya."

Zoë looked away, knowing he was no longer talking about the crew, but about one member in particular. She looked back. “Thank you.”

He responded with a wordless nod. He was beginning to worry that they’d trade the same evasive banter for the next few minutes, and then she’d leave.


She looked back again. “Jayne?”

“We gotta talk.”

“No. We don’t.” She turned, ready to leave him there, having said everything she was comfortable with at the moment.

“Yea, we do. Few weeks ago, man shot at ya, I saw ya hesitate to take cover. I damn near had a heart attach. I know how-”

“BEE-jway Jayne! You don’t know a damn thing! I’m sick of you, you and this whole damned crew, lookin at me like you wish I’d just be me again. Like you know exactly how I feel. You don’t, and neither do they.”

“We on this ship done all lost somethin’ important to us sometime in our life. But we all here together, and when somethin happens, we gotta remember that.”

“Don’t go se with me, Jayne. I’m alone without him, and you all know it as well as I do.”

“You’re alone by choice, Zoë. Ya ain’t gotta be.” He stared at her, features hardened with uncharacteristic anger.

Ignoring the pain that still claimed most of his body, he climbed of the infirmary bed and stood in front of her.

“I ain’t askin for you to be the same person you were, Zoë. I just want for me to be able to trust that ya’ll come back from every job you’re meant to. I don’t wanna to have to see you dead because I wasn’t watching ya close ‘nough.” He spoke in earnest, and his eyes told her this.

She thought of what Wash would think if he knew she’d stepped in the path of a bullet, or didn’t step out of the path of one.

“I don’t plan on killin’ myself, Jayne, if that’s where you’re headed with this conversation.”

“Well good. I was just...”

Zoe looked him in the eye. “Worried...”

He caught her meaning and smiled. “Yea.”




It’s started. It wont be long before...

I am happy for him. He’s wanted this for quite awhile. And Zoë needs someone to help her, he’s the perfect person for the job.

I wonder if...if things had been different, and Wash was still here, if I could have had him.

I’ll help things along best I can.

It’s quite surprising what a human being will sacrifice for someone they love.

Maybe. One day.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:27 PM


Oh...oh no you didn't! You actually went and had River give Jayne to Zoe?!? that's some Joss-quality plot twisting you got going here, PriceMerc:D

Definitely loved what you've been doing here;)


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:04 PM


I DON'T like Zoe/Jayne, but I can see it, and you've made it real here; and my heart broke for River. "I wonder if I could have had him" . . . this is a good little series.


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The Easy Way Out
this is a bit of a spin off of a fic I helped write in a live journal roundrobin firefly community. not sure where i'm going with it. hasn't been beta'd. matter of fact, i'm writing this right now in the box. not sure whether to go with zoe or river.

Part 1 in my 7 prompt series- death: Inara
In my lj journal, i've been talking about a prompt series, couldn't think of much, but been ina certain mood lately, so death caught me. So this is the first, Inara.
Warning: character death. Insinuation of sex crimes.

Take a Deep Breath
little ficlit I just wrote. I had that kind of I have to write this know feeling, and so out it poured. Hope ya like it.

two first bits are POV of each, then third person account.

one sided River/Kaylee fic. I'm a bit obsessed with this particular idea right now, so there may be a few more with this same idea to it.

p.s. i'm a terrible fan. after watching god knows how much firefly, i can't find her eye color.

Anything For
This is a fic based time wise in that last bit of War Stories, and River's thinking at the time.

one shot, very short. one sided River/Kaylee

The final chapter of my former zoe/jayne series.
Zoe/Jayne dialoge, and then River thought process

p.s. feeeedddddbaccckkkk

The Pace of a Beating Heart
A Rayne fic, it's a prequel chapter to the fic I wrote called Shiver.

I'm beginning to notice I feed off of feedback, something i didn't know, but leave a comment if you can.

Tyen Shiao Duh
I don't like this one as much as the other's. A bit of a narrative, which isn't bad, but doesn't nessesarily fit with this story. It's what poured out.

The next one may not be thought but more dialogue. Zoe/Jayne conversation. We'll see how this goes. Not promising a happy ending. Not promising there won't be either.

Story about Book and Wash after dying. where they are, what they're doing, and how the crew's handling it.

river and jayne again