Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 1
Saturday, July 15, 2006

A continuation of the Motivation Series. After Miranda, the warrants for Simon and River were revoked, and the crew thought they were safe. Turns out? Not so much! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. Yes, that's right, porn WITH plot...or is it plot with, just read it!


"Denis, time for bed." The little boy pouted at his mother's words. "Not sleepy, Mama." "Yes, you are." Penny chided affectionately, shifting the weight of the baby on her hip. "Just till Papa get home?" Denis pleaded. "Not tonight, petit prince. Papa might be home late." Penny managed to keep the bitterness out of her voice. Denis continued pouting, but allowed his mother to lead him to his bedroom, and changed into his pajamas before kneeling down beside his bed to say his prayers.

Penny just focused on her ten-month-old daughter, Coralie. Prayers sounded empty and hollow to her. She kissed the baby on her forehead and lay her in her crib, then turned back to her son, smiling when she saw he was already in bed, and his little eyes were already closing. She gently stroked his dark hair and leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek. In her own room, she undressed quickly and pulled a thin cotton slip over her head. She slid between the covers on the double bed, knowing that she would probably be the only one sleeping in it once again. _________________________ "Bouchard." The tall, dark-suited man said to his accomplice, reading the sign on the fence post. "This is the place." The two men moved like ghosts into the small house, through the kitchen, down the hall, into the bedroom. The sleeping woman in the bed didn't even stir as they approached her. "She looks harmless." The first man observed as he reached into his pocket. They both knew the young woman was anything but harmless. "It's almost a shame." The second man said, almost to himself. "She's really quite lovely."

The first man withdrew his blue-gloved hand from his pocket, clutching a thin, cylindrical object. With one press of a button, it began to emit a blue glow and a low, eerie humming sound. _________________________ The pain was sharp enough to jolt her out of a deep sleep. It started in her head, hot and piercing. It spread over her limbs, an unbearable prickling sensation. What was happening to her? What was that sound? It was too late to scream. Penny screamed anyway. ________________________ "Good morning." Kaylee yawned, giggling as Simon tightened his arm around her waist and pulled her back firmly against the front of his body. She could feel his lips on her shoulder blade and his erection pressing against the small of her back. Simon kissed his way up the back of her neck. "Good morning, ai ren." He grinned when she grabbed his hand and guided it under the blankets, between her thighs. Taking the hint, he slipped his fingers between her damp folds, stroking gently at first, then slipping a finger inside her, lightly pressing his thumb against her clit. Kaylee moaned, squeezing her thighs together to keep his hand where it was. She rocked her hips, grinding her backside against his swelling cock, and smirked when he groaned and pushed another finger into her. "God, Kaylee." Simon moaned as her muscles tightened around his fingers. Her juices flooded over his hand. His cock throbbed, aching to be coated in that slick warmth. Withdrawing his fingers, he took himself in hand and pushed into her dripping core from behind. Whimpering, Kaylee pushed back against Simon, trying to take him even deeper inside her body. The pleasure was overwhelming, as was the warmth and love she could hear in his voice as he whispered her name and words of passion in her ear. Pushing the blankets off of them, she reached down to touch herself, moaning softly. Simon leaned over her shoulder to watch her hand moving, groaning. He slid his own hand down and stroked her in time with his thrusts into her wet, tight body. Kaylee cried out, moving her hand down to rub the base of his cock as it moved in and out of her. "Yes, Simon..." Kaylee mewled, trembling with the intensity of their lovemaking. She gasped when he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and pulled her up onto her hands and knees, positioning himself behind her without breaking the intimate connection of their bodies. In this position, he had better leverage, could thrust deeper and harder into Kaylee as she began to moan continuously. Her hips pushed forcefully back against him, moving in circles with each deep stroke. Most of the time, Simon wanted to face Kaylee as they made love, wanted to see the way her eyes lit up as they moved together. But the thrill he got out of taking her like this, the way she felt even tighter around him, knowing how good it felt to her, was something that he needed from time to time. "More." Kaylee pleaded. She pressed her thighs together, increasing the friction for both of them. She let out a sob when he lay his chest flat against her back and started scraping his teeth across a sensitive spot right between her shoulder blades. "Kaylee." Simon grunted, sliding his hands to her shoulders. "Oh, Kaylee..." He pulled her back against him as he thrust hard into her, making her gasp and cry out. His hands moved to her breasts, pinching her nipples teasingly. She was starting to clench around him, and he started taking her faster, wanting more than anything to feel her come, so he could spill himself inside her. Moaning, Kaylee let her arms give out and buried her face in the pillow, muffling her cries of pleasure. She could feel Simon tensing behind her and she knew he was going to come hard. Her own release was building to a fever pitch, and she dug her fingers into the sheets, feeling a need to anchor herself. "That's it, baobei." Simon groaned. He bit down lightly on just the right spot on the back of her neck, slipping one hand down to rub her clit. Kaylee screamed and spasmed around him. Her orgasm was so intense she thought she might pass out. Her entire body went limp and she sagged against the mattress, pinning Simon's hand between the bed and her soaked folds. Whimpering and shaking with the last waves of her climax, she moved her hips, rubbing her clit against his fingers. Simon lay his forehead against Kaylee's shoulder, shuddering as her release triggered his own. His hips jerked erractically as he came, his heat spurting into her with every thrust. He managed to keep most of his weight off her as he collapsed. Once he had recovered enough of his strength, he pulled back and lifted her leg, gently turning her onto her back without pulling out of her. "Ooh..." Kaylee sighed, still nearly cross-eyed from pleasure. She could feel his softening cock rubbing her sensitive passage and his warm seed pooling deep inside of her. "Tell me somethin', Dr. Tam. You gonna sex me that way when we're married?" Chuckling, Simon kissed her lightly. "And any other way you want." "Mmm, can't wait." Kaylee giggled. As Simon leaned in to kiss her again, she felt her stomach lurch suddenly. Placing her hands on his chest, she pushed him off of her and instinctively leapt off the bed and raced over to the sink. "Kaylee?" Simon cringed as she doubled over the sink and began retching violently. He was next to her in a second, holding her hair and rubbing her back. "Gross." Kaylee coughed when she was done, spitting a few times before she turned on the water to rinse her mouth. "Well, guess I killed the mood, huh?" Simon lay his hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever. Do you feel too warm, or too cold?" "I feel fine, sweetie." Kaylee promised. "Except for the pukin'. It's probably just something I ate. Jayne did make dinner last night." "Well, that's true." Simon admitted. He wasn't convinced, but she didn't seem to be showing any other signs of being ill. "You'll let me know if you feel sick?" "'Course I will." Kaylee assured him. "You worry too much." Simon kissed her cheek. "I love you. And I want you in perfect health for our wedding." Kaylee grinned even harder at the thought. Four more days to go. "And our wedding night?" "Definitely." Simon chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "Honey, wait." Kaylee pushed back. "Oh, the vomiting." Simon said, remembering. "Right." _______________________ "Late again." Jayne leered at the couple when they arrived in the dining area. "Shouldn't you save somethin' for the honeymoon?" "Actually, it's your fault we're late." Kaylee replied, sticking out her tongue. "I was pukin', probably 'cause of something I ate." "I didn't puke." Jayne protested. "You never do." Simon pointed out. "I should do an x-ray some time, I'm fairly certain your stomach must be lined with titanium." River rolled her eyes at the three of them. She started to open her mouth to say something, then suddenly jerked backwards so hard she almost fell out of her chair, screaming. Simon's eyes widened as he rushed to catch his sister. "River?! River, what's wrong?" "They hurt her, Simon." River gasped, squeezing her eyes shut. "So much scared." "What's her problem?" Jayne asked, trying to appear nonchalant. "River, who? Who did they hurt? Who are 'they?'" Simon was becoming increasingly desperate. Since Miranda, her condition had been steadily improving. He hadn't seen her like this in months.

Kaylee reached out and stroked the girl's hair, feeling utterly helpless. "Should I get the Cap'n?" Simon nodded. "Please." Not needing to be told twice, Kaylee raced up to the bridge. "Cap'n, something's wrong with..." She trailed off when she saw that Mal was staring at the Cortex screen in front of him, his fists clenched at his sides. She didn't even need to see his face to know he was angry. "Please understand, Mal, I would not have contacted you, had their been any other option." The dark-skinned man on the screen was saying. It took Kaylee a moment to recognize him, and she gasped as she remembered. After the battle on Mr. Universe's moon, he had been the one who had ordered the soldiers to give the crew medical attention, and repair the ship. She also remembered that Mal hadn't seemed particularly fond of him. "I understand that just fine." Mal said through clenched teeth. "But I also seem to recall sayin' something about what would happen if I ever saw you again." "You need to listen to me." The man insisted. "Your crew is in danger. Their families are in danger. Anyone who has ever had any sort of relationship with any member of your crew is now in danger." He stepped aside at that moment, and Mal and Kaylee both got a good look at the young woman on the bed behind him. There were people around her, looking helpless and afraid. She looked dead. Kaylee felt sick again, and quickly turned and ran back down to the dining area, never even alerting Mal to her presence. She found Jayne leaning against the counter, watching with detatched curiosity as Simon tended to River, who was quieter but didn't look much calmer. "Honey, I think I know what she was talkin' about." Kaylee said, her eyes wide with fear.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:41 AM


The BlueHand bit at the beginning was somewhat creepy.

Also creepy about the conversation with the Operative at the end.

Looks to be some good plot in this one, hopefully not to much distracted by the smut.

Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:30 AM


Oh boy...the HoBs are picking up the pace of their little hunt, aren't they?


Still...gotta love Silee PWP;)


Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:48 AM


Good to see some more of the plot take shape. Of course the S/K lovin' was hot, but that goes without saying. I find it interesting that the Operative is contacting Mal. . . ulterior motive. . . or is this man related to Penny in some way . . .

Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:54 AM



Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:06 AM


Flippin' heck!
Porn, tension, humour and creepiness all in one chapter?

Another big shiny thumbs up!

Sunday, July 16, 2006 6:26 PM


Tsk tsk! I'm surprised one seems to have commented on the REAL reason for Kaylee's...stomach troubles. You're all as oblivious as Simon and Kaylee! ;-P

Monday, July 24, 2006 4:46 PM


That was a great chapter! And dude, I SO know the REAL reason for Kaylee's illness, I just don't know if you want me to give it away or not. ;)

Keep it up, I love how suspenseful this story is. I definitely can't wait to read more!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:41 PM


So, FB. I AM needful of late, especially needful, in fact, so maybe that contributes to the extreme enjoyment I'm getting out of your Silee, even though I'm a Jaylee Girl, but DANG! This is shiny as heck: "Simon kissed his way up the back of her neck. "Good morning, ai ren." He grinned when she grabbed his hand and guided it under the blankets, between her thighs. Taking the hint, he slipped his fingers between her damp folds, stroking gently at first, then slipping a finger inside her, lightly pressing his thumb against her clit.

Kaylee moaned, squeezing her thighs together to keep his hand where it was. She rocked her hips, grinding her backside against his swelling cock, and smirked when he groaned and pushed another finger into her." Nah, it ain't just my needfulness. The whole gorram chapter is masterfully done. You have a swai way with plot, characterization, love the names you choose for side people, and omg, the sex is terrific and mind-blowing. Love this. Going to chapter two now.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:50 AM


Frell, honey, you do remember that you gave away the reason for Kaylee's stomach problems way back the last series... lol...

Yay, Penny's here, finally everything you've been talking about is happening :D

Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:36 AM


Of course I remember...just wasn't sure if the rest of you did :P


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Out of The Frying Pan: Where We Left Off
Does anyone remember this fic? Well, just in case, here's a brief summary of the story so far, really just to see if there's any interest in me continuing it...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 6
The crew meets the new passenger, and a dream spurs Simon and Kaylee to take a surprising step. No smut in this one, either. Saving it all up for the next chapter...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 5
Surgery! Flashbacks! Mind-reading! Simon gets punched! Oh, just read the freakin' thing. Features a bit of non-graphic (gasp!) Simon/Kaylee lovin', so I'm rating it R just to be on the safe side. See, folks? Fair warning.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 4
Simon broods, Kaylee does her best to help, and Simon and Jayne find an appropriately dysfunctional way to communicate. Another transitional chapter, mostly Simon/Kaylee smut with a few hints of plot. Very NC-17, you've been warned.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 3
The crew arrives on Bayou, meets up with an "old friend," and gets more answers than they really wanted. Simon/Kaylee, embarassingly PG. Next chapter will be a return to the smut, I promise.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 2
Simon and Kaylee's wedding has to be postponed when the crew decides to head to Bayou. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, NC-17. I SWORE this chapter wasn't going to have any porn in it, but certain people protested. Not gonna name names. You know who you are. ;P

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 1
A continuation of the Motivation Series. After Miranda, the warrants for Simon and River were revoked, and the crew thought they were safe. Turns out? Not so much! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. Yes, that's right, porn WITH plot...or is it plot with, just read it!

Motivation Series 30: Past Tense (repost)
That's right, I will continue to delete and repost this fic until that troll gets the message: You can't beat me! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. The final chapter in this particular series, more of a transitional one.

Motivation Series 29: Dream On (Part 2 of 2)
Kaylee watches Simon sleep and gets an idea. NC-17, not for kids or prudes. This one was demanded by Piffle101, so if it sucks, it's all her fault. *wink* And remember, there's a special hell for people who don't comment...

Motivation Series 29: Dream On
Simon and Kaylee get a few days off, but everything is not as it seems...(Simon/Kaylee, NC-17, duh.)