Out of The Frying Pan: Where We Left Off
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Does anyone remember this fic? Well, just in case, here's a brief summary of the story so far, really just to see if there's any interest in me continuing it...


When we last left the crew...

Simon and Kaylee: With Simon and River no longer wanted fugitives after the Miranda broadwave, Simon has been able to devote himself to Kaylee. Passionately and frequently. After several blissful months together, they are now engaged, and although they don't know it yet, Kaylee is about two and a half months pregnant. So far, that's a secret known only to...

River: In considerably better shape after Miranda, River has settled in as the co-pilot of Serenity. She's still not fully in control of her psychic abilities, but her mental state is beginning to stabilize and she's much better at communicating with the rest of the crew with words, rather than violence and/or throwing cans, rubbing soup in their hair, etc. She's keeping a few secrets, including one that she shares with...

Zoe: After Wash's death, Zoe discovered she was pregnant. She's now only two months away from the birth of her son, whose name is so far a secret that she and River (who claims the unborn baby told her his name) haven't shared with the crew just yet. This is all more than a little bit overwhelming to...

Mal: Trying to adjust to the love lives, changing lives, and general shenanigans of his crew, Mal also finds himself a somewhat reluctant hero to a newly-formed Resistance that became active shortly after the Miranda broadwave. He's also finally gotten his act together with...

Inara: Back on Serenity after her time at the Training House, Inara will soon find herself increasingly torn between her old life and the life she is building with Mal. Although inactive since returning to the ship, she is still a registered Companion and will have to make a choice sooner or later. For now, she is occupied with her relationship with Mal and their efforts to hide it, for now, from the rest of the crew. Of course, the crew had it figured out weeks ago. That is, except for...

Jayne: Jayne is, well, Jayne. Ever since the massacre at Haven, the crew's discovery at Miranda and the battle with the Reavers, however, Jayne has found it somewhat difficult to go on about his life the way he used to. As much as he tries not to think about the past, his mind frequently drifts back to the horrors he has seen, and the evils that the Alliance has been getting away with for far too long. Most recently, he's been agitated by the Alliance's attack on...

Penelope: A former prostitute and then an assassin and spy for the Independents, placed on Osiris to infiltrate the upper echelon of society and work her way up to government officials. She failed in her mission when she became involved with Simon, but their relationship fell apart when she became pregnant and told him he wasn't the father. Before leaving, she assisted him in his search for River as an act of contrition. After leaving Osiris, she returned to her home world of Bayou and became a midwife, eventually settling down with a husband and two children. She was recently attacked by the Blue Hands, then brought by the crew to a Resistance-controlled hospital on Persephone after the crew was contacted by...

The Operative: Still a nameless assassin, the Operative has switched sides after the Miranda broadwave and is now leading a faction of the Resistance, while also searching for some clues to his life before Alliance. Although there is still no love lost between Mal and the Operative, they will soon be forced to set aside their differences and work together against a common enemy... ________________

To be continued...per-maybe-haps. Things are a bit bibbledy at the moment.


Saturday, June 26, 2010 6:16 PM


I sorta remember this series vaguely. I went back to look at your older posts and I remember reading them. Guess I need to start all over at the beginning.

Saturday, June 26, 2010 6:51 PM


Vaguely is better than I was hoping for lol. Been damn near four years.

Monday, June 28, 2010 10:25 PM


Would love to read more of this =)

Monday, July 12, 2010 2:42 PM


Please continue. I came late to this site, but I easily read each story of yours a dozen or more times. I NEED to see at least a finished product. Please? I'll beg, I have very little shame......

Sunday, September 25, 2011 4:07 PM


Please do continue this!! I'm late to this website, but I've already read every Simon/Kaylee story I can find, and the world needs more!! I love your writing by the way;)

Friday, December 30, 2011 12:04 PM


Please continue :) I wanna see where this ends!


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Out of The Frying Pan: Where We Left Off
Does anyone remember this fic? Well, just in case, here's a brief summary of the story so far, really just to see if there's any interest in me continuing it...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 6
The crew meets the new passenger, and a dream spurs Simon and Kaylee to take a surprising step. No smut in this one, either. Saving it all up for the next chapter...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 5
Surgery! Flashbacks! Mind-reading! Simon gets punched! Oh, just read the freakin' thing. Features a bit of non-graphic (gasp!) Simon/Kaylee lovin', so I'm rating it R just to be on the safe side. See, folks? Fair warning.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 4
Simon broods, Kaylee does her best to help, and Simon and Jayne find an appropriately dysfunctional way to communicate. Another transitional chapter, mostly Simon/Kaylee smut with a few hints of plot. Very NC-17, you've been warned.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 3
The crew arrives on Bayou, meets up with an "old friend," and gets more answers than they really wanted. Simon/Kaylee, embarassingly PG. Next chapter will be a return to the smut, I promise.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 2
Simon and Kaylee's wedding has to be postponed when the crew decides to head to Bayou. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, NC-17. I SWORE this chapter wasn't going to have any porn in it, but certain people protested. Not gonna name names. You know who you are. ;P

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 1
A continuation of the Motivation Series. After Miranda, the warrants for Simon and River were revoked, and the crew thought they were safe. Turns out? Not so much! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. Yes, that's right, porn WITH plot...or is it plot with, just read it!

Motivation Series 30: Past Tense (repost)
That's right, I will continue to delete and repost this fic until that troll gets the message: You can't beat me! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. The final chapter in this particular series, more of a transitional one.

Motivation Series 29: Dream On (Part 2 of 2)
Kaylee watches Simon sleep and gets an idea. NC-17, not for kids or prudes. This one was demanded by Piffle101, so if it sucks, it's all her fault. *wink* And remember, there's a special hell for people who don't comment...

Motivation Series 29: Dream On
Simon and Kaylee get a few days off, but everything is not as it seems...(Simon/Kaylee, NC-17, duh.)