Rewriting History-Part 2
Thursday, July 20, 2006

The second part. Ella joins the crew and meets her father.


PT 2. ****************************** Mal and River were getting ready to get off at Hera, when Simon approached.

“Oh, here we go,” Mal muttered.

“Where is she going?” Simon asked, a little too demanding.

“Just taking her shopping on Hera,” the Captain teased.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. What if the Alliance finds her?”

“We won’t be long, I’m not discussing this any further with you. Now go.”

The doctor reluctantly turned and walked away. Right then Zoë came up.

“Sir, so you are going to pick up a friend’s kid?”


“Which friend’s kid is it? And why is River going with you?”

“Remember McConnell, from the war?”

“No, sir.”

“Well, it’s his kid, and I’m bringing River because they are about the same age and I thought they could be friends. Why is everyone askin’ so many questions?!?”

“I’m sorry, sir, I was just curious.”

She walked away, hurt. Mal felt bad for lying to her, but he couldn’t tell her the truth, that wasn’t even an option. He and River left stepping out onto Hera. The girl was there waiting for them.

“Is it okay if you tell your story to River?” Mal asked the girl.

“Yeah, okay.”

So, she did. River’s eyes widened as she took the tale in. When she was done Mal looked at both of the girls and then he focused his attention on River. She knew what he wanted.

“She’s telling the truth.”

Mal exhaled. If anyone knew if this was the real deal it was River.

“Okay, let’s go.”


When they arrived on the ship Mal called everyone to the cargo bay to meet the new passenger.

“This is umm…” he looked at Ella, not sure as to whether he should say her real name or not.


“Oh, yeah, Allie,” the Captain stated.

The crew greeted her. Kaylee gave her a hug. Jayne grunted something to her. Simon shook her hand. Zoë came up and Ella really wanted to hug her, to tell her mom that she was okay and that she made it back so she could fix things, but she knew she couldn’t, so she just smiled and shook her hand.

“So, your daddy was in the war?” Zoë asked.

Ella looked at Mal, who was behind Zoë shaking his head up and down. “Yes, yeah, he was.”

“I don’t think I ever met him, but welcome aboard. Anyone who is affiliated with the Browncoats is welcome here.” She walked away towards the bridge.

Ella motioned for Mall to come over. “Okay, what’s my story?”

“War buddy’s kid, McConnell. Oh, yeah and can you cook?”

“Not really.”

“Well, you’ll need to learn.”

“Great…Captain, where’s Wash?”

“Probably getting ready to take off. You’ll meet him eventually. We need to talk first. Tell me the whole story.”

“Okay, my mom is Zoë, obviously. You probably knew that. If you had finished Fanty and Mingo’s job, River would have seen this subliminal message on Persephone and she would have lost it. Seriously, hurtin’ people and what not.,” she paused, like she was thinking. “I’m sorry, I don’t know the story so good. Anyways, Reavers, they were made by the Alliance………” She proceeds to tell Mal the whole story of her father’s death and how she was barely alive while all of this was happening.

“Okay, important question, how are you here?” Mal asked a little confused.

“Oh, go se, I didn’t even mention that, did I? Wow, I’m sorry. I’m from the future. I have this thing…” she held up a bracelet. It looked like a normal watch. “See, instead of putting the actual time and date, you put the time and date you want to go to. It took me forever to save up for it. I just…had to. Ma would kill me if she knew. She doesn’t even know I’m here.”

“You left without telling her?”

“It won’t matter anyway if all of this works out. But, yeah. I’m sorry if I messed things up. I just had to do…something. Everyone always said Serenity was never the same after dad died. I just wanted to fix things. They’re still looking for River. The Alliance. But it will be easier to keep her hidden if we keep her away from major core planets.”

“If the Reavers really were made by the Alliance, I still think we should do something about it.”

“We’ll need stronger windows and more armor for the ship. We need to wait until we have the proper supplies.”

“I need to think on it a bit. But well, I bet you’re tired. You know where everything is, then. Just find an empty room.”

“Thanks Captain.” She hugged him. “By the way, you should get a hold of Inara, you know that you miss her.” She grinned.

“So, this is what I get for bringing you on my ship? I get this enough with out you, for your information,” he smiled. “Go and visit Wash. I know you’re dying to.”

“Sheh-sheh captain.”

She headed up to the bridge to find Wash at the controls sitting in his chair. She just stood there and observed him. He just sat there looking at the stars. She stepped in and he turned around and greeted her with a smile.

“Hey, you must be the new passenger. Remember me? I answered your call.”

“Yeah, hi, I’m El...I mean I’m Allie.”

“Wash, it’s nice to meet you. Do you like ships? Because I tell you what, this ship doesn’t look like much, but she is the best in the ‘verse.”

“She really is,” Ella breathed. She was so nervous, getting to know the man who she should have known her whole life was a little…well, strange.

“So, have you met everybody?”


“That’s good, we’re an alright bunch, despite how it seems. How long will you be on board?”

“It has yet to be decided.”

“Haha, well, it’ll be nice to have a new face on board.”

“So, you and Zoë are married, right?”

Wash smiles at the question, “Yeah, we are. She’s amazing, I know you just met her and all but just wait, she’s something. She’s the strongest person I ever met. No one in the ‘verse I’d rather be with than Zoë.” He smiled. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”

“It’s fine, I think it’s sweet. You really love her. That‘s a rare find these days, ya know, real love.”

“I suppose so, but as long as you’re here you’ll be surrounded by it. It really is a great place. You should stay if ya got no where else to go. It gets real hard to leave once you’ve been here. Everyone here is family, it’s real great.”

Ella knew all of this of course, but she loved hearing him say it. He was everything they said he was and more. She stepped up and touched his dinosaurs.

“You like those? I use them to pass the time. Usually when everyone is on a mission or something. Keeps my mind off of being afraid.”


“Yeah, I’m always afraid when Zoë’s out. She’s always at risk in her line of work. Not like me, I’m practically untouchable.”

Ella’s face drooped at this statement. “I don’t know, being a pilot is pretty dangerous.”

“Well, yeah, but compared to everyone else’s jobs else it’s nothing.”

“Don’t be so sure.”

“It’s weird you know, it seems like I know you. You seem familiar to me.”

“Huh, that’s weird. I better let you get back to work. It was real nice seeing you.”

“You too, and you can come up here anytime you want. I liked talking to you.”


Ella stopped at Zoë’s bunk on the way to hers. She knocked.

“Come in,” Zoë’s voice echoed up.

Ella went down. “Hey.”

“Oh, hi,” Zoë was surprised to see her.

“I just wanted to say goodnight.”

“Why me?”

“I just…I don’t know. Wash is real nice.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“I just love you guys.”

“Are you alright?” Zoë didn’t know exactly what to think about her visitor or how to approach her. But, for some reason, she felt the need to take care of her. However, she really didn’t know what to do when the girl started crying. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, I just am tired is all. It’s been a long day. I better go.”

“You don’t have to, if you don’t wanna. We can talk if ya want.”

Ella smiled and wiped her eyes. “I don’t know what the matter with me.”

“It’s okay. You left everything you knew. Starting over is hard.”

Ella wanted to tell Zoë everything. She needed someone so bad. She knew she couldn’t but she still wanted to. After talking to Zoë for a while she went to bed. Her aspect on life totally different now that she was here in this time.


Friday, July 21, 2006 12:05 AM


Intriguing. I really like how Ellie is meeting her parents and am impressed that River hasn't already blurted everything out. Fingers crossed that little miracle lasts! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, July 21, 2006 11:54 AM


Things are definitely getting interesting here;)

While you only had River speak a couple of lines...she seemed a tad too stable. Don't ask me how...just got that vibe. Maybe Ella is channelling the future version of River in her head;)



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Rewriting History-Part 4
The End is near!!!(of the story).Jayne and River keep each other company. The crew makes it to Miranda

Rewriting History-Part 3
Part 3. Mal calls Inara. Please let me know what you think. :)

Rewriting History-Part 2
The second part. Ella joins the crew and meets her father.

Rewriting History
I needed to fix my old one. A what if. Takes place inbetween the series and the movie. Pease let me know what you think...and please be nice. :)

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