Monday, August 21, 2006

*dance of joy* Finally finished the Mal costume! I am now ready for DragonCon! I hope to see many of you there. This is a side view, showing the last elements of the costume; the belt, holster, and repainted pistol. Thanks for looking and thanks for tolerating all the threads!



Monday, August 21, 2006 4:24 PM


Nice get-up there, Tristan. How 'bout some details on how / where you got the various elements? I know my browncoast isn't "regulation" look at all, but I don't much care, cuz bein' Independent means not having to have it "just right" -- long as it's brown, the details are optional, IMHO...

Also, if you'd like a source for a real working cap & ball revolver that formed the basis for Mal's gun, check out and look for the 1858 Remington. I know that's the barrel part at least. Not sure about the rest of Mal's gun -- someone posted that it was a Taurus semi-automatic or somesuch? Don't know. But when Mal fires it repeatedly in "Serenity" during the Mule skiff chase for example, he never pulls the hammer back, just keeps shooting. But the 1858 Remington is a .44-cal and get this -- the ATF doesn't classify cap & ball revolvers as "firearms"... Go figure. Not sure why -- probably due to the low usage rate and the fact it doesn't use bullets. But it means if you're 18 you can buy one.

Anyway, nice "look" Tristan. Oh, and I did see all them ladies ooohin' and awwwwin' over yah when you posted the series of pics. So I guess terse and laconic works after all.

Monday, August 21, 2006 4:42 PM


Tristan, outstanding work.
You look outstanding too.

McGhaffer, of course we ooohed and aaaahed, ;-) terse and laconic works for Mal too.

By the way sir, welcome back, I've not seen you around much and it's nice to have you back. :-)

Monday, August 21, 2006 5:52 PM


Lookin good captain tightpants!

Monday, August 21, 2006 6:15 PM


Very shiny indeed.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:54 AM


Looks great!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:14 AM


Great job. Maybe I'll see you there. All I've got is my flight jacket, but hey, it's brown.

And I read that Mal's gun was built around a Taurus 48 or something like that.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:56 PM


...huh. That, uh, looks... MAN I'M JEALOUS!

What kind of materials did you use? Did you make it all on your own? What about the gun? This is awesome.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:55 PM


Thank you all for the comments! I am very happy with the way it turned out.

The coat is leather, machine-stitched with an old beast of a machine (which I would not trade for a dozen new ones). The buckles are made of brass from a kickplate and galosh hooks. I did all the work myself.
As for the gun, I purchased it online as an unpainted resin model, and went through two paint jobs before I was happy with it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:02 PM


So very very very cool! *wants one*

Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:56 PM


*whistles*....Now that's just sweet and dangerous, Tristan:D



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Serenity---from Bed Bath and Beyond!
I was tooling around the new BB&B, and came across this little prize! Yep, 'tis now gracing the bar!
If anyone has a BB&B near them, check and see if they have these!

Second "Guess What" Shot of the bar
Huh. Guess I should actually show what I added, eh? This shot is from the bar to the opposite wall, showing the table. The panelled wall and a bit of the ceiling are all that remain to be covered. I'm also planning on doing something running up the stairs...not sure what, though.

Guess what....yep, more of the bar
I promise I will be finished with this and will quit posting photos, but I do like the feedback and ideas. I put up two more bolts of cloth (1 on the ceiling, one on the walls), and need about two more to finish it off completely. This is a shot from about two stairs up looking towards the bar proper. I just need some Tall Cards on the table, and I'll be ready for a game!

More Bar Shots
Finally got another bolt of cloth....had to wait for a new shipment to come in, and it's not quite the same color. So, that wall is almost complete now. I'll post a few more of these in the photo thread so as not to flood Blue Sun.
Maybe another month or so, I'll be ready for a proper Shindig!

Another Bar Shot
Ignore the shiny brown material on the stairs...that's me playing. That will be replaced with the red material, too. Just wanted y'all to see the brass "table" I found, as well as the crown of the bar...the signed Serenity poster! I think it's all of the BDH's, plus some of the production staff. That wall is also where I'll be putting the rest of my "stuff".
So, I'll put out invitations when it's ready for the Shindig!

Firefly-themed basement Part 2
Just wanted you all to see the rest....

Firefly-themed basement
My original plan was to put some of my Firefly stuff on display in my basement/bar...then I had the idea to decorate the bar in Firefly-stlye...then the idea came about to decorate the whole room in a cross between the Maidenhead and Inara's shuttle. I'm not sure what I have now. I'm happy with it, though, and would love to hear what you all think! Shindig at Tristan's!

Tristan as Mal Banner
My mother-in-law has this wonderful photo-editing program, and she made this shiny banner-type photo for me!

*dance of joy*
Finally finished the Mal costume! I am now ready for DragonCon! I hope to see many of you there.
This is a side view, showing the last elements of the costume; the belt, holster, and repainted pistol.
Thanks for looking and thanks for tolerating all the threads!

Mal-Almost complete!
Just got the pants in yesterday...still have to put the stripe on them, finish off the suspenders, and get a belt and holster. Critiques and comments welcome, as always, and sarcastic remarks cheerfully ignored!