A NEW BEGINNING, ch. 22: Secrets & Lies
Monday, August 21, 2006

Set four years after A NEW LIFE. Kaylee confronts Simon about his paralysis. Stef and Igor get closer to exacting revenge on Mal, threatening someone very dear to him in the process. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, River/Jayne


A/N: Okay, we're building back up to some angst and then back to some fluff, before the start of the third part - A NEW DAY. Enjoy!

Thanks to Leiasky for the beta - as always!


A NEW BEGINNING, ch. 22: Secrets & Lies


Kaylee made her way back to Simon’s room, still concerned about his inability to move his lower half. She was angry too. Angry that he hadn’t wanted her to know, hadn’t wanted her to try and help him. Whether it was a result of ego or just overprotectiveness, she didn’t know and at the moment, she didn’t rightly care.

Pausing with her hand on the door, she took a deep breath and entered the room, a fake smile on her face, however, the scene before her made her grin genuinely. Using one of the many presents she had received just a few days ago, Rylee was laying on her stomach next to her father, colored pencils and crayons scattered all over the sheets. She was chattering away at him incessantly as she drew, and Kaylee could see that there were already half a dozen brightly colored drawings surrounding him. Regan sat in a corner of the room, regarding the scene with her own bemused grin, and she looked to Kaylee as she entered, as did Simon. Rylee just kept drawing and talking away.

Smiling to Simon, she quickly turned her attention to Regan. Going to the woman, she pressed a light kiss to her cheek, and asked quietly, “Would you mind taking Rylee for a few minutes? I need to talk with Simon.”

Regan nodded once. If she was surprised at being asked to do something so familiar, she didn’t show it. Rising she glanced back to her daughter-in-law and asked, “Is everything all right?”

Glancing past her to Simon’s smiling face as he engaged his daughter in conversation, she tried keep her voice light as she said, “Oh yes, everything’s fine.”

Deciding not to fight her on it, Regan moved towards the bed, and addressed her granddaughter. “Rylee, I’m getting kind of hungry. Do you want to come with me for a walk?”

Glancing to her grandmother skeptically, Rylee sat up and finally noticed her mother. Looking between her mom and her dad, Rylee’s eyes widened as she picked up on something. Finally letting her big brown eyes rest on her father, she patted his shoulder and confided, “She’s mad at you.”

Simon’s own eyes widened as he studied his daughter and then turned back to his wife. Now, that he really took notice, he could see there was the hint of anger in her gaze.

As the two adults held each other’s look, Rylee decided maybe that walk wasn’t such a bad idea. Hopping down off the bed, she took Regan’s outstretched hand, and called, “See ya,” over her shoulder before they exited the room.

Kaylee held her ground for a moment, more than willing to let Simon sweat it out just a bit. Finally, with her lips pursed and a huffiness to her mannerisms, she circled his bed, going to the side Rylee had just vacated and cleaning up the art supplies she had left strewn about.

Simon watched her in silence for a moment and then finally asked, “Are you going to tell me what I did or do I have to guess?” His tone was playful and it only made Kaylee angrier; this was serious.

Thrusting the handful of the colored pencils she held into his face, she said tightly, “This ain’t a joke, Simon.”

Completely at a loss, Simon asked helplessly, “What isn’t?”

Sighing heavily, Kaylee dumped the supplies into their case and then snapped it shut. Leaning her hands palms down on the table at his side, she let out a slow breath and then said quietly, “You should have told me.”

Fear welling in his chest, he asked measuredly, “Told you what?”

Whirling on him with another angry gaze, Kaylee stalked away and paced a path at the foot of his bed. “Oh, I don’t know,” she said, her tone more than exasperated. “You coulda told me you can’t feel your legs,” she shouted, pausing to stare at him. “Or that you’re afraid you’ll never walk again.” She shrugged, and allowed her chest to heave with her emotions. “I’m thinkin’ you coulda told me that. I am your wife.” She bit out the last word with such tenacity that Simon actually flinched.

Lowering his eyes to his chest, he let out a deep breath and asked, “Who told you?”

Looking to him and wondering how that could be his only response at this moment, Kaylee told him, “Tall, older guy, goes by the name of doctor.”

“I asked him not to tell you,” Simon explained, meeting her angry gaze and willing himself to hold it.

“Yeah, well, seein’ as how I’m next o’ kin, he had to tell me if’n I asked.” Her eyes still burning, Kaylee added bitterly, “I’m thinkin’ as a doctor, that’s somethin’ you should know.”

Simon’s hurt expression did nothing to quell her anger. How he could think keeping her in the dark was the right thing to do, hurt her in a way she had never really known before. And the fact that he wasn’t immediately apologizing for the oversight or trying to make it right, told her that he didn’t think it had been the wrong decision – and that annoyed her even more.

“I didn’t want you to know,” Simon told her, his eyes going from hurt to imploring. He wanted her to understand and mostly he wanted her to calm down.

“Why is that, Simon,” she asked, her anger hardly abated. “You don’t trust me enough, is that it? All those things you said a few nights ago, was they just words?”

His expression even more wounded, Simon told her, “Of course not, this has nothing to do with trust, Kaylee.”

“Then what is it?” Kaylee continued to shout, not caring if her voice carried from the room or not. “Pride, ego, stubbornness? ‘Cause I know you got all o’ them in abundance.”

Finally allowing his own expression to reflect some of her anger, Simon told her, “I was trying to avoid—“

Thinking she knew what he was going to say, she interrupted. “Trying to avoid what? Avoid me?”

“Avoid this!” Simon’s voice finally rose, drowning her out and Kaylee’s mouth snapped shut at the suddenness. Staring each other down, Kaylee tried to process exactly what Simon was trying to tell her. She could tell, even as he tried to stay mad at her that he was more concerned, and while she knew she should give him the benefit of the doubt, she was tired, tired of being here, tired of watching him suffer, tired of not being able to help him. And it was starting to wear her down.

Sighing heavily, Simon noted that Kaylee seemed to have lost her momentum and so he continued, hoping to get a word in edgewise, hoping to make her understand. “I didn’t want you to get upset. I was worried about you and the babies.”

Rolling her eyes, Kaylee was getting tired of the pregnancy excuse. “Simon, I have been pregnant twice before and I ain’t broke once. I think I can handle this.”

Shaking his head, Simon was ready to disagree. “You know that your first trimester is the hardest. I was just trying to spare you—“

“Your pain,” she asked quietly, stopping him cold. Meeting her eyes, he saw that some of her anger had ebbed away and now he could see her concern instead.

Nodding once, Simon swallowed hard and told her, “I didn’t want you worrying over something you can’t control.”

Shaking her head, Kaylee finally rounded the bed and sat next to him. “You listen to me, Simon Tam,” she told him firmly, holding his steady gaze. “I seem to remember us taking vows, not so long ago and those vows included some fairly powerful words about sickness and health.” Pausing she glared at him, although the look had lost its edge, and asked, “You ‘member that?”

Grinning at her slightly, he nodded and murmured, “I remember.”

Nodding her head succinctly, she cupped his chin in her hand and raised his face back up to meet her gaze. “Good. Now listen up. Whether I can control it or not, I can help you. You don’t need to be goin’ through all this alone.” As he again tried to avert his gaze, she added, “I love you, Simon Tam. So stop bein’ so stubborn and let me in.”

Smiling to her, Simon took her hand from his chin and held it firmly. “Kaylee, there’s nothing you can do.”

Not taking no for an answer, Kaylee got more comfortable beside him and said, “Well then, I can sit here until we think o’ somethin’, can’t I?”

Sighing, Simon nodded once and said, “Yes, I guess you can.” Kaylee held his gaze for another moment and while Simon’s fear was still with him, he did feel better now that Kaylee knew. Smirking at her, he said, “You know, I think your stubbornness puts mine to shame.”

Leaning forward with a wide grin, Kaylee brought her face to within inches of his and said, “And don’t you forget it.” And then closing the distance between them she kissed him firmly and any of his residual fear took a backseat to thoughts of his lovely wife.


It was a few days later when Simon awoke and felt pain. Not the numb, achy pain that had permeated his entire back since his surgeries, but a discomfort that spread from the top of his legs down to his feet. And that could only mean one thing.

Glancing to Kaylee’s sleeping form, Simon grinned widely and nudged her awake. She had taken to sleeping beside him most nights, although the hospital staff had not thought it the best idea. Blinking quickly, Kaylee stretched one arm over her head and yawned, before turning to him with a lazy smile. “Mornin,’” she said, her voice still husky from disuse.

Kissing her forehead, Simon murmured against her skin. “Good morning.” Waiting for a second as she again yawned, Simon told her quietly, “Can you go get the doctor for me?”

Instantly alert, Kaylee sat up and locked frightened eyes on her husband. “Why? What’s wrong?”

Smiling at her, Simon leaned a hand against her face and said, “Nothing. I’m just feeling some discomfort in my legs.”

Kaylee’s expression turned from frightened to hopeful in seconds as his words registered. “In your legs,” she breathed, grabbing his hand.

His grin widening, Simon told her, “Yes. But I think the best thing for us to do right now is get Doctor Michaels and let him determine what it means.”

Kaylee leaned forward and kissed him soundly, before pulling away and practically running from the room. In under a minute, she was back with the doctor, dragging the man along.

“Well, good morning, Simon,” Doctor Michaels said, smiling at him kindly, as Kaylee stood at Simon’s other side, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet with excitement. “Kaylee here tells me you’re getting some feeling back.”

Simon nodded once and said, “Yes. It certainly feels that way.”

“Well, let’s take a look then, shall we?” Putting down his chart, the doctor exposed Simon’s legs and was about to start some reflex tests when the door swung open, River, Regan and the children standing there.

With wide eyes, River asked, “Can we?”

Nodding once, Simon told her, “Sure, come on in.”

River hurried in, picking up Rylee on the way, even as Daniel ran to Kaylee and she gathered him into her arms. Once River was at Kaylee’s side, she kissed her cheek and said, “I knew it.”

Kaylee returned the grin and then focused all of her attention on the doctor and her husband. It only took the older man a few minutes before announcing to the entire room. “Well, that is progress indeed.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Simon asked, “When can I start physical therapy?”

Making notes on his chart, Doctor Michaels looked from Simon to Kaylee to River and back again, before saying with a bemused grin, “You all weren’t kidding about not having any patience, were you?”

The entire room laughed at that, and as the joyful noise died down, he said, “I would say in about a day. We’re going to need to run a few more tests. I’ll have the nurses come by to take you for some scans.” Reaching out, the older man, squeezed Simon’s shoulder and said, “I think we can safely say though that you’re out of the woods.”

Sighing with relief, Simon murmured, “Thank you, doctor.” And with a nod, the older man turned and left, Regan following him out to the hallway to get the details.

Once he was gone, Kaylee practically jumped on the edge of the bed, and kissed Simon’s cheek wetly. Smiling at her, Simon said, “Don’t be too excited. The rehabilitation is going to take awhile. I’m still going to be down and out for at least another month.”

Kaylee’s grin did not diminish. “I know, but I don’t care. I’m just glad you’re gonna be okay.”

“Yeah, dad, you gotta hurry up,” Daniel said, wiggling out of his mother’s grasp and leaning against his father. “’Cause I wanna go home.”

“Me too,” Rylee piped up, reaching out of River’s arms to go to her father’s side. River handed the girl over, Simon taking her and placing her on his lap.

“Me three,” he told them both, grinning. The three of them began to laugh and tease one another, and Kaylee sat back and watched them, her eyes filling with a few tears.

She felt a hand rest on her shoulder and when she looked back to River, she saw the girl smiling kindly. Placing a hand over her sister’s, River leaned down and whispered, “See? Everything’s worked out, exactly as it was meant to.”

Kaylee nodded once and leaned back against River, as Simon and her children continued to play and laugh, filling Kaylee’s heart with joy.


River found Jayne later that day, sitting on one of the hospital’s many outdoor balconies, enjoying the verdant view. Walking up behind him, she trailed her hand along the top of his back and as she brought it to rest against his shoulder, he tugged on it, bringing her to sit neatly in his lap.

Sighing, River looked at him and saw that his gaze was troubled and far away. Unaccustomed to seeing that look, she brushed a hand across his forehead, pushing some of his hair out of his eyes, and asked quietly, “What is it?”

Jayne looked to her and smiled, but it was not his normal grin and they both knew it. Keeping a firm grip around her waist, he said, “I think it’s time you and me got back to Harvest.”

Frowning at him, River asked, “Why? It’s so peaceful here.”

Looking out across the canopied jungle before him, Jayne couldn’t rightly disagree, but that was part of the problem – it was too peaceful. And while he didn’t mind laying low for a while, they had been here, at the hospital for almost a month and he was getting tired of just sitting around. Besides, he wanted to spend some alone time with his wife, and being a live-in babysitter to his niece and nephew didn’t exactly lend itself to that.

Picking up on his frustration, River leaned down and kissed him, firmly on the mouth. He cupped her head with his hand, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss, running his tongue along her lips until she granted him entrance. As both explored the inner recesses of the others’ mouths, River felt her need and desire for her husband both rush up through her and from him.

Pulling back with flushed cheeks, River whispered, “You want to go back to Harvest or you want to go someplace private?” She teased him, running her tongue along his ear, before nibbling on the flesh of his lobe.

He groaned slightly at her touch, and tightened his hold on her. “The last one,” he managed to get out, as he again brought his mouth to hers, crushing their lips together, kissing her insistently.

Having to again part for air, River kissed him lightly once more and then rose. Grinning wickedly, she told him, “Give me thirty minutes and then meet me in the lobby.”

Reaching for her, she slipped out of his grasp and said, “Not here, silly. Thirty minutes.”

Grunting, he watched as her eyes danced playfully and he knew it would be the longest thirty minutes of his life. Nodding, he sighed heavily and said gruffly, “All right, thirty minutes.”

With a giggle, she came forward and kissed him again, hard and deep. Pulling away she told him in a whisper, “Don’t worry. It’ll be worth it.” And then ran from the patio.

Jayne watched her go, wishing he could have convinced her to stay with him, but knowing that if she was that excited, he would definitely like whatever scheme she was planning. Turning his gaze back to the landscape before him, he started to count: one one-thousand, two one-thousand …



Startled by the sound of the small voice and the name, Regan turned in her seat to regard Daniel. He was standing at the mouth of the hallway, his small hands clasped in front of him, his eyes cast to the floor. He was shifting nervously from one foot to the other, and Regan’s heart welled with concern at his obvious agitation. He looked so much like Simon at that age, right down to the mannerisms. Putting down the book she had brought to read, she reached out a hand to him, and said, “Yes, sweetheart, what is it?”

Glancing up at her, Daniel saw the kindness in her eyes, and decided to take a chance. Walking towards her, he took her outstretched hand, and stood in front of her. Finally, bringing his big blue eyes to regard her, he asked quietly, “Why haven't we ever met before? Daddy never talks about you.”

Smiling at him, Regan picked him up and placed him on her lap, sitting back with him. “Well, it’s a long story,” she told him honestly. When his big wide eyes continued to regard her, she added, “I made a lot of mistakes, in the past, when it came to your father and your aunt. And so they were very upset with me.”

“But you’re their mama,” he said truthfully, not understanding how anyone could stay mad at their mother for so long – he had never managed to stay mad at his mother for more than a minute.

Nodding once, Regan said, “Well, yes that’s true, but sometimes, even mother’s make big mistakes that can’t be so easily forgiven or forgotten.” Noting the boy’s still questioning gaze, she told him, “Your dad and your aunt did what they thought was best for you and your family.”

“Are you mad at them?” he asked, still trying to puzzle it out.

Smiling sadly at him, Regan pressed a kiss to his temple and said, “No, sweetheart. I’m not. I never was. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t have the right to be mad at me.”

Daniel grew quiet for a moment, trying to process this information. Regan watched as the wheels turned, remembering what River and Kaylee had told her about how smart he was – just like his father.

Finally, he turned his big blue eyes back to her and asked, “So, after we go home, are we ever gonna see you again?”

Tears filling her eyes, Regan nodded once, and ran a hand through the boy’s dark hair. “Well, I certainly hope so, sweetie. I’m going to miss you.”

Sighing, Daniel leaned against her, and said, “I’m going to miss you too.”

With more tears forming, Regan wrapped her arms around him and rocked him a bit, so grateful that her life had brought her to this moment.


With a bit of impatience, Mal paced on the porch of Millie’s place, waiting for his women to make their appearance. He grinned a bit when he considered that Zoe and Ellie had managed to make their way into his grouping of women, and he chuckled a bit when he considered what exactly his friend would do to him if she even heard him call her ‘his.’ Deciding he liked his face in its current arrangement, he wasn’t about to let it slip.

At the sound of the squeaky door, Mal turned and saw Inara step out onto the porch, a happy and smiling Mimi in her arms, while Zoe followed behind, Ellie at her heels. Sighing a bit, he rolled his eyes and moved forward to kiss his wife. “Are ya’ll ready? Finally,” he added, allowing his tone to take on a bit of exasperation.

Playing along with him, Inara reached out and patted his arm lightly and said, “You know that a lady cannot be rushed, dear.”

“Yeah, ‘cause we gotta be perfect,” Mimi finished, grinning widely even as she threw her arms around her mother’s neck and placed a wet kiss to her face.

All of them laughed at the little girl’s outburst, and as Mal helped Inara into the mule, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and murmured, “Yeah, well my girls is already perfect.”

Smiling warmly at him, Mal felt his heart skip a beat as Inara gave him that look, and then he moved around to the other side of the mule, slipping into the driver’s seat. Making sure they were all ready, Mal gunned the engine and sped them towards town.

As the flatlands raced by, Mal hoped that this little sojourn wouldn’t be for nothing. As Millie and Marie and Walt had been so kind to take them in, feeding and caring for them like family, Mal’s discomfort over being a free loader had started to weigh heavily on him. A few nights ago, he had mentioned it to Zoe who had confided that she might know a man in town who could get him some fairly easy and legitimate work, which would yield decent coin. Not in any position to say no, Mal had asked her to set up a meeting which his ex-first mate had done gladly.

When Inara had learned they’d be heading into town, she had made the offer to Walt, Marie and Millie to replenish their food stuffs, as she knew that the added strain of feeding extra mouths, especially Jayne’s before he’d jetted off, was severely depleting their supplies. Although their gracious hosts had put up a fight, Inara’s charm and persuasive selling had won out and with a list of all the essentials clutched tightly in her hand, she was on a mission, just as much as her husband.

As they reached the edge of town, Mal swung the mule over and around on some side streets, finding the market and bringing the vehicle to an idle.

Inara leaned over to kiss him lightly, murmuring, “Good luck,” before swinging over and out of the mule, lifting Mimi down and helping Ellie out next. Taking one girl in each hand, she smiled at both Mal and Zoe as they moved to go. “We’ll be back ‘bout an hour,” Mal called over the engine, grinning at her with that smile that made her knees weak.

Nodding once, she waited until they had gone and then looked down to the girls. “All right, ladies, we’ve got an hour to shop for two households.” Flashing them a big smile and guiding them into the store, she said, “This is going to be fun.”


Stef and Igor watched as Mal drove his mule away, heading back out to the edge of town, leaving his wife, daughter and another little girl behind, alone and unprotected. Grinning evilly, Stef turned towards her partner and said, “You corner the wife. I’ll lure the kids out.”

With a curt nod, Igor darted out from their hiding place, entering the flow of pedestrian traffic that dotted the sidewalk, casually making his way across the street and ducking into the market. Waiting until the count of ten, Stef wound her way out and into the street, working in the opposite direction of the big man so as to avoid any undue suspicion, and with a deep breath, and a hand on her firearm, she entered the store.

It was the same as most general stores on most moons, except that Harvest, known for having some of the best produce on the border, allowed the grocer to boast a wider array of fruits and vegetables. The store was set up with dry goods and knick knacks at the front, the back housing the cooling units for the dairy products and produce. Catching Igor’s eye from where he stood engaging a local in a conversation about the best lettuce, Stef made her way through the aisles, moving down one before turning and moving up another. She was already halfway done, when she finally heard, “But mama, can’t I have ‘em? Pleeeease.”

Grimacing at the annoying whine in the child’s voice, Stef paused and studied the dried cereals she’d stopped in front of as Mal’s wife and the two kids came around the corner and into her line of sight. Moving along slowly, Stef listened as the woman said, “No, Mimi, I already told you. We’ve got to stick with what’s on the list.”

The smaller of the two children pouted mightily, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing with annoyance. Ignoring the child, Inara reached for something on the shelf, as the older child asked, “’Nara, what is on the list? Mimi and I can go get it.”

At the prospect of being useful, the younger child’s, Mimi’s, eyes lit up and she grabbed her mother’s hand, tugging on it. “Yes, please, let us help. I can go shoppin’ too.”

Smiling at her daughter, Inara muttered, “Ai ya, don’t let your father hear that,” as she consulted the list in her other hand. Looking back to the older girl, she said, “Ellie, how about you and Mimi go find the flour and sugar. They should all be in the same aisle.”

Nodding once, Ellie took Mimi’s hand and answered, “Yes, ma’am. How much?”

Smiling warmly at the girl, Inara patted her once on the head and said, “Just one bag of each. Come find me when you’re done.”

Nodding again, Ellie tugged on Mimi’s hand, even as the other girl whirled around and took off, dragging the older girl behind her. Smiling tightly, Stef couldn’t believe how easy this would be. As she moved down the aisle and out of sight, Igor passed her, ignoring her completely and entering the small space where Inara was. Knowing that he would soon have the woman, Stef followed the sound of the high-pitched children’s voices, watching them with exasperation as they tried to juggle the big and heavy bags of sugar and flour. Counting to thirty, and pleased to see the girls would be none the wiser, Stef eased out of the market, heading towards an alley that ran along the back.

As she headed around the corner and into the shadows, she smiled widely as she saw Igor holding Inara’s struggling form, a large hand clamped tight over her mouth. The woman already had the start of a bruise along one cheek and Stef guessed that Igor had used a bit of his physical persuasion to get her to shut up.

Striding up to stand in front of her, her arms crossed haughtily over her chest, Stef appraised Inara with a harsh eye, looking her up and down slowly, and pursing her lips at what she saw there. Tsking slightly, she looked into the woman’s frightened gaze and finally said, “Well, seems Mal did all right for himself. You ain’t so bad looking after all.” Getting up into the woman’s dark-skinned face, Stef enjoyed watching her flinch, ever so slightly. “Mrs. Reynolds,” she bit out, depositing a large wad of spit onto Inara’s smooth cheek.


Feed the writer, leave a comment!


Monday, August 21, 2006 5:34 PM


Excellent work as always.

I found the scene between Daniel and his grandmother particularly touching and thank-you for having Kaylee be pissed with Simon, Kaylee is the only one who needs to work on having faith in her spouse.

Monday, August 21, 2006 8:30 PM


'Getting into the woman's dark skinned face' is not an accurate description of Inara, at that point I thought you had swapped her for Zoe! Apart from that the rest is rivetting and I am really worried for Inara and the children and what those two *tamade hundan* are up to. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, August 21, 2006 9:23 PM


Plot is getting exciting again, isnt it. Youa re writing such a great story with all this...I cant wait to read each installment.
Just something I noticed that seemed a bit out of place though....

"She bit out the last word with such tenacity that Simon actually flinched."

doggedness=persistent determination

Im not sure tenacity is the best word for here... maybe ferocity?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:28 AM


I liked the Daniel/Regan scene.

Yay for Simon getting feeling back in his legs. I had already begun to picture him in a wheelchair.

Double yay for River and Jayne hopefully getting some alone time.

I am so glad for the last scene as well, more angst on the way via Stef and Igor.

I disagree with your other commentors, I think those word choices they mentioned were very well done on your part.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:56 PM


Oh, I dunno, Simon being paralized temporarily would have been a good thing. Seeing how the family dealt with it. But then, you've tortured him enough - for now.

I just love Kaylee confronting Simon about keeping his fears from her.

Daniel and Regan's conversation was just perfect.

While one part of the crew seems to be on the mend, you go and put another in danger. Ahh, the angst. Yay!

Friday, August 25, 2006 5:53 AM


Oh boy...the fun only begins in earnest now;)

And Inara is dark-skinned...compared to some people. I know she would be dark compared to my Wash-like paleness, but a lot of people would be. Gotta remember, peoples...she's of Arabic decent (with some European, since Serra is Spanish), so she's a healthy bronze colour at the best of times. Though I have to admit I too have noticed Inara/Morena being on the paler side;)

And what is it with Mal and making enemies of the opposite sex? Guess his charm only works for so log;)


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:54 AM


Crap...meant "long"....can't spell worth spit these days:(


Saturday, August 26, 2006 5:17 AM


Yay and gasp!


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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.